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This Peng's not Challenged, He's Bleeding Demised!

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shut your festering pie-hole PShaw and send me the effing turn. Please.

There, that was a polite enough request for a turd in a punch-bowl like you. Now be a good justicar and send the turn along.

Oh, by the way, a 2/3rds majority have stripped you of the Drain Commissioner mantle. Remove it from your sig line or face the consequences.

the blah blah blah formerly blah blah Peng

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

shut your festering pie-hole PShawPlease. Oh, by the way, a 2/3rds majority have stripped you of the Drain Commissioner mantle. Remove it from your sig line or face the consequences.

the blah blah blah formerly blah blah Peng<hr></blockquote>

EGAD!! Pray tell, oh WONDROUS PENG, who art indeed MIGHTIER than the SEWERED(sic)! Who dost now weareth the malodourous mantle of "Drain Commissioner"? Twould'st be yon maester wordsmith of hackneyed GealicScottishOldeAenglish - OGSF mayhap???

Yours in curiosetum,

Thy Fozwholivesingodsown

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

This FlossieJeff creature is clearly unaware that in order to progress from SSN to the (for him) exaluted status of Serf, he would have to be RECOMMENDED for that role by one of us.


Nay, oh recently demoted non-Drain Commissioner. I've spent far too much of my life serfing downunder as it is - I need much more time to hone my already finely tuned CM skills, so I shall PASS on your offer to attain the lofty status of [scoff]serf[/scoff] and proceed directly to [sneer]SQUIRE[/sneer], thanks very much.

PS: What does it feel like to be flushed down the Cessgurgler by the LORD PENG?? OUCH!!!

Yours piteously,


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

... Please ... Peng<hr></blockquote>There, now was that so hard (Bauhaus for the love of ...)? My momma always said that you catch more flies (Ah hell Bauhaus) with honey (Bau... forget it) than with vinegar. Your turn is on it's way with my compliments.

Was there something else? Oh YES ... I recall now, that game between you and chrisl ... the one that I'M setting up for you NOW. Hmmmm, my I DO hope that my psyche is up to the task. All this unpleasantness about 2/3 votes and so forth ... one MIGHT lose track of what one is doing and make errors ... I have this horrible tendency to mix up Conscript and Regular, I DO hope I'll be able to focus so that I can do a GOOD job for you Peng.

Oh I almost forgot, I'm just so upset that I can't think straight it seems. I WILL need to follow procedure and actually SEE another Olde One vote ... procedure, you know how it is. Not that I doubt YOUR word Peng but just to keep the paperwork straight. Your turn is sent, hope I did it right, my head is just in a whirl ... to think that I've so offended you that you would find it necessary to use your position to exact this horrible revenge.


[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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The inexorable march to victory for the forces of Emperor AussieJeff continue unabated.....

So far, SquirelingThingyHannsiePansie's feeble defence has watched a victory parade of 27 Gilt War Chariots, 1,500 Armoured Pikemen, 3,000 Super-Heavy Archers, 10 Chainmail Woolly Mammoths with maidens a-mounted, 35 Special Forces Kniggets, 50 Lords-a-leaping, 70 Supernatural Monks in fine silk togas, 5 Spanish galleons and 3 Flame Friggets pass unhindered to the EXIT side of the map HE had cooked up.

Even the SQUADRONS of intoxicated jetjockeys summoned by HannsieP have spectacularly, but alas unfruitfully dropped their miserable loads all over the shop in a drunken, feckless attempt to hinder my hordes ......... his DIVISION of Valium-popping AT gunners have stood as if transfixed, at the awesome Sight of my Might, passing by, like ships in the Night ..... (errkkk ... nuff o' th' 'literation now, FJ!).

Hmmm ..... I look forward to presenting more GLAD tIDINGS from the front SOON. In the meantime, HI MOM!!! So there........


[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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Hmmm....what have we here? Could I have gotten lost and wandered into the Mutha Beautiful? It sure smells like it. There's only one way to find out for sure I guess. Here goes:


I better git while the gittin's good. Oh, before I go, do DIE A LOT NOW and know that I have crushed Moriarty in The Fatherland (v1.2 I believe)... a very enjoyable and original scenario. I was the Amis.

King Treeburst155 out.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Hmmm....what have we here? Could I have gotten lost and wandered into the Mutha Beautiful? It sure smells like it. <hr></blockquote>

Here's a complimentary roadmap to help you with your bearings, a complementary escort to the front door, and a complementary shove, Sod-off and door slam!

Y'all don't come back now, ya hear?


{edited because I'm a professional}

[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Here's a complimentary roadmap to help you with your bearings, a complementary escort to the front door, and a complementary shove, Sod-off and door slam!

Y'all don't come back now, ya hear?


{edited because I'm a professional}

[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]<hr></blockquote>

See, SEE Uncle Joe? We DO have STYLE and social GRACE!


