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Your Greatest / Wierdest Ubertank Kills?

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Two come to mind for me:

1) killing a King Tiger with a point blank zook shot in the tail as it tried to burrow through two buildings and got stuck.

2) killing a crack Panther with a green M10 that was just emerging from shock. The M10, completing a previously issued order, snuck up on the Panther and nailed him in the tail.

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I was thrilled when I luckily got a mobility kill on a Jadgtiger the other day. Didn't even try to kill it. I also had 2 Jackson's bounce 5 shots total off a King Tiger, result 2 dead Jackson’s. I am still waiting for the big one.

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I had a stuart behind the german lines and

killed a Tiger from the rear.

A few turns later, as he was making his way back towards friendlys he caught a King Tiger

with a side shot. First 3 shots bounced but the fourth knocked it out.

2 tigers with a stuart.

After the battle I pinned Silver Stars on the crew and sent them home.

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Firefly moving fast from left to right flank of a medium map, well behind my forward elements. Seeing a JgdPanther on a hill well behind "his" forward elements. Squeezing 1 round. I'd say 700m, almost frontal aspect. Bang - one dead JgdPanther.

Needless to say, this JgdPz was the only real AT asset my opposition had. If only a quad flak burst did not jam my Firefly's gun on the next turn...

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At the other extreme, I just had a green sharpshooter take on a Hotchkiss (possibly the least uber of all tanks) at 380m. 20 seconds after it appeared in his sights it was all over. He killed the commander, the driver bailed out - and then he shot the driver too. Two shots, two kills, one tank!

As befits a green rookie, he missed every other shot in the battle. But for those 20 seconds he ruled the battlefield.

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For me it must be the Priest that in a game casually knocked out two Hetzers with one frontal shot each, and then a King Tiger with a single flank shot. All this as it was busy knocking down buildings...

It was with version 1.05 though, the Priest won't fire it's HC ammo in time with the later patches. :(



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Too many stories killing soda cans with Big Cats for me. I'll go with this: Decided to get for a QB an all veteran Kampfgruppe: a Tiger IE, Waffen-SS PzGren.Platoon, and a 50mm ATG. I also believed my opponent knew I had a fondness for the slow Tigers and thought he would go with the beloved "cheap and speedy" route... lots of Stuarts and M10s. Sure enough he did. Long story short, for my cheap 50mm ATG got 4 Stuart and 2 M10 kills. With that, my Panzergrenadiers along with the Tiger IE I kept in hiding came out to hunt down the "attackers." Becoming quite fond of the 50mm.

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One other casecomes to mind!

At the start of a move, I ordered two Sherm 75s to go over a hill and attack a veteran Panther from the side, meanwhile ordering another Sherm 75, which was FACING that same Panther, to back DOWN a different hill to get out of the way of its powerful frontal armor and fatal gun. At the start of the move, the Panther immediately turns right and heads straight for my two "flanking" Sherms who are about to crest the hill. Obviously they are both about to be cooked, and with them, I'll lose almost my last tank assets. As I watch in horror, the seconds tick down before they come in LOS. Then comes the message above the Panther "Side Turret Penetration; Knocked Out"--I'm joyful but also shocked and disbelieving. What could have killed that Panther? Replaying the movie, I found it was that 3rd Sherman backing down the other hill. For a second or two he had a clear LOS on the Panther flank and killed it with a single shot.

That one shot won the battle--and convinced me that the way to beat German armor is to shoot at it from multiple angles. It can't face forward toward all sides at once.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Warmaker:

Becoming quite fond of the 50mm.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They are definatlely worth their money; High ROF, difficult to spot and very cheap. This gun stood alone in the tide of attacking US forces at Remagen and knocked out several HTs, two Stuarts, one Priest and a Pershing (!).

I was as surprised as my opponent was when his heavy tank exploded.

