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The Peng Challenge Demo - Download at Your Own Risk

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Thank you for downloading the Peng Challenge Demo Version 24.003. Please be aware of the following disclaimers:

Beethoven's Ninth) Sod off.

23skiddoo) Still here? I thought I told you to Sod off?

867-5309) Okay, if you must stay, understand that this ain't your father's challenge thread. You must post here with a bit of venom, some bile, and more than a passing resemblance to something more intelligent than your pet rock. If this doesn't apply to you, then sod off.

One-two-three-o'clock,four-o'clock-rock) Frankly, NONE of that applied to you, did it? You should go jump in one of those flamefests in the General forum. You'd be happier, we'd be happier -- its a win-win situation for everybody. You see, the kind of people we WANT to post in this thread are those with some miniscule ability to amuse or entertain us. That requires at least half a brain (wow- look - the crowd's thinning already!), and a wee bit of wit. If you're one of those idiots crying out about genitals, or flinging ****e like a monkey at the zoo, well, first we'll pile on the hatred, and, failing that, we'll simply IGNORE you.

Eight Miles High) In the words of the Bard: "Seriously, the number of developmentally challenged masochists we get in here would fill up a season's worth of episodes of the Jerry Springer show." Hear that? So sod off before it happens to you.

4-3-2-1-Earth below us) Note to the clueless: presumably, you have a thingie -- either a girl thingie or a boy thingie. We all have one or the other. That does NOT mean you should tell us about yours, or refer to anyone elses.

Pieces of Eight) This is -- hello -- a Challenge thread. Once you have an idea of how the place works, pick an individual (none of these scattergun challenges) and challenge him (in a witty, cutting, bilious manner) to a game of CM.

99 Luftballoons) This is not the place to exercise (or even stretch) your ignorant bigotries. No attacks based on race, religion, creed, ethnicity, gender, or sexual preference. We only tolerate good old fashioned PERSONAL attacks around here.

SheWasJustSeventeen) You must include your email address and general location in your profile if you want a response -- we want to know who to spam and what cities to avoid.

Science Fiction, Double Feature) We (the Knights, Olde Ones, and Justicar) have implemented a caste system. You (a scum sucking newbie) are at the bottom of the system. Don't expect your betters to reply to you.

99 bottles of beer on the wall) The Ladies of the Pool - YK2, Persephone, Patch, Kitty, etc. - are above your notice (just as you are beneath theirs). Be polite, or better still, just sod off and hold thy tongue.

1812 Overture) Expect new rules to cover any situation not already covered herein, so long as it ends up making you look like an idiot (not difficult) or otherwise serves our purposes. Or you could just Sod off!


[ August 21, 2002, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally bleated by Dalem:


MY EYES!!!!!!

Demo.... threads....... dates.... asking.... demo....... WHEN?? 30 days only.......... Must...not....WHINING!!...look.....

Not used to getting dates huh?

The gene pool can breathe a sigh of relief then!

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

If this doesn't apply to you, then osd off.

You spelt sod wrong!

[ August 21, 2002, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Does it matter if I've played it? Or, being in such close proximity to Chicago, would the usual voting rules apply?

Of course not. This is a scenario for Pengers, by Pengers and featuring Pengers. Hell, even the man himself gave a review, so I would expect nothing less from each and every kanigget (SSN and johnny come latelys need not apply). At least get in theri and give me a review of the rank, unit and uniform I put you in. And ghost written reviews by your old gran and all your dead uncles are also accepted.
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I am very happy not to hold Mark's 4 soiled jocks - you may keep them to yourself. With my thinks - no, honestly - I really do appreciate it!!

And shouldn't you be out slithering around on a rock somewhere trying to warm up??

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Actually Pongo you told me to wait, a week or two even, and then you may or may not reply - 'cos apparently you felt that your miniscule intellect was being overwhelmed by the number of games you had on already

It was probably your pet monkey doing the typing so it's no surprise you got your own posting wrong.

So y'think y'have space in your busy schedule now do you??

It's very good of you to say so - I'll hav to check my own social calender when I get home.

If I feel like it.

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I am officially old.

