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To Peng, or not to Peng, that is the Challenge

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Well, here it is.

To the unwashed, that is, the vast majority of you, I, Iskander, Knight of the Holy Moth... er... the Cesspool, has been away on errantry for a-while.

In that time, Speedbump is surrounded and losing in some foggy & woodsy Runeish thing. Lars is beating my like a Rush Street pimp would a fancygirl that's been holding out on him; and that's only 'cause I'm not paying attention to that game (were I, he'd be beating me like a dog at a Consul's installation (note oblique Roman reference)). He who posts even less than I, Marlow is struggling to get across two bridges in some silly scenario who's name I canna recall. Seanachai...

Well, The Bard and I have now unsuccessfully fought to two DRAWS. Given that we were somehow fighting over a Question of Emma's honor, I'm not sure how that plays out, karmically-speaking that is. Consequently, I must once again point out that Snortakey is no more than what Hobbes would expect from Life: that is: nasty, brutish and short.

No, it's not much of a taunt but, this is a tacky excuse to segue (and just how much do they weigh?) into:

RealLife Update: The abovementioned folks know most of this and can skip onto the next post. On the plus-side of Life's Balance Sheet, on 9 March I returned from Yellowest China with my daughter, Ceilidh (no boldings for SSNs). Known as the Critter, she is now 14 months and doing very well. I have discovered that kids are temporal singularities: any unused time anywhere near them vanishes forever.

And speaking of which, after a year of steady deterioration due to liver damage due to alcoholism, my mother died on 19 April (a day before Hitler's birthday, but I see no connexion). Injury to injury, it seems my father is on the same arc. The upside is that my turn-turnaround, postings to the Thread and postings to my blog (see link in sig) should increase dramatically.

Oh, and my plant may shut down too. When you're drowning, what's a teacup of water on your head?

Now, after all that, I shall say that I have tried to keep up with what postings here that I could. Y'all -- well, most of y'all -- are a fine bunch, and the last 18 months have been a warm little ember that I shall continue to nudge for a warm glow for years to come. Life sucks and Life's great, but the Cess Abides.

PS That was a taunt, Seanachai. Send a setup, you fool!

[edited 'cause it's been a-while]

[ May 05, 2002, 10:25 PM: Message edited by: Iskander ]

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Iskander ye loathsome clump o' septic sediment - Ah'm happy fer ye wee bairn an' greived tae hear o' ye other troubles. Glad tae see ye vibrant spirit risin' o'er ye tribulations.

Tae tha raist o' tha scrabblin' poot sniffer's wha are bein' wobbley-slapped ain a PBEM wi' mae, an' tha scratch 'n 'sniffer tha as waitin' fer a setoop - Ah've been a wee bit busy. Final exams, final projects due, a clamourin' o' other wee jobbies et feckin al, an' guess which yak gob o' slime gi's last billin'? Tha's reet - yoo do.

Sae ye kin clutch ye gym nickers a wee bit longer, Ah should bae resumin' turrrns on tha morrow. Noo tha' tha's any o' ye feckin' business ain tha firrst place.


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Hey, Sir MacCauleyCulkinStarsInHomeAloneXXVAdventuresInTheRetirementVilliage, I sent you a set up a week ago. Are you too busy rinsing out your delicate underthings to send it back,or did the sheer horror of it send your boney knees to knocking ?

Ye'll get yer stankin' setoop back whain Ah'm ready, ye swollen bellied snot gobbler!</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Hey, Sir MacCauleyCulkinStarsInHomeAloneXXVAdventuresInTheRetirementVilliage, I sent you a set up a week ago. Are you too busy rinsing out your delicate underthings to send it back,or did the sheer horror of it send your boney knees to knocking ?

Ye'll get yer stankin' setoop back whain Ah'm ready, ye swollen bellied snot gobbler!</font>
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

I like these shooting gallery situations Mr Mace, don't you?

That's ...*BOOT*... Sir Mace to you! ...*BOOT*...

Just as well you belong to the Berli camp, otherwise you would ...*BOOT*... be in a lot of ...*BOOT*... trouble!!!


