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Go tell the Outerboards, Stranger,That Here Obedient to Their Laws We Challenged Peng

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Harken young ones, wannbes, gits and scum sucking newbies and drive by psuedo poolettes. harken to the old days when it all began. 10,000 kalpas, rebirths beyond measure has the Mutha Beautiul Thread shed her bounty. Savor the words, feel the awe.....your fore-fathers walked amongest giants and once were warriors....

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The immortal challenge

Errr. Seanechai, SenileTea? (that is the best I can make of your apparently celtocryllic name) I have it on good authority that you are a sand-bagging, set-up-the-weak-minded-and-knockem-over type who preys upon poor defenseless little grogwishtheycouldbees and then takes a huge 240 dump on them when they are thinking they have a chance in hell of even coming close to securing their own complete surrender to your superior forces and intellect. being a glutton for punishment I say "come at me, eire-boy!"

So sure, what the hell. I prefer to play games that have like infantry and artillery and tanks and blowing up and stuff, and I mostly like to have any one of the nationalities in the game as my team. (no Candians! {until they admit they are just bigger goofier, and colder americans but still have royalty in their lives}) Big Giant freaking scenarios take too long, so either make up a quick one or pick a smallish premade. I am too dumb to buy my own troops effectively. If my idiot raving hasn't completely put you off to playing against me...send me a PBEM. I hope you do not get bored with all of my dying.I am honored by your challenge


The pool is a dysfunctional family for PLAYING CM. It is sanctioned and bears the imprimatur of the most high.* So if you don't like it then SOD OFF YA GIT.

Do not expect us to welcome you or be nice. There is a certain protocol.

1) Pick out some other minion (not the pool at large) or earless ratfaced boy. Taunt them with style and verve, alliterate and prevaricate. In short,Sound off like ya have a pair! Do not expect games with the senile old ones, rather focus on someother scum sucking newbie, fo rthe enertainment of us all.

2) Hang around for awhile, get the feel of the place, avod disinfectant and if this is your gig, and you are willing to mortgage your immortal soul, well, line forms to the right. If you prefer something a bit more risque, there is your immoral soul, that's Mace over there... ahem, now where was I? Oh yes

3) It's a game and we like it here so that being said, get lost.

For further information please contact our Solicitors at the Old Firm. Inquiries and questions may be answered here for the historically minded

Peng FAQ

* <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It is a place for member sof the forum to meet up with other CM players, hurl incredibly funny and, for the most part intelligent, insults and taunts back and forth wage war via Combat Mission with each other, hone their tactical and gameplay techniques and generally tick off people from time to time.

Think of it as a huge disfunctional PBEM/TCP game community with an abusive father, a neglect Mother and a Cousin that keeps bumming the other members of the family for cigarette money.

We read it (if the verb READ is really applicable) from time to time, get a chuckle out of it and allow it to continue.

And Why? Well because...

Time to move on gentlemen....


[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

OK - so I'm a newbie here - like it says on the packet - build a bridge and get over it.

But who's this berlictgartenspeil-gizmo fool?? And why does he have a problem with everybody else's parents??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>My Dear Master Organ, please read #1 and #2 and since you apparently can't and are obviously defective may I suggest you shoo along back to your mama. There's a good lad.

*sigh* the early posts are so tedious.......

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Hey Lawyers never do original work. Precedent ya know. Besides, teach PL a lesson not to raise his expectations too far above his proper social position.

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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Jesus, Could you have a picked a MORE LAME ASSED THREAD TITLE?!? My head is hurting from just reading the damn thing! Since no one else submitted anything I guess this one will do but PLEASE GOD KEEP HIM FROM COMING UP WITH ANOTHER TITLE!!!


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For the first time I agree with Mad Mott!!

for that the creator is a MORON.. the newbie is a MORON. And the rest of you nobs are just that NOBS... worst nob is


for all those nobs that could not see my pic becuase of another MORONIC company.. GEOCRAPS, here it is


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SplMensch, for someone who forfeited all their games to concentrate on their 'once in a lifetime/golden career opportunity/big buck earning project', you seem to have a lot of time to spend doodling with screenshots.

Are you sure you haven't just been fired?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Speedy said this in some thread not long gone:

Hey Mace, Stuka, you fellas ever heard of this clitoris thing?


