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Will the Peng Challenge Thread be Represented 1:1?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

WE keep it at 65F here in the house. If we get cold, the Lady Rose and I...exercise.

[gently nibbles a twig to the image of Boo vigorously working a chest expander... in lycra and leg warmers]

[ February 04, 2005, 10:59 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

WE keep it at 65F here in the house. If we get cold, the Lady Rose and I...exercise.

It’s winter on your half of the planet?

You should get ya asses over here where summer has just begun… </font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

*wonders if Boo's chest hairs get caught in the chest expander spring*

*snort* Smooth, depilated Boo... oiled 'n' athletic like some brawny, hardened Mediterranean wrestler? *snort*

... exercise? *snort*

... Boo? *snort*

*heeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaaw* *honkety-honkety-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK* *eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyoooooooooooore*

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Sir Boo Radley did proclaim: But, a promise is a promise is a promise, specially when it's given by Bill Shatner (Obscure reference to when he did margarine commercials.)

So, at this time, I would give my Squire, 37mm, one final quest.

Before you wear the distinguished mantle of Kaniggethood. Before you join the ranks of faithful followers of the House of Morse. Before you can sit at the board with Nidan, Lurkur (and where the heck is that layabout?!), M'Lud Croda and myself...

You must send a picture of yourself to the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread so that, even you, may be enshrined, bewitched, bothered and bewildered as a True Knight.

Sir Boo Radley I believe that YOU, perhaps better than most here, will attest to the fact that I Stand For The CessPool and for the rules and procedures thereof. I believe I have demonstrated my adherence to those rules and procedures adequately so that NONE may claim that I would ever flaunt said rules.

I, therefore, appeal to you (well, not THAT way ... I certainly hope) but I appeal to you FOR THE GOOD OF THE CESSPOOL!

Your Squire 37mm has, I fear to inform you, actually sent a photo to me, in obedience, likely for the first time, of your quest instructions to him ... but ... but surely there was some SMALL quest uncompleted, some minor task undone, some trivial request not complied with FULLY ... surely we can find SOME loophole Sir Boo Radley to prevent the ... the TRAVESTY of making a Knight of the CessPool of THIS ...


Surely you can find SOME reason ... surely?


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Sir Boo Radley did proclaim: But, a promise is a promise is a promise, specially when it's given by Bill Shatner (Obscure reference to when he did margarine commercials.)

So, at this time, I would give my Squire, 37mm, one final quest.

Before you wear the distinguished mantle of Kaniggethood. Before you join the ranks of faithful followers of the House of Morse. Before you can sit at the board with Nidan, Lurkur (and where the heck is that layabout?!), M'Lud Croda and myself...

You must send a picture of yourself to the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread so that, even you, may be enshrined, bewitched, bothered and bewildered as a True Knight.

Sir Boo Radley I believe that YOU, perhaps better than most here, will attest to the fact that I Stand For The CessPool and for the rules and procedures thereof. I believe I have demonstrated my adherence to those rules and procedures adequately so that NONE may claim that I would ever flaunt said rules.

I, therefore, appeal to you (well, not THAT way ... I certainly hope) but I appeal to you FOR THE GOOD OF THE CESSPOOL!

Your Squire 37mm has, I fear to inform you, actually sent a photo to me, in obedience, likely for the first time, of your quest instructions to him ... but ... but surely there was some SMALL quest uncompleted, some minor task undone, some trivial request not complied with FULLY ... surely we can find SOME loophole Sir Boo Radley to prevent the ... the TRAVESTY of making a Knight of the CessPool of THIS ...


Surely you can find SOME reason ... surely?

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

surely we can find SOME loophole Sir Boo Radley to prevent the ... the TRAVESTY of making a Knight of the CessPool of THIS ...

* Snip *

Surely you can find SOME reason ... surely?


He not only plucks his eyebrows but shapes them!

Surely that's a GOOD enough reason?

It's bad enough that the Ladies of the MBT are expected to share the mens wash room while our en suite bathrooms are re decorated, but I didn't bank on having to share my tweezers!

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

surely we can find SOME loophole Sir Boo Radley to prevent the ... the TRAVESTY of making a Knight of the CessPool of THIS ...

* Snip *

Surely you can find SOME reason ... surely?


He not only plucks his eyebrows but shapes them!

Surely that's a GOOD enough reason?

It's bad enough that the Ladies of the MBT are expected to share the mens wash room while our en suite bathrooms are re decorated, but I didn't bank on having to share my tweezers! </font>

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Well, he did say this:

Originally posted by 37mm:


This is what you get when you just hold your nose & dive into the filth.

This idiot is actually trying to ‘work out’ what my hopes, my desires, my motives & my fears are.

Unfortunately he is wrong on all counts (again quite incredible you’d think he’d get something right)…

in reference to Her Majesty, surely that is enough to leave him a lowly Squire for at least eternity?
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Originally posted by v42below:

Well, he did say this:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:


This is what you get when you just hold your nose & dive into the filth.

