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You Will Not Be Able To Stay Home, Brother. The Peng Challenge Will Not Be Televised

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Me call Blood Hamster on Shaw. Shaw refuse answer challenge.

This how brave Justicar act?


Shaw say me should task Squire with silly paper after Seanachai say him give Squire quest. Me want Squire focus on quest from Olde One. Maybe Shaw think he above Olde Ones?


Me think Shaw too big for britches. Maybe britches split up hinder area when Shaw bend over! Children point and laugh. Sound effect man make diminishing Waa-waa-waa-waa sound.


Boo Radley I've warned you about the gibberish ...

Now I see you posting nonsense with MY title prominently displayed within and I'M supposed to take the time to decypher it? I think not lad, I'm the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, not to mention, though I believe I shall anyway, the Knight Champion of the M.B.T. as well as the CessPool Drain Commissioner ... CLEARLY I'm a busy man and haven't the time for your gibberish.

If you've something to say man, just spit it out ... no, no, spit out the chicken leg FIRST then attempt to spit out whatever it is you're trying to say ... for all I know you could be challenging me or something.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

If you were truly among the enlightened, you would know that the correct answer is, "I believe I'll have another and see." Any true Aussie should know that.

Shame on you.



But "having another" is a given you don't need to actually mention it!

As for the rest, the thirst is an all consuming constant and can never be fully quenched although we do try.

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This just in from 37

"Mr Peng I have searched everywhere for you and now I believe I have you cornered at last.

Dear sir I require assistance & with haste.

I believe the challenge thread itself is threatened from enemies both from within & without. I believe fate has put the survival of the thread in my hands & yet I am weak & young & lack the tools for my ambitions.

Despite this the hour of reckoning may soon be upon us & I need help.

You are the only one I can trust!

Can you aid me in any way?"

and my response...

Ron, you mewling pile of dung:

How did you get this email address? It is not the one posted on the forum. I prefer to keep this one extremely private as it is as yet uninfected by spammers and their ilk. Should this address become widely known it is I who will do the cornering and you will not escape with much more than a tuft of your own hair and a bloody stump or two.

So much for that.

How can I help you, *IF* I can help you? The thread that bears my name no longer has anything to do with me, nor I with it. It outlived it's usefulneess and entertainment value for me a long time ago. BUT. If it will annoy anyone that I don't like so much then I just might be game for a bit of disruptive behavior.

So, tell me what you have in mind and I'll mull it over.

Never got a response from the filthy little toad. Just as well I suppose as he was a chickenlittle henny penny little weasle. I see that this abomination of my name continues to chug along in its little homeyboy pissclubby way. Fantastic. Great. Yeah. A big steaming pile of wit.

I was surprised that they have decent wireless internet here in Belize, my new home. Maybe when the Scalia clones that prickfaced little Texass village idiot appoints to the SC are dead my children can return to a sane America. But I doubt it.

I tell you I don't much like taking a loyalty oath to the Queen to become a citizen here, -always been a bit tetchy about Royalty's claim to power via divine right... rubs the fur the wrong way, but so does my fellow Pennsyltuckian's in the fine distict of Dover tossing out Darwin and lumping in "intelligent design" as a legitimate scientific theory of evolution. Yes indeed my ex-fellow citizens sure have it on the ball...

Piss off all of you.

Now I know there's a bit of danger in this as I could have my only remaining decently spamless emaill address awash in pr0n, c!alis smallcap |nv@stment OPs! and big titty ads, but what the hell huh? live a little.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

dickhead. Go **** yourself.

Those words must be considered terms of endearment because the missus says this to me all the time, and she is really quite fond of me.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Mr Peng:

I tell you I don't much like taking a loyalty oath to the Queen to become a citizen here, -always been a bit tetchy about Royalty's claim to power via divine right... rubs the fur the wrong way, but so does my fellow Pennsyltuckian's in the fine distict of Dover tossing out Darwin and lumping in "intelligent design" as a legitimate scientific theory of evolution. Yes indeed my ex-fellow citizens sure have it on the ball...

Piss off all of you.

The way I see it Royalty, "divine right" and alternate evolutionary theories can all be lumped into the same wacko pot....especially when looking at the Royal Family, one can see an ape-like resemblance....enjoy your mud hut in Belize.

Do they have McDonald's down there?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mr Peng:

I tell you I don't much like taking a loyalty oath to the Queen to become a citizen here, -always been a bit tetchy about Royalty's claim to power via divine right... rubs the fur the wrong way, but so does my fellow Pennsyltuckian's in the fine distict of Dover tossing out Darwin and lumping in "intelligent design" as a legitimate scientific theory of evolution. Yes indeed my ex-fellow citizens sure have it on the ball...

Piss off all of you.

The way I see it Royalty, "divine right" and alternate evolutionary theories can all be lumped into the same wacko pot....especially when looking at the Royal Family, one can see an ape-like resemblance....enjoy your mud hut in Belize.

