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Since we are likely getting full movie playback in CMBB...

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...wouldn't it be great to have an option to save each movie file to disk during a TCP/IP game? I know, I know, YET ANOTHER feature request, but I for one am as excited about the full movie playback as I am about any other single feature coming in the new game.

The file is obviously stored locally during the playback phase, so wouldn't it be simple to write it to the hard drive? Obviously a bit more effort would be required to add the appropriate "checkbox" to the options page however. Hehe.

And not to dilute the main request here, but hey, I would also give some skin from my left hip if the design of the CMBB continuous movie player could be considered so that it might work with my old saved CMBO PBEM files! Assuming in advance, of course, that the code comes out pretty clean and doesn't devolve into the "ugly hack" that Steve mentioned earlier...

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speaking as a somewhat new kid here, i think that would be a great teaching tool. one picture is worth a 1000 words, and so one movie is 10000 pictures, so thats worth, umm . . . 10,000,000 words! see, that would be nice! think how much time we can save from trying to explain how to defend a hill or whatever! you have my little vote.

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Steve has mentioned in previous posts that full movie playback is "on the LIST", but it may require an "ugly hack". There is a possibility that it won't make it in, but Charles is going to try real hard to get it in.

However, I wouldn't expect backwards compatibility with CMBO on this feature. While CMBB may still be the same engine, there are going to be enough changes that backwards compatibility is NOT on the plate (unfortunately).

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As far as I know, CM:BO will not get further modification. The CM:BO theme though will get visited again after the new engine is cranked out.

Part of the reason Steve and Charles are so successful is that they do a lot of work with very few people. GI Combat has I believe 8 trying to deliver a similar game to CM:BO, and had more before the holding company (design team, whatever) ran into financial troubles. BTS basically has Steve (History, Business, PR and sale) Charles (programming and history), Dawg ( art and history) and Matt (sales and history). Add to that a large and rather fanatic beta test crew plus scenario hoars like Wild Bill and Rune, and you get the picture of how they operate. Still there is a limit to what they can do for free.

What is planned from their public utterances is CM: The Med, CM: Blitzkrieg, then possibly CM: BO with all the new stuff. The more they screw with old stuff, the slower the new stuff comes in. This includes a major engine rewrite to take advantage of new graphics technology, lots of playtesting ideas, and better hardware.

Please note, I am just going by what Steve has said in public forum. I am not paid by BTS nor do I have any business relationship with them. So this could all go out the window if circumstances change.

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Thats true Slpadragon, BTS stated if I recall correctly, full movie playback will be on the list for CM2 and will try hard to get it in. Weather they do or don't is anyones guess. It sure would add a another dimension to the CM world especially in the ability to see real world strategies applied in CM. I hope it does make it in becasue it would open up CM to be seen differently. This being said, if it becomes to much trouble to implicate into CM2 then we should look foward to it in CMII.

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Another aspect of the recall movie is that if some of the gurus wanted to add a strategy file which can be printed out it could be a fantastic teaching aid for strategy /tactics.

Imagine a question answer section....... . 'Im bringing my tank up here because'.. or 'what do yu think yu would do next'....

it would help people who wanted to learn as akind of cadet school as well as bring the standard of play up across the board

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Golly, I hadn't even realized the part about exchanging whole battles with each other. I was just thinking about my own selfish pleasures, watching all the little people jump when I tell them to jump! Bwahahahahaha!!

Seriously though, I've downloaded a couple of movie sets with AAR texts and it was a real pain to set it all up, what with so many files to manage, even with Kyle's sweet CM Movie utility. As a veteran of AOE/AOK (try not to judge me too much on that), I have had a lot of fun watching experts play against each other, and those recorded games are often a two hour commitment each! Imagine how many "recorded" CM games you could squeeze in in that same amount of time! Start the beer a chillin'!

Now that I'm thinking more about it, this could be a cool-factor feature that significantly increases the CM fan base and builds a stronger CM community out of some of the current (but little-heard-from) players. That's sure what it did for AOK, not to mention raise the level of competitive play across the board because advanced strategy demonstrations were so easy to come by. No wonder this is on BTS' list as IMPORTANT. :D

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Of course, the ultimate would be playback with the ability to take over at any point.

"If only I'd zigged instead of zagged. Let's see what would of happened if I had done this..."

Sigh. I know it ain't going to happen any time soon, and IF the movie playback makes it into CMBB that is just one more bonus twinkie in the old lunch bag. I confess, I would buy it no matter what. I feel like a cheap date, but what a game!

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Geez that reminds me, BB. I want the ability to have the computer take over a PBEM game midway, for all the times my lame opponents have quit on me when they start losing badly. I'm assuming that the opponent AI is more biased toward minute-to-minute decisions rather than overarching strategies, based on its rather poor performance, so maybe this wouldn't be so difficult to implement.