I thought I could avoid it, thought I'd see it coming. I scampered with imagined impunity and watched others of my ilk age, lose the glow of youth. But tonight I actually had an argument with my neighbor over... over...

I can't... oh please bear with me...

Contractors' tools on his property instead of mine. I thought that telling him I'd have masons repairing my chimney (siddown Bauhaus!) this week would be sufficient "neighborly regard".


They placed a toolbox on his walk next to his house, and the scaffold did break the boundary of property lines to the tune of about two feet. Grass was bent over, and yes, there may have been a flower damaged.

Now, when he walked by while they were working yesterday and I was chatting with them, was he polite and apologetic about his neurosis? Did he ask me to ask them to be careful and considerate in a tone that implied that he really did care about such things? Or did he simply cuss them out like a coward while he was walking by? I was amazed to hear him choose the latter, much to their surprise and my embarrassment. This very night, did he ring my doorbell and apologize for his behavior? Did he stand on my porch and carefully explain that his sense of boundaries and space was very particular, and could I please keep that in mind the next time I was having work done on my house?

Or, instead, did he stand there and berate me for not telling him about work I was doing on "this house" (for someone so concerned with possession, I was interested to note that his house is "his" while mine is "this one")? Did he really relate to me about how only now was he sufficiently calm enough to tell me how he is "sick of this ****" happening and that he almost called the police for a trespassing complaint?

This from a lout whose first words to me on my moving in day last December was "you and your buddies need to keep off this new grass the city just laid", whose second words to me weeks later was a suggestion that I not use my fireplace at all, and if I did, to keep the smoke away from his house? And whose third words to me were just this last Sunday whining about how "this house", being mine, causes him no end of water problems in his basement?

Grownups suck.

I now lean back and let the soothing froth of the Cesspool Healing Baths take me away like a low-rent Calgon......

[ August 22, 2002, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

I now lean back and let the soothing froth of the Cesspool Healing Baths take me away like a low-rent Calgon......

Ah think Ah'll pour mahsailf a wee dram o' Laguvalin tae hailp ye calm doon laddie. Wha gi's roond cams roond mon, some day some bastaarrd'll kick haes teeth ain fer fun. Ain tha meantime, ye cud burn haes feckin' hoos doon.

Sae saind mae another turrn noo.

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Ahh...welcome to the joys of home ownership.

Even in this seemingly idyllic part of the world we have our own indigenous "Neighbours from Hell" "reality" show!

The best thing you can do for such neighbours is, IMO, throw a BBQ for them.

Get them totally drunk, then call in the local strippers of their sex and get some good candid shots (remember to take your own shots (medicinal) b4 attempting this!!) and trot them out at any hint of agravation.

Blackmail you say??

Why how perspicacious of you! Ys indeed - one of the more enjoyable tools of diplomacy.

Regretably this is still a theory for me, 'cos my neighbours have turned out to be a pretty good bunch of people.

Or perhaps you could ask Mustard Sprocket about suing them for being a vexatious litigant, or perhaps for the mental angst of swearing at you on your own doorstep??

Either way I look forward to hearing the AAR!

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Man, can I ever relate to that one, Dalem. Fortunately for me, the nasty neighbor lives across the street. I don't actually have to share a property line with him.

His very first words to me after I moved in were, "Hey, if you dump those leaves in the brush (next to MY lot), I'll call the police!" I absolutely kid you not.

Treeburst155 out.

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Look on the bright side Dalem, he could be one of those freaks that has 150 cats in his house. Instead of a few choice words going back and forth you'd get a few choice words and a nice smell when the wind blew the wrong way.


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Originally posted by Speedy:

Sod Off

Perhaps you could be of a little assistance. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by Sod Off, so could you perhaps Sod Off so as to give mean understanding of what your mean.

Unless of course your speaking of Sod.. the grass equivilent of Sod Off. We derive with problems if that was your meaning, rarely do you take sod off, at least I have never heard of anyone taking sod off. Although, if you work for a sod farm then there's a 99% more chance of you taking sod off than putting sod on, I could be wrong on this as i have never worked at a sod farm.

