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Anyone get CM running on OSX?

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So BTS has 3 choices for CMBO:

1)Write a Cocoa version of CM:BO.

(Time consuming, expensive but the best results for the long run.)

2)Write an updated version to run under Carbon. (I hear it's reletivly easy and quick but will not take advantage of everything OSX has to offer.)

3)Abandon CM:BO for Mac OS X (BAD!)

Also hopefully they will be getting CM2 to run in OpenGL.


And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh.


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Originally posted by Maximus:

Don't feed the monopoly. Feed competition.

You know... that's one reason I like Macs over Windows! smile.gif can you say MICROSOFT

Nice second post though. Good points. I didn't know that about direct x. Good concept. I don't think Linux is toned down to run on lighter machines, I actually think it takes much more resouces than straight UNIX because of the GUI. The GUI takes more system resources than the straight text interface of old world UNIX.

Both OSs could learn a few things from each other... and do. They both have strengths and weaknesses and people have personal preferences about them. Let's leave it at that..... Although I know no one will. biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by karch (edited 03-28-2001).]

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I believe the big problem is Apple dropping all support for Quickdraw3D and Rave in favour of OpenGL in OS X."

Imagine that. Apple dumping compatibility? smile.gif

And people wonder why they are at a 7% market share.

"Besides I am so glad that 3Dfx's GLIDE API died. "

It is actually kind of sad.

1. The Glide API has been an open standard for about 15 months now.

2. My understanding of Glide is it was a much cleaner faster standard than even OpenGL. And of course DX.


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My impression is that CMBO will not be rewritten/carbonized for OS X. I believe the companies that are saying it is "real easy" don't have 3D code to change. In order for CMBO to work with OS X RAVE support will have to be implemented better than it is now (and minimal RAVE support only exists in Classic mode to boot - this is why people aren't seeing the RAVE-based 3D battlefield). BTS would have to rewrite the entire 3D engine in OpenGL before CMBO would be "carbonized" - most likely not gonna happen.

What this portends for CM2, I'm not sure. Anyone who doesn't have OS 9.x or earlier will not be able to run CM2. And I wouldn't go blaming BTS for "knowingly" developing in an outdated API. They started on CMBO over three years ago. OpenGL didn't exactly have widespread support with all of the video cards on the Mac. And Apple's "compatibility-level" of support for RAVE was obviously unknown until recently.

Apple has gone through painful transitions in the past. I remember very well the PPC transition - for what I was doing at the time it was a complete nightmare since Apple changed a "glue chipset" after the Beta machines were released to 3rd party engineers - it totally messed up our product line. Apple typically tries very hard to make the transitions as painless as possible, but without a prescient 3rd eye, some developers/users can find an important feature non-functional when they upgrade (such is the case with game developers and hardware manufacturers).

Last I heard CM2 was going to remain a RAVE based game. There may be thoughts about changing this, but I'm guessing that is still the case. Work on CMII (written in the OpenGL API) is probably going to have to start sooner than anticipated. These are the sorts of things that cause aneurysms in developers.

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I find this disscusion quite lame, and would not bother speculating what BTS will do or make any hopes. I just await what they have to give in a semi-press release for OS X. If they support it great stuff, if they don't also great stuff!. Why well they can spend the next few months re-writing code or say ok CMBO is for 9.0 or less and CM 2 will have the OS X in mind... I rather they spend few months on CM2 for OS X then for OS 9.0+..

as for the FLAMING TROLL MS Users, as me dad said if everyone bothered to take care of thier backyard and not complain and nit pick on the other peoples yards every one would have nice back yards... well I did never understand him then and don't now.. I guess there was a message in his saying.. but I'll leave that as that.

I hate TROLLS, as worse as Biggots and Shoe Fly Pie.

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So if you wanna buy expensive stuff, go right ahead, but don't go bashing other users who buy cheaper stuff because of competition.

Maximess, you yourself are bashing Mac owners, no?

Also Apple is not obliged to let other manufacturers to produce Apple compatible machines.

