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A witty Peng Challenge and other Oxymorons

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Dear Lizardnuts,

I am too lazy to be bollocksed with all that bare map, 3rd party troop selection, e-mail to 4th party for checking then carrier pidgeon to 5th party for double checking then pony express rider back to 1st party for game commencement mallarky.

Just send me a QB.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Berli quits smoking? Yeah, that’ll happen. When I last saw him, he had to take a break from smoking a Camel to squeeze in a couple of puffs on a Marlboro. Honestly, the guy ought to do the voice of the Laramie Cigarettes spokesman in the Simpsons.

Fear not, my <LARGE>Grand Liege</LARGE> - for I too, was once afflicted with the Faggers Curse (75 a day in the old 25 Packs!! - YECCH. I can't bear to think about it now!!)

Both my goodwife and myself found the will to give up The Curse on the same day and NEVER LOOKED BACK. After trying countless times to cut back and smoke "less" (which NEVER worked) it was the only salvation for us. That was 22 years ago and we haven't touched a lousy fag since. Our lungs have never been better.

So take heart, and I wish you <FONT COLOR = RED>SATAN'S SPEED<FONT COLOR = BLACK> in overcoming that dreaded demon.

To other "less important" matters (for what could matter more than my Liege's health), I am making progress on the Peng Challenge Thread Quest, thnaks to good advice from some sage and wise 'Poolers who shall remain nameless such as yourself, Ubergnome and Marlow - to name half a dozen.





<FONT COLOR = BLUE>The number of medals on an officer's breast varies in inverse proportion to the square of the distance of his duties from the front line.

--Charles Edward Montague--<FONT COLOR = BLACK>

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

My, since attaining such aspiring heights of squiredom, Aussiejeff has become quite fancy with his posts. They are marvelously gay and colorful. I think he takes his cues on post coloration from Seanachai's wardrobe.






The number of medals on an officer's breast varies in inverse proportion to the square of the distance of his duties from the front line.

<FONT COLOR = BLUE>--Charles Edward Montague--<FONT COLOR = BLACK></SMALL>

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Interesting thesis AussieJeff. Bard, please forward his lungs for evaluation after they have been removed.

HA and double HA. I have succeeded in goading dalem into that surrender. Nothing like a four tank kill turn to cut the sack off of an opponent. Counting of coup and postering for the rematch have commenced. by the numbers:

Allies(dalem): 139 cas (33KIA), 210 captured, 6 mortars and 9 vehicles destroyed - LOSS

Axis(Goanna): 42 cas (11 KIA) 6 guns destroyed - UNLOSS

Let me now take time out of this taunt to praise dalem on his rate of play. Not since the beta demo days of yon have I received more speedy turns froma victim.

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Dear Stuka -

As you were the one to acheive the most excellent loss in the last game (suckers walk), and you are the wussy triple rider, it is incumbent upon you to generate the next battle.



Commander, Forces of Scaliness Group South

[ March 20, 2002, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:



<font color = black> I think you forgot something:

<FONT COLOR = RED>SOD <FONT COLOR = darkblue> OFF!<font color = red> (Squire of Berli)<FONT COLOR = BLACK>

Yes. Much better now.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


<FONT COLOR = RED>SOD (Squire of Berli)</FONT>

Ah, your new sig kind of reminds me of Christmas... AND I HATE CHRISTMAS

[edited because the sight of those colors made me forget to actually type something]

[ March 21, 2002, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

True hatred is rendered in black and white.

True, very true. Wasn't it Henry Ford that said, "You can have your type in any color, so long as it is black"</font>
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BooAddley spake thus,

He sure talks big for a guy who was probably conceived in the backseat of a clown car.
Those Mormon's sure have a lot to answer for...

Damn birth records have everything on them.

Now, my friend.... so as not to waste your life on going to the doctor to get the callouses on your hands bandaged every day, send a set up.

QB 1500 points meeting will be fine, your choice the rest.


