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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander:

Clean it up or get the Hell out, knob.<hr></blockquote>

Sic 'im, Isky! You da man!

Indeed, Slappy has proven himself the Mt. St. Helens of ****e volcanoes.......

And he is to the knob as a blue whale is to a mammal.

(OK, so I didn't do so well on the verbal section of the SAT, but then, the SAT didn't do so well on that section of me, either).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

My understanding is that the best thing a Kiwi can do in CA is go to the beach and pretend he's Australian...<hr></blockquote>

Exactly why Stukes and I are looking for sponsors to fund out fact-finding mission to the USA.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iskander:

Congrats, Slappy: you're tanjed near one week behind the general forum in posting links. Why not go back to playing with your groggy high-brows there?

And try looking up your Prophet quotes before you bandy them about in your sig. Sure, you can say "oh, that's how it was in the movie," but it's dangerously close to the same misrepresentation that has Eisenhower saying "Dang! Adolf was right! These Jews are best extra-crispy! Yum!"

Clean it up or get the Hell out, knob.<hr></blockquote>

Jeez, some yon just has not gotten their portion this week. Well, if I was trying to be biblically profance rather than just play up a reference in pop culture then I would bandy about the proper quote:

[grog mode]

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them. <hr></blockquote>

But then again that sounds better out of context, since ole Zeke is talking about a series of battles around 1300 bce where the Jews tolchucked the Phillistines and first got this piece of real estate, withness the paragraph before:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethims, and destroy the remnant of the sea coast. <hr></blockquote>

and indeed these Cherethims get cut off and destroyed, as a nice dig in Giloth shows the ancient war gamer. Of course who are these Cherethims? Now there is a tough question, because if you know your bible, around 400 years later, the Cherethites and Pelethites will be David's officers of war. Note the changed ending of the word which is just from the direction of the translatiion -- hebrew to greek or aramaic to latin.

So the actual phrase is not an expression of brotherhood, but simple an announcement of victory and a promise of god to do some tolchucking on the behalf of the favorite children In fact, while Ezekial reached its current form in 300 BCE or abouts, it is basically a long diary with quite a bit of tolchucking in it. Not much useful fodder for quoting from, although taken out of context quite a bit can be gotten. Instead we can look around and find some better stuff in Daniel, and Maccabees has some real cool stuff, or some high brow Mathew, earthy Mark, or lovingkind Luke, or even some crazy revelations, but the purpose of course is not to quote the bible, but to make a more reflexive comment on Tarrantino's already reflecive remark. Studs Terkle had a good quote for this moment but I have forgotten it, so just assume I included it much to everyone's amazement.

Anyway Iskander, sod off.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

and indeed these Cherethims get cut off



Nobody likes the thought of getting their cherrythings cut off.

Slappy, you are a low-browed sadist and no mistake.

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Your perfectly right, senor Shaw, if I had actually read the rules I would have challenged someone specific by now. It seems you have overlooked the fact that you have gotten caught up in your own insurance company like fine print. I can't challenge a knight of the pool(as distasteful as it is to say that), and I can't challenge a "squire"(even more distasteful), now since I'm the only "nobody" with brass cajones in here right now, who the feck am I supposed to challenge 'o wise one? I'd prefer you, but that's against the rules. Hmmm, do I smell a loophole? But your right, let's not let the new kid totally embarass a snake like you at this game...

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It seems you have overlooked the fact that... [sSN Catch-22 snipped] <hr></blockquote>

That's your problem. This thread wasn't spawned for the convenience of Mr. Noob Turkish Esq. Now find yourself another midgit to wrestle with, preferably in mud, and if you bite each others nards off in the process you might elicit a laugh.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Turkish:

Now since I'm the only "nobody" with brass cajones in here right now<hr></blockquote>

Well if you used your "cajones" more often then maybe they would not of solidified in to brass?

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Originally posted by TurkishBathHouseBoy

since I'm the only "nobody" with brass cajones in here right now, who the feck am I supposed to challenge 'o wise one?

Bring it on 'Turkboy! As I seem to be a bottom feeding SSN I see it as my sovereign duty to kick the phallically implanted genetic material out of TurkishBathHouseBoy in a battle chosen by my betters. If one of greater stature and experience would send a suitably insulting setup for me to uhh... wipe bathboy with I'd be ecstatic. Bathboy needs to be taught a lesson in pain and suffering and I know the perfumed and ensconced Kniggets of the MBT would never dare bow so low as to bitch smack this self proclaimed bathboy. I humbly offer up my services in placing my steel shod jackboot upon his boney throat and holding it under the surface of the 'Cess long enough for him to repent in the errors of his ways (and SOD OFF while he's at it). Grant me this boon and allow my unfettered hatred to manifest.


