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Lose the fake font

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Apologies if this has been discussed before but I was wondering how many people agree with me that the use of mirrored letters on the CMBB main screen, box etc is appallingly crass. Not only is it an extremely tired trick but it is also nonsensical and a touch insulting to anyone familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet. Had umlauts been placed above the O's in 'Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord' then I think (hope)there would have been complaints. There are far more attractive and subtle ways of 'Russifying'script. the present solution only succeeds in cheapening the look of a quality product.

Interested to hear your views.


[ July 15, 2002, 01:35 PM: Message edited by: Headcount ]

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Hmm, I thought it looked pretty cool, but I don't know the ins-n-outs of cyrillic. Is it really that crass and insulting? I rarely put accents above letters when writing in French, and in German, I don't even know how to makes that "ss" (looks like a 'b') symbol. I never thought about it as being insulting though, just lazy or uninformed.

I guess BFC probably doesn't want to be known for crass, insulting, lazy, or uninformed though :D

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Hey Headcount,

Insted of complaining, contact Matt or one of the other guys with your ideas. If anything, Battlefront and BTS have been very open and applied many of our ideas to the product. If you can use your best busness voice and demonstrate your ideas to them, they might just incorporate those into the game.

It's worth a shot.

Even if they stick to the splash screen anyway, someone is gonna mod it at some point anyhow. The backwards R's don't offend me though. They are a little cliche, but I'm more interested in the game than the spelling on the splash screen myself.

[ July 15, 2002, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: Vader's Jester ]

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I guess it's a sign of my faith in the MOD'ers around, that I was just presuming that someone would immediately create a replacement for the screen shots with the backwards "R"'s.

So far as how it comes across to the target demographic... well, I'm sure BTS did some sort of marketing survey. (Though I would vote "ick!"), but as long as I get the game... it's not all that important to me.


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Sorry but my guess is its too late.

If they have used that graphic with the Backwards R's in Magazing ads and on the internet advertising already, it is a SURE bet that you will see it on the cover art of the CD and Game Manual.

Headcount, your points are well taken and the backwards R's were complained about the minute most folks here saw them when the cover art grahic was released more than a month ago. (it was not all that pretty then either)

There's been alot of bitching about the backwards R's but I think we are stuck with them IMHO.

Oh well...

if messing around editing and redesigning the backwards R's in the CMBB logo cover art delays the release of CMBB I don't think any one here would suggest that.

So lets be happy we will see the release of the game Sept 20. and while the backwards R's are questionable, the fact is they at BFC make GREAT games, and to critisize the backwards R's is to be also be critical of Dan (Krazy Dog the texture Artist) and he is busy designing and cyber painting textures on over 300 vehicles, (most single handedly I understand) so the last time this came up Dan replied and said he had 24 - 48 hrs to whip off that Cover Art Ad and in that time the backwards R's stuck. Deadlines are like that sometimes.

Bottom line:

The CMBB GAME will be GREAT!

so I think we can live with the backwards R's :(

We all know they will be modded out quite quickly upon the release of the game.

-tom w

[ July 15, 2002, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Jester - I did contact Battlefront before posting. Martin told me it was too late to change things. The point of this thread is really to gauge the strength of opinion in the hope that alterations can be made via the patch, and subsequent/CDV? print-runs of the manual.

Tom - Completely agree that any redesign shouldn't come at the cost of a delay or an increase in already considerable workloads. Perhaps an external artist could be considered in the circumstances. I don't believe it would take the right person much more than a day to come up with something much more attractive/ appropriate.

CMBB deserves presentation as impressive and authoratitive as the experience it will doubtless

deliver. The current title script does it no favours whatsoever.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Hmm, I thought it looked pretty cool, but I don't know the ins-n-outs of cyrillic. Is it really that crass and insulting? [snips]

I wouldn't go as far as "insulting", but it reads pretty high on my crassometer. I reckon it's maybe even a bit dafter than that spurious "T" people keep putting in front of Chaikovsky's name.

All the best,


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It's vaguely embarrassing. Perhaps market research concluded: "maximize sales by drawing in the ahistorical RTS action crowd, ages 8-14." Do faux-Cyrillic backwards "R's" draw in the casual gaming crowd? If they do, more power to them (BTS). I'm just happy that the marketing cheese is likely to be restricted to adverts and cd-covers and kept out of the actual game design (at least for the current series of CM games). But, I think we have to face it, if BTS could make a zillion bucks by turning CM into a hackneyed RTS-clone they certainly may do so. However they'd be going head-to-head with the software mega-distributors of flashy RTS-games in the extremely competitive brick-and-mortar environment, abandoning the comfortable (?) niche of what is essentially computerized historical miniatures wargaming. Lets hope they stick with the niche market!

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Originally posted by Headcount:

Jester - I did contact Battlefront before posting. Martin told me it was too late to change things. The point of this thread is really to gauge the strength of opinion in the hope that alterations can be made via the patch, and subsequent/CDV? print-runs of the manual.

Tom - Completely agree that any redesign shouldn't come at the cost of a delay or an increase in already considerable workloads. Perhaps an external artist could be considered in the circumstances. I don't believe it would take the right person much more than a day to come up with something much more attractive/ appropriate.

CMBB deserves presentation as impressive and authoratitive as the experience it will doubtless

deliver. The current title script does it no favours whatsoever.

I just think we should go easy on the critism here because the same guy that is working his ass off to finish all the textures on all the 300+ vehicles is DAN and he was apparently the Art Director (and Designer BTW) on the Backwards R's so I just think we should cut him some slack. smile.gif

-tom w

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I cannot believe that we're reduced to compalaining about the backwards R's. My God people, surely you have better things to complain about?! (like full movie playback?) smile.gif

Bottom line, will it keep you from buying CMBB? Thought not.

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Originally posted by KwazyDog:

Tom, just FYI I didnt do the title screen image as we had an external artist work on that for us as it is somthing I certainally wouldnt have the time to do. I believe he did a good job, too.


oh ok

Sorry I thought you were the Art Director on those Backwards R's? (oops)


I now feel TOTALLY free to blame the External Artist ;) for those crazy backwards R's.

Thanks for the post, keep up the GREAT work smile.gif

Thanks for all the info in those sneak peaks, they were great!

Thanks to Kump for his GREAT 3 page web site review/report of his sneak peak in SC.

-tom w

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I can't believe you guys. You are supposed to catch ALL the glitches (brief rememberances of 'european swallows' past) and NO ONE has kvetched about the other problems with the artwork...

Namely, it is not just the "R"'s that are backwards!!! The "N" is! And even worse, the "A", "O", "T", and even the "I" are backwards. This is inexcusable!! No, no, -- not that BF.C did that, but that you elite bunch of nitpickers did not even address this issue!!! Where, oh where, have the pickers of nits of yore gone, that we should fall to such a disconcertingly low level of exactitude.

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Originally posted by Headcount:

Had umlauts been placed above the O's in 'Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord' then I think (hope)there would have been complaints.

"Cömbät Missiön: Beyönd Överlörd"? Interesting ... very interesting. Looks rather Swedish than German to me. :D

By the way, a correct German translation of 'Combat Mission' would sound extremely ... well, 'German': "Kampfeinsatz". Jawohl, Herr Unteroffizier!

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