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ok this has to be the pickiest most chickenstuff thing yet.

in winter/snow usa arty has no snow on the tire treads, wheeled vehicles do. if i copy 4043 snow on tire tread for 4041 they get snow treads.

german pak guns get black nothings, but i may have done something to cause that.

they both look silly up close with snow modded wheels and tire sides.

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Well spotted - I renamed a copy of 4043.bmp (snowy tread) as 54041.bmp and this seems to put things right.

Originally posted by junk2drive:

ok this has to be the pickiest most chickenstuff thing yet.

in winter/snow usa arty has no snow on the tire treads, wheeled vehicles do. if i copy 4043 snow on tire tread for 4041 they get snow treads.

german pak guns get black nothings, but i may have done something to cause that.

they both look silly up close with snow modded wheels and tire sides.

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AB41 scout car: it lacks its coaxial machine-gun.

In real life it had a rear-facing mg and a coax-mg.

It's 20mm M35 Breda gun has a blast of only 1 (!).

The 20mm Breda AA gun has a blast of 3 in the game, and I guess it should be the same for the AB41 as it was the same gun.

It is the same for the L6/40 light tank. Its 20mm has a blast of 1 while it should be 3.

AS42 with 20mm AA and the Autocannone da 20 have the right blast values.

M13/40: I finally found out that they received their radios from around middle 1941 (source: Gli Autoveicoli da Combattimento dell'Esercito Italiano - Stato Maggiore Esercito).

Infantry: squad leaders still have their MAB38 SMG guns. I've never read anything about that.

They were very rare,usually only the Paras or the PAI (Italian African Police) had them.

Infantry squads used only Carcano rifles and Breda 30 LMGs.

[ February 23, 2004, 04:45 AM: Message edited by: Newbtler ]

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Originally posted by John Kettler:


I believe the Panzer II was fitted with an autocannon. What is the blast value for that weapon?


John Kettler

They have a blast value of four.

ISTR that the Italian 20mm armed tanks started out counting as autocannon, but this was changed in a later patch, due to some historcal data indicating that they were single shot weapons coming to light.

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Originally posted by Von Paulus:

Michael, try editing a scenario, July 1943. Put an Italian airborne platoon on the map ... and look at the graphics !!! That's the most surprising camo I've ever seen ...


Standard Italian camo. Unless I'm missing something?

The Italians were using camouflage cloth even before the Germans were; they had several patterns IIRC though I know little about it.

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ok the Italian camo problem is what i had in Elba. If you select july 43 italy, italian airborne you get green camo tops and plain pants. now change the date to jan 45 when you cant get italian troops. now they have black german uniform tops on their arms and legs and sides. but the portrait and info still show italian.

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Ok, sorry guys, but since I'm assuming BF reads this I'm going to put in my 2 cents.

No more patches, please.

The remaining issues seem to be pretty basic stuff, OOB issues can be overlooked or ignored. There's no major issues left to address IMO.

Not to insult the hard work you guys have done in compiling the above data (or BF in making the patches), but I have bought all three games and I hate, hate, hate!! upgrading to new versions.

I play a lot of pbems and it is a major source of consternation since I have to put some opponents on hold b/c others jump the gun, then switch between versions, create subfolders etc. etc.; you know the drill.

Just my two cents, but that's only because I've gladly paid full price for all three games so I feel like I can state my opinion with a clear conscience.

Flame away. smile.gif

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The Allied artillery pricing is still leading to severe unrealism.

Vehicle crews completely killed in the vehicle are still not counted.

The Panzer IV should really get its small turret accounted for by one of the various means suggested.

There are a few other gameplay issues I don't keep in my head. So it is not only OOB stuff.

CMAK 1.01 is pretty solid but the artillery pricing in particular is a big issue for anybody who wants to select their own forces. About half of the community used to do that.

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I've given some thought to investing time in sorting through the list and marking what has been fixed and what has not been fixed, but I think that perhaps it is not worth my time. When a thread about a Spanish mod for CMAK gets 11 responses in two months, but merits a sticky, while this thread doesn't get as much as a passing mention despite being on the front page for the same amount of time, I have to conclude that BFC really has no apparent interest in our input.

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That's my impression, too.

Of the gameplay problems reported for 1.00 they only fixed one in 1.01 (the AT weapon from bulding fire suppression was reversed). The discussion about the artillery pricing was very anticlimatic with Madmatt in the same posting claiming BFC listens to us and in the next paragraph showing he didn't read anything what was posted about the issue and why it was important (not surprisingly he came up with the impression it is not important, duh).

Needless to say, but now so much time has passed and the forum is so hard to search that I couldn't come up with my own bug reports quickly.

Which I am sure will lead to BFC claiming that there will be no more patches because all the forum members are happy (because the first page of the forum is not full of reports anymore - which is caused by people giving up on reporting the same thing all over again each week).

I wonder what the beta-testers do at this time?

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Originally posted by redwolf:

I wonder what the beta-testers do at this time?

We spend most of our times hanging out at Steve and Charles' cabana on an unnamed island in the carribean sipping mai-tais and watching the bikinis. Sometimes charles even visits the big blue room.

And weasels are fun to drive on the beach. Oh, and every once in a while we go visit matt in the little cage the local police put him in after "the incident."


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Now if only they had spent as much energy testing product and aiding research as they did coming up with jolly quips...

I think you guys would fit right in with the crowd over at EYSA. When EY releases Close Combat for the 5th time, perhaps your sense of humour will be appreciated by the customers there.

Ohhh - that's fighting talk. :D
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