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Oh man, it was great! There I was, sitting on the Defense on a flat map roughly the same size as Madagascar, with the only good observation point a deity-forsaken island offshore. I had guns set up on the island, and an FO and MG or two. All that had perfect LOS to all of my opponent's possible advance routes. The flags I had to defend were scattered all over the map from Proxima Centauri to Arcturus, but that was okay, because my opponent Goanna only had 40 turns to high-tale his tea drinking hooligans to the flags anyway.

And not only was it fun to plaster him with arty and gun fire from the flanks, but it was great to watch him have to hustle forward with no time to recon, only to get blasted on the way in by more well-observed artillery. The true moment of Justice came when I blew his entire platoon of three Cromwells and one Challenger to Hell and gone in the span of 15 seconds! Unbelievable!

Wait a minute.....

I got it all backwards....

This was the worst map for the worst game ever. I will find whoever made this map and make them pay. I will make them watch every episode of Hardcastle and McCormick back to back throughout all eternity.

I will persiflage them.

In other news, I'm headed to Las Vegas for a spiritual cleansing. I'll be getting the same treatment I've gotten at the hands of you lot lately, but this time I'll be paying people far cuter to do the deed.

Turns resume Monday if I'm feeling like it, or Tuesday if I'm feeling like it.

[ March 21, 2002, 01:54 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by Croda:

...a woman is the gal at the pub who can take the caps off the beer with her teeth and tie it into a knot with her tounge.

Mmmmmmmmm, what I wouldn't give for a woman like that.


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Originally posted by dalem:

In other news, I'm headed to Las Vegas for a spiritual cleansing. I'll be getting the same treatment I've gotten at the hands of you lot lately, but this time I'll be paying people far cuter to do the deed.

But doubtless still of the same gender.

We support you, Dalem. A man with an earless dog has to take his fun where he finds it.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:



<FONT COLOR = RED>SOD (Squire of Berli)


The Red and Green on a blue background is for what, annoyance value?


[ March 21, 2002, 02:41 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

Not quite true pumpkin...what about the infantry you lost ? Huh, Huh ??


Alright, I am puzzled, and, indeed, disturbed (shut up, it's too easy).

Noba claims to be Australian, but I just rediscovered this recent post, and I realized what it was about it that disturbed me.

Point One: the pumpkin is a New World vegetable/squash/big orange thingy, and

Point Two: the only people I've ever in a long life of roaming heard use the term 'pumpkin' as a term of endearment are Northern Ohions!

Yes, dear friends, only in Northern Ohio do adults actually address each other in endearment with the term 'Pumpkin'. In fact, most women from Cleveland actually say 'Punkin'! The horror knows no bounds.

I accuse Noba of being no true Australian, but from Cleveland, Ohio!

[ March 21, 2002, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:



<FONT COLOR = RED>SOD (Squire of Berli)


The Red and Green on a blue background is for what, annoyance value?


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Originally posted by Noba:

Now AJ, if you think that massive campaign we are playing counts as a 'challenge'...YOUR BLOOMIN' RIGHT. The challenge is how fast my boys can run away from your Supermen - ARGGGHHH!!!


Noba old buddy, you don't get off being ver-balled by posting some wraithwristed twaddle like that you know.

Ever since I let you barely win our first piddly QB you have felt "I MUST be able to improve - to SMASH his puny forces if I can". Alas and alacrity, this has not proven to be the case in more than one case. Indeed I fear even the forces of DonkeyKong would'st sup at thine table licketysplit.

Lad, ye needst revert to th' basics:

(3c) Always face the enemy

(D) Never attack tanks with Unit Stenographers

(ixcv) Press the shiny "GO" button when requested. This generally helps matters to proceed to their inevitable conclusion ie : <BIG>YOUR DEFEAT</BIG>

Disrespectfully as always but even more so now that I am SOB,


Official SOB (Squire of Berli)


The number of medals on an officer's breast varies in inverse proportion to the square of the distance of his duties from the front line.

--Charles Edward Montague--

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