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CMMods.com, two lungs and a new look on life (May 21 Update)

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Orders and jokes already. That's a warrior of a wife you have there. I hope her second life becomes less interesting than her first was smile.gif And I hope I shall equal her bravery should I ever have to face the same situation.

And of course, your tireless services to this community has long since warranted a vacation, even without such a trauma. You take your time.

You know us. We'll still be here when you get back smile.gif



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Thank you all for you kind words of support. My wife is now up and walking a little. The doctors think we can leave the hospital on Friday or Monday. We both think it'll be Monday or Tuesday. Then it's 2-3 weeks of rehab at the hospital. We expect to be home permanently by May 1.

I'll keep you updated as things progress. Thanks.


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  • 3 weeks later...

"Anyone know how COG & his wife are doing?"--GAJ

I was wondering about that also. In all honesty, if CMMODS shuts down forever I will understand--and make due with something else. What REALLY matters is how is Mrs Cozog doing. PLEASE give us some good news about her. I still pray she is doing well. COZOG, all our thoughts, all our love goes out to you and the Missus. May God give all of you strength through this trying time.

NOTHING else matters.

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Originally posted by ColumbusOHGamer:

The doctors think we can leave the hospital on Friday or Monday. We both think it'll be Monday or Tuesday. Then it's 2-3 weeks of rehab at the hospital. We expect to be home permanently by May 1.

I'll keep you updated as things progress. Thanks.


I think this gives us the best clue as to what is going on. We may hear from him sometime in the next week or so.
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After reading the above, I have done the same. I am now officially, after receiving the latest registration paperwork and a silver arm bracelet from the Stellenbosch Hospital here, an organ donor. In no small thanks to COG. I wish you and your wife many years of happiness.

I intend to use my body parts - carefully - many more years before I part with them .... gladly ;)


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May 3rd Update:

Well, it's been a long month or so since I last posted a message. The surgery went fine with no complications. But there have been a bunch of little issues along the way. C-Dif bacteria (causes severe diareha) for a week, huge amounts of steroids that have depleted her muscles and heart defibrillation have set her backa couple weeks. Everytime she would start to improve, something else would set her back.

We moved to a "subacute" center a couple weeks ago. It's like a hospital ward with a small rehab center attached. She has almost no muscles left (about 30%-40%) and needs to get rehab to get back in shape. The subacute center helped, but only a little.

She's now at a true rehab center (a top 10 in U.S.) and doing much better. She started her 4-a-day rehab session on Monday. She's improving already. Her next bronchoscopy (they run a camera into her lungs) is May 13th. We're 90% certain we'll be here till then, but if it's it clear, and she has gained her strength back, they should let us go by then.

Thanks again to all of you for your support and understanding. And for those of you who have signed on as an organ donor, someday you'll have up to 50 families thanking YOU!


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Guest ExplodingMonkey

Rock on bro. Take care of the little woman!

They can carve me up and take all I got when I'm gone! I've got no more use for it! :D

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COG I am quite amazed how fast things can go. I've been away from monitoring these forums for like 2 months -in the mean time busy with the KOTH tournament-; done an upgrade to my pc, ready to mod again, but find cmmods.com being down.

It took only a short while to find out why and I was shocked.

It's great to see that things are on the better side again and I wish your wife all the best and hope for a quick and sound recovery.

Take your time, don't rush things to get cmmods.com up and running again. We fully understand your situation. Modding can wait.

Cheers and keep us posted!

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Can I ask what condition your wife has? I have Cystic Fibrosis and a close friend of mine with Cystic Fibrosis had a double lung transplant. She's doing fantastic now. CMCOg, I e-mailed you, but wanted to write this here as well in case your e-mail is down.

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Originally posted by japinard:

Can I ask what condition your wife has? I have Cystic Fibrosis and a close friend of mine with Cystic Fibrosis had a double lung transplant. She's doing fantastic now. CMCOg, I e-mailed you, but wanted to write this here as well in case your e-mail is down.

Email me next week when cmmods.com is back up. I hope your friend is doing well. We'll chat about them and your situation off line. But let me say publicly, that if anyone has a lung disorder like CF or bronchiolitis obliterans or COPD, contact Dr. Constance (Connie) Jennings at the Cleveland Clinic Lung Transplant Center. Not only is an absolute genious, but has a caring and thoughtful bedside manner. Dr. Marie Budev is a close second, but I think she only does POST transplant work.

I can never have enough good things to say about the CCF! They prolonged my wife's life and made it as easy a process as possible.

As for my wife, she is improving well, but slowly. I don't think she sees as big an improvement as I do. Yesterday, we walked ~300ft. She hasn't done that for about 2 years!

We are due to be discharged from the rehab center next Tuesday. We hope it'll work out, but you never know what little complication can come up. Keep your fingers crossed!

If all goes well, look for cmomods.com to be back up next Wednesday or Thursday. It's not just you guys I'm thinking of... I haven't had access to email for a couple months too!


P.S. Have you seen the new space game from bf.com? It's wicked! Look for a mod section for it when it comes out.

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