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One Flew Over the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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Herr Oberst has been sick, ill, under the weather, "shot-at-and-missed, sh---- (well, you know the rest)", etc, etc, etc...

No turns have been processed in around 10 days, and I have barely managed an hour to kill myself online multiple times attempting take-offs in those Russian pieces of crap they mistakenly call airplanes.

My doctor told me to take it easy for the next week, and stay away from questionable environments. While she did not speak specifically about the Cesspool, I'm quite sure that this is the exact place she was speaking of...

I thought I would take a peek. You know, just a page or two of the MBT. Just enough to get the blood going again, like testing out a newly healed bone. And what appears on the monitor but this.

Surely the Gods have smiled upon me and provided me an entre back into posting. A setup which in my healthier days would be passed over as too easy, but which today strikes a resonant chord, tempting me, teasing me, calling me.

So here goes (I feel better already)...

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, how I would have loved to post more this evening, but was taken away by duties more flavourful.

I was, in fact, quite caught up in the business of making Lamb Stew. And not just any lamb stew, that even a lot of sordid fast-food excresences like yourselves might, with the help of all the culinary gods, pull together. No, this is Seanachai's Lamb Stew, famed in song and story.


Did you check most carefully the origin of your lamb? Did it come complete with garter belt and brassiere? We all know that Mace likes a rack on a lamb...

Are you quite sure that you did not, in fact, cook up one of Mace's old, ahem, girlfriends, and that your, er, Ambrosia is not a result of, um, Mace's Secret Sauce?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

So how about a bit of a game update and a few snapshots from your quest?<hr></blockquote>

For you nothing, but for that fountain of genius JasonC...


What!? Flamethrowers being used on the attack!? This must be a staged screenshot!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

If those Germans were so smart, they would have placed turrets on all of their AFVs. Stoopid bastages liked having to rotate the whole machine to get a shot I suppose.<hr></blockquote>

Ahhh, staggering WIN for dalem, horifying LOSS for Croda.

It pretty much went as my versification above described. I killed Croda's German clankity bits with, let's see...

1 was from the 76mm on an M10,

1 was from the .50 cal on a Sherman,

1 was a front-on moving shot from a 75mm Sherman, and I think the other 6 were all side shots from the Shermans at close range.

Looks like I get my dog's ear back finally. I forget, did you have both or just one?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ah, how I would have loved to post more this evening, but was taken away by duties more flavourful.

I was, in fact, quite caught up in the business of making Lamb Stew. And not just any lamb stew, that even a lot of sordid fast-food excresences like yourselves might, with the help of all the culinary gods, pull together. No, this is Seanachai's Lamb Stew, famed in song and story.

This stew could make Peng smile, Berli show mercy, and Shaw post briefly. It could add 5 years to the life expectancy of Iskander's liver. It would cause Lawyer to murmur 'nolle prosequi'. One bowl would make Hiram, Sir Eeyore himself, dance, laugh, and become quite jolly.

One helping of this stew would make Bauhaus refuse to rise from the table, until he'd been given another serving, no matter what the provocation of suggestive postings.

A single ladleful of this stew would cause Moriarity, Stuka, and Mark IV to stand cheek to jowl, and sing "We are Poor Little Lambs, that Have Lost Our Way", with soulful looks.

Goanna, after tasting, would declare it 'a bit of alright', and curse the years he'd spent eating insects and smaller reptiles.

After a good meal of this stew, with a crusty bread accompaniment and a decent red wine, Simon Fox would be heard to actually laugh in a pleasant and carefree manner.

Finally, eating this stew would bring about a life change in Mace, who would stand forth weeping, declaring 'How deeply I regret the years I wasted in carnal knowledge of these beautiful animals, when they could have been more gainfully employed in making this Ambrosia.'

Okay, some of the above may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it's truly a damn good stew.<hr></blockquote>

Seanachai, could I have a copy of your recipe? Berli has some Peng bread starter in the refrigerator and I was just thinking that Seanachai's Lamb Stew and Peng's Bread would go very well together.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

For you nothing, but for that fountain of genius JasonC...


