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To the last Challenge I grapple with thee. From Peng's Heart I stab at thee. Twice.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai:

talk about a clicky thread.....i don't think anyone here is very good at cm anyway.<hr></blockquote>

Now that's how to be noticed. Insult our ability to play CM. Yep we suck, can't play, don't even own the game. It was taken away from me by the pool because I'm so bad. There isn't a grog in the pool, well, there is just one.

So I guess you taught us something...we are just a bunch of untalented pillocks that don't know an Jabo from a pimple on our ass.

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Lars, i'll tell you what, keep practicing against your amature friends and mabe i'll give you a game. it does'nt matter if you play gamey or ungammey, the result will be the same. a total loss for yourself. if you were inisitant upon playing the germans, i would be the polish and still march my troops to victory, i don't even need any tanks, or your welcomes.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Oh I don't know.

I thought all my Christmases came at once when I saw you in that sheep costume!


I feel like such a piece of meat. Well, actually I am when I'm dressed like a sheep in your presence. Why did that picture remind me of a bad porn movie.?

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(cackle, cackle) "we, three maidens (cough, cackle)"

"Greet thee (shuffle, scratch) brave, brave knights"

"Upon this road (slurp), we greet thee thrice (cackle)"

"And tell thee news from the brew"

"couldron boil and couldron bubbble"


"in the blood"

"among the dumplings"

"Your fate brave, knights, your (scratch)... futile ending"

"their fate is known (cackle, scratch)... their prowess (giggle)... slight (cackle)"

"their fame receeding......

"never bright" (scratch, dribble)

(cackle, gulp, scrath)....

"your doom (gulp, slurp).... till the woods doth move to....

"fortress puny (wheeze)"

".... till the woods do move to WAFFLELOT"

"DOOMED, DOOMED, YER ALL DOOMED (cackle, wheeze, slurp)

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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Originally posted by the “Wok Pot Pilot”:

Lars, i'll tell you what, keep practicing against your amature friends and mabe i'll give you a game.<hr></blockquote>

You’re too kind. I’ll keep practicing, you wait.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>it does'nt matter if you play gamey or ungammey,<hr></blockquote>

Actually, I like a nice Gamay, and like you, it’s best served young. Are you proposing Iskander rules? I’ll need to see I.D. though.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>the result will be the same. a total loss for yourself. if you were inisitant upon playing the germans, i would be the polish and still march my troops to victory,<hr></blockquote>

I’m pretty sure you would be the polish no matter what side you played. Oh, you meant Polish. See what capitalization can do for you?

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>i don’t even need any tanks, or your welcomes. <hr></blockquote>

And you’ll receive neither.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>i have an idea,<hr></blockquote>

Be gentle with it, it’s in a strange place.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> when i get bored of taunting you Lars, then i'll give you a game,<hr></blockquote>

Great, because I was bored with this about six quotes ago. But you keep trying. Maybe you'll come up with something original.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> that was i won't have to type anything at you,<hr></blockquote>

Hope does spring eternal.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> your strategies alone will be self imposed taunts against yourself. <hr></blockquote>

And they will be far funnier than anything you’ve written so far.

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Dammit, Lars, stop talking to the cockroaches and send me a feckin' turn.

(Yes, I know it's my turn.)

Agua Perdido<hr></blockquote>

Then send me the file so I can make fun of you instead.

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Hello scumbags.

Am I finally settled into my new house? Well, mostly.

Do I have a new email address? Those who feign interest can check my profile.

Will I send out turns tonight to the poor sack-diddlers who've stuck with me this long? Yeah, well okay.

Will I actually 'catch up' by reading the sixty Peng threads I've missed this last month? Hah! Not a chance, weeds.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Ha!! I'm back. Cover the furniture and hide the cat.

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]<hr></blockquote>

I'm counting the silverware, too.

BTW, we haven't forgotten that Elvis beat you 100-0, which as I recall we voted the suckiest game performance ever.

But I've taken care of the Viva Las Elvis curse for you by beating him like a Taliban morals patrol looking for love. Now, I'm making him wait till Christmas for the next opportunity to suffer at the Hands of the Law.

You could learn something from me.

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Bewteen the inane 'stines, people with no CAPS keys and donkey-fetishists I'm not sure what is going on in the 'pool. Now, I remember back a long time ago when I was naught but a budding SSN that I challenged a certain FoodNetworkPlagiarist to a game of CM. Seems the little git went off his Ritalin for a few minutes and lost concentration and thusly the notion of the game. I even sent taunting emails to his "I'mawankerwhogotkickedoffHotmailandnowhavetouseYahoo" account with no replies. So his "challenge" rings as hollow as the wok sitting on his head. You just don't get it (yes bauhaus, I am implying that). Why don't you saunter your jauntly little asian food preparation homage fetishifying arse off to a nice ritual seppuku. Please use a sharper knife this time and make sure to aim. It appears last time you merely lobotomized yourself in conjunction with sawing off your "Rocky Mountain oysters". Watch as I now show you how to use the "big letter key"


Hanns (damn UBB sneaking smilies in there)

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Hanns ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Lawyer, what was the name of the airline youv'e booked myself and Macey on?

We are at the airport now and they don't seem to be able to find the booking.

It was 'Air Afghanistan' wasn't it?<hr></blockquote>

No, wander on over to Air Iran (Motto: "We Were Terrorists When They Were Just Herding Goats"). Claim your in-flight ski-mask, and try to act anonymous.

I believe you are booked into the "Dates & Figs & Whatever Happens Under Those Robes" section. I saved some money by putting Mace into the "Sheep & Sacrificial Livestock" class where he is more likely to find a date.

