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Something's Rotten in the State of Oregon

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Originally posted by murpes:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

I tried rushing two jeeps straight down the center of the map, but both of them went 50m and reversed into cover. No matter how many times I pushed them up the map they turned right around. Now one is dead. How am I supposed to flush out his hidden guns without jeep rushes? Stinking Poles just don't know how to drive.

Would anyone car to elaborate on what a jeep rush is?</font>
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Originally posted by jeffsmith:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by murpes:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

I tried rushing two jeeps straight down the center of the map, but both of them went 50m and reversed into cover. No matter how many times I pushed them up the map they turned right around. Now one is dead. How am I supposed to flush out his hidden guns without jeep rushes? Stinking Poles just don't know how to drive.

Would anyone car to elaborate on what a jeep rush is?</font>
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Originally posted by Croda:


It is a new Olympic event in which daringly commanded light vehicles race around seeing who can get the closest to the big enemy armor without getting deaded.

It's quite exciting, really, and all the rage in Eastern Europe.

OK My Bad

I Stand Corrected :rolleyes:

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Croda, let this be a lesson lad. If you had posted in the CessPool your post would have been accorded the respect due it, but it's wasted on the outerboard. Frankly I don't think half of them get it yet.

Next we'll have some semi-grog posting formulas proving that the ratio of Wasps to KTs was within historical parameters given the established variables in effect during March 1945 IF it had snowed. Then there'll be fifteen more pages of tripe with one faction posting weather maps for Gawd's sake and the other faction protesting that it COULD have snowed if there had been more cold mare asses ... sorry, cold air masses.


[ February 16, 2002, 11:43 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Croda, let this be a lesson lad. If you had posted in the CessPool your post would have been accorded the respect due it, but it's wasted on the outerboard. Frankly I don't think half of them get it yet.

Next we'll have some semi-grog posting formulas proving that the ratio of Wasps to KTs was within historical parameters given the established variables in effect during March 1945 IF it had snowed. Then there'll be fifteen more pages of tripe with one faction posting weather maps for Gawd's sake and the other faction protesting that it COULD have snowed if there had been more cold mare asses ... sorry, cold air masses.


Man, does the truth ever hurt.....ouch.
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Why Croda and Leeo, I am aghast that you are actually playing a game like that! The mere thought of such a game actually taking place is repulsive beyond comprehension. You gamey, gamey, GAMEY bastaleros!!...and then you come out here and flaunt your desecration of the best tactical simulation ever made. I'm.....I'm just beside myself with disgust. BTW, how's that KT doing against the Bofors? Those things have a good chance of taking the KT main gun out. ;)

Treeburst155 out.

[ February 17, 2002, 03:09 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Originally posted by jeffsmith:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Would anyone car to elaborate on what a jeep rush is?

its rushing a very cheaply purchased vehicle towards your enemy knowing it will draw fire and expose his defenses: which then can be targeted by your heavier armament</font>
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Originally posted by jeffsmith:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by murpes:

Would anyone car to elaborate on what a jeep rush is?

its rushing a very cheaply purchased vehicle towards your enemy knowing it will draw fire and expose his defenses: which then can be targeted by your heavier armament[/QB]</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Croda, let this be a lesson lad. If you had posted in the CessPool your post would have been accorded the respect due it, but it's wasted on the outerboard. Frankly I don't think half of them get it yet.

Next we'll have some semi-grog posting formulas proving that the ratio of Wasps to KTs was within historical parameters given the established variables in effect during March 1945 IF it had snowed. Then there'll be fifteen more pages of tripe with one faction posting weather maps for Gawd's sake and the other faction protesting that it COULD have snowed if there had been more cold mare asses ... sorry, cold air masses.


Croda is currently under-modeled in the Peng Challenge Thread. Possibly because of his ongoing slap-fight with Hiram.

Clearly he is wasted out here, as I've already seen at least two posts in this thread that indicate some people think 'irony' is a byproduct of mining operations, and 'satire' is, most likely, a bright blue stone set in class rings if your birthday's in September.

The correct response to this thread would have been; Something's Rotten in the State of Oregon, followed by: "Croda, You Hopeless Halfwit, If You and Leeo Can't Play Well Together, We're Going to Have To Set Up Third Party Scenarios For You Two".

[ February 17, 2002, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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I think the correct response is "Croda, You Hopeless Halfwit, If You and Leeo Can't Play Well Together, We're Going to Have To Set Up Third Party Scenarios For You Two".

Oh, my mistake, Senachai already said it. The most productive response would be to get Matt of the shiny dome to force these Cesspooligans back in the MBT where they belong.

{edit due to Sam addams Lager. You were expecting more?]

[ February 17, 2002, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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oooOOOOgha oooOOOOgha



Will the cerebrally challenged please plug all orifices in the bumpy bit at the tops of their bodies, and will an Olde One please affect immediate Cess containment measures.

We now retrun you to the previously scheduled repeat of "George Bush: Poisonous Plant or Noxious Weed"

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A little leakage now and then is good for the community IMO. Everybody should get at least a taste of the Mutha Beautiful every once in awhile. It increases life expectancy by promoting healthy bowels. I can't remember where I read that or the explanation behind it just now. Maybe it was Dan Rather on the news a couple weeks ago. That's it, yeah, Dan Rather.

