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I Started A New Peng Thread And All I got Was This Lousy Hunk Of Cess.....

Guest Madmatt

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Lorak in that case I plan to use UBER gamey tactics. wink.gif

Hammie your turn is in the mail also.

I am like Windows OS I can multi-task, the difference is that I work


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

Continue flinging excrement without me.

Hiram, it's not the same without you. Excrement seems so... wasted, without you here to target. None of us ever wore it better.

Please, won't you come back home?

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Originally posted by Lorak:

..wipe away the foul stuff, but before he realized it, He had wiped his head compleatly Bald and his....

hands started burning, and his arms ached somefink terrible. Not one to be defeated by a simple glob of goo, Madmatt took a tube of Goo-Be-Gone and...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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MarkedVIDeath your vaguely worded response was nevertheless well received and your all random probing will be in the mail shortly.

Hamsters if you will read back a few threads ago when your other self decided that it might be time to be added to my list of “Bitches Most Recently Slapped”, it is the collective you and not I who must generate the setup. Suckers walk remember?

Problems continue for some and I have been unable to get turns sent through successfully to Speedy, Elvis and Peng and a couple of non-poolers. Must be some Pennsyltucky thing or the few flakes of snow you wussies keep crying about on CNN.

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

You really don't understand how stupid this is, do you? It isn't funny, it isn't interesting and it brands you as a moron.

Oh bite me you pitiful little rodent. Who pissed in your alfalfa pellets this morning to put you in such a foul rancor? I have some faint news for you... We are not here to entertain you...

So please shut yer hole and keep those annoying little squeaking noises to yourself.

Why don't you just go hide in a corner of your Habitrail and leave the rest of us alone?

Or better yet, go get your little hamster butt (BAUHAUS, Attack!) a few hundred hours on your exercise wheel until you keel over from a heart attack, and leave the world a better place?

And just for fun, my fun, a quote.



To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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All your thread are belong to Peng!


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Thanks for that comment, doo-doo head. We believe in equal rights for doo-doo heads and will now happily enter into PBEM with you, dear doo-doo head.

Is that a taunt or did my dog just fart again? If you want to be my CM Friend you gots to be meaner than that. C'mon, you know you have it in you...



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Originally posted by Lorak:

Found a picture and figured they had to be a CM player.

THE NEWEST CM MOD (which happens to be a bottle opener attached to the side of a PC)

Redundant technology - In a highly enlightened and civilised country like Australia, we have dispensed with the bottle opener and have introduced the twist-top (but to be honest, I find opening a beer bottle with a quick rap of the neck against a solid edge to be just as effective)!


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I have HUGE midterm to study for this Friday so there will be NO Combat Mission for me. Thus, pray tell what does that mean for my opponents?

You are gonna have to fricken wait for your turns! Allright???!

And if it isn't allright *cough*Meeks*cough* then all I have to say is tough crappola!

I am severely stressed (Yes, even more then usual) so don't flippen mess with me! Allright!

Now blow!


P.S. Crud-da you get the "big ass" setup I sent? Most likely it will take you until this weekend to get it back to me.


[This message has been edited by Shandorf (edited 03-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by Pheel my Phanny:

I just stopped by to say "Hi". Glad to see all you cesspoolers are having a good time.

Continue flinging excrement without me.

well la de fecking da, sounds to me as some reborn Hiram here is all soft and says.. HI.. how cute, how *BUaaaaHH* oh.. I hear industrial cleaner will get that vomit off your shoes.

well Herzlich und Gluewunch, a new peng thread made by the one and only bald eagle Matt man of no taste . I tell you this guy is a… [edit by Mad Matt] a real nice guy, has lots of parties and is a chick magnet, I'll let mensch live and not ban him on the note he makes me laugh, this is your last warning mensch [/edit by Mad Matt] …and thats the reason why he has to go to the doctors every Friday!!



www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by stevetherat:

What part do you have Mace?

I have the chicken breast, with roast potato, pumpkin, peas, and lashings of gravy!

Why do you ask?


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-07-2001).]

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What a sorry lot you are.

I go ahead and create brand new glorious Peng thread, and in Peng's own home, and you ignore it. Then PeterLoZer comes in and starts his piece of crap to try to draw attention from my work of art. And what do you all do? You chase down the nearest thread started by a moderator. A Peng Thread started by a Moderator? What disruption in the Space-Time Continuum could have caused such anarchy to ensue? Lemmings. You are all lemmings.

