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Mac dilemma.


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Which ever computer has the better video card/ monitor /sound card is your answer.

My guess is this would be your Windows PC. ;)

The PC has a better video card, so it gets the nod there. (128MB Ti4200 vs 32MB GeForce 2MX) but that 2.6Ghz P4 isn't really faster than my 533mhz Dual G4, or at least it doesn't feel any faster.

The Mac has better sound because it works 100% of the time, unlike that jumble of drivers in the PC.

So it's a toss up there. I'll have a 3.06Ghz HT P4 and a new Intel board soon, so the extra speed would be nice for turn crunching.

What sucks is that I like to support Mac titles, but booting into OS9 to run a brand new game sucks. My point is that if I didn't have a Windows computer I wouldn't buy the game at all.

There are still a good number people with older Macs, or they just don't want to spend $150 to by the next version of OSX (which should really be a free upgrade.
OS X should be a free upgrade because...

And when as it ever $150?


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Originally posted by Gyrene:

Now, I have a Windows PC for games, but if I get the PC version I'm basically artificially hurting the Mac sales figures, and when given the option for the same price I always get the Mac version.

The obvious solution would be two buy two copies of the Mac version and 1 of the PC version. You can play CM on your PC, and the two Mac versions would keep the stats up.

But given that sales stats are known only to Steve and Charles and the Inner Circle, I don't see why you would be concerned about artificially inflating the Mac figures. I rather thought Steve had publicly announced his support for the Mac as a computer gaming platform. The figures would be of no use to anyone else simply because they don't have access to them.

Or is there a flaw in my logic? :confused:

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I have sort of a tough decision coming up when CMAK gets released - I'm running OS X full time on my Mac at home, and booting back into OS 9 for anything is not an option as I have several services and apps running in the background that have to be on all the time and OS 9, well, sucks.

Now, I have a Windows PC for games, but if I get the PC version I'm basically artificially hurting the Mac sales figures, and when given the option for the same price I always get the Mac version.

I wonder how much of a hit CMAK-Mac sales will take now that so many Macs are running OS X and that many won't do OS 9 at all.

Is this a problem for anyone else?


[ October 26, 2003, 01:30 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]

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Originally posted by Gyrene:

OS X should be a free upgrade because...

And when as it ever $150?


Not all of OSX... but this (my bad about $150 its only $129). But this Jaguar then Panther stuff is silly. Just call Panther OSXI for goodness sake if you want to charge another 129 dollars. I mean why should a person with Jaguar pay another 129 because they upgrade a few free programs and make the finder look different?

[ October 26, 2003, 01:40 AM: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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Although it takes up like five minutes of my time, switching from OSX to OS9x isn't that big a deal. I don't think its hurting it that much. There are still a good number people with older Macs, or they just don't want to spend $150 to by the next version of OSX (which should really be a free upgrade.) :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Panzerman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gyrene:

OS X should be a free upgrade because...

And when as it ever $150?


Not all of OSX... but this (my bad about $150 its only $129). But this Jaguar then Panther stuff is silly. Just call Panther OSXI for goodness sake if you want to charge another 129 dollars. </font>
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Originally posted by Gyrene:

Is this a problem for anyone else?


Yep. I still haven't taken the plunge and bought a PC, which means that I'm still running OS 9.2 as my preferred system. It's okay, but I can't stay with it indefinitely. My goal is to hold out until the new CM engine is ready (which I'm hoping will run under OSX).
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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gyrene:

Is this a problem for anyone else?


Yep. I still haven't taken the plunge and bought a PC, which means that I'm still running OS 9.2 as my preferred system. It's okay, but I can't stay with it indefinitely. My goal is to hold out until the new CM engine is ready (which I'm hoping will run under OSX). </font>
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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gyrene:

Is this a problem for anyone else?


Yep. I still haven't taken the plunge and bought a PC, which means that I'm still running OS 9.2 as my preferred system. It's okay, but I can't stay with it indefinitely. My goal is to hold out until the new CM engine is ready (which I'm hoping will run under OSX). </font>
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10.3 running on my G4 450 dual processor. Very snappy performance and no application problems since upgrading. 2-3 minutes to boot into 9 for CM and Quark. My legacy SCSI scanner and zip drive work fine via SCSI card.

Keeping a few Gig free for CMAK and the inevitable mod gluttony - So I should be OK for the next couple of years until CMX.

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I'm running OS 9 on my 17'' iMac even though my wife is a Mac consultant, gets the OS updates for free, and looks upon me as a troglodyte. I'm doing this because:

1) I'm lazy and hate to change from the familiar.

2) I want to avoid the rebooting issue with CM.

3) I can't really warm up to OS X, and I can't see it meeting any actual need.

