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Attention South Of England Players - you are cordially summoned to this thread...

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I satisfy all the requirements, as I live in London....

BUT, if I commit to any more PBEM the divorce will shortly follow... there ain't no way the wife will put up with another chunk of my life missing to CM.... :eek:

Guess who's wearing the trousers... :cool:


[ February 17, 2003, 07:50 AM: Message edited by: JeremyCupit ]

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Quick headcount and we have 11 definites in, one unknown (Apache), plus 8 North Of Watford types so far.

If we don't get another 5 Southerners then I'm definitely going to allow Holien in just to see Sodball wet his pants :D Then the N.O.W. types can be in if they still wish, although they're halfway to making up an equivalent tourney themselves already.

Hopefully we'll have this underway over the weekend, thanks again.

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Originally posted by Captain Pies:

Count me in if there's any room left. I'm in Crawley so further south than the lot of you (I think).

Nope, I'm between Chichester and Portsmouth and just a few hundred yards from the nearest seawater.. so unless we get any Isle of Wighties turn up (do they count as English?) I win!
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Originally posted by Boff:

Nope, I'm between Chichester and Portsmouth and just a few hundred yards from the nearest seawater.. so unless we get any Isle of Wighties turn up (do they count as English?) I win!
Ha that makes you practically French in my book. We shall have to decide who is more "Southern" on the field of combat, then the winner can go and kick the Northern Monkeys in their tourney. smile.gifsmile.gif
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Wow, great response. We are just one bona-fide Southern player short of the 16 needed, and as both Andreas and Holien are in I guess we now also have the Manchester United and Arsenal of the Septic Cup. We'll give it one last day for the final player to drop into place, but in the meantime may I put Gary T on standby as the token Northern lad as he was the first into the thread.

I will be emailing everyone a number, and then asking a neutral third party on the forum to do the draw by posting a list of 8 v's 4 etc. So please can the following make sure their email addy is correct in their profile or otherwise mail me their correct one:

Me (duh!)


Sailor Malan



Makes The Jelly Judder

Lucky Strike



Captain Pies

Edward Windsor



Iain Fuller


Gary T

For extra pointless stupidity I may go down the Reservoir Dogs road and email everyone a random colour instead. It will be a pure accident Soddball if you become known as Mr Yellow tongue.gif

The first round will take place in August 1942, Quarterfinals in 1943, Semi's in 1944 and Final in 1945. I am avoiding 1941 like the plague as IMO there are too many unbalanced armour battle possibilities. I've tried to think of a neutral kind of fight, and suggest the following parameters:

1500 point QB ME.

German Mechanised v's Soviet Mechanised

Combined Arms

Fixed Rarity

Terrain: Farmland/Small Hills/Moderate Trees/No damage

30 turns variable

Large Map

Full ammo

Random experience/casualties/fitness/time/weather

Of course all battles will take place on the Southern Front ;) We have a couple of days to thrash out any problems with the parameters so fire away with questions and comments. Please remember that we're not here to worry about historical accuracy, or to find out 'who is best'. I think for that you'd need a lot more than a single game.

A 30-35 turn game should be done in 110 emails, which if we can manage one per day each (on average) will take 8 weeks. I propose an 8 week(ish) deadline, at which time all unfinished games must be ceasefired by both sides and the result taken from there. Failure to ceasefire will give the opponent victory.

OK there's the basic format, can anyone think of potential pitfalls which have escaped me (other than drawing Andreas in the first round)?

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Thxs for letting me play, I feel like I am back at school waiting to be picked by a Captain in a game of footie. At least now a days I am not the last to be picked.


Sounds good, This will be my first QB and I will need to work out what are good picks.


If this works out I look forward to my next trip to the pub in London and catching up on some faces.

Pity James missed this thread I should have sent him it. I guess he is too busy looking for a job?



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Prester John, of course you can have first refusal if anyone can't see it through. Perhaps another similar knockout can be started, there are 8 players here already wanting one.

PK I thought random maps will do the job. They're not perfect as we know but at least we can avoid any potential criticism about a pre-designed map favouring one side, as any accidental favouritism will be done by the computer.

I notice I didn't mention that the first player listed for a battle by the drawer will be the Russians, the second player the Germans.

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