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Tiger Valley Scenario

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Hi Guys,

First, I started playing CMAK a few weeks ago and this is really an excellent game! Ok, I have some questions about this scenario and maybe someone can help. I've played this as the allies twice with the "experience" set first to "normal" and then to "+3" for the germans. Both times, the german attack is extremely slow (or maybe cautious and methodical) and never really unfolds as the reinforcements received by the allies are never really needed. If the tigers were to advance steadily down the road or the train track the allied player would be in for a very long day, but this never happens. Is there some way to change the type of german attack or is it meant to played like this? maybe it's not meant to be played allied vs. ai...anybody have some input here?



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Tiger Valley is not recommended for play against the AI, it was designed for the ROW Tournament and to be played between two people, either by PBEM or TCP. Game balance and playability has been entirely focused around this fact.

As Kingfish suggested, "put a human in charge of the Germans"


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Sportsguy. I might (MIGHT) be interested in playing the Germans for you PBEM. I have never played this game or any of the CMs against another human. The AI is good in some scenarios but not so good in others and this limits playing some that look very interesting. Also the AI gets very predictable.

My experience has been primarily with CMBB always as the Germans. I think I understand how to use the German equipment pretty well against the Computer Ivans. But I've played for perhaps 3 years and I couldn't tell you how to set up a PBEM game. When I first got CMAK I started to play TV but by the Time I got my Tigers onto the battlefield my computer fried itself (Hot Tigers!!) and I just never got around to reloading CMAF on the new Tiger proof computer until a month ago. So in some sense I kinda know how the game works and that might be to your disadvantage but I can tell you things are different on the eastern front and sometimes the Tommys and the desert are something of a challenge.


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Thanks wildass I might take you up on that. When I first looked at the scenario Tiger Valley I knew right away that it was very good - the layout of the towns, the geography, the forces involved, etc I said "this is going to be really good!" What would make this game even more realistic (an option) would be no above or aerial views of the battle field following the setup phase. Then you get a small idea of what sitting in the turret of one of those Grants was like - especially when an 88 near misses and you have no idea where the shot came from! :eek: In other scenarios (Normandy) I thought having Fireflys or M10's evened up the odds a little but it doesn't. The allied Optics and Firing system is good but is still subpar to the german tanks. We're still outclassed out in the open so you might as well bail out. Close-in flank shot from 300 meters or less and a veteran crew is paramount otherwise I would not chance it.... Anybody play Manhay at Christmas? This IS also a good scenario! I was really getting chewed up by that Panther column, I mean they were kicking serious ass until I started defending with more flexibility...I'll supply some screen shots of my positions...oh, bazookas are practically useless (especially the american ones with green troops) The graphics are really good though and sometimes you feel like you ARE right there! Just like your Uncle or Granddad ;)

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I'd be willing to try the ground level attitude; We just agree to keep it on level 1. Any objections to using the zoom?

I've not seen Mayhan at Christmas (tho I may have downloaded it. I've not tried to load up any of the theatre mods so I'm not prepared to do Northern Europe. But it sounds like a fun scenerio - always happy to see Panthers in my command!


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Actually, I'm going to start designing some scenarios here shortly - I'm still learning the editor and doing research on some skirmishes/small battles in North Africa and Italy. I am trying to find more info on the LRDG and SAS because I think those small encounters far out on the desert flanks were interesting. You know, a lot of the small battles we never heard about....Next, Mount Cassino is definately on "the plate" and with the large amount of reference material online the regiment size confrontations can be broken down to company and platoons! I am only picking actions that were not boring (well, from a gamers point of view) with plenty of armor but not really huge because the game can get to long and complicated which some of us don't like. I am trying for the medium to large 20 to 30 turns. Oh, if you enjoy reading about the Ardennes offensive then you have to play Manhay at Christmas! smile.gif

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I don't blame you.... blood thirsty Tigers.

Well if you do deside to play it pbem keep me in mind. I think i'd like to try after thinking about it. The idea of keeping the view at the lowest level and depending on "optics" is intriguing. May try an AI scenerio to see how that goes.

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  • 7 months later...

Oh yeah, forgot all about this one, thanks for the bump. I was gonna play this scenario with a friend last year but he kinda dropped off the CM scene. If anybody else wants to play it, just drop me an email. I've never played it, so I'll take any side.

P.S. I'm a high turn-rate player, usually can get 3-5 turns a day.

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  • 4 months later...

Am playing it against NG Cavscout, who has the Germans, and I've definitely got a full plate. Ferocious doesn't even come close to describing the intensity of some of the fighting, and we're only just past the ostensible halfway mark. If I beat him, I'll be thrilled, for he has played both sides before, whereas this is my first at bat, though I did read all the AARs as an AAR judge for the ROW TV debuted in.

Playing the Allies in Tiger Valley is NOT for the faint of heart. It will tax both your skills and nerves to the uttermost, then demand still more of you. And pray the Tigers you meet aren't like the ones I've been dealing with. Deadly accurate (even vs. tiny point targets), seemingly immune to F-Kill, never abandon if immobilized, and incredibly difficult to kill. Trust me when I tell you that all kinds of things which should work won't, that things which shouldn't work will, and that the LOS issues would try the patience of Job. Good luck!


John Kettler

[ June 10, 2007, 12:31 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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doesn't. The allied Optics and Firing system is good but is still subpar to the german tanks. We're still outclassed out in the open so you might as well bail out. Close-in flank shot from 300 meters or less and a veteran crew is paramount otherwise I would not chance it
You need to be a bit more gutsy then! tongue.gif

I cant find the quote now but some ... obiously mentally insane British Tank Commander was quoted at saying something along the lines of:

Ive spotted what appears to be several Tigers in the woods ahead, am engaging!
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