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Peng west of the Pecos: The Challenge goes to Texas

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

I don't normally set foot within these cesspudlian haunts but since the offer has been made I'll make one simple statement. Put me down as a witness for the prosecution (in case you couldn't guess).


Jim R.

Ah, they've begun to circle!

Kanonier, sir, would you care to take up the position of Prosecutor? Or would you like to second someone who would?

If you, or another, will not take up the position of prosecutor (and, obviously, your posts will appear with all the manifest exemptions that posting in the Peng Challenge Thread normally engenders), then we shall be forced to appoint a Prosecutor of Slapdragon.

Perhaps a brief intermission while the opposition debates who hates Slapdragon the most? Who's the best advocate for requiring him to do penance? Who's actually got enough cajones to actually come forward and make a case against him?

Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we shall have a great deal of fun deriding both sides in this Trial.

But we shall also allow both sides to speak their piece.

And the Prosecutor shall have his say, and the Defense shall have their say, and the jury will be chosen from beyond the Peng Challenge Thread. Although we're only going to empanel those who show up here to participate...except for the various attorneys being given the right to empanel uninvolved forum members from the Board in general.

As for Judges, well. The Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread shall stand in Judgement, with these additions:

A Grog of General Acclaim

A Member of BTS (This latter shall be an unnamed, hooded, and deeply circumspect Judge. It's their bloody board, and one of them should have some sort of say, says We)

So, lad, how do you hate Slapdragon? Can we count the ways? And are you willing to build a case for hating him, or do you just want to prance about and spit at him?

For myself, I can't be bothered with listening to anyone who can't explain their dislike.

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

I don't normally set foot within these cesspudlian haunts but since the offer has been made I'll make one simple statement. Put me down as a witness for the prosecution (in case you couldn't guess).


Jim R.

Ah, they've begun to circle!

Kanonier, sir, would you care to take up the position of Prosecutor? Or would you like to second someone who would?

If you, or another, will not take up the position of prosecutor (and, obviously, your posts will appear with all the manifest exemptions that posting in the Peng Challenge Thread normally engenders), then we shall be forced to appoint a Prosecutor of Slapdragon.

Perhaps a brief intermission while the opposition debates who hates Slapdragon the most? Who's the best advocate for requiring him to do penance? Who's actually got enough cajones to actually come forward and make a case against him?

Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we shall have a great deal of fun deriding both sides in this Trial.

But we shall also allow both sides to speak their piece.

And the Prosecutor shall have his say, and the Defense shall have their say, and the jury will be chosen from beyond the Peng Challenge Thread. Although we're only going to empanel those who show up here to participate...except for the various attorneys being given the right to empanel uninvolved forum members from the Board in general.

As for Judges, well. The Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread shall stand in Judgement, with these additions:

A Grog of General Acclaim

A Member of BTS (This latter shall be an unnamed, hooded, and deeply circumspect Judge. It's their bloody board, and one of them should have some sort of say, says We)

So, lad, how do you hate Slapdragon? Can we count the ways? And are you willing to build a case for hating him, or do you just want to prance about and spit at him?

For myself, I can't be bothered with listening to anyone who can't explain their dislike.

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Originally posted by Noba:

All right you festering Gnome. Upon what grounds do you wish to proceed with this farce? Is it that My Lord, Liege and all round nice guy, Slapgragon, is a knowledgable, affable, and completely harmless person who wouldn't harm anyone ? Except of course people whom can't stay on subject and resort to personal abuse to deflect from a baseless argument ?

Ha ! I thought so. As his one and only Squire I demand a full list of the baseless charges be posted forthwith. We will show that the "Trial" is politically motivated and un-constitutional !

Feh ! A Cheap Trick indeed !


Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, there is no 'Constitution'. The will of the Olde Ones is manifest, but not binding.

Are you offering yourself as the Defense Attorney?

I've read his posts, and Slapdragon will need a great deal of defense.

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Originally posted by Noba:

All right you festering Gnome. Upon what grounds do you wish to proceed with this farce? Is it that My Lord, Liege and all round nice guy, Slapgragon, is a knowledgable, affable, and completely harmless person who wouldn't harm anyone ? Except of course people whom can't stay on subject and resort to personal abuse to deflect from a baseless argument ?

