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Please, In all that is Holy, do not allow mouse to start a PENG CHALLENGE!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Shaw and Dalem.

Thank you for one of the most...disturbing exchanges in some time.

Now, I want both of you to go sit somewhere quiet, and contemplate just what kind of horror your immortal souls are going to endure in eternity.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow. Whatever I did to wrench such a mercifully short and to-the-point post from Sunshine, rest assured I'll be doing it again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

That would be ME, you disgusting sample from a proctologist's lab test!

LORAK, scribe thusly -

In the battle of the übertanks, Speedbuggy proved as inept as his lineage would suggest. He bravely (?) tried operating single Allied Tanks against my übertank hunting packs and had his head handed to him.

MrSpkr: Another GLORIOUS win

Speedbump: Another HUMILIATING defeat.

[ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lorak, whilst scribing, I must inquire: Is there a notation for excessive gamieness? The "victorious" MrSpkr, while technically "winning" after all my tanks bloweded up, should be chastised for his tactics. Our match was to be a battle of Ubertanks! Yet the bastiche bought PzIV's and Hetzers...Hetzers!!

It was like turning the kitchen light on and seeing cockroaches running for cover. You stomp on as many as you can, but ultimately some survive. In the end, MrSpkr held the field with but 2 King Tigers. It is a sad day in the Pool when shenanigans like this are condoned....


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To avoid the risk of this slipping to page 2, let me just say:

Macman is a good for nothing, lurking, big-girls blouse and needs to send me an e-mail to resume his thrashing.

Lorak can likewise assume the position and allow my artillary and small arms fire to weave its deadly magic on his advancing troops.

bauhaus can stop sorting through his kiddie porn collection and send me (xii) information on how many points we are supposed to be playing on the current map and whether or not I am the forces of ultimate evil or the world's policemen, and (Q) send me a map upon which I will spread Berli's entrails like so much vegemite on a freshly buttered toast.

Peng and Elvis can think up new and interesting ways in which to smack one another up side the head via TCP/IP

Hiram can read my previous instructions and follow them.

. . . and MarkVI can make me a drink as it is almost time for a gin and tonic here in the land-o-sand.

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I'd like to register a complaint about Spudbump and MrSqueekers.

Speedydump has actually stated that he has pegged out sheep in our current game to distract me.

Sheep are cute and oh so fluffy, to have them treated this way is barbaric.

What's more, MrSpankme went so far as dressing his Uberhamsters in sheep costumes, hence taking advantage of my inability to shoot such fine looking specimens!

I must henceforth declare both as being Gamey Bastiches, and I must ask that this gamey tactic cease forthwith!



Edited because some bloody big lizard got in the way!

[ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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I resemble that remark.

If you aren't careful I will have to take you on for, say, a six-pack of Merinos, freshly sheared and glistening with lanolin.

BTW, shouldn't you be in bed? Big day sucking the blood out of some battlers tomorrow isn't it?

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Nah, I do it rough because I'm a grown up now, I'm allowed to go to bed any time I well please...so neener, neener, neener!

Only nancy-boys go to bed at *looks at watch* Oh Feck!!! It's 10.10pm!! I should have been in bed 3 hours ago!!!

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Mace, you really should learn the meaning of the term 'and STAY dead'. Since this simple phrase appears quite beyond your comprehension, I shall have to explain it to you in excruciating 88mm detail. Expect a setup, and make sure your last will and testament are in order.

Goanna thanks for the uh, disturbing visual.

Speedbump - I think this is the first time I have ever heard anyone whine about the Germans taking PZIV-Js and PZIV-H's against M36Bs and Super Pershings. Besides, nearly all the kills came from my übertanks, anyway.

Seeing as how you are STILL whining about losing so often (if you would just leave the CM disk in its case that wouldn't happen NEARLY as much), I shall have to kick you again while you are down. Berli, do you happen to have anything particularly evil or should I resort to your underling, Rune?

[ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Mrspkr! I have just the ting for you. It is the Guns of Navarone (playset not movie) and it is quick and ferocious, plus, any soldiers left standing at the end -- you get to blow up with firecrackers! I will send it to you this afternoon, mate!

Axis Defense against American ONSLAUGHT, but the Axis has a few dirty secrets...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

...the Guns of Navarone ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just as grey was "the new black" last season, is Mouse's creation "the new Crodaburg"? Send me a copy, and I'll inflict it on Terence.

Agua Perdido

[Edited because of usual violent seizure caused by voluntarily typing Crodaburg.. arga84930w(*$]

[ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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Uh I'm not sure what that series of fragments was supposed to mean, but I will send you one too, Agua.

Incidentally, I am playing Cro... that battle, and it causes me nightmares, stomach pains, and I have started pulling my hair out. I pound my keyboard in frustration and then coddle my monitor to no avail. We are both dying alot in the most humiliating way.

Oh, my poor tigers...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It isn't that wins and losses matter much JoeSlovenly and if I could inspire as much hate with losses as wins, I would surely change my playing style or join you all in the University of the Tactically Inept.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Golly Goanna your CURRENT playing style seems to be working well in OUR game, you know, I'll send out a BUNCH of conflicting email addresses that explain that where ever I am you can't get to me but be sure to send a turn there anyway so I can claim I never got it. I show that I've sent MY turn to you but, {gasp} I've received no reply, kindly advise as to a forwarding address so that you can lose as seems appropriate at this time.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Just as grey was "the new black" last season, is Mouse's creation "the new Crodaburg"? Send me a copy, and I'll inflict it on Terence.

