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To Peng, or not to Peng, that is the Challenge

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Ah fair Persephone, might it not have been better to begin this with a different visage in the initial post?

Seems that Berli should be the one pensive and contemplating, what with the emergence of spring and your retreat from his environs.

Of course, he would probably just move to Australia about that time and begin to enjoy the "winter"... Damned Auzzies, got it all bass-ackwards.

For those waiting on turns... (all two of you if you aren't dead yet) well, customers stink... deliverables stink... sales conferences stink... airlines and their frequent f-you miles stink... all work and no time to CM or fly makes Herr Oberst a very grumpy old kannigget.

BTS please fix or do somefink!!

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Ah fair Persephone, might it not have been better to begin this with a different visage in the initial post?

For shame! Peng looks very nice in tights. Besides, Berli doesn't have the legs for it.

I was hoping that we would see chrisl immortalized, but alas it was not to be. We shall have to make do with him au naturelle:


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Originally posted by YK2:

Persephone nice choice of curtains and for a little while the pool smelled like a breath of fresh air, guess that's the womans touch.

YK2, unfortunately it's almost impossible to keep the Cesspool smelling fresh for very long...We'll have to keep trying.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

<font size="-1">An' here's the Berli! Lookit that! You can't barely see the sod, can yer?! Comes with refillable smoke pellets, so it does.</font>


I know I have mentioned this to you before... DO NOT sell any more of those damned Berli figurines. i will not stand of Evil being comercialized. Want to sell Buddy Jesus statues, fine, but leave MY domain out!</font>

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Ah fair Persephone, might it not have been better to begin this with a different visage in the initial post?

Seems that Berli should be the one pensive and contemplating, what with the emergence of spring and your retreat from his environs.

Of course, he would probably just move to Australia about that time and begin to enjoy the "winter"... Damned Auzzies, got it all bass-ackwards.

For those waiting on turns... (all two of you if you aren't dead yet) well, customers stink... deliverables stink... sales conferences stink... airlines and their frequent f-you miles stink... all work and no time to CM or fly makes Herr Oberst a very grumpy old kannigget.

BTS please fix or do somefink!!

Herr Oberst, so nice of you to take a break from your Ill-flying for a wade in the Cesspool... as for Berli, he's not pensive and contemplating this time of year...he's just cranky.


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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Ah fair Persephone, might it not have been better to begin this with a different visage in the initial post?

For shame! Peng looks very nice in tights. Besides, Berli doesn't have the legs for it.

I was hoping that we would see chrisl immortalized, but alas it was not to be. We shall have to make do with him au naturelle:


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Originally posted by PondScum:

For shame! Peng looks very nice in tights. Besides, Berli doesn't have the legs for it.

Ah well, there's the error...

I had Peng pegged as the rotter on the right hand side of the photo...

[ April 29, 2002, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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OK, kids. I think I've sent out all the moves I owe, but if I've missed anyone, let me know. If any of you hamsters owe me a move -- send it, ya ninnies.

Where things stand:

A) EggNoggTelethon- In the game he and I began playing on a whim, we keep trading sporatic gunfire between houses. He attempted to outflank me with a Sherman, but unfortunately, he chose the exact spot where I was attempting to outflank him with my StuG. I got off the first shot.

Game 2. Devised by Goanna with troop picks by Berli. Just how evil are you guys? We're on move 11 or 12 of a 20 move game and we have yet to run into each other! This game is about as enjoyable as shaving your hinder and squatting in a bowl of gin!

ix) BlameItOnTheBossaNoba- I've gotta hand it to this guy. Why? I doubt he could find it on his own. No, I kid! Even though he had to give his daughter away in marriage this last weekend, he still found time to continue to kick me all over the map. What can I say? Perhaps a little piece of advice. Don't think of it as losing a daughter, think of it as widening that shallow puddle you call a gene pool.

QED) Shocked Monkey - We're both almost out of ammo. My UberPixels have taken to fashioning weapons of destruction out of the timid forest creatures found in the nearby woods. We've only got a few moves left. It should be interesting to see what the final score is.

3.14etc.) Ossler Jeff - He hates my Hetzers and I hate his grotesquely huge arti. It's a match made just a little south of heaven.

666) dalem - Just getting under way. His forward squad spotted some of my guys and scurried away.

iiii) SimonizeTheCar - Just getting under way. He'll never spot me in this game. My UberAryans are so damn blonde, they're almost transparent.

20) R_Feet - We're experiencing some technical difficulties in that our computers hate the Crodaburg scenario. Can you blame them?

I think that's it.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

YK2, unfortunately it's almost impossible to keep the Cesspool smelling fresh for very long...We'll have to keep trying.