4) The last two times I tried booting in OS X my computer crashed and required extensive re-configuration before it would run again.

Anyway, Gyrene, I understand that you are wedded to OS X, but I see no reason for you to buy two versions of CMAK just to inflate the Mac sales. Charles and/or Steve was once quoted as saying that if they desert one platform it won't be the Mac. And they seem to have every intention of releasing a Mac version of CM2. Plus, your purchase of a single disc isn't going to impact anything anyway.

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I feel the pain as well. I use OSX at work primarily with some MSW. At home its OSX only.

I am sad to say I haven't played CM since July. I will buy CMAK and will hopefully warm up to it more than I have to CMBB. I know CMBB is very good, but I just have been too busy to really chew into it.

My MDD dual 867 is rock solid with OSX and I look forward to upgrading to 10.3 once I am sure I have my critical apps ready for it, specifically Vectorworks and then after that Adobe everything.

I bought a new Epson multi/printer,scanner, copier (6400) today at CompUSA and am a bit worried that it may not be tolerated by 10.3.

I can't wait for CMXX to be complete so I can play the one set of games I really love at any time on any hardware I own. I won't cave to MS, besides CM there just isn't anything I care for in that 97% of the world. tongue.gif

I am thinking of buying a g3 iBook, they are pretty cheap and can run most anything, including OS9 and CM.

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I migrated from 9 to X over a period of about a year back when X first came out. I liked X a ton, but CM kept me rebooting into 9.

As time progressed, however, I got less and less interested in booting in 9. It has nothing to do with the UI and everything to do with the fact that X works better. At least for me. I don't suggest hasty changes to those in printing and graphics professions, I've seen the nightmare that can ensue trying to get color matching et al back the way it should be ;)

Anyway, on to my unfortunate situation. If I buy CMAK, I likely won't play it because my G3 tower is now a headless server running X (it's not an option to have it running in 9, it's serving things and 9 has a tendancy to be a bad server smile.gif ), my G5 can't boot into 9, and the aging iBook would play it like a dog (it can barely handle CMBB and I have to run CM over the 100mbit LAN).

I really would like to be able to support CMAK, BTS and BFC. And even more, I'd really like to play CMAK, but I'm thinking I won't be getting any more CM until the next engine release.

I'm not complaining, per se, but I do wish an option existed to get CM running in OS X now. At this time I just live vicariously through the forum ;)

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I'll wait for the CMAK demo, then maybe get the Windoze version depending on how I like it.

I'll be skipping the Mac version all together.

When is CM2 supposed to be out? ;)

Btw, I've been running Panther for 2 weeks now and everything is fine so far. It does feel faster than 10.2 (Unscientific benchmark: Corel Painter 8 launches so fast in 10.3 that I don't even get the chance to read the splash screen!)

I recommend a clean install instead of an upgrade, to those getting into Panther.


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Gyrene, dont worry, we are fully aware of the Mac situation and its results. As you guys all know supporting OSX is just not an option with the current engine, but as now we are soon moving onto the engine rewrite we will continue to support Macs, including of course full OSX support smile.gif


[ October 27, 2003, 06:46 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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Originally posted by Cameroon:

I migrated from 9 to X over a period of about a year back when X first came out. I liked X a ton, but CM kept me rebooting into 9.


I really would like to be able to support CMAK, BTS and BFC. And even more, I'd really like to play CMAK, but I'm thinking I won't be getting any more CM until the next engine release.

I'm not complaining, per se, but I do wish an option existed to get CM running in OS X now. At this time I just live vicariously through the forum ;)


Me too!

My laptop is provided by my employer and the latest G4 power books are no longer dual boot. The G5 towers are fast BUT not dual boot. And the CMAK only runs in OS 9 ( NOT Classic) because of the RAVE API issue. To think I need to buy a cheap PC to run this game angers me beyond words. The old Biege G3 I actually own, won't cut it anymore and now I don't really have a good computer to run CMAK. I am seriously considering skipping the purchase ALTOGETHER except for the fact that I am A HUGE fan of that Theatre of Operations and that period of WWII :(

This whole Damn NO RAVE in Classic/ NO CMAK in OS X thing is just STUPID beyond words!!!!! grrrr!

disgruntled in Canada

-tom w

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Opening myself up for ridicule, but here it goes. I am still running OS 8.6! on a 350 mhz G3 and haven't had any problems thus far. Of course, I had been playing CMBO exclusively until a few weeks ago when I purchased CMBB. CMBB runs fine, althought it loads more slowly than CMBO and I suspect the graphics are downsampled.

Understandably, I'm contemplating a new computer purchase soon. I may try to get a dual boot G4 in order to continue playing CM.

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