Agua Perdido


I thought perhaps you'd been taunted into a state of non-compliant High Dudgeon or perhaps forced into a Condition of Mopery by the Use of Certain Shampoos and Conditioners.

But I see this is not the case. I shall be most happy --charmed-- to receive your file.

By the way, if you are using mods, I can tell, and I will report you to the Responsible Authorities.

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All updates will now include a Suckatude rating for quick reference

MrSprinkler - Maximum Double Secret Suckatude. Suckatude on your entire line of little sprinklings, in perpetuity (said Suckatude must vest, if at all, within 21 years of a life in being). You Sir, are truly a gamey bastage. Your rush to the flag is abut one example of your profound lack of respect for your betters, and your obvious disdain for all precepts of fair play. Your low and underhanded performance was even more despicable because of the fact that you beat my rush to the flag by mere seconds. Also, in the future, please refrain from your twisted little stories about forced baths and large women in string bikinis. (is it getting warm in here?)

Shandork - Suckatude rating of 5. Since I managed to beat you like the redheaded stepchild you are in our first game, and you only won the second because you are an edgehugging manhooverist, I figure I have this one in the bag. There is still time to nominate yourself for worst commander of WWII.

dalam the earless wonder - Suckatude rating of 6. Only 4 turns left to take all those pretty flags away from me, better get a move on son.

The amazing disappearing Nijis - Suckatude rating of 9. Found a hard drive yet?

Icelandork - Suckatude rating of 9. I would be beating the crap out of you, however I realize that you are an emotionally delicate flower, who needs positive reinforcement.

j-lowerclass-d - Suckatude rating of 8. Advances with the speed and grace of a arthritic tree sloth.

Speedy - Suckatude rating of 3. Of all the worthless goat-smelling bastages I play, you perhaps smell least like a goat (maybe more like a wet dog).

Lawyer - Suckatude rating of 5. Despite the useless force selection foisted on my by the computer, My attack has carried half of the VLs by turn 15. Time for you to plead ineffective assistance of counsel. On the bright side, there is still time to nominate yourself for worst commander of WWII (would be a tough choice between you and Shandy Duncan)

WildChild - Who I hate above all others (except MasterSpanker), Maximum suckatude minus 1. Game not worth discussing, except to say I hate rune almost as much a WildBoy

SteveTheRat - Suckatude rating 7. Sandbagging bastard. Sure you have no ammo left.

OBGYN - Suckatude rating 5. All around the Victory flag, the Hellcat chased the Panther, A hidden AT gun shoots from the flank, POP goes the Panther.

BleaterNZ Suckatude rating 4. MIA.

[ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

Lawyer - Suckatude rating of 5. Despite the useless force selection foisted on my by the computer, My attack has carried half of the VLs by turn 15. Time for you to plead ineffective assistance of counsel. On the bright side, there is still time to nominate yourself for worst commander of WWII (would be a tough choice between you and Shandy Duncan)


Would someone please inform Marley that the final score is tallied at the END of the game, not the middle? He's falling right into my trap. Hehehe....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlowbrow:


All updates will now include a Suckatude rating for quick reference

dalam the earless wonder - Suckatude rating of 6. Only 4 turns left to take all those pretty flags away from me, better get a move on son.


Hey Marlowbrow, what's with this new "suckadude" rating? You gonna lose all your hacked porn passwords at the end of the month again?

You're certainly gonna lose those purty flags before then.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:


Icelandork - Suckatude rating of 9. I would be beating the crap out of you, however I realize that you are an emotionally delicate flower, who needs positive reinforcement. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, let's see if we can add these up, hmmm?

1 pt: bringing field guns to an ME.

1 pt: pushing said guns around on foot.

1 pt: dispersing your armor evenly across the entire width of the map.

1 pt: moving said armor too far foward, without cover.

1 pt: letting said moved armor sit immobile for far to long.

1 pt: not buying any arty (that I've seen).

1 pt: using the most obvious lines of advance, into my arty.

1 pt: trying human-wave tactics, uphill, into interlocking fire.

1 pt: not having the slightest idea who Christopher Marlow was.

Yup... that's 9 Points of Suckatude, all right. And the only thing this "flower" needs is to be watered with booze.

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A nice little update for the unwashed masses.


Joe Shaw-loss

*I really liked Shaw's logic but recorded it this way to keep his record in tact.



Joe Shaw-win


*sigh...so much for keeping his record in tact.

Now time for a word from our sponsor.

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:


All updates will now include a Suckatude rating for quick reference

WildChild - Who I hate above all others (except MasterSpanker), Maximum suckatude minus 1. Game not worth discussing, except to say I hate rune almost as much a WildBoy


Ah, my disreputableFORMER knight with the dull mind and armor plating. (See Phan, armor because I'm talking about a knight...well sort of) You know, that I know, that you suspect that you will NEVER win against me. I have thrashed you in every meeting. Not even Seanachai could handle Armour as poorly as you, no matter which tank you bring into battle, it has the life-expectance of a mayfly.

I have jumped into your head, ala that poor John Malcavich movie. I have taken residence there and even if you were to somehow, sometime in the future, win a battle against me it would not matter. You feel like my inferior and so you are.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

bauhaus can stop sorting through his kiddie porn collection and send me (xii) information on how many points we are supposed to be playing on the current map and whether or not I am the forces of ultimate evil or the world's policemen, and (Q) send me a map upon which I will spread Berli's entrails like so much vegemite on a freshly buttered toast.


Mr. Lizard........Give me to the weekend and I'll get you the set up and also drum up something fitting for you and Satan. I think he deserves the same treatment that he gave me in our battle.

Do you want me to put VL's on our battle or go straight up?

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