What a thoughtful guy I am!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

No, wander on over to Air Iran (Motto: "We Were Terrorists When They Were Just Herding Goats"). Claim your in-flight ski-mask, and try to act anonymous.<hr></blockquote>

Us? Anonymous?

Both my collegue Stuka and I are going to stand out like sore thumbs given our dashing good looks, uber-intelligence and our rugged Aussie charm.

I'm sure we'll certainly impress the lovely hostesses who are more used to seeing the typical Mohammed or Mustafaganda.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I saved some money by putting Mace into the "Sheep & Sacrificial Livestock" class where he is more likely to find a date.<hr></blockquote>

Couldn't find any dates, but there sure were a lot of these little raisin clusters scattered on the deck.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>What a thoughtful guy I am!<hr></blockquote>

Yes, I'll give you that. Especially when thoughts revolve around quarterly 5000% fee increases to cover incidental costs.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Whats this? A *gasp* GROG term?

What says the Justicarate to this, this affront to the ethics and standards of 'pool tradition?<hr></blockquote>

Oh, so "phenotypic" has become a "grog" term in the bogan vernacular has it? More likely anything other than monosyllabic neanderthal grunting would be termed so by a knuckle-dragging banana-bending mullet-head. I suggest Bazza (I prefer to use your real name rather than the traitorous appellation you affect for a nick) that you spend a little less time hooning around perforating your eardrums with Barnsey and pay a little more attention to what 'Shazza' is up to with Bazza, Bazza, Bazza and a bottle of Bundy. Then you won't have to be concerned about the paternity of all the sprogs that 'Shazza' keeps popping out.

Edited in remembrance of absent pedants

[ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: Simon Fox ]</p>

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Oh Simone, you do say the nicest things.

BTW, what type of 'lawn-job' would you prefer for later tonight.

Do you like the traditional 'figure eight' or the aesthetically pleasing and cheekily Van Goghian 'straight burnout followed by emptying boot-load of broken stubbies' routine?

I'm only asking because I care.

PS. Say what you like about 'Barnsey' but leave AC/DC alone or its gonna git personal.

"Ugh Ugh Ook Ook Aroogahh Grunt whistle Chirp"

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Ah at's good tae sae Hiram hittin' has straps agin. Such bite, such bitterness.

Speedy, everythan' as gettin' through laddie, 'cept yer rubbish. Are ye certain ye got tha email address correct? An' noo, Ah didnae bother wi' ICQ, at's noo a manly program.

Croda, ye kin kiss mah spotty arrrse. Noo reason, ye pillock.

Stankin' Game Oopdates!!

Lawyer has offered oop a stankin' piece o' Der kessel ****e wha Ah cannae even recall tha poxy name of...suffice tae sae there are troops on all four sides, flags ain tha middle, an' bugger all cover except fer hais machinegunners. At's a historical piece o' crap.

Dalem as beginnin' tae smash tha rabbit raisins oot o' mah G.I.s'. Thay plod ain tha shtyupid snow, an' hais arty as foond tha range. Wha a festerin' piece o' span'l skank tha gam as.

Moriarty as gettin' has spottya arrrse kacked aintae next week an' beyond. Oi'm murderin' da bum!

Nijis sainds a turrn a month. Bastarrrd!

Leeo as slowly evaporatin' on tha pointy bits o' mah defences. Tae bloody slowly fer mah taste.

Speedy as needin' tae tak a refresher course ain "E-mail 101". Pillock.

Mensch didnae die o' putrid lungs after all, an' has taken tae sendin' turrns agin. He better bae lookin' fer another incapacitatin' affliction tae save has inept hide fraim mah uber-goober-chewin-G.I.-bastarrrds.

Mace as still waitin' fer tha' scenario fraim Mensch.

Bastables as full o' piss an' wind. Ah'll saind ye a setoop!, he says. An' bugger all arrives.

Moriarty, saind mae tha' stankin' scenario ye made wi' "tha names" ain at. Ah' need tae gi' StukaNukaPukaPants another whuppin'.

Ah'm noo gwnintae e'en mention tha latest crop o' SSN split-belly puddin's splashin' aboot tha hallowed Cess - except tae gi' tha jabberin' crustacean AhGaeADonkeyOopMahArse tha benefit o' tha doubt fer bein' slightly amusin'. Nae bad fer a damp spot o' badger piddle.

As fer tah raist o' ye, AH thank ye knoo tha drill bah noo....


PS Bastarrrds!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Hiram's Ghost:

He was the one who created {insert scenraio here} and it was I who lost at it.<hr></blockquote>

Oh, that narrows it down quite a bit doesn't it. I still have our last abandoned game available to send if you can get Naomi to give you a kitchen pass.

For any and all of my current opponents (and I am using the term very loosely here) please accept my oppology for not returning files as promptly as you are accustomed to from me. My webmail provider is an unmitigated pile of ****e (Telstra) and I will be seeking another directly. Please send me a note if you are waiting on me to my regular address and I will rectify the situation directly from a borrowed address in the Land-O-Sand.

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Thanks for the heads up oh Prince of Darkness. Now before we get into a major discussion on the subject and I have to bypass every post that even smells of Tolkien so as not to spoil the experience for me, riddle me this.

Does the first movie go right up to where book one did? I think this was right up to where the G9 (thats' the good guys, you pillock not the ringwraiths) break up and go the two seperate directions (well technically three, but you know, Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas eventually catch up with the half of the halflings). Not to put too fine a point on it or anything.

The movie opens on Boxing Day in Australia.

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