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There Is A Light That Never Goes Out, The Peng Challenge Thread, Stretch Out And Wait

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I see by my Humane Society of the United States calendar that next Sunday begins "National Farm Animals Awareness Week".

What the heck are we supposed to be 'aware' of? That there are farm animals? Or are Farm Animals supposed to be aware? The latter makes more sense. I can imagine them keeping an eye out for Mace, for one thing.

Perhaps they have 'awareness' lectures instructing Farm Animals of the dangers of Aussies driving around in Utes wearing only t-shirts and no pants, offering them grain and trying to entice them into their vehicles? </font>

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Coupla things:

11. Seanachai when last we chatted you said you would have a set up out to me pronto. That was Tuesday. I know that you are calendarically challenged what with the advanced Klienfelter's syndrome and all, but oh, nevermind... I'll send you one instead.

42. MrSpkr You ignored my last private email at your own doom. I have no other recourse than to declare a Blood Hamster for the usual terms: 30 days of signature lines to be decided by the winner.


1500 points

Infantry only* -human and pod purchased




Large town


1 small VL flag

whatever date region etc you like.

* portable mortars, mgs, TH teams are acceptable. No OBA or vehimacles of any sort. Not even scooters.

Die a lot now or soon I mean.


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It was a gorgeous July afternoon and Comrade Captain Booski was delighted in the discovery of a field of wildflowers less than a quarter mile from his defensive position guarding the road to Smolensk. The huge KV loomed menacingly amongst the scattered trees, it's long barrel trained toward the sound of approaching German tanks.

Booski had picked a dozen wildflowers and was basking in their scented glory. He had been in this position for a number of days and the stench from the lack of proper hygiene had become almost unbearable. The sweet scent of the wildflowers filled his head with notions and such.

Suddenly his carefree thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the main gun of his KV firing. Startled, he looked up and dashed across the meadow to return to his position. As he neared the massive steel beast, it fired again, followed by an explosion from the direction the Germans were coming from.

Climbing into the Iron Roadblock, he announced curtly, "Okay, I'm in charge now!"

Barely were the words out of his mouth when...

BOOM!!, the T-26 on his left lurched to a halt, a thin wisp of smoke rising from it's crew compartment. Then..


The T-70 on his right took a hit, it's turret blasted into the air by a huge ball of erupting flame.

WHANG!!!!! The big monster tank shuddered. A direct hit on the gun mount.

Booski had returned just in time!

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Uh, just a quick note on the mead. Guys (and you, too MrSpkr), I haven't forgotten you. It's just that I had a slight problem when I went to bottle the last of the batch. You see, I pulled a Shaw, and dropped a bottle.

As much as I would like to have all of you drink broken glass, the chance that one of your better halves would want a taste was too great. That, and the chance that you might have insurance. Filtering it was just too risky, so I dumped it.

However, good news is that the latest batch seems to be about ready. Hang on a couple more days, and it should be on it's way.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

Uh, just a quick note on the mead. Guys (and you, too MrSpkr), I haven't forgotten you. It's just that I had a slight problem when I went to bottle the last of the batch. You see, I pulled a Shaw, and dropped a bottle.

How in the world does any but the greatest of nonces break a bottle into the vessel you are bottling from? Oh, the answer is in the question.

Filtering it was just too risky, so I dumped it.

I see that your profile states your residence as Rochester, NY. Perchance your grubby meat-hooks were slathered in spicy Buffalo wing sauce and that was the reason for this fiasco?

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Originally posted by SirReal:

Turns are out. If you think I owe you a turn, flip a coin. Heads, and you haven't got any and is therefore too much of a pushover, tails, you're turning it and you just ain't worth the bother.


Sir SirReal the following are your choices, you have NO other choices, only these:

(49) Post a comment or two WITH your emailed turns. It needn't be anything too elaborate, just a note so that I'm aware of the fact that a CESSPOOLER is sending the turn. Only outerboarders send turns without commentary.

(qwerty) DON'T send turns at all ...

There you have it, what could be simpler eh? Well, obviously Mace IS simpler but then that's pretty much a given.


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Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

Jimmy Bongripper what freakin' version of Iron Roadblock are you playing? The one the CD has neither a T-26 nor a T-70. :confused:

Would this be a bit of fiction? Akin to your chances of even the smallest of victories in our ongoing match? Carry on, you twisted little troll.


See, strike_the_mire, Jimbo sort of lives in his own world. A world where he is constantly regaled by all the myriad voices in his head.

He's happy in this world of chocolate flavored clowns and irridescent puppies, and that's OK. Sure, the gibberish that streams from his yawning gob doesn't make a lick of sense to normal people, but that's just something we've all come to understand.

Of course there are no T-70's in "Iron Roadblock". He was talking about the QB he's playing with me. Why he called it "Iron Roadblock" is anybody's guess.

My advice? Just nod your head and go on as if nothing happened.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

Uh, just a quick note on the mead.

R Leete mead...ggghhhhhhh!

Good stuff. You fellows are in for a treat. Of course, he could boost the alcohol content up a bit. I'm not sure how you go about doing that with mead, but certainly pouring a pint of everclear into would probably work.

For most of you lot a magnum of mead fortified with a pint of everclear would be just like mother's milk, I imagine.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

For most of you lot a magnum of mead fortified with a pint of everclear would be just like mother's milk, I imagine.

Not being a mammal, I'm sure that all you CAN do is imagine. </font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I can imagine that you'd consider her a 'friend', since she'd be one of the few people who'd actually chosen to talk to you besides myself, Lars, and Papa Khann.

Berli talked to me once. And Persephone too. </font>
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Coupla things:

11. Seanachai when last we chatted you said you would have a set up out to me pronto. That was Tuesday. I know that you are calendarically challenged what with the advanced Klienfelter's syndrome and all, but oh, nevermind... I'll send you one instead.

Die a lot now or soon I mean.


Was that you? I thought it was one of those flashbacks that I've been promised/threatened with since I was young.

Where are the free trips?! They promised us free trips!

No matter. Am in receipt of your latest attempt to sort out our places in the hierarchy of foolishness. Will endeavour to put you in the place you so rightly belong, which is handing me a tall, cooling drink while deriding my enemies and making them snap to with the viciousness of your rhetoric.

Can't help but point out that you were minutes away from crushing all resistance in our previous game, when you apparently received some sort of commandment from On High to abort the game and flee into the darkness wearing the underpants of a 16 year old girl on your head and reciting the poetry of Jim Morrison.

I still have the last turn if you ever want to see how it would have turned out if you'd had the mental capacity, unleavened by lust and sobriety, to see it through.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

No Seanachai , you have it all wrong here.....there are no farms in Australia

Aa? No farms?

I'll have you know me lad that Australia is a primary producer and our main exports include wheat and sheep.


If it wasn't my Uncle's farm that I spent my school holidays at (yes I must admit, he had sheep), what was it then?


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

If it wasn't my Uncle's farm that I spent my school holidays at (yes I must admit, he had sheep), what was it then?

In your case, I would have to say the term is brothel </font>
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

No Seanachai , you have it all wrong here.....there are no farms in Australia

Aa? No farms?

I'll have you know me lad that Australia is a primary producer and our main exports include wheat and sheep.


If it wasn't my Uncle's farm that I spent my school holidays at (yes I must admit, he had sheep), what was it then?

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

In your case, I would have to say the term is brothel

That would explain why my uncle dressed like HuggyBear from Starski and Hutch.

Mace </font>

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