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God Save the Peng and this Honorable Challenge

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Originally posted by dalem:

If'n I wanted sherbet or ice cream topping or a smoothie I wouldn't be whining about mushy strawberries in the first place.


But thanks for the advice. I knew the ladies of the Pool would spring to my aid.

You want them whole for your colonic irrigation? Damn, that's hard core.
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

{snipped load of rubbish that had no validity on it's face and was so ludicrous that even The_Capt wouldn't have fallen for it ... really ... honestly ... you can trust me ... sure you can ... oh yeah, well, the same to you too PAL!}

Have you no shame, sir? At long last, have you no shame?

Where are the missing 38 bytes, Joe? I am prepared to wait on your answer until HELL FREEZES OVER if need be.



Right then ... I didn't want to HAVE to do this MrSpkr but you leave me no choice:

Mixed Reference Alert, Mixed Reference Alert, Mixed Reference Alert

MrSpkr, as part of his nefarious attempt to besmirch MY GOOD NAME, has used Mixed References and MUST BE STOPPED!

His first reference is clearly intended to be from the Army-McCarthy Hearings of 1954, but he fails miserably and disgustingly when he fails to follow the format used in those hearings of:

Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?
Now one would think that a long time Communist sympathizer like MrSp ... ... well, I certainly won't be responsible for ruining HIS reputation as he has attempted to ruin mine.

His second reference is an obvious attempt to align himself with the classic reference made by Adlai Stevenson to the UN during the Cuban Missle Crisis, BUT ... HOW DO YOU KNOW MrSpkr? Were you THERE? Did you see him say it? I WAS there through the magic of television and still recall the electric thrill that ran through me when I heard those defiant words spring from the lips of the man who had twice, TWICE lost to Eisenhower in Presidential Elections.

I'll not let you cheapen that moment with your self-serving attempts to deflect attention from your conviction as as a ... well, I'LL take the high road even if you do not.


[ June 17, 2002, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Kitty, welcome back...

I still await your answer...

That reply as to whether you would fashion me a stunning shirt, replete with the Hamstertruppen mod in all its glory.

The offer of a dinner with the family and a hotseat game of CM still stands should you ever wander to the East Coast.

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Am I even at the right site? Everything's so new and shiny. =( I hate it! Feeling lonely and depressed so I thought I'd drop in and say hi to Roo, Berli, Lorak, Stuka, Peng, JD, and everyone else . . . if you're still here. So many names I don't recognize . . . you all still suck though. ;)


Ps - JD, our game (or at least my last turn) was lost in a hard drive crash here. Resend if you still have, if not I'll concede defeat. '=(

Excellent. This one made me feel all funny.
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Hmmmm, hopefully this will slip in under the radar what with all the excitement of the return of Kitty.

A certain non-specific cyanobacteria has failed to lose to me in an overly historic recreation from WBW. He had every piece of armoured death ever thought up by the British Department of Secret Weapons and more than a thousand soccer hooligans to roll over my band of poor misunderstood 2nd SS Hitlerjungend with a couple of guns pointed the wrong way.

After the typical procrastination and dithering that plagues British Central Command over things such as would the Rangers or Celtics flag be run first into the waiting hail of death, they did finally get rolling forward. Not so much to win the day, but so as not to miss afternoon tea you understand and in the course of their bumbling toward the only restaurant left standing did manage to kill or injure a couple hundred innocents that stood between them and the pile of scones.

However, that being said, I must proclaim Pondscum a bit of alright and while I get to notch another loss into the concrete, he get's nothing at all.

Well, other than the minor modification below . . .

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Am I even at the right site? Everything's so new and shiny. =( I hate it! Feeling lonely and depressed so I thought I'd drop in and say hi to Roo, Berli, Lorak, Stuka, Peng, JD, and everyone else . . . if you're still here. So many names I don't recognize . . . you all still suck though. ;)


Ps - JD, our game (or at least my last turn) was lost in a hard drive crash here. Resend if you still have, if not I'll concede defeat. '=(

Hiya Kit-kat! Oh yes, SOME of us are alive and kickin' - unlike some northern ZZZZZZ'ers... hehe.

So, you're feeling lonely and depressed here, eh??? Then you are most certainly at the right place!! Mind you, every time I, too, have a hard drive crash, I feel more than a bit lonely and most definitely depressed. The Gates-slut has some answering to do...!!

A bit of verbal jousting on the board may be just the tonic you need........then again, some bucolic byte bashing might do the trick..... if yer wanna have a real "battle of the losers" (say, a 1500pt QB, computer picks forces) you know where to find me =0).

Catch ya,


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Oh really? So how's come I'm a'winning MY two Lag matches with Casper and Swivel-hips whilst playing the Allies? --------------------


Oh yeah? 2 to 1 you don't make it to the port before game ends.</font>
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An exciting e-Quiz for Berli:

Dear Mr EEvil. There is something amiss with the title of this thread. Is the answer:

(xiv) The word "Honorable" is too yucky...

(32) Peng is a myth and therefore cannot

be "saved" from himself

(666) There is no inherent challenge in wanting

to "save" Peng from himself.

(999) The use of the term "God" in this instance

is an affront to all that is good (ie EEVIL<SUP>tm</SUP>).

(A) All of the above.

Step up to the plate and bat the right answer and YOU can win a free, thats right a FREE, no frills attached, NASTY and HELLISHLY CONTRIVED 1500pt QB (normally $9.99 at WallyMart, but yours FREE!!) with none other than yours truly. Now, I ask you, WHAT MORE could you ask for in a lifetime?