IBM licensed their technology: it wasn't some shared technology experiment between kindly capitalists.

Do you know what Apple's markup on an iMac is? Didn't think so. It isn't much I can tell you.

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Originally posted by karch:

You know... that's one reason I like Macs over Windows! smile.gif can you say MICROSOFT

OK, but can you say Apple Hardware? Every piece of hardware that you would have to buy for a Mac had to be Apple made. Until recently when Steve Jobs FINALLY allowed 3rd party hardware to work in a Mac such as Nvidia video cards.

Ever see the TNT movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley"? The story of how Steve Jobs and Bill Gates got into the computer business with Jobs making Apple I's in his garage et al. Then one scene really sums it all up where Steve Jobs said "We've got better stuff." And Bill Gates said, "So what, it's all in the software." (Let 3rd party manufactures build the stuff, but let the software do the work. ie Microsoft DOS and now Windows)

Also I understand now that finally in OSX that you can change the system sounds and beeps. So what, Windows users have been able to do this since Windows 3.0 back in the early '90s. And where do you wonder I got this information from? TechTV where the ;lady that does the Mac Tips was all in a flurry to say that now OS X you can finally change the system beeps. Any Windows user would do the following... rolleyes.gif

And going back to the hardware issue. Name one person that has made it rich by manufacturing PC hardware. You can't. Now name one person who has made it rich by manufacturing Apple hardware. Easy...Steve Jobs. See this is what I mean about feeding monopolies. Steve not only has a monopoly on the Mac OS, but also on the hardware itself.

But I'd have to admit that I do have a couple Microsoft peripherial devices in a Intellimouse and a Sidewinder Force-Feedback Joystick.

OK, now going to the software portion of the argument. Where do you think the majority of these mods come from? Windows platforms. Why because it is easy to be creative and play around with Windows files. Something that you can't readily do with Mac files. Take for instance the complicated CM graphics files and the sound files. Mac users couldn't use any mods at first until someone wrote a program to convert simple bmps and wavs to incoporate into the Mac Graphics file and Sound file. Would the ordinary Mac user know how to extract the CM graphics prior to the Mac Mod Manager? Probably not. This sort of "strictness", for lack of a better term, stems directly from Steve Job's stingyness with his software and hardware. Steve's goal was to make the best machine possible for the customer, however he didn't want anybody "tinkering" with the "guts". So he made the Mac file interface tricky to break. This maybe a cause of the unbreakable hard-coding that CM has as it was developed on a G4. It may not be, I don't know, so that is just a hunch.

Anyway, being as stingy as Steve Jobs is with his hardware and software is one reason why I never like Apple computers. For instance, back in the AppleII days, what was the brand of the external 5.25 floppy drive? Surprise, Apple!

I'd write a little bit more but I lost my train of thought after browsing over to PriceWatch.com. biggrin.gif


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This is all I have to say. DOS Computers manufactured by companies such as IBM, Compaq, Tandy, and millions of others are by far the most popular, with about 70 million machines in use worldwide. Macintosh fans, on the other hand, may note that cockroaches are far more numerous than humans, and that numbers alone do not denote a higher life form.



Canada For CM



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Umm, Can't believe this one isn't locked up by now.

I'll just chime in and give the advice I give to those asking me about buying a home computer. (we use both PC and MAC's at work so I am not biased).

I basically tell them that if they are looking for a solid machine with no up-keep to do publishing, day to day work. The MAC is the way to go.

But if they are a gamer, or have a kid that is, then a MAC is pretty much a waste of space.

Personaly I choose a PC because I am a game-whore.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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I don't believe this

Lets just ingore comments in this thread that are not relevant to the ISSUE of CM2 running on Mac OSX

Sure there are video 3d problems but all mac computers that are Sold after sometime LATE this summer will ship with OSX on them and the way things are right now OSX won't run CMBO in the 9.1 classic mode. Has anyone configured the 9.1 classic to work yet?