The Fiz

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

Hmmm....what have we here? Ha Ha. Could I have gotten lost and wandered into the Mutha Beautiful? Boy, if I only had one one thousandth the wit and charm of the local denizens (all expect for AussieJeff, who has no wit or charm), my life would be greatly improved:

  • Wild dogs wouldn't chase me down the streets.
  • Women wouldn't laugh before I made a pass at them.
  • Little children wouldn't shrink in fear from me.

But I guess that since I am a git, this git better git while the gittin's good.


Truer words were never spoken.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I WILL need to follow procedure and actually SEE another Olde One vote ... procedure, you know how it is. Not that I doubt YOUR word Peng but just to keep the paperwork straight. <hr></blockquote>

Lose the title Joe. If you had been doing your job correctly, we wouldn't have floaters like FlossieJeff

[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

(3) Hakko Ichiu, I TOLD YOU SO, I TOLD YOU SO! <hr></blockquote>

If anyone is to blame for feckin' SSNs from down unda', it's the UnterGnome himself. Like a little pygmy boy who just can't help poking the huge stinking pile of elephant dung to see if any beetles come out, the Loquacious One couldn't stay away from that herd of Strines -- wait, what is the collective term for Orztrahlians? perhaps it's a "foetor" -- so, he couldn't stay away from that foetor of Strines and look at the result. You cannot lay this at my door. In fact, you can do any laying in your demesne, thank you very much.

Oh, and Geier, where's my fecking turn. If I don't get it soon, I'm going to send Father Jack in your direction when he's out night walking, so I will. Feck.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Loose the title Joe. If you had been doing your job correctly, we wouldn't have floaters like FlossieJeff<hr></blockquote>

Did you mean, "lose the title" or "loose the title"? Perhaps you meant to say, "loosen the title", not that that really makes sense either.

You think you can kick good old Joe around just because you are one of the Olde Whiners??? He adds color to this thread, he does! It'd be awfully dull around here if you were to institute any real discipline.

GO Joe!

GO Joe!

GO Joe!

It's been nearly 48 hours since I've had a return file from Leeo... BAH. Come out and fight like a Pooler Leeo! You know that there is no place left to hide. You have depleted your supply of rickets on mere diversionary scouts. It is time for some old fashioned Yankee Medicine. The only possible reason for this untimely delay is your uncontrollable fear of the inevitable!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Loose the title Joe. If you had been doing your job correctly, we wouldn't have floaters like FlossieJeff<hr></blockquote>Now wait just a minute here Berli. The issue was one of personal privilege, to wit ME being oppressed by Peng. He wanted a turn, I sent him a turn. If you're bringing up the quality and quantity of flotsom around here that's a WHOLE 'nother issue and will require another vote by the Olde Ones. Further, if anyone is responsible for the disgusting SSNs of late it's either Seanachai with his trolling or Hakko Ichiu with his pathetic, one line rules.

CessPoolers, I'm afraid I must put the Grand Jury WITH STENOGRAPHERS on hold until I am able to resolve these unjust and unwarranted personal attacks.


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Peng has his reasons, and I have mine. All that matters is that, in this instance, Peng and I are in agreement.

As to your claim that it is the fault of others, poppycock! If you had kept the drains cleared, some of the floaters would have flushed long ago

[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Uh oh, 'poodlians! Time to head for the ol' concrete bunker - looks like a serious RIFT in the POOLUS CONTINUUM is about to occur!! RUMBLE........BLURTTTT.......SPLUTT..TTT!...........PHHHH-H-T-T!!!!!! Awwwww ......... shoot!! What a fizzer ...... is that all??? And I thought we were all going to witness a veritable CLASH of TITANS (sic).

Instead, we see a [sneer]limp "POOF...!"[/sneer] and an afterthought [scoff]"WHIMPER....." [/scoff] :( .

Ho-hum ......... I guess now I can get back to whipping Hannsie into some sort of shape ... again!

The Fez<hr></blockquote>

Why don't you head for the bunker, lock it and never come out you worthless piece of git! Could you be any more annoying? Probably! Why don't you just post smiley's with your posts, couldn't be any less imaginative.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Peng has his reasons, and I have mine. All that matters is that, in this instance, Peng and I are in agreement.

As to your claim that it is the fault of others, poppycock! If you had kept the drains cleared, some of the floaters would have flushed long ago

[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]<hr></blockquote>


Instead of deleting his title, we could just change it to :Justaidiot of the MTB. He has absolutley no trouble living up to that.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Peng has his reasons, and I have mine. All that matters is that, in this instance, Peng and I are in agreement.

As to your claim that it is the fault of others, poppycock! If you had kept the drains cleared, some of the floaters would have flushed long ago

[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]<hr></blockquote>I must disagree Berli, for the OUTCOME is not the issue but rather the cause of the outcome. Your suggestion is akin to that of those who advocate that an "evil-doer" {shudder} be executed not for the crime he is accused of but rather for his PAST indiscretions and crimes or for his reputation. Is THAT the American way Berli? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? And if so isn't that an indictment of the entire fraternity system Greg ... opps, Animal House, sorry.

