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Right that's It!! I've had enough...grrrrrrr!!!

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Originally posted by MG-42:

Wife: Hi Honey!! Whattcha doing?? I certainly hope that your not wasting time on a bloody game!!!

Husband: Why No CatKins! I'm experiencing a combat simulation.

Wife [in a tone of admiration]: Wow!! You are so intelligent and articulate. I love you so very very much and I want to meet every one of your needs and desires for ever and ever.

Does this woman have a sister?
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MG-42:

Wife: Hi Honey!! Whattcha doing?? I certainly hope that your not wasting time on a bloody game!!!

Husband: Why No CatKins! I'm experiencing a combat simulation.

Wife [in a tone of admiration]: Wow!! You are so intelligent and articulate. I love you so very very much and I want to meet every one of your needs and desires for ever and ever.

Does this woman have a sister? </font>
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

lOU, YOUR WIFE OFFERS ADVICE AND WANTS TO LEARN TO PLAY -- and you think that is a bad thing?

What in the heck are you smoking, buddy? Some guys would give their left nut for such a woman -- and some guys already have.


That explains your high, squeeky voice. Wondered about that.
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The best defense of CM to the GF/wife is to have a more expensive, more time consuming and at least equally uninteresting hobby as backup. The more complaints registered about CM, the more time & money gets diverted to the alternative hobby. If drinking and/or long stretches of time away from home are involved, all the better.

In comparison, CM appears to be a much more viable use of resources, and has the added benefit of at least being home.

So, the next time she whines, get out the golf clubs, fishing tackle, R/C equipment, etc. You'll soon have all the time to play...er, experience CM that you want.

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My girlfriend just saw the packages of 'Black Hawk Down' and 'Medal of Honor' and the DVDs 'Saving Private Ryan', 'Full Metal Jacket' and 'Thin Red Line'...

All she said was 'We have to talk.'

I don't dare to show her CM :D

Sometimes it's good NOT to live together :cool:

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

lOU, YOUR WIFE OFFERS ADVICE AND WANTS TO LEARN TO PLAY -- and you think that is a bad thing?

What in the heck are you smoking, buddy? Some guys would give their left nut for such a woman -- and some guys already have.


Jesus wept. My wife played board wargames with me while we dated in college. Then we got married, got a desktop and bought games. That was in the 80's

Now she complains about computer wargames, moans and groans about me and the computer and tells me I'm neglecting her and the kids.

Incredulously, I turn slowly and look at her. "What kids???? Who are you, how did you get past the 15 locks and into my sound-proofed room????"

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All my friends refer to Combat Mission simply as 'It', as in: "Oh, Christ, he's talking about It again."

Although my one friend Alison did come over once and when I showed it to her she said "Hey, that rain and thunder soundtrack is nice. I could see putting that on before I go to sleep. Can you just get the soundtrack?"

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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

My wife calls it the "stuipd Nazi shooting game."

My 7 year old cousin (a girl no less) just loves operation Flashpoint to death and calls it "The Army Truck game". She loves driving over Trees with the T-80 or shooting up wave after wave of "Duce and a half" trucks with a Shilka.

"See sweety? That there is a M113 APC..."


Just a few days ago I introduced her to the joys of Sptez-Naz troops and their satchel charges. :D

As for CM, I showed her CM:BO once. She thought it was boring till a German arty stike brewed upa bunch of Half Tracks. We watched that replay many times...

[ April 19, 2003, 04:31 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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My wife calls it "stupid game".

When I was playing PBEM (now I don't have internet at home, so can't) she made me a "stupid game" folder for the emails.

Still, she likes the fact that it destresses me, she can use it as a guilt trip to go on spa visits with her girlfriends, and it isn't golf.

Going to look at the Indonesian Army Museum with Maj Battaglia led to lots of rolled eyes, and patronising comments about boys and their toys...

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I tell you:

Combat Mission is a Cult

My work mates think I am a bore because I keep talking about it, and trying to convert them over to CMBB.

My Son likes the Sturmtiger versus poor saps hiding in wood huts, i think its the explosions that he likes.

My wife thinks its alright coz I spend time at home rather than out entertaining clients (hey, biz is so bad with the SARS situation, so get off my back!).

Every smoke break is a mini-sitrep on how to beat my pbem opponent.

and now, the yearning is building up for CMAK.

ps. MG42, what's a Barbie Explorer ? Is that a Game or Simulation ?

[ April 21, 2003, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: laxx ]

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Originally posted by Sarge Saunders:

HA! My wife took a quick glance at the screen once and asked if I was playing Computer Golf!

Anyone who remembers the colors of the original CMBO graphics knows exactly what she meant.

Anyway, my fiancee (then girlfriend) actually played Combat Mission, but only once. She never played games much (with the notable exception of Monkey Island, and that very, very odd Master of Magic addiction that still crops up now and then--she's so ruthless in that game, I worry sometimes, would she turn on me as quickly as on Lo Pan, if I had a city in her way? But I digress...)

She listened to me blather about how wonderful the game was, how natural and intuitive the interface was, et cetera, and decided to try it. So I fired up the BO tutorial for her, which you will recall was a fairly even fight. I suggested taking the Germans, as they had it a little easier, but she refused to play "those Nazi's like you always do" and took the Allied side.

Well, thinks went all right for a while, but the tank duel went poorly, and soon enough her poor infantry company was getting shelled and machine gunned. She was horrified, traumatized actually, by the panicked screams of her pixel men. She really couldn't take the sound effects, and recalls the experience with horror to this day.

Testament to its realism I suppose...

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I find it hard to believe that enough of you wierdos have been allowed to relate to the opposite sex. Actually, I find it disturbing that even the most backwards, deranged, alcoholic, halitosis-ridden nonces in the whole of creation can find more comfort in their lives than Madam Palm and her Five Lovely Daughters.

I'm also concerned that MG-42 is starting to sound rather alot like MasterGoodale, who, although he clearly has time to post and has been allowed to play on the computer by the all-powerful MrsGoodale, is too traumatised by the "can-'o-whoopass" I have opened up to send me a turn!!

As for my wenchlet, she tolerates my CM habit and now makes sure she brings a book when she comes over to see me, which I think is a good sign. She shows not the slightest interest in the game, describing me as 'sad', 'spod', 'wierdo', and my co-members of MasterGoodale's Thread of Cheery Waffle as "that bunch of friendless nitwits" - and it would be wrong to tell her how right she is.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I'm also concerned that MG-42 is starting to sound rather alot like MasterGoodale,

Oh My God!!! :eek: :eek:

I think your right....Nothing has touched the deepest, darkest depths of my inner self like Combat Mission. Only when I am transported to the Eastern Front and completely immersed in the sights and sounds of battle does my pounding heart surge blood through my pulsing veins and make me feel ALIVE.

I am destined to spend every day in this living hell, because without Combat Mission there is nothing...an existence devoid of any purpose or meaning.

Goddamn you BFC..Goddamn you to Hell!!!!! :mad:


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