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Using Canister on the Peng Challenge: Too Hollywood or just a Good Idea?

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THE RULES then, short and sweet:

S) Go away.

O) Go even further away.

D) {***sigh***} If you’re still reading this, you’re still too close. But if you insist, PAY ATTENTION!, or go away.

O) This is the Peng Challenge. Challenge someone SPECIFIC, just make sure it’s not Peng. Try a newbie SSN such as yourself, not a Knigget or an Old One. If you don’t know what a SSN, Knigget, or Old One is, go away.

F) The key word being CHALLENGE, sound off like you have inherited a pair from someone other than your pet hamster. If you can’t manage this, go away.

F) Do not sound off about your pair. Try to act like you have a modicum of wit, style and panache OR Half of a Brain. If you won’t keep this thought in your Half of a Brain, we will boot it to the other Half, and you will go away.

!) If you have any questions at all, post absolutely NOTHING! We will get back to you at our earliest inconvenience. And go away (are you starting to see a trend here?).

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Yeah, for some reason I always figured you were a perv...

For SOME reason? That would seem to imply that the choices were limited whereas we ALL know that they are infinite. dalem can be a perv while singing hymns in church ... in fact that's where he's at his best ... perv wise.

And that doesn't even get into the fact that he's beating me in our game ... the perv.


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Ladies and pond scum of the cess pool,

It is time we bring back a fine tradition of the cess pool. [no bauhaus , not that]..

The * of shame.

Yes, the * of shame, formerly given out to anyone beaten by Peng ....since Peng only comes here when he is sober [which is why you NEVER see him post], i hearby bring forth for general vote the following amendment

1. The * of shame be now awarded to anyone stupid...err...unlucky enough to lose to no other then

wait for it

Joe Shaw

Yes, he of the dodging of moves...he of the 100-0 against him...he of the abuse of power...errr justicar.

So...all those who favor marking the loser of a battle with Joebob 'The Mormon Wife Hunter' Shaw with the asterick of shame, please signify by insulting Joebob


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by rune:

<font size=-1>Ladies and pond scum of the cess pool,</font>

You called?

<font size=-1>So...all those who favor marking the loser of a battle with Joebob 'The Mormon Wife Hunter' Shaw with the asterisk of shame, please signify by insulting Joebob</font>
Frog-in-a-bucket-time, eh? Ok, gimme that bat... hold on a second now...

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<font size=-1>And that doesn't even get into the fact that he's beating me in our game ... the perv.</font>

You mean you actually returned a turn? Or is it really true that just STARTING a game is enough to lose it for you these days?
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Originally posted by rune:

Ladies and pond scum of the cess pool,

It is time we bring back a fine tradition of the cess pool. [no bauhaus , not that]..

The * of shame.

Yes, the * of shame, formerly given out to anyone beaten by Peng ....since Peng only comes here when he is sober [which is why you NEVER see him post], i hearby bring forth for general vote the following amendment

1. The * of shame be now awarded to anyone stupid...err...unlucky enough to lose to no other then

wait for it

Joe Shaw

Yes, he of the dodging of moves...he of the 100-0 against him...he of the abuse of power...errr justicar.

So...all those who favor marking the loser of a battle with Joebob 'The Mormon Wife Hunter' Shaw with the asterick of shame, please signify by insulting Joebob


And THIS from Rune? He who would post here more often but for that pesky memory problem that prevents him from remembering just what it is that Bookmarks do? He whose very name is synonymous (or at least HOMOnymous ... not that there's anything wrong with that) with that which is battered and useless? He whose claim to fame was getting ONE wheel off the ground in IL-2 and calling it close enough? He who kept dropping into the Roger Wilco chat with half thoughts because he kept getting confused about the "Press to Talk" function?

Oh yeah ... he's a FINE one to be speaking of such things. Besides, there AIN'T no website to keep track of such things and BESIDES BESIDES a True Knight of the CessPool (of which you clearly AIN'T one) cares not about such things as wins and losses.


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Originally posted by rune:

So...all those who favor marking the loser of a battle with Joebob 'The Mormon Wife Hunter' Shaw with the asterick of shame, please signify by insulting Joebob

As if anyone needs a reason to take a poke at Mr. "damn near stationary, because I can't move any faster" Shaw. Almost too easy to be any fun. Almost.

And, from Lorak's site:

"Since Losses are really all that matters, and due to the fact that the Pool isn't meant to be some sort of cheep groggy ladder, only loses will be displayed below."

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh yeah ... he's a FINE one to be speaking of such things. Besides, there AIN'T no website to keep track of such things and BESIDES BESIDES a True Knight of the CessPool (of which you clearly AIN'T one) cares not about such things as wins and losses.

So, you see, Mr."make up the rules as I go, and nevermind they contradict last week", There is a website. It's just poorly maintained, much like your hygiene. Losses do matter, just not wins. Not that you'd know about them, from what I hear.

Oh, and Lars? The rules you posted may be classic, but they stink as much as your foxpee, and are likely just as effective.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

So...all those who favor marking the loser of a battle with Joebob 'The Mormon Wife Hunter' Shaw with the asterick of shame, please signify by insulting Joebob

As if anyone needs a reason to take a poke at Mr. "damn near stationary, because I can't move any faster" Shaw. Almost too easy to be any fun. Almost.

And, from Lorak's site:

"Since Losses are really all that matters, and due to the fact that the Pool isn't meant to be some sort of cheep groggy ladder, only loses will be displayed below."

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh yeah ... he's a FINE one to be speaking of such things. Besides, there AIN'T no website to keep track of such things and BESIDES BESIDES a True Knight of the CessPool (of which you clearly AIN'T one) cares not about such things as wins and losses.