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In a campaign against Ted I had been overrun completely in the first battle. His tanks were just roaming around cleaning up my last little pockets of resistance when either a King or Jagd (I can't remember)- Tiger lumbered past a 'zook that his infantry had missed. One shot, one dead kitty. My boys didn't fare so well against the 5 tanks that came to pay their respects.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Just to mention something...

In ANY of my games within the last year I can't remember the last time I lost one of my tanks to an infantry assault. Schrecks and Zooks, yeah even now and then, but infantry? Hardly ever.


I had a Panther G in a snowy Dec'44 QB against a British AI. I was starting to have it mount a counter against a failed British infantry attack against the village I held. While passing near the woods, some infantry threw charges/grenades and immobilized my Panther and I began to stress over it's survivability. For about 3 whole friggin turns all the Panther's MGs and gun were firing trying to fend off a determined infantry assault. The close defense mortars were going off whenever possible. At the last possible moment my lazy 250/1 HT decides to show up and starts spraying the Panther's area with MG fire. It causes suppression and together it forces the British to move away and my Panther survived.

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About infantry assaulting tanks:

A couple weeks ago I was playing an all-Random QB with Big Mac. He had some kind of sherman and it was in a village, at night, in heavy fog. I sent three platoons and their HQ right on top of that tank and took the bastard out. It was a heavy cost though.

Just last night in another QB, I finally immobilized a Hetzer that was 10 meters away from a whole bunch of my british. Do British get issued grenades, 'cause I been chasing that Hetzer around for 4-5 turns.

Two turns after it was immobilized right next to my platoon, they are still sitting there, immobilized and buttoned, but otherwise unharmed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Admiral Keth:

Managed to kill a bogged gunless Sherman with 6 Waffen SS squads. No shrecks, no fausts, just hand grenades. Took 4 turns of constant grenade chucking, but it's all I had.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

in a pbem with Arien that is juuust about over, I immobilized his stuart with a freaky long range shot by at lynx. the stuart ended up right next to some woods and I close assualted figuring that three ss motorized squads would have enough moxie to take out a little tank like that. but the mg kept firing and the tank plus the infantry left in the neighborhood eventually killed all three squads.

Finally I used blast effect from a stug shell to ko the stuart.

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but the mg kept firing and the tank plus the infantry left in the neighborhood eventually killed all three squads.

Stuarts are Nasty to assaulting infantry that want to knock it out close range. On a Commando Skorzeny scenario "David and Goliath" the last Brit tank alive was a immobilized Stuart and it caused more damage to my remaining squads as they tried to kill it with demolition charges than the rest of the tanks in the convoy did together the rest of the game.

That scenario is an excellent example of what infantry can do to unsuported tanks in the right terrain. (The fact that all German forces were Elite doesn't hurt either.)


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Had a 50mm AT gun take out 17 British AVF's. Front, side, it didn't matter, that little gun just kept smoking them. His tanks were all going for a 75mm pillbox that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Boy, I really like 50mm AT guns now.

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In an assault QB I was the british and had 75mm arty. The Hun had 2 panthers and a bunch of infantry. He brought the Panthers up with infantry on either side.

Hmmm, I thought, I'll suppress the inf. with the arty, and charge the Panthers with two Shermans and a Stuart (on the other side).

Well, I killed one Panther with a Sherman and lost all the tanks. Killed the other Panther with the artillery. On the replay, it looks like the shell went right onto the hatch.

Better to be lucky than good sometimes, hey?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Abbott:

I was thrilled when I luckily got a mobility kill on a Jadgtiger the other day. Didn't even try to kill it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I had a similar situation in which I immobilized a Jadgtiger with an M-36. It was during a close-range village fight, and I was then able to drive around behind it and knock it out at point blank range - right up the arse! :D

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Not a KT kill but the funniest thing I ever saw. Pershing and a Panther are advancing towards each other a house blockes LOS they pull up next to the house about ten feet from each other aim fire immobilize each other reloaded then brewed each other up weirdest damn thing I ever saw in CM

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