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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Pillock...and misc rantings

and could MrSpkr be the next Erin Brockovich?

Toxic Torts!?! I'm telling you you can't make this stuff up!! And how many lawyers do you have in that mega firm? And how many offices? BTW When was the last time you were let out of the library to shower?

[ May 22, 2003, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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Originally posted by jdmorse:

....and doesn't MrSpkr's Office look a bit phallic to you? I guess he is over compensating again.


It's a space shuttle in disguise.

I really need to update my office profile, but why bother? I'm leaving the firm for more money and less hours next Friday.

ALthough it will be harder to hide in a firm of two attorneys as opposed to one with 400+.


[ May 22, 2003, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Oh yeah -- Malapropism, send the link to me. Don't post it here for now.

Tell me please, how did you pass the bar without being able to read?

I never said it was out on the web somewhere. It was on Lindan's site, where I found it. I took the precaution of copying it to my hard drive, in case, say, his site disappeared one day.

If this makes me the lone preserver of the original thread, I'll be mighty tickled.

And of course it will cost you...I accept cash or whisky.

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Geez....Dueling Lawyers, now there's some...*yawn*...excitement!

Where's Elvis when ya need him?

Oh well:


By the way, according to my research, the three Olde Ones are predated by:

THE Olde One, which is of course, Elvis, the true King.

I'm thinking Pete Best here.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by jdmorse:

<font size=-1>Boo you ignorant slut.........

Obvious that the lineage has de-voled</font>

Very important to de-vole the lineage. Don't want the public to know that you've got voles for ancestors. I mean, US Senators are barely past "man-on-dog" right now. "Man-on-vole" is still a step too far. Sweep that nasty little spot of family history under the carpet for another century or so.

But most I just like saying "Boo you ignorant slut". I'm practising it in case his beast-killers actually manage to hit my poor widdle Tiger. That would suck, in a very "blew my turret clean off" kind of way.

In other Gamey Updates:

Papa Khann's armored expeditionary force has stalled short of the flag. He's lost a lot of clankety things in the middle, a handful on the left, and a lot more on the right. My gunners are counting the rounds left in their ready-racks and wondering where the hell their air support went to. Luckily my anti-tank rifles have lots of ammo left and are competing to see who can ventilate the most halftracks.

chrisl has sent at least one turn since the last gamey update, so we might actually finish this one by christmas. My fanatical Italian attackers have closed to grenade range across the board. For my next trick I'll get the pasta-eating surrender-monkeys to fix bayonets.

dalem has begun his rescue mission in the ruins of Stalingrad, trying to reach the library before I overrun it. I'm relying on the fact that he's never visited a library in his life and wouldn't know what to do if he ever found one.

Finally, I could swear I heard more squeaking in here earlier, but it seems to have shut up now. Did that kung-fu action-fighting donkey step on it?

[ May 22, 2003, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Oh, and stop slumming with the Goodale folks. Seanachai may be soft on squires, but *BOOT* *BOOT* *BOOT* I'm not.




There seems to be some confusion (which runs rampant on this thread) regarding my status.

I am NOT a Squire of Anybody!

Instead I am a free Serf (heard but not seen) with the ability to roam the boards freely to partake of all that is offered.

This is as it should be.

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Originally posted by jdmorse:

Nice mythology MrBoggs but unfortunetly it has all the veracity of the National Enquirer. The MBT emerged like Zeus from the Titans forehead, aka Seanachi's during a drunken orgiastic excess from which he has never awoke. I am afraid all of this is the butterfly's dreams.

Should the Gnome sober up we dear heart shall prove to be ephemeral and oh so very transient.

Have a nice day.

'S truth, you know. Every morning I get up, have a beer, and re-create the Universe.

You lot are the result of when I oversleep, and have to do a shoddy job to get up to speed.

The General Forum is what happens when I have intestinal flu.

[ May 22, 2003, 04:18 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

There seems to be some confusion (which runs rampant on this thread) regarding my status.

I am NOT a Squire of Anybody!

Instead I am a free Serf (heard but not seen) with the ability to roam the boards freely to partake of all that is offered.

This is as it should be.

Shaw and I will fix this when he gets back. Obiously you need order, direction, and the regular boot.

I can't believe anything would, by choice, go into the Goodale threads.

