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Tiger killed by Greyhound

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Actually, CBase, these things happen in CM all the time. I have personally knocked out tigers with both Greyhounds and Stuarts. Even KTs can be taken out from the 37MM gun from the rear at point blank range.

And yes, there has been some teeth gnashing over this.

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Yes, I've had a Tiger taken out by a PIAT at 110 meters!! :eek:

This still doesn't console me however because I've had waaaay too many 1 in a 100 chances go against me. All I can say is that I'm due for about 10 straight games of one shot kills, so beware future opponents!


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LOL - I have pictures of one of my PIAT units busting a tiger at nearly 200 metres - those pleasure still await you. Nearly everyone who's played this game for a while has some comical story of how a pistol-armed soldier managed to turn back the entire German army, or some such fluke smile.gif

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Doesn't the PIAT fire a HEAT round? If so, distance is not a factor. A HEAT round has the same punch at 1 meter as it does at 200+ meters. However, it is still a let down to have your Tiger taken out by some guy with a glorified NERF cannon.

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If the tank is being supported by infantry and other units, then the first shot is critical. After that NERF dude is spotted and receives a hail of bullets and HE rounds. If not, NERF dude usually has time to shoot off another round or two. A buttoned up tank crew may know they are being fired at but not necessarily where. The funny thing is is that when I am trying to knock out tanks with panzerfausts or panzerschrecks, I never seem to have enough rounds. When the enemy is doing it, it seems he has too many rounds.

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I had a HT knocked out by an Allied 57 AT gun yesterday. That doesnt surprise me. But what does surprise me is my HT was bhind a house! First how in the hell can a gun find a target that is hiding, 1000 meters away and is behind a house?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Of course then the game got better. I knocked out a Scout car at 500 meters with my HMG 42, my HT knocked the gun out of a Sherman with its 20 mm gun, and my opponent could not ever find my dual HMG 42s sitting in a building. He was taking hits left and right from them but never could find them.


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I played a PBEM Ladder game v a guy(no names) who picked July44 axis and a fat KT. i was not impressed but i was a bit green. I had 2 76mm ATG and 3 76mm Shermans. 21 hits bounced off his armour including 5 at a 90° 1 of these at 20m(the final rush attaempt). He brewed all my tanks and guns but while dodging i took 2 hetzers and a marder and pulled a draw outa the bag.

Just shows sometimes, thses cats are just too fat. smile.gif

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My e-men in their trusty Greyhound took out a KT at point blank range with their 37mm. They crossed the 'T' at full speed. "Rear hull penetration at weak spot", or words to that effect. I used up a months supply of luck on that one.

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The default model size is NOT to scale with buildings and other surroundings (it's at +2). To have a better feel if you are covered by a house or not, change the unit size to realistic (SHIFT-C, I believe). The units will be a lot smaller but it may help.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Had an HMC whack a KT. One of the happiest moments of my CM life. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Moriarty, a M8 HMC? How did you manage that? I've shot round after round at lowly Stugs before with no result. (No c shells carried)

I'd love to be able to take on tanks with the little M8


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What is so interesting about it? Tigers were brewed by 45mm AT guns regularly (side shots from 300 m or closer). They also could be taken out of battle (if not killed) by 14mm AT rifles (optics hit, TCO tower hit, track hit, gun hit etc).

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