Ah, the joys of sitting back and telling BTS how easy it would be to add code, eh?

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While we are at it, imagine the fun modders could have making soundtracks for movie replays. Can we have a Sam Peckinpah slow motion button? How about a Spielberg handheld camera effect? Credits at the end while the camera pans over the field!

A whole new arena for threads..."And the nomination for best supporting fire in a supporting role goes to...(the envelope, please)..."

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Since CM:BO is out, i´m dreaming off this moviething. I hope that it will be included.

But, ähm, wouldn´t it be easily possible, to give us the westallied troops and tanks (of June 1944 to April 1945) in CM:BB? So it would be possible to play the westfront with the new programm.

greetings to all


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I've wanted the full movie play back since last year... and now that it may happen-- I'm afraid. I get enough grief as it is playing the game-- now I'm going to play and then watch a 20-40 minute movie a couple of times...

"You're just sitting there? Watching? Not even interacting with one of you war buddies!!??!! Yada... Yada..."

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One thing that has not been discussed about full movie playbacks is the impact of fog of war. Now, while having the full movie playback would be instructive and fun, if you are viewing it from, say, the allied point of view, you would not have much information about the Axis (and vice versa).

I believe three features are vital.

First, you should be able to turn fog of war completely on or off before you start the movie and at any point during the movie.

Second, you should be able to pick which side you are viewing from when Fog of War is turned on, and you should be able to switch sides (i.e., as the Allied attacker, it would be mighty interesting to see my attack unfold from teh German point of view with Fog of War on so I could tell how effective a job I did at concealing my approach).

Third, you should be able to pause the movie and examine any unit at any time (including at the end of the movie after the "Battle Results" page goes up).

These features would allow you to decide whether you want a purely instructive movie (in which case you probably want to be able to toggle the Fog of War on or off) or an entertaining one (in which you might leave it off).

Opinions, anyone?

[Edited because, although it's Wednesday, it feels like a Monday]

[ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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I agree that the ability to watch the movie from either side with fog of war on or off is a good idea. That to me would be one of the greatest teaching tools. As MrSpkr points out, it would be nice to see how my attack plays out fromt eh other side. Did I conceal my advance enough? How well did I keep my armor out of harms way?

I do kind of cringe at the thought of spending another hour or so watching a battle I've already completed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Binkie:

Geez that reminds me, BB. I want the ability to have the computer take over a PBEM game midway, for all the times my lame opponents have quit on me when they start losing badly.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Probably will never happen because it would be too easy to cheat. You could take a PBEM against an active opponent, save a copy of your most recent turn, then play a turn against the AI and surrender. This would give you a very accurate picture of where and in what condition all of your opponent's troops are. Then you could go back, open up the most recent PBEM turn you received, and commence to the whuppin'.

A better plan is to become part of the community and learn who is a reliable PBEM partner and who isn't.

Speaking of which - Murray, check your mailbox.

Oh yes, and Havermeyer - just make sleep an optional part of your life and you resolve so many of these problems.

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Hmm, hadn't thought of that, MrSpkr. Definitely a bit of a problem there. But if you are able to switch viewpoints and disable fog of war and such with the movie utility, couldn't you get all that information anyway? You would just load up the files as if it was a finished game (unless it checks for an exchanged AAR file) and could then examine your opponent on the replay.

The fog-of-war options you mention are great, there are similar options in AOK's recorded games, which obviously increases their instructional value immensely. But they should require the opponents password.

[ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: Binkie ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Binkie:

Hmm, hadn't thought of that, MrSpkr. Definitely a bit of a problem there. But if you are able to switch viewpoints and disable fog of war and such with the movie utility, couldn't you get all that information anyway? You would just load up the files as if it was a finished game (unless it checks for an exchanged AAR file) and could then examine your opponent on the replay.

The fog-of-war options you mention are great, there are similar options in AOK's recorded games, which obviously increases their instructional value immensely. But they should require the opponents password.


I would suspect the movie could only be played after exchanging AAR files. I can't see any other way of doing it unless BTS set it up so that you could only turn off Fog of War and you could only have the ability to see from your opponent's viewpoint after exchanging AAR files. My suspicion is that would be too complicated and require too much coding, so they will not do it that way.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Binkie:

But they should require the opponents password.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Almost overlooked that tidbit. I respectfully disagree. I believe the movie should be fully viewable without any passwords after the AAR reports have gone out. Why, you ask? Because I have played opponents who refuse to divulge their passwords. Some are simply being nasty because they lost badly; others apparently use the same password over and over for simplicity's sake and do not want (for obvious reasons) to divulge it. In any event, the player should not be penalized for his opponent's obstinancy.

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