What!? Flamethrowers being used on the attack!? This must be a staged screenshot!<hr></blockquote>



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Persephone:

Seanachai, could I have a copy of your recipe? Berli has some Peng bread starter in the refrigerator and I was just thinking that Seanachai's Lamb Stew and Peng's Bread would go very well together.


Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Some folks here got so upset with IL2 postings that Ole Joe picked up his skirts and ran off to hide for a few days like a sobbing middle sister and now we're TRADING RECIPES???!!!!

Have we all gone mad???

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>A title such as this is not merely given but earned by it's merits. If recognized for my efforts I shall put the fear of the Justicariate into the mewling souls of the legion of SSNs that have infested the Cesspool of late. I stand ready! <hr></blockquote>Now see lads, here is a Squire of NOTE, of PRESENCE, or SUBSTANCE (perhaps even of substanceS but who's counting). I would agree totally that my GrandSquire Hanns should, upon completion of his Squirely (not to be confused with squirrely) duties and his confirmation as Knight of the CessPool, immediately take his place within the ranks of the Justicariate in the role of ... hmmmm.

You know the dignity of the Justicariate really isn't in keeping with a job title of Large, Vicious, Amoral Thug, I've no objection to that as a job DESCRIPTION mind, but the title should be something more fitting.

Sergeant at Arms perhaps ... hmmm, that would mean that I'd actually have to learn how to spell Sergeant or look it up each time I sent Hanns out to brea ... uh inform a miscreant of his misdeeds.

Suggestions lads?

Seanachai, the fact that I've a GrandSquire is merely in keeping with my well established record as the finest Educator of Squires in the CessPool. Who else can claim a Three for Three record? The cream rises to the top, Seanachai.


[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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So what this Peng of which you all speak? Reading the posts, it would seem that you all loath and despise each other with the white hot passion of a thousand suns, yet I believe in my heart that actually your love for your fellow "Pengers?" out-Saroyans Saroyan.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. ;)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

...Reading the posts, it would seem that you all loath and despise each other with the white hot passion of a thousand suns...<hr></blockquote>

But that's not nearly as much as we hate you.

Have a nice day.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So what this Peng of which you all speak? Reading the posts, it would seem that you all loath and despise each other with the white hot passion of a thousand suns, yet I believe in my heart that actually your love for your fellow "Pengers?" out-Saroyans Saroyan.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. ;) <hr></blockquote>

You are wrong and also not welcome. Go away now and save yourself the trouble of listening to our spineless justicar. Try another smiley face and I will eviscerate you, string your intestines all over your front lawn and play hopscotch.

Edited due to Croda (anal leakage)

[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So what this Peng of which you all speak? <hr></blockquote>

Do a search under Peng Challenge. Then, wade through all the tripe we've posted in the past year plus. Then, after you're done, which will be in two to three decades, come back to us. Then tell us what you learned. Until then, Sod the feck off!!!!

By the way, the Boo Radley's suck as a band. I hate you more than you hate yourself.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Persephone:

Seanachai, could I have a copy of your recipe? Berli has some Peng bread starter in the refrigerator and I was just thinking that Seanachai's Lamb Stew and Peng's Bread would go very well together.<hr></blockquote>

Don't even think of sending her the recipe.

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(circling the paddock with solemn, morose steps)


Nobbit by name and Nobbit by nature,

Nobbits are born in Nostrilasia

(stopping to think)

...cacophony....hmmmm... cacophony.... suppose its a long word...

(circling restarts at funereal pace)


[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai, the fact that I've a GrandSquire is merely in keeping with my well established record as the finest Educator of Squires in the CessPool. Who else can claim a Three for Three record? The cream rises to the top, Seanachai.<hr></blockquote>

Here in the Cesspool, things do rise to the surface... and indeed float there (hence the term 'floater'). However, I assure you Joe those are not cream

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So what this Peng of which you all speak? Reading the posts, it would seem that you all loath and despise each other with the white hot passion of a thousand suns, yet I believe in my heart that actually your love for your fellow "Pengers?" out-Saroyans Saroyan.

