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A Peng Challenge Thread Coronation: Film of the Rioting at 11

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

By this scale, as another example, I would not visit Brazil, because they have very large insects, and they do not speak English.

You are a fool. Brazilian women are hhhhhhhhhhhot!

I would visit Brazil in a heartbeat, if I had a reason.

And if I spoke Portuguese.

You are a fool.

I like typing that.

You are a fool.

You are a fool.

You are a fool.

You were never too cool for school

You forget to wipe up your drool

You resemble the business end of a mule

but most of all

You are a fool.

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Originally posted by Croda:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:


I may (or may not - my preference you slack-ass) be requesting games and doling out bushels of misery in the very near future.

The line to begin larnin' yer lessins begins here:


And the line forms right behind me. </font>
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I blame Berli. I would blame Seanachai but he's really too simpleminded to come up with THIS grandious a scheme. No, it has Berli writ all over it.

It started just about the time that Meeks (nb) (may his name be uttered only just prior to gobbets of blood streaked phlem hitting the ground) was to be coronated.

I had only just returned home, indeed I was walking up to my door after returning from the airport, when I noticed three large boxes on the doorstep. All were from my company and could only be ... HUZZAH ... my brand new laptop! Granted to be used for business only but still a new laptop is a new laptop isn't it. I tore the boxes open and was savoring the smell of "new computer" whilst opening my email on my old and soon to be discarded laptop.

Act The First: Oh ... DRAT! Now it appears that I may NOT after all be able to use the new laptop as the company may, through some IT/Corporate hocus-pocus, spirit it away and replace it with a USED laptop. This puzzle not to be decided until Monday ... when I was leaving for Phoenix.

Act the Second: Oh ... DRAT! Meeks (nb) is coronated and my career in the CessPool is a shambles. The only honorable thing is to resign and take up the Outlaw life! Already you can almost hear Berli chuckling in the background can't you. The hated and despised Justicar GONE and soon to be hunted like an animal. Ah well ... at least I had the new laptop and ... HUZZAH! ... the emails came to me in Phoenix that it was indeed to be mine and I could begin the migration of data from the old to the new.

Act the Third: I returned in triumph from a successful trip to Phoenix and immediately sat down to transfer files twixt and tween the two. Hmmmm, let's start with a full backup says I. But wait, the Zip Drive keeps cranking away at this one stupid file, it's clearly mine as it has MY initials and an oddly familiar but yet unfamiliar extension of ... .pst! Wonder what could be THAT large ... must be causing the machine to lock up or something. I know ... I'll just delete it ... and, to be complete about it, I'll also empty the recycle bin. But wait ... now I have three Zip Drive disks full of that worthless .pst file ... best erase them as well eh, make a complete job of it.

Good job Joe, now the backup goes ever so much faster. Now let's be about copying and transferring the emails shall we ... but wait ... what's this ... NO EMAILS! No emails at all since ... well since ... FOREVER! .pst ... OH DRAT!

So you see ... I blame Berli. If I hadn't been distracted by this Meeks (nb) business I'd have remembered you see.

He WILL pay ... you'll see.

The Outlaw Justicar Strikes Again!

Justicar, Justicar, teeth are clenched in rage,

Justicar, Justicar, total war he'll wage,

Emails gone bye bye, Berli's butt will fry,

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar

Meeks (nb) too, but I'm actually starting to despise him less given the depth of my hatred toward Berli. But still ...



[ January 25, 2003, 12:22 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:


I may (or may not - my preference you slack-ass) be requesting games and doling out bushels of misery in the very near future.

The line to begin larnin' yer lessins begins here:


And the line forms right behind me. </font>
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Originally posted by Croda:


I may (or may not - my preference you slack-ass) be requesting games and doling out bushels of misery in the very near future.

The line to begin larnin' yer lessins begins here:


What's that? The line on your skivvies?

I am sorry to inform my ass is not slack and I don't much care if it's your preference or not, you may not have it.

You may not have it in the car.

You may not have it in the bar.

You may not touch it from afar.

You may not have it, Croda you are.

Just step in here periodically swinging bushel baskets, talking of ass, reeking of cheap vodka (or is it the other way around) and expecting everyone to Kowtow. I think not! Two lousy sentences, Bah.

However, keep talking that misery stuff, and I think we'll all find our inner Croda. Can't believe the gubment would outlaw cig's but allow that.

[ January 25, 2003, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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I see....

The MBT headed for Page two.

Gits. So time for a rescue by Gamey Updates.

MrSpkr: My boys are stalwart, his guns are legion. I will prevail because he's an awful poopoo head.

Vadr: What hasss Hube got in itss pocketsesss, eh My Precioussss? Are the tankss crunchy? Are they scrumptiouss, hmmm? Gollum!

Joe: He sends turns like Don Rickles sends "Missing You" cards, i.e. never.

Lars: Presently rolling over me like a spoonfull of dark ink in a wave tank.

OGSF: 30 guys in a trench held off an entire German Panzer Division for a half hour. It was glorious! Now if he would only send the final turns we could start another.