Ha ! I thought so. As his one and only Squire I demand a full list of the baseless charges be posted forthwith. We will show that the "Trial" is politically motivated and un-constitutional !

Feh ! A Cheap Trick indeed !


Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, there is no 'Constitution'. The will of the Olde Ones is manifest, but not binding.

Are you offering yourself as the Defense Attorney?

I've read his posts, and Slapdragon will need a great deal of defense.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I've fixed the scenario I created that OGSF was too stupid to review as I asked him, and have sent it to Yeknodathon for his initial move.


Oh, right, so the endless hours of chosing the exact spot for each thing was all in vain? All me picking ups and putting downs and shifting, nudging and dragging is all wasted? Me intricate and sophisticated artistry wrecked in a matter of seconds?

And then I received the other file and suddenly its night and me setup zone extends to bleedin Alaska and the exit zone mysteriously wonders over to the opposite side of the map and then I have to read me notes and then everything looks squiffy and then I have to pick something up and put it down somewhere else and go through the whole tiring, excrutiating bother. Pathetic.

Of course, I blame the Justicar. The endless stream of emails, counter-denials, wild accusations, shifty buck-passing and... *sigh*... general panic reveals someone wracked with guilt. Oh, how the seachlight of truth picks out another WITH NO PARAMETERS.

Me Liege is blameless and was merely the innocent handler for duff product.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle.

[ May 12, 2002, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I've fixed the scenario I created that OGSF was too stupid to review as I asked him, and have sent it to Yeknodathon for his initial move.


Oh, right, so the endless hours of chosing the exact spot for each thing was all in vain? All me picking ups and putting downs and shifting, nudging and dragging is all wasted? Me intricate and sophisticated artistry wrecked in a matter of seconds?

And then I received the other file and suddenly its night and me setup zone extends to bleedin Alaska and the exit zone mysteriously wonders over to the opposite side of the map and then I have to read me notes and then everything looks squiffy and then I have to pick something up and put it down somewhere else and go through the whole tiring, excrutiating bother. Pathetic.

Of course, I blame the Justicar. The endless stream of emails, counter-denials, wild accusations, shifty buck-passing and... *sigh*... general panic reveals someone wracked with guilt. Oh, how the seachlight of truth picks out another WITH NO PARAMETERS.

Me Liege is blameless and was merely the innocent handler for duff product.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle.

[ May 12, 2002, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

All right you festering Gnome. Upon what grounds do you wish to proceed with this farce? Is it that My Lord, Liege and all round nice guy, Slapgragon, is a knowledgable, affable, and completely harmless person who wouldn't harm anyone ? Except of course people whom can't stay on subject and resort to personal abuse to deflect from a baseless argument ?

Ha ! I thought so. As his one and only Squire I demand a full list of the baseless charges be posted forthwith. We will show that the "Trial" is politically motivated and un-constitutional !

Feh ! A Cheap Trick indeed !


Charge one!

He keeps NOBBITS.

Charge two!

It won.

Yeknod o' the Thistle

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Originally posted by Noba:

All right you festering Gnome. Upon what grounds do you wish to proceed with this farce? Is it that My Lord, Liege and all round nice guy, Slapgragon, is a knowledgable, affable, and completely harmless person who wouldn't harm anyone ? Except of course people whom can't stay on subject and resort to personal abuse to deflect from a baseless argument ?

Ha ! I thought so. As his one and only Squire I demand a full list of the baseless charges be posted forthwith. We will show that the "Trial" is politically motivated and un-constitutional !

Feh ! A Cheap Trick indeed !


Charge one!

He keeps NOBBITS.

Charge two!

It won.

Yeknod o' the Thistle

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Seanachai wrote:

Kanonier, sir, would you care to take up the position of Prosecutor? Or would you like to second someone who would?
Thanks for the offer but I don't believe in the process degenerating into a witch-hunt, so I'll pass. Suffice to say I would simply like an opportunity to make some salient points and be done.

As for someone who may want to take on the mantle of prosecutor I can think of one very likely candidate and his name begins with a B. Three guesses who that may be.

P.S. [i would normnally post a smiley at this point but I wouldn't want to upset the almighty Peng seeing as these threads are his domain to rule over]


Jim R.

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