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We Acknowledged Nothing Knowingly Except Really Silly Peng Challenges

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I have been quit for 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 hours and 8 minutes (105 days). I have saved $1,051.72 by not smoking 4,206 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 14 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/31/2005 5:09 AM

And no time to send a turn ?

Calouses on the hand playing up ?


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I have been quit for 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 hours and 8 minutes (105 days). I have saved $1,051.72 by not smoking 4,206 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 14 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/31/2005 5:09 AM


Send me a turn.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

I have been quit for 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 hours and 8 minutes (105 days). I have saved $1,051.72 by not smoking 4,206 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 14 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/31/2005 5:09 AM


Send me a turn. </font>

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Dear Noba and Boo

You have not received a turn from me, because you have not replied to the last turns I sent you.

Boo I know that you have the Non- working Email program supplied by your ISP which I believe you said was Fisher Price?

I don't know what Noba's problem might be, but it probably has something to do with his proximity to the equater.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I have been quit for 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 hours and 8 minutes (105 days). I have saved $1,051.72 by not smoking 4,206 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 14 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/31/2005 5:09 AM

Now if only you had something worthwhile to do with your time.
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Dear Prinz, your Highness. First: sorry can't do whisper, only murmurs. second: your suggestion came as a surprise since I thought that's what I was doing all along. I just obtained three(3) nubile extra virgin gnats for His Senility's pleasuring at the next cesspool gathering of the Old Ones. Do you think this humble(but,really,really expensive)gift will be received with approval? waiting for your reply with bated breath.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

...I don't know what Noba's problem might be, but it probably has something to do with his proximity to the equater.

All Australians have always looked the same to me, but I never realised there was actually some sort of machine in WA physically ensuring they were equal in all respects.
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I've several things to say at this point:

OGSF I read your post with great care and would like to express my disgust with your practice of whatever the hell it was you were on about. Pity about the wee one though. My visit to your hovel was brightened only by my visit with the span'l ... who, may I say, made a great deal more sense than YOU did.

Twinkletoes ... weary slippers, whatever ... while you are "of an age" with me you can't use that to worm your way into my confidence. First may I say that I'm pleased to see that you've finally tumbled to the use of the Spacebar in your posts ... granted it took TWO of us to remind of that but we can't expect too much. Third, however, your general location is insufficient ... USA can cover a multitude of sins, not the least of which would be ManySoda ... well okay the LEAST of which would be OHIO. Fix or do somefink lad.

Seanachai your problem is that you didn't follow my example when I demonstrated it. By dumping the silverware (generic term of course, TECHNICALLY Wendy's plastic spoons count I believe) on the floor it inhibits the growth of bacteria by, frankly, intimidating them. They take a look at the silverware and think, "Hey those things have been on Seanachai's FLOOR, best hit the road lads, nothing we can add to the mix here."

Lars, dalem, Seanachai ... the possibility exists that I'll be in ManyAppleLess the week of Aug. 15th. NOW CALM DOWN DAMNIT!

Geeze I hate to see grown men jump up all aflutter and rush around making plans to entertain an honored and HIGHLY respected guest knowing that their efforts can hardly be sufficient to the high honor they've been given and yet knowing at the same time that the honoree, being a deeply forgiving and humble man who, nonetheless, has a cold and level appraisal of his own genius, will find their pitiful attempts sufficient ... especially given the inherent abilties of those honoring him.

Where was I ... oh yeah, in ManyAppleLess in August ... yuck. Plans are still a bit fluid, much like the rice in Seanachai's refrigerator, so I'm not certain how much time I'll have available or when we could get together, I am, after all, a VERY busy and IMPORTANT man ... well I don't have to tell YOU that do I, and affairs of state must take precedence over ... uh ... affairs ... of ... uh ... state.


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

I have saved 2 Weeks, 14 hours and 30 minutes of my life.

Makes me want to have a cigarette. </font>
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Originally posted by OGSF:

She beat ye twice ye knoo. Refused tae play ye after ye gamey jeep rush oop both flanks. Ah mainshun ye name tae tha span'l an' she just snorts.

An' poots.

Hmmm. That confirms that someone more intelligent than you was helping you with processing the turns.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I have been quit for 3 Months, 2 Weeks, 4 hours and 8 minutes (105 days). I have saved $1,051.72 by not smoking 4,206 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 14 hours and 30 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/31/2005 5:09 AM

Congratulations, and good on ya'!

I'm proud of you, lad!




You know, I don't think I've ever said that here before.

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