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Peng Challenges the Killer Rabbit.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

You wrote poetry in high school? Hah-ha!

I did ...

Horrible words masquerading as poetry SNIPPED because... it was just the right thing to do.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Mumpfelfrumf:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:


...get under his skin, insult his family's honor, lay waste to his home and cattle.

Laying waste to a pool of mucus in which he lives as the the lowest form of sub-amoebic creature on the planet isn´t an easy task... </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Rune made a funny!

Hiram Hiram Hiram,

You leave me with no choice but to send you a new Rune Scenario.

Rune </font>

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

What is it with you people and amoebes. Amoebe are so passé, coral and sponges is where it's at.

Well it's like this.

Coral and Sponges are more highly evolved critters than the Amoeba.

And if we started comparing you SSN, Serfs and squires to that lot, we'd be giving your social standing in this fine organisation more credit than it actually deserves.


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The Fall of the Mighty – an AAR of stikkypixie vs. v42below

Woe onto the sons of the Motherland for they have failed to heed wise comrade Stalin’s words – “P’josh’ tormoznuju zhidkost’ – fil’trui’ cherez hleb i marlju!” (“If you’re going to dring braking liquid, filter it through bread and gauze first!” rus.)

It was a sad day indeed when a small recon company penetrated deeply behind German lines seizing a crucial bridgehead, but finding itself cut off from the main forces. The orders from Stavka were clear – not a step back, hold the bridgehead at all costs.

Knowing that a large detachment of crack Italian troops *pause for mandatory laughter*, supported by artillery and light armour was on the way, the Russians dug in, ready to stand to the death. Hindering them was a lack of armour and anti tank assets in general. The moderately forested terrain lent itself well to ambushes which the Russians promptly set up. Having satisfied themselves that they have only a few hours left to live, they promptly cracked open their emergency braking liquid supplies and set about *getting the mood right for the battle*.

The beginning of the battle was promising, partly due to the fact that half of my troops had gone blind and could not see the enemy, which made them truly fearless, and partly because of the Italians unloading a full arty barrage onto the rabbits chewing their grass at the victory locations, followed by the hapless Bersaglieri platoons marching right into several ambushes. They then burnt as they ran – my ampulomet taking picks at routing squads.

However, my BA-6s were no match for stikky’s L6/40s and bravely fell one by one. Reinforcements trickled through, but to no avail as the Italian armour asserted a stranglehold on the map. With my last anti tank AFV’s gun damaged, the Italian tankettes took over, shooting up my squads at leisure. Yet the Russians refused to run. Mostly because some of them were already dead from blood poisoning, while others were simply too drunk to realize the end was nigh.

My only consolation is that knowing how sharp stikky's intelect truly is - he will soon be consuming what's left of the "neat Russian vodka we captured". This should make my revenge all the easier.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I'm still having a hard time with biscuits and chips, which're apparently fries and cookies.

Don't how you can confuse chips with frys.

Your typical chip is the well bronzed, muscled version of the wimpy, flaccid french fry.


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Where's the Black Flag when you need it? The damn flies around here are getting huge. I mean come on, almost four centimetres? Hopefully it will land on stikky, attracted by the foul smell, and die a hungry death as it attempts to break free of the mucus...

edited so that I can justify putting "editorial experience" on my resume.

[ January 21, 2005, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I'm still having a hard time with biscuits and chips, which're apparently fries and cookies.

Don't how you can confuse chips with frys.

Your typical chip is the well bronzed, muscled version of the wimpy, flaccid french fry.

Mace </font>

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Mmmmmmm....crisps are goooooood....the fat, salty, crunchy goodness as you crunch down on them...the light yet satisfying feeling as you digest them...the cholesterol sticking to your veins...ahem. Why yes thank you I'd love some.

And for those of you that want to be amused, here's Seanachai talking about his caffeine addiction:


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Biscuits and Chips are COOKIES and FRIES in that order, not the other way around.


Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

OH ... aren't WE just the fine one to be taking people to task for not posting regularly ... aren't WE just the proper little lad with our hair combed and jacket buttoned just so over our school tie.


Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Mind you, you're right about the sig, that's as bad as young stikkypixies happy dance sig line and you know I hate that.

boldius loseriophile

Yes, Iosef, I happily phile you away, yet again. Touche and rapier, sir, how do you like a waste of your own medicine.

I only recently found out that rhetorical questions do not end in a question mark. Amazingm hunh, from that book, Eats, Shoots and Leaves (Written by an Englishwoman, incidentally, so Shaw probably wets his bed just thinking about it, but, as The New Yorker says, English folks decrying bad grammar are like French folks decrying body odor.

Speaking of good books, I've been re-reading The Gulag Archipelago. Freakin', amazin'.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Coventry is where the bad'uns go when the Justicar decrees it so.

Eh, eee, I, oh, you see, Coventry came into prominence during my abscence (I whole-heartedly endorse it, of course, wonderful idea, I don't know what poor bastard Joe Shaw stole it from, likely some good-natured, God-fearing single mother whom he took advantage of (First legally, then carnally and finally, culinary) by promising her some help for her poor, crippled little daughter (He must've killed the local Shriners or, knowing Shaw's type, sued them into penury) and then, he rifled through her drawers (Sit down, Bauhaus!) and stole the plans for Coventry!!) and so it's still not part of my Pool consciousness. Sorry, guys.

So, so sorry.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Biscuits and Chips are COOKIES and FRIES in that order, not the other way around.


Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

OH ... aren't WE just the fine one to be taking people to task for not posting regularly ... aren't WE just the proper little lad with our hair combed and jacket buttoned just so over our school tie.


Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Mind you, you're right about the sig, that's as bad as young stikkypixies happy dance sig line and you know I hate that.

boldius loseriophile

Yes, Iosef, I happily phile you away, yet again. Touche and rapier, sir, how do you like a waste of your own medicine.

I only recently found out that rhetorical questions do not end in a question mark. Amazingm hunh, from that book, Eats, Shoots and Leaves (Written by an Englishwoman, incidentally, so Shaw probably wets his bed just thinking about it, but, as The New Yorker says, English folks decrying bad grammar are like French folks decrying body odor.

Speaking of good books, I've been re-reading The Gulag Archipelago. Freakin', amazin'. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

What the hell is this ... a Village Idiot convention? From whence, pray tell lad, do you come up with THAT?

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Pronunciation: 'nach

Function: adverb

Etymology: by shortening & alteration from naturally

slang : of course : NATURALLY

*snip* </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:


So calm.

So quiet.

{shaddup up out there you *&%#@ing snowmobiles!!!}

So peaceful.

So not going to dalem's.

I remember back in college, during a snowstorm, several of us were in the very crowded student union drinking coffee and just relaxing when another of our group came in, covered with snow and said (stupidly),

"It's still snowing out there."

At which my late friend Don Brody stood up from the couch where he'd been napping and said in a loud, sobbing voice,

"Still?? Still??? When will it ever stop?! Don't you understand? We have to get that medicine over the mountains, or those people are going to die!!!"

And then, to a completely silent room, he laid back down.

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