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If Peng Challenges No One In The Forest, Will He Still Lose?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


chrisl has agreed to provide the venue. MrSenileTea has agreed to be the victim.

The MBT will have life again.

The rivers will run green with bile.


Edited due to prolonged exposure to non-alcoholic beverages.

[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've been sitting here a while wondering why Chrisl had sent me what looks, for all intent and purposes, to be a Combat Mission Sci-Fi scenario. He included no mesage other than a description, and used his actual Real World name, so there was a short period of quiet contemplation while I cast my mind back and wondered if I'd wandered onto the Outer Boards last night and, blind drunk, agreed to a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 game with some earnest nutter.

Somtime thereafter a message arrived from Peng, that, if not quite making everything clear, made everything less foggy.

While I deplore the use of trickery and weirdness in CM scenarios (this is not a David Copperfield show, lad), and, although he's a devious sod and somewhat half-witted, Chrisl is a good opponent and fundamentally sound (his brain could take the weight of a couple of small children walking across it, but likely not a compact car, even if travelling very fast).

It will, on the other hand, be good to smite Peng again. It has been some time, especially with he and Elvis turning the Pennsylvania phone system into a dedicated landline devoted to their interminable TCP/IP games (they're like chain-gamers, using the end of one game to light up the next one). Between the two of them they've probably created a version of the occassionally requested, vomit-making 'Campaign Game' for CM (follow along with 'Dog' company as this scrappy gang of GIs fight in every major battle of the war, and, although every single member has been killed, wounded or rotated out 3-4 times, you still get to pretend it's the same happy gang of psychopaths you landed on the beaches with, and have given all the men names from the old 'Combat!' series, as well as awarding them medals, advancing their experience points, and, when there's a lull between battles, dressing them in different outfits, including combat casuals, combat formals, and, for that special leave in Paris, combat cross-dressing! I see this gibberish is once again erupting on the Outer Boards.)

Come, Peng, I will show you where the little Iron Exercise Wheels grow!

(the latter is a combination reference to two rather bizarre and disparate phenomena)

[ 07-01-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I've been sitting here a while wondering why Chrisl had sent me what looks, for all intent and purposes, to be a Combat Mission Sci-Fi scenario. He included no mesage other than a description, and used his actual Real World name, so there was a short period of quiet contemplation while I cast my mind back and wondered if I'd wandered onto the Outer Boards last night and, blind drunk, agreed to a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 game with some earnest nutter.


I'm glad that I managed to thoroughly confuse you for a while. I'll try to do it more often. Worse than you described, I didn't actually send the scenario, just the briefing. I did that because I'm a lazy-ass and didn't feel like loading the briefings into the scenario the normal way. The scenario does, however, require some explanation, so I sent it as that bit of odd briefing. I believe you have somewhat more points worth of stuff (~about 10%), but possibly a slightly harder job than Peng, though some of it depends on when the reinforcements actually show up.

If BTS would be so kind as to allow scenarios to have override versions of sounds and textures, then I would have put in a few MST3K mods. Unfortunately they didn't forsee such needs, so you'll have to apply them yourself. I suspect that you already have such mods applied or in a mod folder, so I suggest you install them when playing that scenario.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Road Warrior has been remastered and is available on DVD!!!!!! Drop what you are doing, rush to Best Buy and get this! Perhaps the best movie ever, definitely the best to come up from Down Under.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Mad Max was the far superior movie!!!

Mace (isn't it ironic).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Dear and beautiful Lady, should I ever actually enter this Thread under another guise, it would not be as the somewhat besotted and irony impaired figure cut by Panzer Leader. I work with the lad, that I do. Should I ever decide to take on another 'persona', I will personally email you the secret of my 'other' identity, so that you won't have to contemplate a horror as great as the one you've just proposed.

Now, I must bathe. In alcohol. The very concept of inhabiting the same personal locus as Panzer Leader has disturbed me beyond words.

Squire to me he may be, but any closer identification should not be made, even in jest.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't Fret SEAN the thought of PL actually being you lasted all of 5min, one particular post he made was very verbose and so unlike his usual ramblings that I allowed myself to actually see him as you.

Then I realised he was not just making "Quotes" but actually copying his post from a book .

Only the choosen few are clever enough to hold my attention for more than a few mins with their long posts, and PL isn't one of them, I was actually being held by a pratchett like author ( the nerve of the guy)

not PL.. so take that as a Compliment rather than a slur dear Knighhhhttt..

For the benefit of anyone wondering......

The chosen few:

Tis obvious who the first is......

He's French, and has been accused of making no sense when posting, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO???

FRENCH being the operative word here...

There is more sense in one of his more Frenchified posts than there is in a whole page of this thread put together, and if he really put his mind to it could write a book in perfect English from start to finish.

Not an easy task even for someone who is native to the English Language, for someone who was Born and raised FRENCH I would say that is pretty damn hard to compete with.