So, you see, Mr."make up the rules as I go, and nevermind they contradict last week", There is a website. It's just poorly maintained, much like your hygiene. Losses do matter, just not wins. Not that you'd know about them, from what I hear.

Oh, and Lars? The rules you posted may be classic, but they stink as much as your foxpee, and are likely just as effective. </font>

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Oh oooh, guess whose fascist pigdog sojers just ate a bucketful of canister shot? I'll give you a hint: Leaker.

Ah, who am I kidding. I couldn't possibly bring myself to demeaning the cute cuddly little Poodler by actually beating him the first time we play. Especially not since he write sooo nice little AARs.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Ha! I knew it! You still haven't said anything about the "*" thing. Therefore, you must want to keep records of both losses and wins. Our very own (i.e. no one else would have him) Old Foul Joe is actually in favor of posting wins. There you have it folks.

Shaw is a Closet Ladder Player. Add it to your sig, you are the CLaP.

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Somebody call Berli and see if hell is getting a bit chilly, because I got moves from Seanachai AND Shaw today.

All I need now is to have Peng show up on my doorstep telling me he's collecting for UNICEF, and I'll know for sure it's the end times.

(On a side note, I also got a move from that slacker R_Leete, who seems to be trying to become the next Hiram when it comes to moving at a snail's pace. Well, slow is as slow does.)

(Edited to say that OGSF is a big, smelly, pitted out GIRLS BLOUSE!

[ June 25, 2003, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Somebody call Berli and see if hell is getting a bit chilly, because I got moves from Seanachai AND Shaw today.

All I need now is to have Peng show up on my doorstep telling me he's collecting for UNICEF, and I'll know for sure it's the end times.

(On a side note, I also got a move from that slacker R_Leete, who seems to be trying to become the next Hiram when it comes to moving at a snail's pace. Well, slow is as slow does.)

(Edited to say that OGSF is a big, smelly, pitted out GIRLS BLOUSE!

Calm down a minute. It's clear that you've only been drinking.

Oh, and send me a frikken (friggen, firkin) turn.

I'm ready to die in the cold snow.

Bastige pretender to eptitude.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Ha! I knew it! You still haven't said anything about the "*" thing. Therefore, you must want to keep records of both losses and wins. Our very own (i.e. no one else would have him) Old Foul Joe is actually in favor of posting wins. There you have it folks.

Shaw is a Closet Ladder Player. Add it to your sig, you are the CLaP. </font>

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Originally posted by rune:

So...all those who favor marking the loser of a battle with Joebob 'The Mormon Wife Hunter' Shaw with the asterick of shame, please signify by insulting Joebob

Joe Shaw

There, that's about the most insulting comment I can make.


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Originally posted by Elvis:


Dear lovely Elvis.

Nice to see your regular post on page one.

Now about that QB YOU SET UP ! Now a QB is a real test of skill. So you being a lot short in that department, set it up so you couldn't lose. The fact that the mud bogged / immobilised half my armour saved your sorry arse. I would have rolled you like a marble all the way back to the urals.

YOU set it up, with your AI pick of various parameters AND your poxy pick of 3,431,309 CRATERS, and that was just the big ones....

PLUS the feckin' MUD ! No wonder you only had two qb's, the first one was a beach landing and you forgot your boats. This one was a short turn mud bath, and you left your waders home.


Sigh....it's hard work, really.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

CM is a simple game. You load the turn, you play the turn, you send the turn.


I would like to take a wood burning tool and inscribe that in reverse on your huge, sloped forehead, so that every time you looked into the mirror, in the scant seconds before your repulsive visage shattered said mirror, you would see those words and perhaps, just perhaps that with repeated viewings it would slowly begin to sink into that thick, reinforced skull of yours and you'd begin to practice what you preach!

I'll be looking forward to your next move, coming sometime in mid July, no doubt.

p.s. Insult Joe? Sure, why not? Joe Shaw ASPIRES to be equal to a Minnesotan.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Oh, and Lars? The rules you posted may be classic, but they stink as much as your foxpee, and are likely just as effective.

I have a perfect record when it comes to Rules. Haven't had a SSN read or comprehend them yet. If I bothered to sit down, write the Magnum Opus of Rules, it still wouldn't sink in to their impervious little pointy skulls. So why bother?

But I like your idea of squirting fox pee on them. Maybe then we wouldn't notice them so much. Even if it doesn't work, it would still be the perfect greeting. Worth a shot. Keep a eye out for the next one...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Send smutty birthday cards to your in-laws.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

So...all those who favor marking the loser of a battle with Joebob 'The Mormon Wife Hunter' Shaw with the asterick of shame, please signify by insulting Joebob

Joe Shaw

There, that's about the most insulting comment I can make.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

CM is a simple game. You load the turn, you play the turn, you send the turn.


I would like to take a wood burning tool and inscribe that in reverse on your huge, sloped forehead, so that every time you looked into the mirror, in the scant seconds before your repulsive visage shattered said mirror, you would see those words and perhaps, just perhaps that with repeated viewings it would slowly begin to sink into that thick, reinforced skull of yours and you'd begin to practice what you preach!

I'll be looking forward to your next move, coming sometime in mid July, no doubt.

p.s. Insult Joe? Sure, why not? Joe Shaw ASPIRES to be equal to a Minnesotan. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The waters, salt so you can't drink it, teem with Great White Sharks and jellyfish ... JELLYFISH for the love of ME ... that can bloody well kill you and I've surrounded the whole continent with a deadly coral reef that's so big I can see it from my living room.

Keeps the daft buggers from getting out.

Gawd is indeed merciful.

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