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Originally posted by Speedy:

If Joe gets my maidens can I at least have some stenographers?


However, if you decide to become a Knights Templar, and wage Holy War against the enemies of the One, True, Apostolic Faith (as headed by myself), you will be granted access to all the repressed, guilt ridden, hot Catholic girls that we free from the clutches of Dalem and his lot, with whom you can conduct 'strengthening the faith' instruction sessions.

But you have to bathe, be well-mannered, and remember that you are all God's creatures. You, of course, are more of a 'creature' than they are, and rather less of God's than they, as well.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Do not speak of the potential future BVM that way, you vulgar little man.

I was down at the .... SNIP

Can the first tube top be far behind? </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

As part of our program for restoring the Holy Earth Mother to her proper role, I suggest establishing new holy orders for women, as well as redefining the missions of several already existing, such as The LIttle Sisters of Mercy, for instance.

So you're saying Boo would have a chance?
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I really hate to break it to any of you and destroy fantasies that you've held dear for many, many decades, but Catholic girls aren't hot. They have no real repressed sexual urges beyond what any other female-type person might have. It's all a myth, put out there by Lutherans (who have plenty of their own "guilt" hang ups).

Episcopalians might have repressions worth exploring. And I know for a FACT that Seventh Day Adventists are willing to do things a mink breeder wouldn't tolerate, but Catholic girls? Sorry to burst bubbles here, but when it comes to using pent up sexual frustration in an attempt to unleash some kind of wild, monkey-sex from a Parochial School educated fem, I would say that they almost have a Germanic mind-set when it comes to light hearted romping and friviolity.

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I can say with authority, gained through experience, that Boo is completely wrong. As usual.

I grew up within a stone's throw of a large Catholic school/monastery. Mercy High School. Although it's possible they were just taking mercy on us, the frequency of their charity was admirable. Catholic girls often would try to outdo each other in order to live up to the reputation. Hoever, it was the general consensus that "4th base" was a definite no-no. However, just about anything else was fair game. I learned more at that high school than I did at my own.

Maybe, Boo, you are thinking of your own stilted youth?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I really hate to break it to any of you and destroy fantasies that you've held dear for many, many decades, but Catholic girls aren't hot. They have no real repressed sexual urges beyond what any other female-type person might have. It's all a myth, put out there by Lutherans (who have plenty of their own "guilt" hang ups).

Episcopalians might have repressions worth exploring. And I know for a FACT that Seventh Day Adventists are willing to do things a mink breeder wouldn't tolerate, but Catholic girls? Sorry to burst bubbles here, but when it comes to using pent up sexual frustration in an attempt to unleash some kind of wild, monkey-sex from a Parochial School educated fem, I would say that they almost have a Germanic mind-set when it comes to light hearted romping and friviolity.

You went to the wrong Catholic High School then.

Seanachai's seen my yearbook. He knows of the truth of which I speak of. This is why he must be riven at the subatomic level - he knows that the Holy Truth of Hot Guilty Guilt is True, and yet he denies it.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Did you know that I'm actually taller when crucified upside down?

What, you point your toes at the ceiling or somefink?

Steve </font>

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There is an old wives tale.. that goes back quite a few years.....

How do you get a Jewish girl to stop F***ing?

Marry her....

I think this is somewhat related to the discussion at hand...PS I still havent had a cigarette, but now I am calling out the names of other women in my sleep....my wife, Lois, woke me up at 3AM the other night, asking me who Patti was?... first time in 35 years of marriage that has happened.

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Patti is this young woman at work who has the divine talent of being able to bake the most delicious items imaginable.

She works in the department next to where my group is, and always invites me over there for goodies. Today she brought in coffee cake muffins, that were to die for.

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Whilst you foreigners are busy crying over the unique tragedy of an old man dying we civilised folk are preparing for an election!

My vote’s going for mad Queen Bess (Peng save the Queen)… why?

A strong foreign policy towards the hell bound Catholic Spaniards!

Strong domestic policy concerning hell bound Catholics!

Strong ‘defence’ policy towards hell bound Catholic shipping!

Strong opinions on law & order… especially if the criminals are hell bound Catholics!

Strong opinions on hearts & stomachs… presumably because they’re much stronger than any of those hell bound Catholic hearts or stomachs

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Okay, who wants to be a Templar, and go forth to smite the heathen? We're talking Knights Magus, wealth, bizarre rites, Kabbalism, willful hedonism, you name it.

Do recruits get to skip to the end of the rainbow/skweegee their third eyes with Certain Sacred Substances of the Church? To they get to play with kewl swords? Do they get to combine these things? Cos, like, if so, I'd sign up in a jiffy. Mind you, willfull hedonism and being adressed as 'Brother Aguirre, Knight of the Order &c.' would be pretty good too.

Where do I sign? I'll send Tasmanian beer!

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Patti is this young woman at work who has the divine talent of being able to bake the most delicious items imaginable.

She works in the department next to where my group is, and always invites me over there for goodies. Today she brought in coffee cake muffins, that were to die for.

So, while you're asleep, you call out the name of a woman who bakes?

Not at all surprised.

Send me a turn, Pillsbury Doofus Boy.

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Originally posted by Aguirre:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Okay, who wants to be a Templar, and go forth to smite the heathen? We're talking Knights Magus, wealth, bizarre rites, Kabbalism, willful hedonism, you name it.

Do recruits get to skip to the end of the rainbow/skweegee their third eyes with Certain Sacred Substances of the Church? To they get to play with kewl swords? Do they get to combine these things? Cos, like, if so, I'd sign up in a jiffy. Mind you, willfull hedonism and being adressed as 'Brother Aguirre, Knight of the Order &c.' would be pretty good too.

Where do I sign? I'll send Tasmanian beer! </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Patti is this young woman at work who has the divine talent of being able to bake the most delicious items imaginable.

She works in the department next to where my group is, and always invites me over there for goodies. Today she brought in coffee cake muffins, that were to die for.

You know you've hit middle age when the highest recommendation you can give a young woman is that she bakes goodies. I suppose you like to sit in your rocking chair by the fire and nibble on a scone or two before you nod off, eh?


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I have the AntiPope at my mercy. Lars, Seanachai, and Papa Khann are in my dining room right now. We are playing Sword of Rome and Lars just kicked my booty.

Clearly it's time to grab the Gnome by the throat and worry him until his Gnomey neck snaps.

Carpe Seanachai!

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I am the shield of the Vatican. I have brought horrible German metal music into Dalem's house, in order to crush and opppress his bid for the Throne of Peter. 'In Extremo' is playing, e'en as we speak.

I shall triumph. All that are with me shall be elevated, and shall rule where others are ground into the muck of life.

All who oppose me shall suffer.

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