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This Peng's not Challenged, He's Bleeding Demised!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Anyone with eyes saw this long ago.

Now Joe, answer me these questions three:

14) Did you send Peng a file?

iv) When you sent it was it now?

BB) Is that Bauhaus stalking Mace's sheep?<hr></blockquote> To answer your insolvent questions (to think that an Olde One would question the word of the Justicar ... I tell you, Olde Ones aren't what they used to be):

14) YES, most assuredly and absolutely, as HE HIMSELF ADMITTED!

iv) {watch the needle mate, sometimes they slip and blood goes EVERYWHERE} YES, it was NOW and THEN as well, as HE HIMSELF ADMITTED!

BB) {actually I think it's a BC, looks much like the Alaska in fact} Good heavens I hope not, as that would mean (3.1416) Bauhaus is off his chain again and (Thule) he's found ANOTHER hobby.


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Some of you sad bags of water owe me an update on how your respective battles are going. One way to justify your pityful existences is to send me movie files, so that I can weep at the sight of how you mutilate the beautiful ideas that underly my magnificent scenarios through your utter ineptness.

Also, since I no doubt qualify as an elder (with a 4:1 win record over Berli, and a smashing presence on the board and of mind), I intend to cast my vote against Joe, unless significant bribing (cash or nubile young ladies accepted) is carried out immediately.

Get on with it.

[not edited because I am so much smarter than you lot]

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

<snipped for irrelevance>

Also, since I no doubt qualify as an elder (with a 4:1 win record over Berli, and a smashing presence on the board and of mind), I intend to cast my vote against Joe, unless significant bribing (cash or nubile young ladies accepted) is carried out immediately.

Get on with it.

[not edited because I am so much smarter than you lot]<hr></blockquote>You don't get a vote ... and if I had either cash or nubile young ladies do you think I'd be spending my time posting here?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

To answer your insolvent questions (to think that an Olde One would question the word of the Justicar ... I tell you, Olde Ones aren't what they used to be):

14) YES, most assuredly and absolutely, as HE HIMSELF ADMITTED!

iv) {watch the needle mate, sometimes they slip and blood goes EVERYWHERE} YES, it was NOW and THEN as well, as HE HIMSELF ADMITTED!

BB) {actually I think it's a BC, looks much like the Alaska in fact} Good heavens I hope not, as that would mean (3.1416) Bauhaus is off his chain again and (Thule) he's found ANOTHER hobby.


Then you have met Peng's requirement and may keep your post as CessPool Drain Commissioner

[edited because UBB was on crack]

[ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

unless significant bribing (cash or nubile young ladies accepted) is carried out immediately.

[not edited because I am too dumb to realize my mistakes]<hr></blockquote>

Hey dum-dum, just a couple of points:

r) Like most self-assured braniacs, you overcomplicated the whole process. Typical kraut. I guess you can't argue with genetics. Kind of like that hare-lip you had worked on. You need have only asked for one thing, CASH.

8.31) Nubile young ladies cannot be wired across the Atlantic, like CASH can (at least not in any usable form, sleazy pictures from Thumbzilla don't count, unless that was what you were reaching for).

ix) With enough CASH you can pick your own nubile young ladies rather than having to rely on someone else's opinion of what constitutes "nubile young ladies". I shudder to think what Mace would ship you in response to that request.

!#!$%#) If someone ships you a nubile young lady, you are more or less responsible for her from that point on (FOB Origination). If you have CASH to lure some unsuspecting nubile young lady into your company (is there enough CASH for you to do that? Hmm...)), and you tire of her, simply hide the CASH, and she will go away of her own accord. Problem solved.

[edited for em-phaaaasis]

[ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>ix) With enough CASH you can pick your own nubile young ladies rather than having to rely on someone else's opinion of what constitutes "nubile

young ladies". I shudder to think what Mace would ship you in response to that request.<hr></blockquote> Good point Herr Oberst, it's always been my contention that while money can't buy you love, it can buy a close enough imitation that YOU'll never be able to tell the difference. As you say, however, the amount required will vary with the individual ... in the case of Andreas I think we can safely assume something in the higher bracket if you get my drift.


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Roight!, a sing-song then.

I've got Ninety thousand pounds in my pyjamas,

I've got Forty thousand French francs in my fridge,

I've got lost of lovely lire,

Now the Deutschmark's getting dearer,

And my dollar bills would buy the Brooklyn Bridge.