EDIT: Murpes, disregard this entire thread. It's nothing but leakage from the Mutha Beautiful. Don't worry about "gamey" stuff. If "gamey stuff" concerns you you're already well on your way to a full understanding of the concept. All will become clear with little effort on your part.

Treeburst155 out.

[ February 17, 2002, 02:57 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Originally posted by Goanna:



Will the cerebrally challenged please plug all orifices in the bumpy bit at the tops of their bodies, and will an Olde One please affect immediate Cess containment measures.

We now retrun you to the previously scheduled repeat of "George Bush: Poisonous Plant or Noxious Weed"

Sometimes, I think, sometimes, they let it go one for a bit, you see, because I think they want to see how many wander in and post all confused, so they can have a bit of a chuckle.

Other times, you know, it's because the Moderators are half in the bag, and can't be bothered.

But most of the time, you see, it's some combination of both, is what I'm thinking.

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Well exXcuuuusse ME!

We thought the lovely community that is this forum would find some small amount of humor and a bit of something interesting if we posted a few AAR's from a purposefully gamey QB. You know, to show the joy of Gameing. Ok, ok, maybe to tweak the noses of those that cry "foul" from time to time when confronted with a "gamey" force selection.

As it turns out, the Allies had to surrender.

Axis: 25 casualties (8 KIA), 1 gun destroyed, 2 vehicles knocked out, 131 men ok, score: 88.

Allies: 119 casualties (25 KIA), 45 captured, 9 mortars destroyed, 1 gun destroyed, 6 vehicles knocked out, 11 men OK, score: 12.

Just FYI.

<big>Game On!</big>

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Originally posted by Croda:

I've got this QB going with an esteemed comrade from Oregon (you know, the place with the Ducks {that's Ducks with a capital "D", lot's of places have ducks with little "d"s} but I digress). So I'm playing this guy from Oregon, and I think he pulled a gamey on me. I'm noticing that he's done something that must have caused the game engine to do a woozy or something.

First off, he knocks the hell out of my Super Pershing with consecutive shots from his two King Tigers. Now that frosted me, because I spent a lot of points on that indestructible tank, and the first thing it did was become destructible. After that, his KTs swing around and knock out my 90mm Bofors, which had gotten kills on a flak vehicle and a howitzer so I guess the trade wasn't too bad. But now it gets crazy.

I tried rushing two jeeps straight down the center of the map, but both of them went 50m and reversed into cover. No matter how many times I pushed them up the map they turned right around. Now one is dead. How am I supposed to flush out his hidden guns without jeep rushes? Stinking Poles just don't know how to drive.

So anyway, his next move is to blow the hell out of the assault boat I placed on the top of a hill to draw fire. I didn't think they actually blew up, but this didn't last long. It took flak fire from every corner of the map and ended up in a pile of sawdust in about 20 seconds. That stunk. And when the hell did the French use assault boats anyway? That shouldn't even be on the list!

As I'm waiting for my 8 inch arty to fall on the town in the valley (where the flags are) he begins to decimate my battery of 10 2 inch mortars with flak fire. (Those flak guns mow things down, don't they?) I fired a good 100 rounds of mortar fire and hit crap. The ballistics must be jacked up. Someone had a great post in another thread about modelling sound with guns and I think that's why my mortars didn't hit anything but sod.

So now he's pushing his entire SMG company with flak support up the hill where I'm lying in wait for him with my flamethrower WASP things, but his flak already chewed one up from across the map. I've got about 8 PIAT teams trying to catch his Lynx, Whirblewind, and flak trucks in a crossfire.

At this point, I'm counting on my rushing of the left edge of the map with my Brit Paras.

So here's my point: Does anyone think that he's playing gamey? I mean, crap, those flak guns are overpowered. He shot up my Super Pershing with KTs, used some sort of Force Field to repel my Polish Jeep Rush, decimated my blind 2 inch MortarMen, and is now blowing up my Flamethrowing Tanks. I know he's doing something, but I can't put my finger on it.

Can anyone give me any ideas?


As far as "gamyness" goes i think the best solution is to agree to terms before the game starts.

But alot could be considered gamey on your part as well, a Super Pershing coupled with British papratroopers? Jeeps being rushed into the middle of combat? I think alot of people have different opinions of what is gamey and what is legit,to avoid all of this you should just discuss terms of the game over with who ever your playing beforehand.

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Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

As far as "gamyness" goes i think the best solution is to agree to terms before the game starts.

But alot could be considered gamey on your part as well, a Super Pershing coupled with British papratroopers? Jeeps being rushed into the middle of combat? I think alot of people have different opinions of what is gamey and what is legit,to avoid all of this you should just discuss terms of the game over with who ever your playing beforehand.

Ya think?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Clearly he is wasted out here, as I've already seen at least two posts in this thread that indicate some people think 'irony' is a byproduct of mining operations.

Well I, for one, send my shirts to a cleaning service.

"Byproduct of mining operations" hah! What fools.


Confuse-A-Cat Ltd

a subliminal subdivision of

BeWilderbeest Inc

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

I think the correct response is "Croda, You Hopeless Halfwit, If You and Leeo Can't Play Well Together, We're Going to Have To Set Up Third Party Scenarios For You Two".

So close and yet so far. The actual correct response is "Croda, You Hopeless Halfwit."
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