Second: Got to be you Sean, I never feel the need to skip through your posts,

Third: Hmmmmmmm gotta be OGSF the guy isn't a Scot (as far as i know) his posts are so funny for me to read cos they revert me back to my Glasgow slang, which I lost long ago.

At least I thought I had until I read OGSFs posts. thanks for that......

Too many to mention in fourth.

Mr Spkr, Joe Shaw, MarkV, Peng on a good day, Croda and Meeks from the past....

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnn blah blah blah blah........

Soooooooo rest easy SEAN I know who you are, but more importantly who you ARE NOT...

Sleep tight..............

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Pardonnez moi, me'mselle! But every word I write into this cursed machine springs from the font of my own brain, and if I should be accused of copying words,thoughts, or even (ack) text as you put it, while then it was inspired by my personal muse.

At one time I might have wondered if that muse were you, but you have done the unspeakable, wounding me in a way no muse might: to wit, not only did you leave me off your list of "readable" authors, but my name was usurped by mine own arch-enemy, that viaalinous swine Mrspkr may his bloated and emboldened name explode over these pages.

Come Mrspkr just one more thin little wafer...

((cough)) Excuse me, as I was saying, would it suit you better if I were to down another bottle of my friend Capt. Morgan and write a long weepy soliloquy? Would that raise me once again to the heights of your "readable" list? Perhaps I should take up the quill once more and continue my tale of the Champion of the Red Sun?

We all know what time it is: Saturday night, when thoughts meander back to the times of yore, when old longings break free from their short leash.

Ahh yes, the crappy movie is over (at least he didn't get shot in the end -- not Road Warrior, something my wife picked up) I have the wheel installed on my Tamiya PzIV ausfD, even if they don't turn -- damn you club-like hands! It is time once again to digress into the tangents of a triangle. It is time to wash away the oxymorons with a cleansing pad. It is time for song!!!!

This little ditty will be sung to the ageless dirge "Whiskey in the jar." If you don't know the chorus, then just mumble along something about mushing to the moon with you dogs and wacking your daddio.

As I was walking over

The Crodaburg Mountains

I saw Captain Shandorf

His wins he was counting

I first produced my panzerschreck

I then produced my puppchens

I said Stand and deliver

Or Berli he may take ya

I took all his vict'ries

And it was a pretty crowd

I took all his vict'ries

And brought 'em home to Emma

She said Seanachai would be proud

She said he never would leave me

Devil take that woman!

Ya know she tricked me easy.

Being drunk and weary

I went into her chambers

I took Emma with me

And I never knew the dangers

There were six kaniggets maybe seven of them

When in walked Mrspkr

I jumped up, grabbed my shoes

And kicked him with both sneakers

{{Chorus everyone!}}

Some men they like fishin'

Some men like the foulin'

Some men like to hear

To hear the cannonball rollin'

But me, I like sleepin'

Especially in my Emma's chamber

But here I am in the mire

Here I am just a chain'ed squire

{{Sing it again, laddies! With heart!}}

Whiskey in the jar

With that, I bid you all good night...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

*sniff* Didn't make the list.. Guess i'll have to loathe those that made it even more.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*passes Berli a tissue*

Awwwwww not to worry Berli, you are indeed on my list, my ICQ list, which is only for the truly Elite..... you rank second on there. ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Some men they like fishin'

Some men like the foulin'

Some men like to hear

To hear the cannonball rollin'

But me, I like sleepin'

Especially in my Emma's chamber

But here I am in the mire

Here I am just a chain'ed squire


I have fond memories of the Thin Lizzy cover of this song....it's amazing how this memory can quickly be cheapened by simple misquoting!

*in the voice of Vyvyan* PL, you're a complete and utter bastard!


[ 07-01-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:


I have fond memories of the Thin Lizzy cover of this song....it's amazing how this memory can quickly be cheapened by simple misquoting!

*in the voice of Vyvyan* PL, you're a complete and utter bastard!




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But PL is a bastard we'd all prefer to have around than "Trotsky's viola' right?

Even if only by the slenderest of margins.

(Edited to spell 'Trotsky' correctly. Damn beer, how I despise your soothing temtations, how I weaken before your gaze, how I fall into your demonic clutches, how I love it, ahhhhh!)

[ 07-01-2001: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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If the stars are right and Nyarlathotep finally arrives to devastate the earth and claim all the living things, what will happen to the cesspool?

a) doesn't matter, no living things in here

B) the cesspool will die and all inhabitants will be send over as minion demons for Azathoth

c) Nyarlathothep will see the cesspool and decides that he was better off on Formalhaut, waves hello and is off again, taking only Seanachai with him for good measure.

d) who the feck is Nyarlathotep?

e) Lovecraft was nearly as nuts as Meeks anyway.

f) all of the above

g) none of the above

h) go to hell and/or send me a setup.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

*passes Berli a tissue*

Awwwwww not to worry Berli, you are indeed on my list, my ICQ list, which is only for the truly Elite..... you rank second on there. ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I remember being kicked off of that list. Oh well.

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Frankly, I wouldn't want to be part of any list that would have me as a member.