But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. ;) <hr></blockquote>

You are indeed wrong. We do loath and hate our fellow inmates... just not as much as we hate you

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

You are wrong and also not welcome. Go away now and save yourself the trouble of listening to our spineless justicar. Try another smiley face and I will eviscerate you, string your intestines all over your front lawn and play hopscotch.

Edited due to Croda (anal leakage)

[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]<hr></blockquote>

I understand now! Why didn't you just come out and say you're a collection of neanderthalic misanthropes? I'll make sure to drop a coin in the bucket as I pass by next time.

Oh, and seriously guys, you really need to work on your threats. Unless you were aiming for them to fill me with ennui, then you were right on the mark.


p.s. Never having heard the band the Boo Radley's I cannot comment on their expertise. But you sir, I have heard.

[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You know the dignity of the Justicariate really isn't in keeping with a job title of Large, Vicious, Amoral Thug, I've no objection to that as a job DESCRIPTION mind, but the title should be something more fitting.

Sergeant at Arms perhaps ... hmmm, that would mean that I'd actually have to learn how to spell Sergeant or look it up each time I sent Hanns out to brea ... uh inform a miscreant of his misdeeds.

Suggestions lads?<hr></blockquote>

Hanns –savage, brute, ruffian, barbarian, caitiff, desperado, bully, rough, hooligan, hoodlum, tough, plugugly, hellion, murderer, killer, cutthroat, butcher, villain, rascal, knave, scalawag, rogue, badman, rowdy, Apache, white slaver, felon, delinquent, troublemaker, black sheep, blackguard, ne’er-do-well, triggerman, gorilla, hood.

Need any more Shaw?

{I kinda like white slaver}

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sergeant at Arms perhaps ... hmmm, that would mean that I'd actually have to learn how to spell Sergeant or look it up each time I sent Hanns out to brea ... uh inform a miscreant of his misdeeds.

Suggestions lads?


....spaghetti hoop short of a tomatoey snack?


[ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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Free MrPeng!

C'mon people, this game just is't the same without our favorite looney in his proper attire. Clearly the stakes were too high, permanent loss of name... BAH! Even a blood hamster match only exacts a penalty for a month. It couldn't possibly be clearer that conspiracy is the cause.

Handsoap, congratulations on your future appointment as resident thug... *heh* May you perform this task better than you return files. I'd challenge you, but excuses don't complete scenarios.

Your loco Shell Slinging Nemisis,


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Just a quick note to inform several folks that they are approaching being named as a wuss here in this hallowed forum by the ÜberLizard for the following misdeeds:

mrspkr Owes us a turn since 13 Jan in a game with only two turns left. We think he is not liking his chances and is hiding behind Hiram's couch. He wussiness is grwoing by the minute.

Seanachai Obviously doesn't give a fat rat's arse about the name of Peng, or is an incompetent boob that cannot even open the scenario editor (you picke em) since he still owes me his purchases in the Wrath of the Gnome vs. wussl

wussl is growing in wussishness almost incomprehensible by not forwarding a photo to squire Persephone for her own nasty uses. he claims "he doesn't have one". Bollocks, I say. Hands up now, who works at a government funded lab that doesn't have access to a digital camera along with every ohter piece of geekware known to man?

Exactly, no one and he is just a wuss. Hell even the Victorian Bureau of Petrol Sniffing that Mace works at has a digital camera.

Wussmania is even creeping into the deep southern Wisconsin region overnight as no turns have been received from Berli, bauhaus or Moriarty. Let's see, the Bears are out of the playoffs, it's colder than a witch's teat out and nobody's throwing around HE or pathogens in the US these days, so what could you lot have to do other than send me turns at work?

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