I cast a miriad of dispersions down on this thread! My one, true, and rightful successor thread sits in Meeksian exile while you sissies deign give audience to this worthless glob of oyster snot, Priest. What a sad and sorry lot. Thrice and thricely I say bah, bah, and BAH to you all! My disposition shall be quite foul until the pure lineage of my Pennsylvania thread is recognized, and the contemtible usurping harlot that is this Lousy Hunk of Cess is cast down and cast away.


Woot! - Maximus2k

The New CessPool

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Originally posted by dalem:

Is that a taunt or did my dog just fart again? If you want to be my CM Friend you gots to be meaner than that. C'mon, you know you have it in you...

You horse's ass, how many months have you been complaining that we wouldn't give you a game? The offer is rescinded, we hope you rot.

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Originally posted by Croda:

What a sorry lot you are.

I go ahead and create brand new glorious Peng thread, and in Peng's own home, and you ignore it. And what do you all do? You chase down the nearest thread started by a moderator. A Peng Thread started by a Moderator? What disruption in the Space-Time Continuum could have caused such anarchy to ensue? Lemmings. You are all lemmings.

Well, it's not a Moderator as such, it's Madmatt. I don't know about you, but when large, bald, crazy people tell me to play over there, I generally go where pointed. Things are just easier that way. So stop whinging. You're doing well in our PBEM, I'd think that would make you happy. Now that I've seen a cross-section of most of Germany's Uber-tanks, when will you be bringing the King Tigers out? What are you saving them for, the clean-up? Or is your sense of shame kicking in, and you're holding them on the edge of the map, ready to sneak them off so you won't have to admit you bought them as well (unless, of course, things go against you, when you'll throw shame to the hamsters, and rush them into battle)? Still, I shouldn't complain. You did actually buy a couple of regular Panzer IVs. They were used as the decoys, of course, to discover my Cromwells and other such historically and commonly used AFVs. wink.gif


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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What a sorry gaggle of of putrid puss sucking butt pirates. You can't even figure out how to start a new thread with any kind of unity. About time Madmatt stepped in and got you organized.


Seanachai: No reply? I guess that places you in the yammering, trivial kinniget bucket with Mace. *sigh* Are you so deeply ensconced in the vermin infested dwellings of your precious murderapolis that you can see nothing beyond the high-rises? Send me a set-up and we’ll battle over the right to be labeled a true Minnesotan. Fear of the unknown has no place in the frozen North. Pull up your boot straps son, I will extract my victory with speed and elan so as to minimize your suffering.

Germanboy: You are apparently trying to fool everyone into believing you truly reside in the Rhienland. Although you may share a cardboard box with the other erstwhile emigrants outside the Berlin zoo it should be noted that it takes more than that to achieve citizenship. Do you even own the game? Did the librarian allow you to load it on one of their PC’s? Given that you do indeed have access to play and are not just a surfing pretender allow me to join the long, long, long line of opponents who crush your feeble attempts to maneuver on the silicon battlefield. Stop staring into the bottom of that empty fest mug and answer the challenge you fauler Hund von dem Ost.

Kitty: You’ve been had. That photo Mace sent is of Sonny Bono at the Oscars in 74.

Berlichtingen: Set-up will arrive tonight.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

...So stop whinging

Just thought I'd highlight that gross spelling error.

As for the KTs, they need about 2 more turns to get completely behind you. Nice that you consider Tigers, Hetzers, and Panthers historically unrepresented vehicles, though. Makes me feel like I'm giving to a charity. Speaking of charity, your little tea-club in the center won't get any from me, and don't think I don't see the cowardly mass you have off hiding to my left. I'm waiting to kill them later because I enjoy the big explosions I get from killing your tanks, of which that Stuart is the luckies AFV ever to take the field. Gamey bastich.


Woot! - Maximus2k

The New CessPool

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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Kitty: You’ve been had. That photo Mace sent is of Sonny Bono at the Oscars in 74.

No, sir. I'm afraid you are the one who's been had. It was unanimously decided the photo is indeed the porn GOD, Ron Jeremy.



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The McNoldy Group

[This message has been edited by Kitty (edited 03-07-2001).]

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