We'll since I'm obviously the intellectual of the Aussie contingent and probably the most travelled (ie I moved from the country town of Shepparton to Melbourne), I'll answer that:

Yes, I have, it's a type of boat isn't it?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

500 pixels man, 500 pixels!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dave?? you call yourself a designer?? what do you work on a 14" monitor?? LOL foo.. heres a tip.. come up with us to at least 1990 and get a real monitor.. or a real graphics card. jeez

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This seems to be the right place to dump these ****ty error messages: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>THE ANALYSIS IS ENDED BECAUSE OF THE PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat:

And, Munch, why didn't you fix it for me to get into the second round of your twisted compo? TRAITOR!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

HMM... maybe.. because.... uh... YOU SUX! muhahahahaha

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Uncle Joe's Johnson:

But who's this berlictgartenspeil-gizmo fool??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for many a long, long year. I've stolen many a man's soul and faith

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for many a long, long year. I've stolen many a man's soul and faith<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oo Ooooo,

Oo Ooooo,

Oo Ooooo,

Oo Ooooo,

And so on...

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Jesus Aitkin, what are you going to do next, show us your underwear? GAWD! We really don't need to see what your fluid stained, matted-carpet, corner of the basement, binocular-on-the-windowsill-for-the-neighborlady(or guy) DESKTOP looks like. Now I feel dirty. What are you using, freaking LINUX or somesing??

And JD I had a tear in my eye when I saw the thread this morning. I don't care WHAT Madigascar says, its a damn good title, and to boot, it elevates us out of our depths of Brittney-Spears lovin' (or for you kaniggets, say The Monkees, or somesing) losers and gives us STYLE, something sorely lacking in these hallowed halls.

But back to David: I become increasingly disturbed by your posts, which with each installment become less coherent and more spineless. I wonder, have you been eating that Sussex beef?

edited for stUBBidity.

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panty Liner wrote:

What are you using, freaking LINUX or somesing??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh look, a sheep.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I become increasingly disturbed by your posts, which with each installment become less coherent and more spineless.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you have any conception of what this thread is about? Bugger off back to your Defending Against The Assault thread and discuss BTS's point ratios or something.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Jesus, Could you have a picked a MORE LAME ASSED THREAD TITLE?!? My head is hurting from just reading the damn thing! Since no one else submitted anything I guess this one will do but PLEASE GOD KEEP HIM FROM COMING UP WITH ANOTHER TITLE!!!


Really, Madmatt? I'm surprised. I rather liked the new title. It has a wonderfully Classical feel to it. My only quibble would be that the hordes bearing down upon us to destroy us would be the Outerboards.

I think I would have titled it "Go Tell BTS, Stranger, That Here, Obedient to Their Laws We Challenged Peng".

Still, it's nice to see a sense of history showcased here. Also, Mensch didn't like it, so it must be alright, as Mensch is a tasteless psycho. Not that there's anything wrong with that. They are part of the plan too, I'm sure. Everyone filling their ecological nitch. Mensch is roughly equivalent with the cockroach, or the tapeworm, or some other part of nature's plan that simply isn't immediately apparent to the rest of us.

And I don't say that just because he's cruelly lashing my troops in our current PBEM, which he is now threatening to drag out into a sort of 'eternal game'.

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Um, Mr. SenileTea sir,

I don't mean to impugn your elevated status, but you are aware that I, and anything I touch, create, approve, or even CHIME IN on, is immediately to be discarded as crap by all kaniggets, and all simpering squires?

Now, jd went against the atatus quo, but are you sure you want to link hands with him and walk down that path together?

Anyway, SIR, your squirelly squire MrSphnctr is currently shaking his fist at me and shouting inanities with an eybrow COCKED(easy boy...) back looking fo any sign of approval from HIS betters, so perhaps you should pat HIS head and give him a bone (all right! That's enough!)

((Forgot to add obligatory flame to David Aitkin))

So, Davey Jones (you know, the Monkees and all) tell me, why is it that you jump up and down, yap at my heels, and from the other side of the fence hurl your spittle-encrusted verbosities at me, but in such as an oblique way that I cannot respond? Good sir(yeah right) you seem to think you can insult and challenge me with every post but NEVER accept the fact that I accepted your challenge.

I don't know who you are (my guess is something along the lines of Benny Hill meets Brainy Smurf) but there are rules, you ninny, and though not elevated to your status(yet) I have my rights, sir, and I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!

Now, being the elder, perhaps you would send me a set up? If not, then tonight I will HAPPILY send you an ASSault/Defense, with you the ASS of course.

[ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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