There "should" be a way to make 9.1 run the way it used to before the OSX install so it can run 9.1 the "old" and so CMBO will run on it

Other wise it means a reboot and then boot off 9.1 and have it configured for CMBO.

I think we can keep this thread relevant to issues about CM2 and 3D video standards. OpenGL support (or the lack there off in CMBO and CM2) IS the issue here.

-tom w

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Jane you ignorant slut...


Apple hardware is not manufactured by Apple. And hasn't been since the LCII in 1990. Why, even the G4 processor was designed by IBM, manufactured by Motorola and now is under contract negotiation for license to AMD. For a complete list of products and add ons for Mac please refer to the apple.com web site where you will find names like, oh, IBM, Microsoft, Sony, Harman Kardon, ATI, 3dfx, Maxtor, just to name a few. Your misconception comes from the fact that up until recently, no one wanted to manufacture Mac products because of economics. Let's say it together e c o n o m i c s. It's easier to sell crap to 300 million drewling morons than caviar 7 million erudite souls.


If you did watch that show, you'd know that Bill Gates ripped Apple off by blatantly stealing the windows based interface which Apple had previously licensed, then stole from Xerox by slightly re-engineering it.


I've been using custom desktop patterns, icons and sounds for close to fourteen years now. I assure you, Xtree Gold, nor Windows 3.31 never had that capability.


About your "back to the hardware thing." e c o n o m i c s. See above

By the way, what does it take for you to install a new hard drive? Did mine the other day, took me less than five minutes. Just a thought.


Ever heard of ResEdit? Guess not. Look it up and find out how creative a Mac user can get with their OS.


Back in the Apple II days, Apple was the only mass manufacturer of personal computers. Apple computers held the market share for several years before IBM decided that this whole personal computer thing might actually go somewhere. You're surprised that Apple made the only 5.25" drive?


I can easily see how you might loose your train of thought. By the way, is there a caboose on that train, or did you loose that car too?

Here's some advice, give up Mac bashing, cause you'll never win. Owning a Mac is a well deserved luxury. Kind of like owning a Mercedes or BMW. A Chevy will get you there just fine, but somehow the ride is just better in a Mercedes.

Now about the real subject. Mac OS 9 running on OS X is an emulation, not a real OS. Certain functions are handled by OS X no matter what, such as device recognition, which includes your video card.

Here's an observation as to a solution. A conversion to Mac OS X may be done by enlisting the aid of a third party such as The Omni Group. Said third party groups are well versed in OS X technology because of their close ties with NexT back in the day. As example, please refer to the speedy job they did on the Quake Arena game update for OS X. Regardless, until a conversion is made, you'll just have to boot OS 9.

[This message has been edited by Logan (edited 03-28-2001).]

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Please forgive me, can't resist the temptation to feed one of my favorite trolls...

Maximus said:

OK, now going to the software portion of the argument. Where do you think the majority of these mods come from? Windows platforms. Why because it is easy to be creative and play around with Windows files.

I'm sorry Max, here is one of the many places you are wrong. The files are very easy to modify on the Mac. Why are most of the mods from MSW users? Because there are more of them. No other reason. It has nothing to do with the ease of being creative on a platform, by the by Photoshop and its precursers were developed for a Mac (I used the first versions when I was at Art Center in the early nineties). Most of the creatives (the people in graphics companies who make the ads you see) I know still use Macs everyday.

Something that you can't readily do with Mac files.

Oh so very wrong...

Take for instance the complicated CM graphics files and the sound files. Mac users couldn't use any mods at first until someone wrote a program to convert simple bmps and wavs to incoporate into the Mac Graphics file and Sound file.

I used some of the first mods on my Mac by using a very powerful tool known as ResEdit, which has been around since I started using Macs in 1985. It makes it easy to change the sounds and graphic resources on a Mac. Is it easier on a Win machine, yes it is, and yes it is a function of how applications are structured on a Mac. The way resources are structured on a Mac is efficient for the way Macs are designed, it is neither better, worse or anything else, just different. I can still just move a application from one Mac to another (in most cases) by just grabbing what I see in one folder and it will work; no DLLs, registries, or other arcana to fiddle with, this is convenient and is again different, but maybe not any better.