BTW, you knob-headed simpleton dweebs, the only "Australian" Mad Max movie was the first one. The rest were bastardised, over-produced American swill. Now, I expect Berli to jump in here immediately and point out that Mad Max was ****e. To which I reply, I'm not arguing that with you sir, but at least it's fair dinkum strayn ****e. Now, Cross of Iron on the other hand is not ****e, and Sam Peckinpaw was a dude. In fact if he had made two more films, he'd have been a dude and a half. Thanks for the flick, hell's half sister, and I owe you one.

[ 07-01-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Frankly, I wouldn't want to be part of any list that would have me as a member.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Indeed Goanna? And that would include, doubtless, the list of those with whom you have active games awaiting turns? For, look you lad, I sent a turn to Oman ... or Kuwait or wherever ... and it was bounced by your ISP. I then sent the same turn to your HOME ISP and ... wait for it ... posted that information HERE ... IN THE CESSPOOL FOR ALL TO SEE ... and what did I receive in return ... NADA ... ZIP ... ZILCH. Swine!

BTW, I agree about PL, it's remarkable how the entry of alternative forms of SSNs can make our OLD SSNs look positively benign.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

I'm a fan of the MBT, look I am even posting in here:








Why is it that even Old Hands like Lindan can't properly do Numerashuns?

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The SSN fight of the ignorant pukes between Stalin's Organ and I has begun. His cute little allied tanks are making their way to my strong infantry forces dug in the small town of Overloon. Poor bastard has no clue what he is in for. Remember that AAR between Fionn and the guy whos name was not released. Well that should be a good ananolgy except I'm on the defense, and my Hamstertruppen mean business.

I'm going get Richard Gere on your Arse Stalin!

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just for you... :cool:

<hr width=30>

If the stars are right and Nyarlathotep finally arrives to devastate the earth and claim all the living things, what will happen to the cesspool?

  1. doesn't matter, no living things in here
  2. the cesspool will die and all inhabitants will be send over as minion demons for Azathoth
  3. Nyarlathothep will see the cesspool and decides that he was better off on Formalhaut, waves hello and is off again, taking only Seanachai with him for good measure.
  4. who the feck is Nyarlathotep?
  5. Lovecraft was nearly as nuts as Meeks anyway.
  6. all of the above
  7. none of the above
  8. go to hell and/or send me a setup.


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I just ordered Stalingrad on DVD from Amazon.de. It's only available as dubbed VHS in the UK (although I bet they'll release a subtitled DVD next week). I managed to register an account and place an order in German, but will I have a clue what's going on once I get the film?

I think I ought to learn German once and for all. I started in school, but didn't get much further than "Wie komme ich am Bahnhof, bitte?" and "Du bist eine große Dummkopf!"...

And I get the impression some forum members have been watching Lola Rennt with English dubbing. Oh dear.

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Oh dear...I have this urge to post an update so that everyone can laugh at me....must be Monday morning back at work-itis!

David Achooo - Itchin's cunning game plan is to completely ignore the VL's and hit me where I least expect it with as much as possible. That much of it worked, but of course he's got all the co-ordination of a myopic hand-transplant patient and so his brave Polish infantry is getting slaughtered.

Johnson - is this scenario supposed to be tough or something? So far my Daimler a/c is wining the game 1 bunker to nothing - not bad shooting with a 2 pdr at 1001 metres! who says the art of musketry's forgotten in the british army? Otherwise it's a bit of a doddle - just a stroll in hte park.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

<hr width=30>

If the stars are right and Nyarlathotep finally arrives to devastate the earth and claim all the living things, what will happen to the cesspool?

  1. <LI>doesn't matter, no living things in here
    <LI>the cesspool will die and all inhabitants will be send over as minion demons for Azathoth
    <LI>Nyarlathothep will see the cesspool and decides that he was better off on Formalhaut, waves hello and is off again, taking only Seanachai with him for good measure.
    <LI>who the feck is Nyarlathotep?
    <LI>Lovecraft was nearly as nuts as Meeks anyway.
    <LI>all of the above
    <LI>none of the above
    <LI>go to hell and/or send me a setup.


Yep, as per Pawspoon, this doesn't match correct cesspool point notation protocal number 788.888.1 'correct cesspool point notation protocol'. Hence you will now be rediculed, lambasted and insulted as per cesspool protocols 1.1 through to XXIV.

As for Nyarthalotep and the rest of his/hers/its Cult of Cthulu Old ones wussies, when they have nightmares they dream of the cesspoolers (and Berli in particular), and the reason their spawn was forever sealed behind gigantic green doors on some uncharted islands is basically, they think it unsafe to wander the Earth with us around.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Dzhugashvili's Vili wrote:

but of course he's got all the co-ordination of a myopic hand-transplant patient and so his brave Polish infantry is getting slaughtered.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Correction, my Polish infantry are not brave, and are getting slaughtered because they are green and it is dark. Weight of numbers is irrelevant when all of your troops turn and run when someone drops a shell or fires a gun within half a mile. BTS, fix or do somefink!

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