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Everything posted by fallschirmjager

  1. I'm with you guys on this. Whether it be colors, shapes or any other quickly distinguishing characteristics, it would help with management of all forces on the field. This is especially the case in larger scenarios and with varying terrain, buildings and so on. It might also be nice to have a pop-up window "Unit Base Legend" similar to "Hotkeys", which would quickly illustrate the match of unit bases to their assigned units. No matter how it's done, anything would be an improvement over the current "one size fits all" bases. Overall, this is an excellent game!
  2. Not sure if many here have seen this or not, but there is some interesting insight into Tiger life in the field at: http://www.panzer-vi.fsnet.co.uk/talesmenu.html
  3. Truth be told, I tried for this "handle" only to no avail!
  4. Thanks for the info. I guess strategy always takes precedence over weapons, no matter how superior they may seem.
  5. This is an excellent idea! Managing forces, especially on the larger scenarios, would be vastly improved through such an enhancement. It would be nice if this could be added in time for the introduction of CM2.
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