Well, except Soddball, but he's a limey. It's different for them. Loss of Empire unhinged the buggers completely and now they seem to revel in degradation.

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If serf he be....and by choice partakes of

Grrrrr :mad:
the unboldened is his state. Mr. Boggs (unboldened and returned to the proles) disregard my taking notice of you. It was a mistake and shall not happen again.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Obiously you need order, direction, and the regular boot.

I can't believe anything would, by choice, go into the Goodale threads.

It was the Penguins that put me over the edge. Day after day, post after post Penguin after Penguin

Isn't this obious?

[ May 22, 2003, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I can't believe anything would, by choice, go into the Goodale threads.

Well, except Soddball, but he's a limey. It's different for them. Loss of Empire unhinged the buggers completely and now they seem to revel in degradation.

My name being taken in vain again, is it?

We of the Cheery Waffle thread know our place. Ours is not the witty banter, the incessant, screamingly dull Monty Python references.

Ours is the fresh, copulating, steaming horse-poo joke.

Less funny, but more :mad:

If you're not nice to us, we'll tell MasterGoodale in here to talk to you.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

There seems to be some confusion (which runs rampant on this thread) regarding my status.

I am NOT a Squire of Anybody!

Instead I am a free Serf (heard but not seen) with the ability to roam the boards freely to partake of all that is offered.

This is as it should be.

Shaw and I will fix this when he gets back. Obiously you need order, direction, and the regular boot.

I can't believe anything would, by choice, go into the Goodale threads.

Well, except Soddball, but he's a limey. It's different for them. Loss of Empire unhinged the buggers completely and now they seem to revel in degradation. </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

I am NOT a Squire of Anybody!

Nor, hopefully, will you be

Instead I am a free Serf
Boggs, you really are an idiot. A serf, by definition, is not free. You owe service to just aboot everyone... though I give you permission to tell Boo to sod off
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Dear Jim Booger,

Stop sucking up ya damned newbie. You're worse than that other suck up newbie Joe Newbie.

My "Wankers." is on page one. Stare at it as long and as often as you need.

If you are trying to score a game against me then just send a bloody set up file.

As I was telling M'lady Emma the other night it is dalem that I would really like to play. He has always struck me as a person with a sharp wit and evil mind...even if he is a dirty smelly hippy.



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Since none of you gamey whore-sons has had the decency to send me a turn, it's time once again to chronicle your shameful conduct-in-progress.

Niddy: Aren't you supposed to be attacking? Why are all your T-34s belching oily, black smoke, while the panzers advance? Didn't the Russians steamroll the defenders in the real battle of Seelow Heights?

Horty: Isn't this a meeting engagement? Why do I have a battalion sitting on the flags while your men seem to be wandering aimlessly in that village?

Booby: Congrats, buddy, you traded two platoons of light tanks and two T-34s for a PzII. You're improving.

Nobby: My RVs will destroy you.

Elvis: You know, my email automatically numbers the turns as they come in, since there's already a file by that name in the attachment directory. I have to unnumber them to satisfy that sick fetish of yours. Oh, and you seem to be losing. Badly.

Pondscum: I noticed I am not currently enjoying the pleasure of kicking your teeth in. If you're not too busy doing the grimmacing ankle grab for your other opponents, feel free to send along a setup. Anything will do.

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Jim Booger,

Stop sucking up ya damned newbie. You're worse than that other suck up newbie Joe Newbie.

My "Wankers." is on page one. Stare at it as long and as often as you need.

If you are trying to score a game against me then just send a bloody set up file.

As I was telling M'lady Emma the other night it is dalem that I would really like to play. He has always struck me as a person with a sharp wit and evil mind...even if he is a dirty smelly hippy.



Elvis ... I'd suggest you stick with Wankers ... better to be suspected of being a complete idiot than to post more than that and remove all doubt.


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Originally posted by Soddball:

If you're not nice to us, we'll tell MasterGoodale in here to talk to you.

You mean he can actually converse?

Last time I checked that thread out it was full of little red faces.... and the language!!!!!

Reading posts were one guy is telling another that he is going to spill his molten white lava where the sun don't shine, and what's more actually enjoy doing it!!!

More sad than funny really...

Keep him where he belongs, we don't want that sort in here thank you very much.... :mad:

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