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

I like these shooting gallery situations Mr Mace, don't you?

That's ...*BOOT*... Sir Mace to you! ...*BOOT*...

Just as well you belong to the Berli camp, otherwise you would ...*BOOT*... be in a lot of ...*BOOT*... trouble!!!


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Sir Mace , would it not serve better ( and save some wear & tear on your hobnailed boots) to use the "Holy brick of Attitude Adjustment"? And, by using it in your hands, it gives those feet a rest. Think of it as the kniggits full body workout.

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Since my last squire did a runner I'm now looking for someone else to lick my boots.

Any interested Serfs should apply with a short essay on Sheep, 1001 ways to satisfy them.

Please post it here.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Boo-Radley Is still a gamey bastiche who thinks he is clever because the AI picked two ruddy Hetzers for him and a Humber AC for me. So guess who's winning? I hates him and shall send forth a plague of infantry to mop him up. Perhaps in the next scenario. Bastiche.... {oh, did I mention he is a BASTICHE?}


Oh, here we go again. Are you never going to stop whining about my two Hetzers? And why don't you tell the fans in the studio audience the truth. "A Humber for you"? Is that all you had? Jest one lil ol' Humber to my TWO big, ol' nasty Hetzers? I thought it was one Humber and three Stuarts. At least that's what it looks like I shot up. Maybe one of the Stuarts is a Humber, I don't recall. I just blows them up when I sees them.

What next? Will it be my two Hetzers against his blindfolded, legless Chihuahua named Cyril? Where does it all end?

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Originally posted by Mace:


Since my last squire did a runner I'm now looking for someone else to lick my boots.

Any interested Serfs should apply with a short essay on Sheep, 1001 ways to satisfy them.

Please post it here.

And then shoot yourself in the head.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley :

And then shoot yourself in the head.

Anyone foolish and inept enough to want to be Sir Mace's squire would probably miss. Hey! Maybe that's what happened to Aussie Jeff ! Circles within circles...
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Mace is looking for a squire? <snicker>...

I can't wait to see who jumps up for that "position".

New PC is about reloaded with all my crap. CM with stock graphics.... scary, <shudder>, and bland.

Now for a nice Irish joke:


A good Irish man, John O'Reilly, met regularly with his toastmasters club.

One evening they were hitting the Guinness Stout and having a contest at who could make the best toast.

John O'Reilly hoisted his beer and said, "Here's to spending the rest of me life between the legs of me wife!"

That won him the top prize for the best toast of the night!

He went home and told his wife, Mary, "I won the prize for the best

toast of the night." She said, "Aye, what was your toast?"

John said, "Here's to spending the rest of me life

Sitting in church beside me wife."

"Oh that is very nice indeed, John!", Mary said.

The next day Mary ran into one of John's toasting buddies on the street corner. The man chuckled leeringly and said, "John won the prize the other night with a toast about you Mary."

She said, "Aye and I was a bit surprised meself!

You know, he's only been there twice! Once he fell

asleep, and the other time I had to pull him by the ears to make him come!"



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Caption this picture.


"Aw c'mon, now...why me? I'm just Slappy the cop, but I never did anything bad. Look, see that one? He beats his sheep. And that other guy uses jeep rushes. I know all about quotas, whyn't you take them fellas? 2 for the price of one...hell of a deal if you ask me..."

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Poor Lorak has male and female mixed up again. That is a female officer, not even a full deputy.

I guess that sort of confusion may anger the wife but probably made the central asian republics a bit easier to deal with on cold nights.

Care to rebut? 5000 point attacks accepted COD.