Speaking of sod, imagine if french ppl had been using sod back during WW2, they'd be might annoyed at having spent all that money just to have a few tanks roll over it.

However, Speedy, if your Sod Off was directed towards me in the true CESSPOOL then I implore you to think of something a little more witty than that if you intend to shut me up. If your not up to that kind of challenge, as we all know that your a defective test-tube baby, then i'd be happy to show you the err' of your ways!!!!!!


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Thank you for downloading the Peng Challenge Demo Version 24.003. Please be aware of the following disclaimers:

Beethoven's Ninth) Sod off.

23skiddoo) Still here? I thought I told you to Sod off?

867-5309) Okay, if you must stay, understand that this ain't your father's challenge thread. You must post here with a bit of venom, some bile, and more than a passing resemblance to something more intelligent than your pet rock. If this doesn't apply to you, then sod off.

One-two-three-o'clock,four-o'clock-rock) Frankly, NONE of that applied to you, did it? You should go jump in one of those flamefests in the General forum. You'd be happier, we'd be happier -- its a win-win situation for everybody. You see, the kind of people we WANT to post in this thread are those with some miniscule ability to amuse or entertain us. That requires at least half a brain (wow- look - the crowd's thinning already!), and a wee bit of wit. If you're one of those idiots crying out about genitals, or flinging ****e like a monkey at the zoo, well, first we'll pile on the hatred, and, failing that, we'll simply IGNORE you.

Eight Miles High) In the words of the Bard: "Seriously, the number of developmentally challenged masochists we get in here would fill up a season's worth of episodes of the Jerry Springer show." Hear that? So sod off before it happens to you.

4-3-2-1-Earth below us) Note to the clueless: presumably, you have a thingie -- either a girl thingie or a boy thingie. We all have one or the other. That does NOT mean you should tell us about yours, or refer to anyone elses.

Pieces of Eight) This is -- hello -- a Challenge thread. Once you have an idea of how the place works, pick an individual (none of these scattergun challenges) and challenge him (in a witty, cutting, bilious manner) to a game of CM.

99 Luftballoons) This is not the place to exercise (or even stretch) your ignorant bigotries. No attacks based on race, religion, creed, ethnicity, gender, or sexual preference. We only tolerate good old fashioned PERSONAL attacks around here.

SheWasJustSeventeen) You must include your email address and general location in your profile if you want a response -- we want to know who to spam and what cities to avoid.

Science Fiction, Double Feature) We (the Knights, Olde Ones, and Justicar) have implemented a caste system. You (a scum sucking newbie) are at the bottom of the system. Don't expect your betters to reply to you.

99 bottles of beer on the wall) The Ladies of the Pool - YK2, Persephone, Patch, Kitty, etc. - are above your notice (just as you are beneath theirs). Be polite, or better still, just sod off and hold thy tongue.

1812 Overture) Expect new rules to cover any situation not already covered herein, so long as it ends up making you look like an idiot (not difficult) or otherwise serves our purposes. Or you could just Sod off!


So tell me, how did you go about getting the font so small? Oh I know..a writer must write of which he knows.

[ August 22, 2002, 02:11 AM: Message edited by: Fieldmarshall ]

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Where's my damned turn? If you can send some idjit Oztralyun two turns in a week, you can damned well send me five.

Agua Perdido

Sir, or otherwise. You can stick your idjit comment. Obviously Joe has his priorities in the right order. He must hate sending turns to you...so don't wait by the inbox.

I actually received a turn on consecutive days!


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Originally posted by dalem:

Or, instead, did he stand there and berate me for not telling him about work I was doing on "this house" (for someone so concerned with possession, I was interested to note that his house is "his" while mine is "this one")? Did he really relate to me about how only now was he sufficiently calm enough to tell me how he is "sick of this ****" happening and that he almost called the police for a trespassing complaint?

(Consults legal document I have to post this (GUNS) from the General forum)

Hmmmmmmmm.......on your porch.......using harsh language.......I think you'd have been within your rights to shoot him!

Or, alternatively, bore him to death with a debate on the lethality v stopping power question.

Where's Slopdragoon when you need him.

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