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Peng Challenges the Abominable Snowman

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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But Kitty, where do you stand on the Auto de fe for The Abomination rune? Remember that we'll likely NEED a winsome leather clad lass to read the verdict and pose by the stake while the wood is being soaked with oil.

You've lost me. Who's rune?

Kitty </font>

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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

But Kitty, where do you stand on the Auto de fe for The Abomination rune? Remember that we'll likely NEED a winsome leather clad lass to read the verdict and pose by the stake while the wood is being soaked with oil.

You've lost me. Who's rune?

Kitty </font>

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I just got back from a week long stay in NJ. I wonder why fate likes to crap on sisters. My sister, Beth is now suffering from two inoperable tumors and she can barely talk and walk. My lovely girlfriend/fiance and I helped out as much as we could while there. Since I cannot cure cancer, I did dishes. Lots of dishes!!

Since Beth's doctor gave her a "couple" of months more to live because of how fast the cancer is spreading, I savored every moment with my frustrated sister.

Seanachai, I am sorry for the struggle you and your sister are going through and I am available if you want to speak at all on any topic. JDMorse was very kind to me over the last couple of years and he gave me plenty of advice on this matter. Send me an email, Steven if you wish.


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I just got back from a week long stay in NJ. I wonder why fate likes to crap on sisters. My sister, Beth is now suffering from two inoperable tumors and she can barely talk and walk. My lovely girlfriend/fiance and I helped out as much as we could while there. Since I cannot cure cancer, I did dishes. Lots of dishes!!

Since Beth's doctor gave her a "couple" of months more to live because of how fast the cancer is spreading, I savored every moment with my frustrated sister.

Seanachai, I am sorry for the struggle you and your sister are going through and I am available if you want to speak at all on any topic. JDMorse was very kind to me over the last couple of years and he gave me plenty of advice on this matter. Send me an email, Steven if you wish.


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Dear Hiram,

Your news comes as a huge bummer (understatement I'm sure) to evryone who has seen your post. As always my thoughts are with you. It does make me feel a little better about your state of mind knowing you have a fine (if not turn sending) woman by your side to help you.



P.S. Don't think that your slipped in "fiance" comment went unnoticed...more about that another time.

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Dear Hiram,

Your news comes as a huge bummer (understatement I'm sure) to evryone who has seen your post. As always my thoughts are with you. It does make me feel a little better about your state of mind knowing you have a fine (if not turn sending) woman by your side to help you.



P.S. Don't think that your slipped in "fiance" comment went unnoticed...more about that another time.

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Dear Noba

I am in receipt of your proposed match, the title of which is "Tigers and Two Pounders".

I see that you have most graciously taken the Germans and the burden of maneuvering those gigantic clankety beasts across the mapboard.

While I, on the other hand, only have to worry about some tiny peashooters and how best to keep them hidden for thirty turns or so.

"Some" might think that one side may have a slight advantage over the other. "Some" might say that only a fool would play such a one-sided scenario. "Some" might even accuse one of the party's of subterfuge and being of a devious nature.

I laugh at "Some". As the steel beasts rumble away from my forward position, I laugh. As the huge 88mm guns begin to rain fiery sheets of death and destruction completely off the map, I laugh.

Then I see, sitting comfortably in his Mercedes Staff car, with the built in bar, the commander of this awe inspiring force. Bellowing orders, pointing frantically, and drinking heavily.

Yes, it's Noba!

Then I really start laughing.

Ok Boggo, you may be laughing now, but halfway through this, you will be squirming as the Tigers grind their tracks over your foxholes, all the time crying "please mummy, make the BiG UbEr TanKs STop".

Since this is my third try as Germans on this one, I will wipe the dusty floor with your peashooters. We shall then ship them back to Germany and melt them down to become REAL atgs...