Egbert: Trees! Trees! Trees everywhere! &^%$# AI pathfinding can't stick to the *&^%$ road! RUNE! WE HATES IT FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

Speedbump: Look up the word "a-whompin'" in the dictionary and you'll see a screenshot of this one. If Sov gunners shot like this in every battle the Germans never would have made it past the railheads. Seeing all that German scrap metal pointing smokey fingers to the sky in sad defiance of my persiflagellity just makes me happy.

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What ho? I'm away for a few months, and just look at the shambles this sty has become (used to be a right proper sort of sty, it was). Well no matter.

SomeNachos, I believe you owe me turns. No matter that you already sent them and, being a dolt of magnificent proportions, I lost them. The point is, you rascal, it's been weeks (or days?) since I asked you to resend those files, and I've heard nary a peep from your pursed lips. While this normally would be cause for celebration, I am desirous of the opportunity to complete your humiliation and put you out of your misery. Despite the fact that you may be winning.... So hop to it, lad. Resend. Resend, and we shall recommence.

Joe, I honestly don't recall where we're at in our game. If I wasn't such a shiftless lout, I'd boot up CM:BB and load the last file to find out if we've finished or if you owe me a turn. Then again, I'm guessing that this approach will annoy the heck out of you, so thus shall it be. Which side was I again?

Lard, tell your cousin you'll call back later and send me a turn.

R_Leete, well, are you or aren't you? If you are, by all means, no more moonscapes!

As luck would have it, I have time to fit one new game into my schedule. And who better to align in my crosshair than everyone's favorite lackey, Boo_Rattly. Boo, front and center! Don't shirk, lad. You're the one. Why yes, you'll do nicely. Indeed, Boo, that face of yours was meant to appear on targeting reticles. Not to mention Post Office walls.

I suppose we ought to have some sort of terms for this duel, eh? Cutlasses at dawn, that sort of thing. Suffice to say, Boo, that you can satisfy me by sending a list of scenarios you've yet to play (note, Boo, that this does not mean yet to play well... I don't want the entire scenario list dumped into my in-box), or a QB setup. Nothing too large, mind you. I don't want to expend much energy doling out a good drubbing on you.


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Oh, that reminds me

Quest for the anointed armoured car


Lt Hortlund vs Mike




(I dont know how else to put it really. Yes, he tried to put up a fight...for about three turns, then he surrendered to my mighty cars {Romanian captured BA-10s} so...much like Caesar...I claim victory -against a pitifully weak opponent, yes -but nevertheless a victory)

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Originally posted by Croda:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:


I may (or may not - my preference you slack-ass) be requesting games and doling out bushels of misery in the very near future.

The line to begin larnin' yer lessins begins here:


And the line forms right behind me. </font>
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

As luck would have it, I have time to fit one new game into my schedule. And who better to align in my crosshair than everyone's favorite lackey, Boo_Rattly. Boo, front and center! Don't shirk, lad. You're the one. Why yes, you'll do nicely. Indeed, Boo, that face of yours was meant to appear on targeting reticles. Not to mention Post Office walls.

I suppose we ought to have some sort of terms for this duel, eh? Cutlasses at dawn, that sort of thing. Suffice to say, Boo, that you can satisfy me by sending a list of scenarios you've yet to play (note, Boo, that this does not mean yet to play well... I don't want the entire scenario list dumped into my in-box), or a QB setup. Nothing too large, mind you. I don't want to expend much energy doling out a good drubbing on you.


Oh, look who sasheyed back into town. Get paroled early, did you?

Well, it's good that you're back because I was talking to my doctor the other day and he told me that I need more idiots in my life and well, here you are.

Scenario, eh? Maybe it would like something that I've been working on in my spare time, eh Preciousssss? With many clankety things and oodles of squishy things, yessssss?

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

the back is left open, meaning a well placed explosion at the back will render it obsolete.

Your tactical musings... they amuse me. But more amused would I be to see you tied up in a burlap sack and flung from a flatbed onto the freeway. At rush hour. Would you do that for me? Could you? Three cameras would be enough: one on the truck, one on the car behind and one little one stuck to your forehead. Pack that third one in tough stuff, like the black box in airliners.

If that's too much to ask, perhaps closed circuit video of you drowning yourself in a locker room shower with a well-placed barrier of stacked lockers between me and any hope of your rescue?

Or perhaps you could visit a glory hole attached to an aquarium full of piranhas? Would that render you obsolete?

I hope to find the video in my mailbox promptly... barring that, at the very least provide an armored car duel set-up.

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Dalem's been busy making a lot of posts and annoying the neighbours (not that that's a bad thing). But in majority of them he makes extensive use of prose.


I'm glad you asked - He's stopped taking his medication!!!

Contact your political representative, lobby for new regulations. We must get Dalem back on his medication immediately, preferably long-term sleeping tablets.


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The fact that you beat me on that egg-carton of a map means nothing. I will be happy to hand you the piece of your ass I saved before.

As for Egg-Shen and Malheureusement, I've never heard of you and wouldn't remember your names if you plumetted from atop a 50 story building and made modern art at my feet.

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Originally posted by Croda:


I like you:

Well, there you have it.



Stop making cow eyes at me! Your caperings in my general direction are better suited to an organ grinder's monkey. An employment opportunity you can only aspire to.

You smell as if you exude your own cheese.

Send me a set up or be known as a mincing wearer of big frilly bonnets.

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