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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Actually if it is today here, then it is tomorrow there

Actually it's today here, yesterday there.

Or is it early today there, and late today here?

Perhaps it's your tomorrow here, and my yesterday there?

Oh WE get so confuddled!


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Originally posted by rune:

Actually if it is today here, then it is tomorrow there Noba, so if you would fo the honors..

Joebob, like any child is going to admit you are her dad. Fey and double bah! [/serious on] spyware blaster and spybot search and destroy [/serious off]


[serious] Here's the funny part ... okay it's NOT funny or I wouldn't have put SERIOUS in the tag now would I ... we HAVE Spybot installed on her computer, and McAfee virus ... but the freaking spyware just shows up again and again and again!

I've tried every manual delete and regedit fix known to ... uh ... man, but no luck. Everytime I boot up IE it hops to the adsearch.com page and the pup-ups begin. It's so bad she literally can't get onto the net. AND McAfee keeps picking up a virus in the process. It's mostly nCase and MSBB but I can't seem to get rid of them.

I think she's hosed it so bad up in college downloading MP3s from Gawd knows where that I may have to do a full windows install and to hell with her online diary and breathless chats with her boyfried that she saved for all eternity ... women. [/sERIOUS]

Welcome back from Canada Seanachai, I gather you managed to refrain from smart-arsed answers to the U.S. Customs this time ... little sense of humor in those boys these days.

Boo Radley I must admonish you for your sig line ... it's JUNIOR Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread ... I'd also like to admonish you about BEING Boo Radley but I doubt there's much we can do about that.


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Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Sorry Joe, but once again you're barking up the wrong tree, embarking upon a wild goose chase and looking for love in all the wrong places.

In your E-mail to me informing me of acquiring the position in question, your EXACT words were "Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread or SOMEFINK".

The "or somefink" allowed me to make a minor and yet quite satisfying change.

And thank you very much for allowing me that loophole.

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Admonish him for being Boo anyway, isn't that what Andy did to Barney Fife? Do you give Boo one bullet...err... admonishment in his pocket to use in emergency?

[/serious on] Make sure you have the NEW 1.3 version of spybot, the older one is not being updated. Also the Spy sweeper will remove the registry settings. It may help, unless you just feel the need to reformat [/serious off]


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. Sorry Joe, but once again you're barking up the wrong tree, embarking upon a wild goose chase and looking for love in all the wrong places.

In your E-mail to me informing me of acquiring the position in question, your EXACT words were "Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread or SOMEFINK".

The "or somefink" allowed me to make a minor and yet quite satisfying change.

And thank you very much for allowing me that loophole.

Silly Boo Radley ... emails DON'T COUNT! The only thing that COUNTS is what's done HERE, in the Glorious and Never To Be Duplicated CessPool, donchaknow!

And I quote from my statement of May 10, 2004 08:56 AM :

Since I shall be gone I intend to TEST my theory of the need for a Junior Justicar (and yes, it DOES come with a Secret Decoder Ring ... turns the finger green but what can you do). In light of Seanachai's recommendation I hereby ... {Shudder} ... appoint Boo Radley as Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread for the period of May 10th through May 15th ... AND NOT A MOMENT LONGER!
And there you have it ... proof positive AS POSTED HERE ... so there.


p.s. [sERIOUS] rune forgive the ignorance but is Spy Sweeper a different product than SpyBot or part of the package.[/sERIOUS]

[ May 18, 2004, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Well, Joe, if that is the case, then I quit being the JUNIOR Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread on May 15th.

Now I'll just have to remain the Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread.

All within the rules.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Well, Joe, if that is the case, then I quit being the JUNIOR Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread on May 15th.

Now I'll just have to remain the Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread.

All within the rules.

You mistake yourself sir, as you frequently do ... you can't REMAIN that which you never WERE! Just as you can't REMAIN a functional idiot since you never passed the functionality test you can't REMAIN Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread since you never WERE Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread.

While it isn't beneath you to attempt to manipulate things so ... after all I doubt there's much in this world that IS beneath you ... it is inappropriate. And it IS beneath the munificent office you hold, to wit ... Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Bandy words with me further, sirrah ... AT YOUR PERIL!