This idiot is actually trying to ‘work out’ what my hopes, my desires, my motives & my fears are.

Unfortunately he is wrong on all counts (again quite incredible you’d think he’d get something right)…

in reference to Her Majesty, surely that is enough to leave him a lowly Squire for at least eternity? </font>
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Originally posted by v42below:

Well, he did say this:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:


This is what you get when you just hold your nose & dive into the filth.

This idiot is actually trying to ‘work out’ what my hopes, my desires, my motives & my fears are.

Unfortunately he is wrong on all counts (again quite incredible you’d think he’d get something right)…

in reference to Her Majesty, surely that is enough to leave him a lowly Squire for at least eternity? </font>
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Originally posted by v42below:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

Shouldn't you be browsing B&T or *shudder* Ker Dessel or sumfink?

I thought I had taught you the value of patience in our last game, but apparently not...Your setup will arrive at some time in the future. </font>
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So, I leave for a few short months, and this is what becomes of the pool? Discussions of eyebrow plucking and Boo *shudder* "excercising"? Lord Rune, I realize you are busy with all that Illinois stuff you do, but couldn't you of taken matters into hand?

[ February 05, 2005, 03:29 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by v42below:

Well, he did say this:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 37mm:


This is what you get when you just hold your nose & dive into the filth.

This idiot is actually trying to ‘work out’ what my hopes, my desires, my motives & my fears are.

Unfortunately he is wrong on all counts (again quite incredible you’d think he’d get something right)…

in reference to Her Majesty, surely that is enough to leave him a lowly Squire for at least eternity? </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hmmmm, to be sure it's never been done BEFORE ... but all traditions must, at some point, have begun!

Perhaps it's time for a new one ...

Are you taking requests for undoings, because I can think of at least one person I wouldn't mind seeing stripped of his titles, lands, pets (No, Bauhaus, not his clothes, so you can sit down)...

I'll give ya a hint, his name starts with Joe Shaw and ends with 'That rotten SOB of a Justicar'.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sir Boo Radley I believe that YOU, perhaps better than most here, will attest to the fact that I Stand For The CessPool and for the rules and procedures thereof. I believe I have demonstrated my adherence to those rules and procedures adequately so that NONE may claim that I would ever flaunt said rules.

I, therefore, appeal to you (well, not THAT way ... I certainly hope) but I appeal to you FOR THE GOOD OF THE CESSPOOL!

Your Squire 37mm has, I fear to inform you, actually sent a photo to me, in obedience, likely for the first time, of your quest instructions to him ... but ... but surely there was some SMALL quest uncompleted, some minor task undone, some trivial request not complied with FULLY ... surely we can find SOME loophole Sir Boo Radley to prevent the ... the TRAVESTY of making a Knight of the CessPool of THIS ...


Surely you can find SOME reason ... surely?


I have known for some time that my Squire, 37mm was an odd duck, a wastrel and a gadabout. I've also known that he is a drunkard, a prevaricator and a gamey bastiche.

But these are all good things.

But I never, in my most darkest nightmares, my most drug addled hallucinations, ever, for even one second, thought he was...


But, I never go back on my word. (Well, I do...quite often, actually, but not when it seems I can be caught out.) Besides, I've seen pictures of Meeks, and THAT is a visage that will curdle comcrete, so... gulp...

Sir Joseph Shaw, Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread, I Boo Radley, scion of M'Lud Croda of the Nefarious Legions, out of the House Morse, do crave the boon of down trodding my Squire, 37mm, of the Fey Countenance, to the unexalted level of True Knight of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, with all roights and ludicrous privileges therin, and may Gawd have mercy on our souls!

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The things I have to do for the CessPool ...


The SQUIRE of Sir Boo Radley known as 37mm, having completed the course of study (such as it was ... with Boo as Liege he could have mailed it in) as set forth and required by his Liege Lord and having Quested on behalf of his Liege Lord (some Quest ... now in MY day we had QUESTS) is now acknowledged and shall henceforth BE (Gawd, I think I'm gonna hurl) ...

Knight in Ordinary of the CessPool, Sir 37mm (and you don't GET much more ORDINARY than the House of jdmorse)

He is to be accorded all rights and privileges of said rank and is to be admitted into the fellowship of said Knights of the CessPool {I wish Bauhaus was still around ... we could have assigned him the bench next to him ... there's a lad could deal out some FELLOWSHIP) there to do the deeds and gain the acclaim due to one of such rank.

So let it be written ... so let it be DONE in accordance with the wishes of the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread (durnk on their butts though they likely are, if they had any moxie they'd have stepped in and forbidden this farce by fiat) and attested to and so ordered by the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread. (Just doing my job ... shaking the bushes here boss.)

Sir Joe Shaw, JPCT

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