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If I may be the first to post upon the third gathering of the Olde Ones in this metropolis of Minneapolis. It has gone well if I may say so. No one was arrested or beaten to a pulp by the bouncers of Glüeks. Many pitchers of dunkel bier flowed into the gullets of Olde Ones and kniggets alike. Entertainment of the young and female nature was curtailed due to the actions of one dreadlocked German that I shall not name. Apparently Peng, Berli and Seanachai were not up to my offers of Third Reich shots. Much to their loss I'd admit. As I am fond of saying concerning this concoction of Jägermeister, Rumpleminze and Goldschlager, "taste the schannpsie gutness"! Bah, apparently they prefer bier in large quantities (and qualities) in favor of not waking in the morning. I believe that the tethered goat at the bar was the "frosting on the cake". Mace and his Ozzy compatriots might have been more excited if it was a sheep but alas, it's the best they had to offer. Last but not least I shall recite a poem although rather old (I wrote it as a Senior in highschool) is rather germain to the affection held by Ozzies for their flocks of furry female substitutes. It is entitled

The Passionate and Lonely Shepard to His Flock

I like sheep fat and thick,

shaved and smooth with oil slick.

Their furry butts turn me on,

for the days are very long.

They never bitch nor disagree

as I pose my rear entry.

"Bah Bah" goes their song

as I release my swollen dong.

Very lucky yes I be,

never pregnant are the sheep.

Sodomy's my middle name

sheep and women are the same.

This has been a test of the Ozzie Seductive Sheep Dispersal Board. Had this been a real emergency the Angolan Airforce would be airdropping prophylactics and rohipnal addled sheep at this point. Please return to your homes, pull your trousers back on and hope that your "date" didn't have anthrax. Thank ewe!

[ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: Hanns ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

I like sheep fat and thick,

shaved and smooth with oil slick.

Their furry butts turn me on,

for the days are very long.

They never bitch nor disagree

as I pose my rear entry.

"Bah Bah" goes their song

as I release my swollen dong.

Very lucky yes I be,

never pregnant are the sheep.

Sodomy's my middle name

sheep and women are the same.


Mein Gott, Hanns

I have finally been bested in my passion for sheep!

All hale the new Sheep shagger!


[ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

If one of greater stature and experience would send a suitably insulting setup for me to uhh... wipe bathboy with I'd be ecstatic.<hr></blockquote>

Your wish shall be granted Hanns. Because of your Germanic name, you shall play the Germans in a setup presently coming your way. If Bathboy accepts your challenge, it would be mildly amusing to hear how the fight develops.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx:

Send em that Gamey bloody scenario that i played you on and you kicked my ass on!.<hr></blockquote>

Thank you for reminding everyone how I crushed you in that exquisitely balanced river crossing match. But no, they will be getting something without such an obvious chokepoint.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Thank you for reminding everyone how I crushed you in that exquisitely balanced river crossing match.<hr></blockquote>

My Pleasure!.

Your exceptional use of gamey scenarios has aspired me to bigger and better things.

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Your exceptional use of gamey scenarios has aspired me to bigger and better things.<hr></blockquote>

We've played how many times, once? And double blind at that? Anyway, you lost because you played like an Aussie shepherd sucked dry as a prune by his flock. You didn't even use any smoke. What could you expect? tongue.gif

(edited for the hell of it)

[ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

You lost because you played like an Aussie shepherd sucked dry as a prune by his flock.


Hmmmm, having to cross a 100 meter bridge against Churchills and AT guns didn't have anything to do with it!

Do you care to try and cross that god for saken bridge!?!...

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Hmmmm... This is odd but tis morning and I am the first of last night's gathering to post. It appears that my brothers in beer are not weathering their hangovers as well as I am. Too bad.

I would like to start off by first thanking Hanns for his over-abundant enthusiasm in purchasing and drinking pitchers of beer. Well done.

Peng, Seanchai, Berli, and Lars it was grand seeing you. I will never forget the man with the pink feather and the leather chaps. May he be beatin' into a bloody pulp in an alley somewhere.


[ 10-25-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]</p>

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