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This is the Peng Challenge that never ends....It goes on and on my Friends....

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Does anyone know how much water there is in a home water heater?

Just enough to cover my entire 900 square foot basement to an average of 1/2".

So I call my buddy, ask him to come right over after work, help me with the damage assessment and cleanup, bring a mop.

mop-mop-mop-squeeze-empty bucket...

This goes on for a couple of hours.

Phone rings. It's my buddy. "Hey I just remembered, didn't we buy you a wet/dry vac last year?"


So although I can now no longer float Lars' boat, I am wondering if any of the Minnesota Miscreants know a plumber who works Northeast who will install a gas water heater I buy myself, without demanding both of my kidneys in exchange.

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Originally posted by Lars:

Hee hee, it's been 6 hours and Boo still hasn't realized he spelled it right.

Big surprise. You're talking about a guy who can't play blackjack without taking off his shoes and dropping his pants.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Phone rings. It's my buddy. "Hey I just remembered, didn't we buy you a wet/dry vac last year?"

Stupidity is it's own reward. And entertainment for the rest of us. We smirk at you.

Originally posted by dalem:

...know a plumber who works Northeast who will install a gas water heater I buy myself...

I'd do it for a six-pack of decent (i.e. Guinness) beer. You'd have to help with the grunt work, natch. Of course, you'd also have to pay for round trip airfare, so maybe it isn't such a bargain afterall.

[serious]It really isn't that hard to do. If you get a propane torch, you can do it all by yourself. The most difficult part is hauling the heater itself.[/serious]

Be sure to have someone send us pics of the blown up rubble after you try!

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Normally, I wouldn't post something from an email, but the following examples were just too good to not pass along. Besides, they give me something to post about. And since my posting is annoying to most of you, it gives me pleasure. Ah, the simple pleasures in life.

Originally emailed by Seanachai:



Man, does that suck as an insult.

Bah! I wave my hand at you. Christ, you're annoying sometimes. [endquote]

So, as you can all plainly see, my campaign to be named "Official Mortal Enemy to the Olde Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread" is coming along nicely. Heck, if not the OMEOOPC (rearranged it spells c-me-poop), at least "Major Thorn in the Side of the Bard". And that's a good thing. Although we may need to form a committee (replete with stenographers) to sort it all out.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

I feel bad about it, but I foresee great things for your child.

You all better hope he has a weak constitution, severe allergies and myopia. Otherwise, you'll all end up in the Kingdom of Leete. I'll be the revered old father figure, of course. Many of your heads will adorn the gateposts along the grand avenue. The Bard will be kept around as comic relief, when the movie is made.
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Hee hee, it's been 6 hours and Boo still hasn't realized he spelled it right.

Big surprise. You're talking about a guy who can't play blackjack without taking off his shoes and dropping his pants.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.

Steve </font>

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So $300 for a new water heater at Home Depot. $100 for a friend of a friend to install it Saturday morning. Tomorrow I check the warranty and get an insurance guy over to see what's what. I think at the very least I have to pull up every linoleum tile down there. I don't even want to think about the drywall.

Sometimes I hate being a grownup.

But I always hate most of you.

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Originally posted by dalem:

It's my buddy. "Hey I just remembered, didn't we buy you a wet/dry vac last year?"

Wasn't there an embarrassing incident involving vacuum cleaners, body parts and visits to ER?

Oh wait, that was me.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

It's my buddy. "Hey I just remembered, didn't we buy you a wet/dry vac last year?"

Wasn't there an embarrassing incident involving vacuum cleaners, body parts and visits to ER?

Oh wait, that was me.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by rleete:

Beman, (S.B.N.B.) you keep posting this alll over the place, like the damn hedgehog saying, "Dinsdale?" in MontyPython's F.C. Or a dog crapping on the living room rug.


I bet you know how to treat a female impersonator.


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Originally posted by rleete:

[serious]It really isn't that hard to do. If you get a propane torch, you can do it all by yourself. The most difficult part is hauling the heater itself.[/serious]

Let's see...

Propane torch (Check)

Nearby gas pipe (Check)

dalem (Check)

I can't see needing anything else.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

We are still trying to comprehend why you have your hot water system inside your house?

Unlike Oz land, where hot water just drips off the roof, having your water system outdoors here would just lead to one large ice cube and a lot of very cold showers.

Although, since I have a blonde and a brunette lined up for Saturday, dalem is going to be needing a cold shower...

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

We are still trying to comprehend why you have your hot water system inside your house?

Unlike Oz land, where hot water just drips off the roof, having your water system outdoors here would just lead to one large ice cube and a lot of very cold showers.

Although, since I have a blonde and a brunette lined up for Saturday, dalem is going to be needing a cold shower... </font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

It's my buddy. "Hey I just remembered, didn't we buy you a wet/dry vac last year?"

Wasn't there an embarrassing incident involving vacuum cleaners, body parts and visits to ER?

Oh wait, that was me.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

I will be back in OZ next friday

*gets on phone*

Hello, customs?

I think we have someone of very bad character trying to get into the country next Friday.

That's right, no knowing what fiendish plot he plans to carry out.


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Originally posted by Lars:


Start stove.

Put bucket of water on.

Pour over head.

Please repeat tomorrow morning.

And be sure to get it nice and hot, make sure it's bubbling briskley and then quickly pour it over your head.

Boo Radely thou good and faithful if somewhat dim bulbed Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure of the Peng Challenge Thread, I have returned to take up my duties again.

Time to take the bullet out of the gun and put it back in the pocket ... be sure to point the muzzle at someone like, oh, any of the Australians when you perform that task.


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