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Peng Challenges the Killer Rabbit.


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Oh, I see. Leave for a few months and suddenly the Old Joehas a slip of demintia and forgets me...me a kniggit of the pool. Oh of course he'll claim some short, loud, completely useless and non-sensical.

The long and short of it is I've been wronged...wronged by the short,stubbly, gilt-covered hand of the law. I demand retribution.

Shaw you pathetic Utah reject, send me a CMBB file..Yes, because I haven't bothered to purchace the latest incarnation of CM {praise its name}.

And Coventry is for sissies. Berli on earth is actually in Korea, where the Air Force in its infinate wisdom has sent me to an Army base. Coventry would be a step up. So sent me a game so that I can distract myself with killing you and with the nice explosions.

And add me to that damned list, as a former squire of that bastaige Marlow I deserve it for time served.

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mumpfelfrumf:

I know your heritage hardly enables you to comprehend what I´m saying, but listen:

Meeks just take your hand out your pants for a second....

Considering you're supposed to be a SSN, you know our Meeks so well...

Care to share further? </font>

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Korea, where the Air Force in its infinate wisdom has sent me to an Army base.

That puts you within 30 minutes of my timezone, this is scary. Maybe I should write Alexander Downer and see if he can protest this disturbing occurrence with his opposite number in Washington.
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Originally posted by Wildman:

Oh, I see. Leave for a few months and suddenly the Old Joehas a slip of demintia and forgets me...me a kniggit of the pool. Oh of course he'll claim some short, loud, completely useless and non-sensical.

The long and short of it is I've been wronged...wronged by the short,stubbly, gilt-covered hand of the law. I demand retribution.

Shaw you pathetic Utah reject, send me a CMBB file..Yes, because I haven't bothered to purchace the latest incarnation of CM {praise its name}.

And Coventry is for sissies. Berli on earth is actually in Korea, where the Air Force in its infinate wisdom has sent me to an Army base. Coventry would be a step up. So sent me a game so that I can distract myself with killing you and with the nice explosions.

And add me to that damned list, as a former squire of that bastaige Marlow I deserve it for time served.

Wlidman, Wlidman ... seems I DO recall some Squire of mine by that name ... did you ACTUALLY make it to Knight? Odd ... wonder how that happened?

Still, if you provide a photo I MIGHT be able to do something but without a photo well ...


p.s. OH and I understand that Koreans use human ... uh ... waste to fertilize their fields ... so a photo of you IN one of those fields would not only be appropriate but would make us all feel much better.

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Oh, I see. Leave for a few months and suddenly the Old Joehas a slip of demintia and forgets me...me a kniggit of the pool. Oh of course he'll claim some short, loud, completely useless and non-sensical.

The long and short of it is I've been wronged...wronged by the short,stubbly, gilt-covered hand of the law. I demand retribution.

Shaw you pathetic Utah reject, send me a CMBB file..Yes, because I haven't bothered to purchace the latest incarnation of CM {praise its name}.

And Coventry is for sissies. Berli on earth is actually in Korea, where the Air Force in its infinate wisdom has sent me to an Army base. Coventry would be a step up. So sent me a game so that I can distract myself with killing you and with the nice explosions.

And add me to that damned list, as a former squire of that bastaige Marlow I deserve it for time served.

A few months??? Guess again, Sparky! The last file I got from you was dated Jan. 7th, 2004.

If it's CMBB games you're wanting, why not continue OUR game? Remember it? It's the one where I was poised to overrun all your positions. The one where I was just about to land on you with both feet, when you said, "I just need to zip down to the PX and grab a pack of smokes...won't be a minute."

Thought I'd forgotten?

You have much to learn about the Wrath of Radley!

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Oppsie, sorry Wildman you also wanted a CMBB file as I recall ... hmmm ... how about 344.bmp ... it's a lovely view of the side of a building ... I think ... or maybe 00000200.wav ... which is some flavor of gunshot apparently ... or here's a beauty, SirReal-Shaw-007.txt, that's a turn from the classic Ker Dessel* scenario called IL PE Seeing You which featured IL-2 Sturmoviks and PE-2 Bombers attacking a German column, LOTS of IL-2s and PE-2s ... he was German ... good times, good times.

So, which would you like?


* Ker Dessel - When It's Called A Setup For A Reason!

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I had forgot your future humiliation in that file Boo, by all means let me continue to pummel you into something resembling Bulgoki. The address is in the profile.