(PSST: The rumours you may hear that I am merely seeking revenge for you're foisting of the DEVILISHLY designed "Roos hopping-the Rhine" scenario on moi via that wicked stunted gnome Seanachai are totally unfounded - well, just a little bit......)

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Goanna:

A certain non-specific cyanobacteria has failed to lose to me in an overly historic recreation from WBW.

Non-specific? NON-SPECIFIC? Your loss was specifically a MAJOR loss, you overgrown gecko. The last ten minutes of which was inflicted on you by COLD STEEL, since my brave-but-green Tommies had run out of ammo, flying dustbins, and napalm halfway through the battle.

But never mind that. My nice new CMBB-capable Dell PC arrived today, so what did I do? Well, first I installed CMBO on it (of course). And second, I watched that last movie of your loss in glorious hi-res with the subwoofer turned all the way up (of course). For third, fourth, fifth, etc, see "second".

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Originally posted by Stuka:

I trust youv'e been away all this time Kitty, working on that Cesspool mod to put my ears back to their normal size?

Prince Charles' ears play hell with Brit paratroopers aerodynamics don't you know.

But that's CMBO, how parse.

Kitty knows better than to waste her fine talents on modding for old software.

So where does that leave you?

Well Prince Charles, I guess that means you're stuck with those ears.

As for all you others who have never ever basked in the glory that is Kitty, stop drooling and take your hands out of your trouser pockets so that I can see them.

Mace (aka as sycophant to Kitty)

[ June 18, 2002, 06:31 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Kitty:

Ok then. Maybe this one:

An Aussie was taking his driving test and the instructor says "Can you make a U-Turn".

The Aussie replies, "make her turn, I could make her eyes water"


That feeling's still persisting.


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Welcome back, Kitty! Still waiting for cat mod.

Note to pool: New/Old opponent added to Hiram's list of opponents - Uber Gecko (Goanna)

We were playing something. I'll send the turn tonight after I expend all my brain power on my game with Fionn. Games with JDMorse and Elvis consist of hitting Go after hearing my men die.

[ June 18, 2002, 07:50 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:


I'll send the turn tonight after I expend all my brain power on my game with Fionn.


Always with the wordy stuff... why didn't you just tell the Uber Gecko that you would be processing his turn in a second or two?
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Originally posted by Farslayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:


I'll send the turn tonight after I expend all my brain power on my game with Fionn.


Always with the wordy stuff... why didn't you just tell the Uber Gecko that you would be processing his turn in a second or two?</font>
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First as per my "liege's's" direction..at the end of an iron shod boot (slowly Monty...move up the ladder then revenge will be yours). I have updated my profile with my location. I hope is helps in the desperate and weak attempts.

Secondly (rubbing ass) I am to show proper respect and hence apologize to the Senior Knight which apparently I showed a proper lack thereof, etc and so forth..here goes.

Sir Joe ,

I hereby stand..nay kneel in abject humiliation before your well aged personage. I throw myself prone upon broken glass, wearing only a loin cloth. After I make a swimming motion I will have ashes of 1000 harelots cast upon my open wounds. Will this be enough? Nay! For I am too debased to even hope that the diseases of 1000 brothels could ever willingly take host upon my undeserved form.

I will then stand out in a lightening storm, holding a large steel shaft, which by the way will be sticking out my anus. I will pray that the excrutiating pain inflicted upon my lower regions will in some small way ease your pain at having to waste precious time, with gnarled fingers typing responses to my previous blasphemies. BUT MOTHER EARTH WILL NOT EVEN FORGIVE ME!! I know that there will be no quick end to this hollow husk which houses a blackened soul. No quick "hand of the Almighty" to give me release thru light and burning hair.

Nay my elder, and though flacid, still verile (in the old-guy sense) lord. I shall then clothe my naked form in a shroud of thorns and barbwire. Be forced to attend the PoP Rock festival featuring "The Backstreet Boy Toys", "N'Sync, the unholy clones" and "Ms Spears aka Pepsi whore". Not only will I sit in the front row but I will force my throat to make a sound which rises above all others demanding multiple encores and "Whoops! I did it again!", over and over again.

After which, my pain and suffering still not enough to satisfy your shriveled but nobel heart. I will stand at the front gates of the Cess and demand that all who enter wipe their feet and hopefully doggie doo on my bleeding back.

BUT YEA! This is not enough for I have spoken insultingly to one esteemed and chosen to bring the Peng Thread into Government-like efficiency. Like the great Republican Party, filled with old fat white men afraid of change..OH THESE WILL BE GLORIOUS DAYS. I can only hope in your divine wisedom (minus teeth) that you will further impose order on the Cess and give us each our "zing quotas" and subject lists that we may stick to the program.

In the end I will castrate my self with my remaining teeth, turn myself inside out and then explode into convenient "crow bite sized" pieces so that I may return to earth as bird-****, which will hopefully land on open flame.

Then once having done that I will ensure my soul or eternal spirit is properly disposed of or Recycled into the Peng Clone, which you so properly wish to see dominating these halls. W00T! B00T! and "Sod off" ect!

May we all bathe in your glory, earned through such hard labour and good taste. May we all feel the sweet sting of your written barbs on our pink exposed flesh, the smell of freshly drawn blood mixing with our sweat. Forming the heady aroma akin to the finest slave-musk available.


Yada Yada Yada..you get the idea.

[ June 18, 2002, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Oh really? So how's come I'm a'winning MY two Lag matches with Casper and Swivel-hips whilst playing the Allies? --------------------


Oh yeah? 2 to 1 you don't make it to the port before game ends.</font>
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