There is nothing quite as wonderful as money,

There is nothing quite as beautiful as cash,

Some people say it's folly,

But I'd rather have the lolly,

With money you can make a splash.

There is nothing quite wonderful as money,

There is nothing like a newly minted pound,

Everyone must hanker

For the butchness of a banker,

It's accountancy that makes the world go round.

You can keep your Marxist ways

For it's only just a phase...

For it's money money money makes the world go round.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Anyone with eyes saw this long ago.

Now Joe, answer me these questions three:

14) Did you send Peng a file?

iv) When you sent it was it now?

BB) Is that Bauhaus stalking Mace's sheep?<hr></blockquote>

I would never touch an Aussie's sheep. Never know where they've been. Stinkin' pommies.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Then you have met Peng's requirement and may keep your post as CessPool Drain Commissioner

[edited because UBB was on crack]

[ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]<hr></blockquote>

Not SO FAST, EvilBoy He did not, in fact, meet the requirements because while he did eventually send the correct turn he did not send it at the required time. Therefore he FORFIETS the title and all it's honors and obligations. On this point I cannot be moved. Unless of course he completely ignores me and keeps the title in his sig. Although I DO like the idea of playing against him again for it, with an additional condition: 235.a2~/exP4-11) any such shenanigans as willful sending of wrong turns or demanding a "please" in order to get a turn duly owed will result in the IMMEDIATE and irrevocable loss of the Drain Commissioner office and Title.

[impatiant foot tapping]Well?![/impatient foot tapping]


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Has anywun o' ye mutton mounters seen or heard fraim Speedy? At's bin a week since tha last turn, at least, an' hais email 'as taken tae bouncin'.

Ah'm a wee bit worried fer tha laddie....

Sir MacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Not SO FAST, EvilBoy He did not, in fact, meet the requirements because while he did eventually send the correct turn he did not send it at the required time. Therefore he FORFIETS the title and all it's honors and obligations. On this point I cannot be moved. Unless of course he completely ignores me and keeps the title in his sig. Although I DO like the idea of playing against him again for it, with an additional condition: 235.a2~/exP4-11) any such shenanigans as willful sending of wrong turns or demanding a "please" in order to get a turn duly owed will result in the IMMEDIATE and irrevocable loss of the Drain Commissioner office and Title.

[impatiant foot tapping]Well?![/impatient foot tapping]

Peng<hr></blockquote>You LIE sir! Indeed you do and I can prove it. Berli asked his questions three and I ANSWERED THEM CORRECTLY in EVERY respect. Did I send you a turn? I DID! Did I send it NOW? I DID! Was Bauhaus ... well, that's another issue. Now you DARE to suggest that I reneged on YOUR terms by not sending YOUR turn at the required time, i.e. NOW! But, sir, let us examine the record (and note carefully lads, his original post was UNEDITED so none of his after the fact post facto ante up bellum tricks), for THIS is what YOU REQUIRED: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>SO! I am prepared to start procedings to STRIP (Yes, bauahaus, GET HIM!) PShaw of his Drain Comission post, and if he continues in this most cowardly of veins, to lose the Justicariate as well.

I expect a turn NOW. RIGHT NOW PShaw or it is no more bolding for you.<hr></blockquote> Note you Peng ... A TURN NOW ... did I not comply with the exact specifications of your demand? I DID! I sent A TURN ... granted it was Mark IV's but is it MY fault that you are imprecise with the language? IT IS NOT!

Finally, we have a Berli decision in writing and published ... we CANNOT change a Berli decision and clearly neither can he.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Has anywun o' ye mutton mounters seen or heard fraim Speedy? At's bin a week since tha last turn, at least, an' hais email 'as taken tae bouncin'.<hr></blockquote>

He finally realised that Essendon lost the 2001 grandfinal (yep, they are that slow in South Australia)


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

One way to justify your pityful existences is to send me movie files<hr></blockquote>

Oh we can have some fun with this, everyone send an email to Andreas with your entire PBEM folder attached.

And as for you OGSF I'm not bouncing you are. Boulder.net is afraid of anthrax or some kind of venereal disease and wont accept any emails from Bigpond.

Mace there was no grand final in 2001.

[ 12-08-2001: Message edited by: Speedy ]</p>

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