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But Joe, if we are to follow, not unlike a drunken three legged wildebeast, your unravelling skein of logic, I can't be the Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread because that title was only good until the 15th.

So therefore, I will update my sig immediately!

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

But Joe, if we are to follow, not unlike a drunken three legged wildebeast, your unravelling skein of logic, I can't be the Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread because that title was only good until the 15th.

So therefore, I will update my sig immediately!

Hmmm ... good point lad ... in light of that logical recitation ... you are now OFFICIALLY ... NOTHING!

I warned you I did, perhaps, if you try very, very hard (losing our current match would be a good first step) I MAY make your assignment a permanent one. IF, that is, you don't continue to try my patience in this matter ... besides, MrSpkr is the lawyer here and HE should be the one to try anyone who needs to be tried.


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Originally posted by Mace:

Actually it's today here, yesterday there.

Or is it early today there, and late today here?

Perhaps it's your tomorrow here, and my yesterday there?

Oh WE get so confuddled!

Oh lookie. It's pretending to use logic. They're so cute when they do that.

Now get the hose, it's messed in the chair again.

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Oh Boy.

I'm mightily pissed off.

With the world, my professor, the likes of whom should have been extinct by superior life-forms like, green slime, AEONS ago; the nitwits posting on the GF board who wouldn't make it to the semi-finals in the "how the world works" competition in a kindergarten for the mentally challenged, because their logic and analytical skills are comparable to the shrimp salad I had for dinner.

I'm so pissed off that stepping into this Cesspool and looking at this sorry arrangement of society's throw-offs actually makes me feel better. Almost.



PS: I'm still thinking about a proper insult for Lars. But looking at his posts it seems like life forestalled me there...

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Joseph Shaw Have You No Shame?

Following a stellor opening performance by Boo against the less than capable Elvis, I am stunned..., no... agape at the manner in which such loyal service is dispensed with as if it were the last puff on a morning cigarette.

Now who will you call upon when next you travel the wilds of America? What loyalty can you now expect after such a despicable act.

Yon lies the poor Oaf, resigned to the permanent stigma of being an Ex.

In other developments the current Justicar has resorted to the most amazing sleight of hand gaining first shot kills time and time again. This after mastering the technique of moving in the desert without raising a dust cloud.

I think Boo should remain on the job. Someone needs to keep close watch over the nefarious Joe Shaw

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Joseph Shaw Have You No Shame?

Following a stellor opening performance by Boo against the less than capable Elvis, I am stunned..., no... agape at the manner in which such loyal service is dispensed with as if it were the last puff on a morning cigarette.

Now who will you call upon when next you travel the wilds of America? What loyalty can you now expect after such a despicable act.

Yon lies the poor Oaf, resigned to the permanent stigma of being an Ex.

In other developments the current Justicar has resorted to the most amazing sleight of hand gaining first shot kills time and time again. This after mastering the technique of moving in the desert without raising a dust cloud.

I think Boo should remain on the job. Someone needs to keep close watch over the nefarious Joe Shaw

And who, pray tell, cares what YOU think? I doubt that even YOU care what you think, if you think that is.

Boo Radley was far, FAR too taken with himself, of course who ELSE would take him but that's not the point. I appointed him Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread and he took it upon himself to delete the Junior!

So I demoted him, as is my right. I may, MAY choose to promote him again but frankly being a Former Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread is so far above his station as to beggar the imagination.

As to our game ... I can't help it if my demonstrated tactical ability is superior to yours ... if you had any ... at all. But buck up lad, it's not over yet ... I still have tanks of yours to kill.


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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

I'd like to challenge dalem, but I know I'm not supposed to.


Nice shirt, dalem.


Why not, almost everything challenges me.

And yes, the "Tuxedo Tee" says Class with a capital "C" every time.

Hel-LO lay-deeeez.

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Ugh...does that mean I can actually challenge you to FEAR THE WRATH of my romanian paratroopers as they secure...secure...some... PATCH OF WOODS!?

Edit: I'm drunk and currently listenig to Fame. Send me a setup or I'll do something horrible to my spearmint plant.

[ May 18, 2004, 10:47 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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