Your poor, terrorised British troops will soon be supping on erzatz coffee, and worse, erzatz black bread in the POW cages. Gratefull, I may add, to be captured by my nice German troops and not those Nasty Italians ! (They only serve left-over pasta in their camps)

Noba. </font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Dear Noba

I am in receipt of your proposed match, the title of which is "Tigers and Two Pounders".

I see that you have most graciously taken the Germans and the burden of maneuvering those gigantic clankety beasts across the mapboard.

While I, on the other hand, only have to worry about some tiny peashooters and how best to keep them hidden for thirty turns or so.

"Some" might think that one side may have a slight advantage over the other. "Some" might say that only a fool would play such a one-sided scenario. "Some" might even accuse one of the party's of subterfuge and being of a devious nature.

I laugh at "Some". As the steel beasts rumble away from my forward position, I laugh. As the huge 88mm guns begin to rain fiery sheets of death and destruction completely off the map, I laugh.

Then I see, sitting comfortably in his Mercedes Staff car, with the built in bar, the commander of this awe inspiring force. Bellowing orders, pointing frantically, and drinking heavily.

Yes, it's Noba!

Then I really start laughing.

Ok Boggo, you may be laughing now, but halfway through this, you will be squirming as the Tigers grind their tracks over your foxholes, all the time crying "please mummy, make the BiG UbEr TanKs STop".

Since this is my third try as Germans on this one, I will wipe the dusty floor with your peashooters. We shall then ship them back to Germany and melt them down to become REAL atgs...

Your poor, terrorised British troops will soon be supping on erzatz coffee, and worse, erzatz black bread in the POW cages. Gratefull, I may add, to be captured by my nice German troops and not those Nasty Italians ! (They only serve left-over pasta in their camps)

Noba. </font>

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Seanachai, we both hope that your sister can fight off this latest cruel incursion.

And that she indeed beats the snot out of you in Monopoly.

Hiram, so very, very sorry to hear about your sister. What is it with MBT siblings?

Your entire family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

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Seanachai, we both hope that your sister can fight off this latest cruel incursion.

And that she indeed beats the snot out of you in Monopoly.

Hiram, so very, very sorry to hear about your sister. What is it with MBT siblings?

Your entire family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

When God's slumming.

...he chooses OHIO!

Always remember OHIO, for your destitution-destination needs.

This has been a paid advertisement by the Ohio Tourism board.



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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

When God's slumming.

...he chooses OHIO!

Always remember OHIO, for your destitution-destination needs.

This has been a paid advertisement by the Ohio Tourism board.



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This quote brought to you by the Troll society. Jim - set up is still a week or so away, but I haven't forgoten about it. Until then, be a good pensioner and sod off.
I see the regular bleatings from across the tasman have resumed.


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This quote brought to you by the Troll society. Jim - set up is still a week or so away, but I haven't forgoten about it. Until then, be a good pensioner and sod off.
I see the regular bleatings from across the tasman have resumed.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Doesn't Australia have more poisonous vermin (not counting you and Noba) than any other country on earth?

I can only surmise that it's a plan by the Almighty to thin out the inbred, gap-toothed inhabitants in the most creepy manner possible.

*sees an opening big enough to drive a semi through*

In that case, you would probably meet with a creepy demise as soon as you set foot on our fine shores.

However you are correct, the thinning was so successful that only WE stunningly attractive and intelligent men and women are left to populate this fine country.

*looks around to see if YK2 is around*

Guess I can put this back on.

*recrowns self*


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Doesn't Australia have more poisonous vermin (not counting you and Noba) than any other country on earth?

I can only surmise that it's a plan by the Almighty to thin out the inbred, gap-toothed inhabitants in the most creepy manner possible.

*sees an opening big enough to drive a semi through*

In that case, you would probably meet with a creepy demise as soon as you set foot on our fine shores.

However you are correct, the thinning was so successful that only WE stunningly attractive and intelligent men and women are left to populate this fine country.

*looks around to see if YK2 is around*

Guess I can put this back on.

*recrowns self*


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