Anyway your suggestion is "Fed Ex Post Facto" and therefore anulled and void until such time as the "causi bella" is determined to be properly sequestered.

And don't you be laying these SSNs at my door pal, for NO ONE in the CessPool has been more devoted to ridding us of the nuisance of SSNs than I. It was I who continued to press for adequate rules, it was I who insisted upon the progression from SSN to Serf to Squire, it was I who took the SSNs to task for ... well virtually everything. Where have YOU been Berli? Other than a few general comments with no point or target, what have YOU done to banish these invaders? Even the Australians have done more to DRIVE ONE OF THEIR OWN from the CessPool than you. Have you said ONE SINGLE WORD against the infantile, boring and humorless posts of FlossieJeff? YOU HAVE NOT!

Ask NOT for whom the Bell tolls, Berli perchance it tolls for YOU! Perhaps it is time and past time to review the tyranny of the Olde Ones. For if an Olde One is allowed to use his position to settle a personal grudge against ONE CESSPOOLER ... HE CAN USE THAT POWER AGAINST ALL CESSPOOLERS.


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And an old one can use his power against anyone in the pool? What is wrong with that?

As an Olde One with the scroll of NDA, I have mainly stayed out of this power struggle. Now, I say let the Floggings begin. tear down the wall! tear down the wall! Change his title to Justaidiot! Is it NOT the way of the Peng thread itself to shun authority? Was it not the pod himself that called everyone wankers? Elvis-Peng, same thing.

Now I must return to the scrolls of NDA and devise more devious scenarios. I leave you with this infamous word of montezuma...

"What are those Marines doing singing in my halls?"


Still Commander

Army of the Porcupines

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rune:

And an old one can use his power against anyone in the pool? What is wrong with that?

As an Olde One with the scroll of NDA, I have mainly stayed out of this power struggle. Now, I say let the Floggings begin. tear down the wall! tear down the wall! Change his title to Justaidiot! Is it NOT the way of the Peng thread itself to shun authority? Was it not the pod himself that called everyone wankers? Elvis-Peng, same thing.

Now I must return to the scrolls of NDA and devise more devious scenarios. I leave you with this infamous word of montezuma...

"What are those Marines doing singing in my halls?"


Still Commander

Army of the Porcupines<hr></blockquote>Hah! As if Rune was ever an Olde One. The important thing at this juncture is that you leave, we don't care if it's to scrolls or rolls or toilet paper, just leave.


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Which just proves my point, I am older then even the olde ones. You, on the other hand, are a pimple on the cheek of aussiejeff. You ARE a ssn compared to me. I was here even before Mace found sheep. So mister justaidiot, watch your mouth young'in. This being said...perhaps you would like satisfaction on the field of battle? Berli, mind doing some light work for me?


edited because I haven't bothered gerbilboy for a while

[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: rune ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rune:

Which just proves my point, I am older then even the olde ones. You, on the other hand, are a pimple on the cheek of aussiejeff. You ARE a ssn compared to me. I was here even before Mace found sheep. So mister justaidiot, watch your mouth young'in. This being said...perhaps you would like satisfaction on the field of battle? Berli, mind doing some light work for me?


edited because I haven't bothered gerbilboy for a while

[ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: rune ]<hr></blockquote>As if I would sully my lily white hands with a battle against YOU! You are beneath Contempt ... and I can't tell you what disgust that engenders.

Anyone who would even go OUT with Contempt let alone allow her to get on top, well, I'll not play someone with such low self esteem ... mind she does have nice eyes and that trick with the jello, well I've certainly never seen it.

Where was I ... oh yeah, you're a swine and a liar BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION. And being an Olde One is not a function of age (and odds are pretty damned good I've got you there too) but rather of seniority in the CessPool and there is NO WAY that you have that.

So scurry on back to the cover of your NDA ... "Oh I CAN'T tell you anything," he simpered coyly, "for you see BTS has entrusted ME with an NDA and I'm FAR too important to discuss anything with you." and try not to let the guilt at your unmanly attitude eat away at your psyche like acid.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I must disagree Berli, for the OUTCOME is not the issue but rather the cause of the outcome.<hr></blockquote>

The ends justify the means

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Is THAT the American way?<hr></blockquote>

Who cares? This is the MBT, not 'merica

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Perhaps it is time and past time to review the tyranny of the Olde Ones. For if an Olde One is allowed to use his position to settle a personal grudge against ONE CESSPOOLER ... HE CAN USE THAT POWER AGAINST ALL CESSPOOLERS.<hr></blockquote>

Er... what's your point Joe? The Tyranny of the Olde Ones is one of our oldest traditions. I mean, what's the point of being a Tyrant if we don't have Tyranny? Jes... you make it sound like a bad thing

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