Do they have McDonald's down there? </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Me call Blood Hamster on Shaw. Shaw refuse answer challenge.

This how brave Justicar act?


Shaw say me should task Squire with silly paper after Seanachai say him give Squire quest. Me want Squire focus on quest from Olde One. Maybe Shaw think he above Olde Ones?


Me think Shaw too big for britches. Maybe britches split up hinder area when Shaw bend over! Children point and laugh. Sound effect man make diminishing Waa-waa-waa-waa sound.


Boo Radley I've warned you about the gibberish ...

Now I see you posting nonsense with MY title prominently displayed within and I'M supposed to take the time to decypher it? I think not lad, I'm the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, not to mention, though I believe I shall anyway, the Knight Champion of the M.B.T. as well as the CessPool Drain Commissioner ... CLEARLY I'm a busy man and haven't the time for your gibberish.

If you've something to say man, just spit it out ... no, no, spit out the chicken leg FIRST then attempt to spit out whatever it is you're trying to say ... for all I know you could be challenging me or something.

Joe </font>

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Seanachai, have patience, will ya?

Yup, it's that time of the year again, and my wish list has just been updated. Can the Pengville help? Maybe U can help, maybe not. I’m looking for the new SONY DVD recorder (product code: RDR-HX900).

Problem 1:

They cost the equivalent of $1,500+ here in South Africa, and they are not readily available. In the USA they go for $799.00 and less. I can buy one on Amazon.com online, but they cannot freight them to SA, probably something to do with the DVD zonal restrictions, which brings me to the second problem:

Problem 2:

Is it possible to find a SONY RDR-HX900 in the USA that is hardwired/programmed to be “zone free/multi-zoned” so it can play any DVD from any regional/world zone? I don’t think USA online retail shops will be of much help here, unless you phone them direct and ask about the multi-zone capability specifically.

I’ve phoned SONY South Africa and the marketing manager say it’s possible to change them from e.g. Zone 1 (USA) to zone free/multi-zone, but SONY themselves will not do it here. If you can find a zone free/multi-zoned RDR-HX900, could you help me out via the following procedure:

1) I’ll bank transfer the cost of the RDR-HX900 unit to your account, the freight charge to your USA address (if it needs to be delivered) as well as the packaging/onforwarding air freight cost to me in South Africa beforehand.

2) Since it is a Xmas gift for me wife (and for my 2 daughters to play their Walt Disney DVD movies - moi will use it certainly too!) it will be appreciated if it could reach me before the actual big day.

Anybody able to help out here on the forum?


Charl (WineCape)



Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments:


Wine donations send to the following for contributions to Combat Mission:


PS: Did I mention 6 bottles SA wine as extra incentive for your help? And no, this is no Nigerian business scheme.

[ November 22, 2004, 05:53 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Will this do, Charl?


If so, looks like I can get it in 3-4 days and send it out via my business UPS account if you'd like.You'll have to click the "technical data" link at the amazon site to be sure I've got the correct one.

That's the one, much appreciated, but note:

In essence, and as I understand it, if I buy the SONY DVD recorder in the USA, the unit will (probably) be coded/zoned to only play DVD software that has the USA zone specification (USA=Zone 1) on it. Thus I probably will NOT be able to play South African DVD’s on the USA-bought DVD recorder. Is this assumption correct? Since I want to play South African DVD’s (legally bought here in South Africa), I suppose it’s best to cover this issue with the SONY electronics seller in the USA by: -

Phoning SONY retailers directly (online retailers or brick-and-mortar Sony dealers) to ask if the SONY RDR-HX900 can be changed to a zone-free/multi-zone unit – and if so, whether this can be done before buying (less trouble to you) or after buying the unit. With regard to the latter, according to SONY SA, they are aware that it can be done through a second party electronics shop, but SONY is obviously duty-bound not to disclose these electronic dealers, whatever there reason.

Since you referenced Amazon above, I doubt whether they, as online retailers, are even aware that the SONY RDR-HX900 is zoned only for USA DVD’s playback. But then, they might be able to help you…

Thus I need you to ascertain: Is the RDR-HX900 a multi-zoned/zone-free unit (can it play legitimate DVD’s bought in South Africa), if not, where can it be changed (can the online or offline retailer do it themselves?) and if not, how do you go about changing it at a second electronics dealer?

PS: I know that if I want to buy DVD’s software online from a USA website, I must specify specifically that I want a “zone-free” DVD, otherwise the software will not play on any South African hardware.

Much appreciated in advance.


[ November 22, 2004, 07:18 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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I'll call a couple places here in town to confirm.

However, I thought I'd found the "right" one for you as the technical data on the one I linked mentioned: "Region playback: Compatible only with discs coded for Region 1 and for All Regions".

Let me make a couple phone calls to be sure (and also check *their* prices as well ;) ). I'll post back in a few minutes on what I ascertain. smile.gif

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