Shaw, I clearly see the effect of Smith's brand of tequila, combined with the stunning night life of Utah have completely finished the three working brain cells you had remaining. Perhaps the Justicar would like a nice chair right here....there you go, just sit back and mumble to yourself about the "Glory Days" when you had Hiram by the "short hairs". Although I shudder to think what you could mean by that.

Perhaps I will reword my challange for you...

UNGH.....East Front...BANG....ARRGHH...CMBB...you...die...send setup...

There see, if you have trouble just have one of those nasty serf or squires you pick up for a night of debauchery translate for you.

Speedy, trust me. The thought of being this close to the sheep-shaggers of the south brings me as much trepidation as a sheered sheep does to you.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

How about them Eagles!!

Damn right Hiram I know I cheered when the Extended Edition of The Return of the King finally showed the Eagles as they destroyed, I mean DESTROYED the Nazgul ... thanks for reminding me of that great scene.

Joe </font>

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Oh, goody. That vile trollop Wildman is back.

Should I point out to him that he's never, ever yet managed to complete a goddamn game against me?!

I'm not going to buy another email explaining that until the Air Force's latest 'internal investigation' is completed, his time might be limited due to giving depositions, consulting with his appointed Defense, and epic episodes of vomiting due to his most recent attempt to achieve a higher state of being through alcohol.

Wildman, my little lamb—


Lord love a duck, even Rleete can kill trees. And he didn't have to use German AFVs to do so...

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Originally posted by Mace:

Don't how you can confuse chips with frys.

Your typical chip is the well bronzed, muscled version of the wimpy, flaccid french fry.


The Bestiality is worlds enough. If you're going to go on to some 'Association with Kitty' inspired food fetishism, we'll heave you out.

There'll be no vegemite slathered orgies of Aussie depravity on my watch, thank you very much.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Stumble, bumble, occasionally crumble, but never humble--oops rolled a one, I fumble.

Oh no, no, no, no, my friend, it is you who are stuck in your ossified castle of orthodoxy. No, a true artiste writes whatever he damned well pleases in the quote box but still responds to the original content of the post. I expounded on this once, back in the one, the only Mutha Beautiful Thread, and I believe your response was something along the lines of awe, love, respect and requests for matrimony. Well, I just made up that last part, but not the first! And that's how you should've responded, you ungrateful dealer of mish-mashed religiosity packaged up in a dour facade of Mormon wivelihood.

Take that Shaw, and the thousand more that follow.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

There'll be no vegemite slathered orgies of Aussie depravity on my watch, thank you very much.

*day dreams*

Mmmmmmmmmm vegemite slathered orgies of Aussie depravity.

*snaps to*

Whoa, sorry.

I guess my previous post was very innoportune then?


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Originally posted by Mumpfelfrumf:

I know your heritage hardly enables you to comprehend what I´m saying, but listen:

Meeks just take your hand out your pants for a second and try to overcome your innated cowardice and accept my challenge already, as rune [bows] has proposed.

Tee hee hee, innated. Oh yes, MufflyHumptyDump, yes, let us fight to the death you amazing wordsmith. But not yet. Not for some time. Don't worry, no more time than it takes to make the Kessel Run.
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Oh lookie an Old One awakes from his drunken debauchery. Not that there is anything wrong with debauchery in the right hands, but the thought of a debaucherous Seanachi even makes the flesh peddlers in Korea {signing} Turn OFF the red light.

Send the file you gnome, I know your kind. The killing of hapless trees will force you into a frenzy. Just you wait.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

(I prefer to sing Wagner, you crudites)

Flight of the Valkries,

Flight of the Valkries,

Flight of the Vaaaa-alkries!!

Um, those're the only words I know.

That's horrible...

Try this...

Hojotoho! Hojotoho!

Heiaha! Heiaha! Hojotoho! Heiaha!

Dir rat' ich, Vater, rüste dich selbst;

harten Sturm sollst du bestehn.

Fricka naht, deine Frau,

im Wagen mit dem Widdergespann.

Hei! Wie die goldne Geißel sie schwingt!

Die armen Tiere ächzen vor Angst;

wild rasseln die Räder;

zornig fährt sie zum Zank!

In solchem Strauße streit' ich nicht gern,

lieb' ich auch mutiger Männer Schlacht!

Drum sieh, wie den Sturm du bestehst:

ich Lustige laß' dich im Stich!

Hojotoho! Hojotoho!

Heiaha! Heiaha!


Though I can't quite see you in the role of Brunhilde. Mace... maybe, but not you

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