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Well looks like this is about it. I didn't really think I'd get this many on this forum so not too bad. Anyway, here's how it stand. U.S.A. = 29, England = 8, The Netherlands = 6, Australia = 3, Austria = 2, Canada = 2, Germany = 2 and Spain = 2. All the rest, Belguim, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Slovenia, South Korea and Sweden had 1 each including Luxembourg. Thanks everybody for participating.

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Originally posted by Dandelion:

Where did that Kiwi living in London go? Always so full of energy. Wasn't it him that made he intro movie to CMBO? And that other Swede with the equivalent of Library of Congress on technical details in his home, gone too. Andreas hasn't reported in yet. Wonder if he ever brutally gunned down a general Krafft, or visited an armour show in England last year, or both.

General Krafft's head is stuffed over my gasfire, as are various tanks from Bovington. Peter is now up in the midlands, doing stuff for a computer game company. Mattias has gone AWOL, which is a real petty. I never heard from him again after he stopped by in London one time. If anyone has any news, can you please email me.

Oh, and London, UK. I am German though. Not dead yet, just pining for the Autobahn.

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Ah there you are smile.gif

Mattias, yes. Last I heard he was just about to leave that tremendously beautiful house he lived in in central Stockholm - a second home for me every night I was too...happy to find a commuter train. He and this woman went to live somewhere a bit South. I warned him not to do it, but he didn't listen to me. He never does.

He was particular about there being broadband where he moved, so I presumed he'd get right back online. But he didn't even ask me to help carry his furniture. He always does that, I've carried it more than ten times through the years. I lost contact, he does not answer mail on his old address, nor calls to his old cellular.

If I really wanted to chase him down, I'd go through his grannie, or mother. But. Considering I have known him off and on for 18 years now, I am not worried. He does this from time to time, disappears for a few years. I guess he has something he needs to do now. He'll be back.

Glad to hear about Peter. Yet another talent not killed in the dotcom massacre. Very pleasing. In fact your mere appearance here eradicates that feeling of abandonment I had there for a while.

And take my head off the wall right now, this is completely unworthy! :mad:

Saw that you fielded a whole division in CMMC. A whole enemy division to be precise. :( Even more specifically a whole division on the losing side. Well. I'm not the kind of highly annoying person who keeps saying I told you so... :cool:



bzw Gen. Krafft

bzw SS-Ogrf. Königsmarck

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Originally posted by Dandelion:

Saw that you fielded a whole division in CMMC. A whole enemy division to be precise. :( Even more specifically a whole division on the losing side. Well. I'm not the kind of highly annoying person who keeps saying I told you so... :cool:

I remember well, you telling me to join the dark side during that game. Many of the Germans did not live to regret that I did not take up that offer. May I remind you that my division quite clearly won its divisional battle? The Wessex Wyvern came out of CMMC2 with head held high and blood-dripping talons. ;)

BTW - good to hear that about Mattias. He came to visit me in London twice, once with his lady. Very nice couple - give me a shout when you hear of them again.

[ April 16, 2003, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]

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>"The Wessex Wyvern came out of CMMC2 with head held high"

...High enough to look around and see all of your dead mates lying about? ;)

Speaking of which, the CMMC saw the heaviest fighting I've ever experienced in CMBO. I was heading to have a chat with Standartenführer Stadler at Raum La Vacherie when a battle erupted there. I got to watch it. Some 70+ enemy tanks with infantry rumbled down on us. I was petrified (I had denied Stadler reinforcements from Korps...). What a scene it was! Salvoes of 40+ tank guns ripping the whole place apart. Stadler did great but would not have made it if Carisius hadn't appeared with his handful of Panthers. At the end of the day, some 70 enemy vehicles were non operational on the field and there were piles of dead. The British commander seemed oblivious to casualties. Both me and Stadler were in a kind of shock. It was an early battle and gave us a very dangerous sense of superiority, for which we were later to pay a price.

You into the CMBO CMMC now? I dropped out myself. Too taxing.

Mattias visited two times? He only told me about the one time. He had one of those evenings you know when he'd invite you over and then sans forewarning bore you to death with photo's ;) It was the Bovington affaire. In his words the tank-trip. He has a sardonic sense of poetry.



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Originally posted by Dandelion:

>"The Wessex Wyvern came out of CMMC2 with head held high"

...High enough to look around and see all of your dead mates lying about? ;)

Well, seeing that you threw about 1.5 SS Panzer Divisions at an understrength British Infantry Division, I suppose the losses were manageable. :D

I did not actually see any of the fighting - more a staffer, myself. I am still in CMMC2 - looks like it shapes up to be a good one.

Mattias came for another visit on the way to Dublin, just before he dropped off the planet.

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