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My trip to Orlando

Flying for the first time in sixteen years was a bit unnerving but I managed to get through it with only minor feelings of anxiety. I did not enjoy the turbulence at all...especially when flying through storm clouds around Atlanta. It was odd that we were the ones that had to go through security checks before every flight we went on except for the flight back to Chicago which they let us go through without it (the flight was delayed and they wanted to get us on the plane quickly). They searched through all our bags and we had to remove our shoes for them to inspect. It is a bit humiliating to go through that in front of the rest of the passengers as they file by to get on the plane. I figured it was one of the side benefits of getting discounted tickets. Also, flying on standby did not work out very well when the airlines overbooked the seats on the planes...and when everyone else seemed to be going to the same place I was going to...Orlando, Florida. After trekking across the airport (yes Joe, I did say "trekking") several times attempting to get onto flights to Orlando with the other 50 people trying to do the same thing we realized it just wasn't going to happen (until maybe the 11:00pm flight). Also, the flights returning from Orlando to Atlanta looked even more bleak...so we decided to fly to West Palm Beach which had plenty of seats available on the plane (must be the least popular place to visit in Florida). We ended up driving down the coast and ended up in a Howard Johnson's hotel on the Ocean in Deerfield Beach near Boca Raton. It wasn't the Hotel with the 2 roomed suite we were going to be staying at in Orlando for half the price but it was on the Beach...it had a bit of a musty smell in the hallways, pigeons on the balconies and the weirdos (the artist who painted at night) and drunks on the beach on Saturday night...but no cockroaches (that I saw), so I won't complain. The rest of the trip went well surprisingly and we got on the flights going back with no problems. It felt so good today when the plane landed at O'Hare.


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Of course I noticed it was a female. Sadly I figure it could

A: be considered a further insult to you.


B: It was a cop, and I had to make it fit in with the pool, you were the obvious choice.

As for you wanting a game...

I hate to say that I would be unable to comply at this juncture. RL has been beating me about the head, neck, chest, thighs, calves, and lower back region for a while now.

Before I played you, I would first finish those games I had going before I left.

I suck at CM. Thats a fact. So I lose when I have the time to actualy think about my moves. Now with my schedule, I wouldn't take any games, nor have I started to finish the ones I had going, because I can not devote the time to even make them worth playing for my opponents.

Hopefully things will settle down again, since we just finished our latest addition to our ITS center.

If so, I will offer those I was playing a chance to finish the throttling the were giving me.

Speaking of sucking... Seems I drive as well as I play CM and fly. came in dead last, and only bent both my right side rims this weekend....{sigh}

Lorak the loathed

[ May 06, 2002, 11:33 PM: Message edited by: Lorak ]

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You visited Orlando and did not even visit my parents little tourest shop. I am outraged.

And Lorak, I will miss being able to clean the floors with you like you were Dorosh (Does he get a bold? Perhaps I should invite him into clan Berli).

By the way, I am soon going to invite every bad mannered person I know into the cesspool, seems only right and fitting.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

I'm late for work, my car keys are nowhere to be found, and I learn my father has to undergo several surgeries on his heart and neck.

Thanks for the Monday, Berli.


It is my sincerest hope that all goes well for your father.

As for the rest, well, you know the drill .... Sod off, hoser!

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Now I'm annoyed. Not only was there WAY too much lovey-dovey romance ****e in Spiderman (Mind the rain scene with the soaked blouse was a nice touch ... ummmmmm, touch!) but we have to scroll this page AND Patch apparently hasn't learned about PARAGRAPHS!

I think I owe Mace a turn but no one else seems to have bothered to return my very late files or my ISP (Big Al's Ladies O'Luv and Internet Service) has gotten snippy again and is failing to deliver every other legitimate email while faithfully delivering every bloody SPAM in creation.

Finally I am annoyed at the grogs on the outerboard. Haven't we plumbed the depths of every subject known to man about WW2 armor/guns/troops by this time? Now, having discussed to death every possible variant of every small arm and it's possible impact on CMBO (HELLO ... NONE!) now they're wasting time fighting about what MIGHT be in CMBB!

BAH! A pox on them all say I.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Lorak:

Caption this picture.


Berli has to stop and ask for directions after getting lost en route to Joe Shaw's.
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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

By the way, I am soon going to invite every bad mannered person I know into the cesspool, seems only right and fitting.

Why does this JonS guy have such a rod on for you anyway? One comment about flipping frikkin' tanks for fun and he's on you like a cheap plaid suit?

Anyway, all you turds and turdettes; I have been in a really stupidly bad mood for about a week now. No good reason, no end in sight, and no point to it. I need someone to mock me and shake some sense into me. So hop to it.

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