YK2 runs around the Cesspool with a great big can of air freshner...

cough cough *looks down at the can and reads label*

oh **** BUG KILLER !!!!!

Oh well never mind, every cloud has a silver lining, I just hope Yeknod doesn't decide to eat the grass though. :D

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Aussia Jeff,

I have been thinking about the PBEM file you sent me and I have decided that I will play it. Despite the fact that you created the scenario AND have given me the defense. Not only do you know what troops I have been given and where reinforcements may or may not be entering but because I am on the defensive you have an excellent idea of where I have set up since you designed the setup positions.

I shall beat you at your own game.



Dear Swivelhips

It's a fair cop....... just make sure your lads have Devonshire teas available when we waltz into Laghouat!

As always,


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Now this was a downright crappy Monday. I had to fire a person. I hated having to do it and the infernal overseers sat there and watched me. I do abhor them. They are the Human Resources people. They made me terminate a hard working young lady because she comes to work late. Did they have a clue about how much work she gets done every damn day? No. Did they care? I don’t think so. Two of them sat there as they had me deliver the message to my team member. We are called Team Players in my work place. I do my very best to be a catalyst in creating an almost family atmosphere. In short, ladies and gentlemen, I am pissed and a bit saddened because I befriended this person. I had to look her in the eye and tell her that she no longer worked with us. My mood is a bit maudlin because of this, but I am assured that most of you won’t care a whit either way. Since I am not bolding my text or mentioning anyone’s name that you may know, you just scroll to the next post. Go ahead and be a product of the “Me” generation. It takes too much energy and heart to care. The person who was terminated was a gem. She had all of my sayings down pat and was a constant source of amusement and encouragement to those around her. I am a lesser man because of her enforced absence.

I could jokingly blame one of you for having evil machinations and for causing this occurrence to come forth. But, my humor has temporarily left me. The onslaught of reality has left me a bit morose and yet I need to gird up my spirit for the big one next week to be there for a family member. I don’t need to be jovial with a duplicitous air. That would be false. You can hurl your various expletives and inferences, but you know that I am not fake.

Some of you do supervise others, so I hope that you understand. Be grateful for the people that work around you and with you. They are people and not a means to an end.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

Sounds like you boys need some good unfair dismissal laws.

Nahh. most of the time it works fine. I've had to do what Hiram did, under different circumstances. In my case this person needed to go. The bad parts come when the folks who are making the decisions aren't really connected with the people they are affecting. Sad, but inevitable as companies grow. I will probably get axed the next time my company has big layoffs, and I'm a great employee (just ask me). But if my director gets handed a number of folks to kick, he has to kick that number, no matter how effective they are.
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Dear Slugs,

I have just sent off the file to Fussie Jeff. If I win this one it will be my greatest victory ever. Not only did he design the scenario in which he knows not only my force composition but where I have to set it up but he also has several Wild Bill type unmovable units that I can't even change their set up spot. He probably has TRPs on these spots so that they will be wiped out before they can even move. Not since Kitty tried to get me by giving me conscript Poles and she had Vet German armor has someone tried to so blatantly try to cheat their way into a win. Alas, he will meet the same fate.

Love and kisses,


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Nice to see some things never change...

Haven't been around in forever because RL sucks, haven't even been able to play the other un-mentionable game either. I also won't bore you all with crappy details of the past while.

Nice to just get back and see that there is some constant to the universe.


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Originally posted by Lorak:

Nice to just get back and see that there is some constant to the universe.


Waill strap mae tae an ant hill an' smear mah ears wi' jam! Look wha' tha cat dragged ain!

Di ye still plah tha wee gam o' COMBAT FECKIN' MISSION mon or hae ye gi at awah fer fear o' havin' ye spotty arrrse whipped AGIN' bah ye auld ex-squire?

Anyhoo, at's guid tae sae ye aboot tha place agin. Didnae wander sae far naixt teem.


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Thanks for the welcome back guys.

Just been really busy.

Got some bone chips removed from my ankle.

Lightning blew up my new PC.. (insurance finally came through last week).

Starting to get addicted to auto-cross and thrashing around pilons.

Oh, and work has gotten a lot worse...ect...ect..

Hell, I say this everytime I come back. But damnit!! hopefully things have evened out around here to where I can post more regularly.


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Originally posted by Lorak:

Hell, I say this everytime I come back. But damnit!! hopefully things have evened out around here to where I can post more regularly.

Oh, and while you're at it, can you please update the Cesspool site? There are those of us that would just love to see our name on the official listing. Plus, there are a good number of kniggits off on crusades. Anyone ever hear from MarkIV anymore?
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