Would the ordinary Mac user know how to extract the CM graphics prior to the Mac Mod Manager?

Yes any Mac user who is interested in changing the way things are does know how to do so. Most don't, many Mac users are fairly lazy in this regard, its not that you can't we just tend not to be interested in that end. The ones who are, are very good indeed. The Mod Manager is a good example of someone doing some nice work that uses some of the tools available in the Mac arena.

In regards to the fine work done in the fictionalized show you espouse, keep in mind its the media. As in entertainment. It was neither truly factual or accurate, but it was entertaining. Careful what you believe.

Maximus, we were not into a bash MSW session prior to your entry here. Your shallow understanding of the subject matter is all too evident. You are entirely too strident, and jumping to poor conclusions based on faulty knowledge. You are clearly an intelligent individual, and I have enjoyed many of your joustings at windmills. Please feel free to gain the firm knowledge base needed for a sound argument and do not judge things based on the insipid blatherings of media outlets and their soundbites...

Karl Mead

[This message has been edited by kmead (edited 03-28-2001).]

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Originally posted by kmead/Maximus:

Would the ordinary Mac user know how to extract the CM graphics prior to the Mac Mod Manager?

Yes I did. I figured out graphics on my own, and a quick post on this board taught me how to do the sounds.


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Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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Ignoring all the Windows vs. Mac blather I found ...

Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

My impression is that CMBO will not be rewritten/carbonized for OS X. I believe the companies that are saying it is "real easy" don't have 3D code to change. In order for CMBO to work with OS X RAVE support will have to be implemented better than it is now (and minimal RAVE support only exists in Classic mode to boot - this is why people aren't seeing the RAVE-based 3D battlefield). BTS would have to rewrite the entire 3D engine in OpenGL before CMBO would be "carbonized" - most likely not gonna happen.

And that's it in a nutshell I think. I can almost guarantee you that Apple will not fix or add RAVE support for OS X as they have stated many times that OpenGL is their graphics engine for 3D. Another game that I play fairly regularly put out two versions of the game, an OpenGL and RAVE, with the RAVE version now being phased out by that developer for these very reasons ... no support from Apple.

If BTS is only working on a RAVE version for CM2 then I'm afraid that their Mac sales are going to suffer and that is a shame, I think. And no, I don't think it's their fault at all. Unfortunately, Apple can have a rather "deaf ear" at times.

Maybe if enough people made some noise ...

All this aside and FWIW though, OS X is the BALLS!

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Now name one person who has made it rich by manufacturing Apple hardware. Easy...Steve Jobs. See this is what I mean about feeding monopolies. Steve not only has a monopoly on the Mac OS, but also on the hardware itself.

Interesting point. The last word I had, was that Jobs was not being paid by Apple... he was in fact working as CEO gratis. He makes his money through his other company... Pixar. Don't want him to get your money? Don't go see Toy Story III. Yes, Apple does control their OS and their hardware... which is why you don't hear Mac users whining about drivers

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Hey Maximus,

Maximus Said:

Also I understand now that finally in OSX that you can change the system sounds and beeps. So what, Windows users have been able to do this since Windows 3.0 back in the early '90s.

This has been possible in macs for years now.

Maximus Said:

Ever see the TNT movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley"? The story of how Steve Jobs and Bill Gates got into the computer business with Jobs making Apple I's in his garage et al. Then one scene really sums it all up where Steve Jobs said "We've got better stuff." And Bill Gates said, "So what, it's all in the software."(Let 3rd party manufactures build the stuff, but let the software do the work. ie Microsoft DOS and now Windows)

Maximus, try reading a BOOK instead of basing reality on a poorly done, crappy TNT sensationalized TV movie.

Maximus Said:

And going back to the hardware issue. Name one person that has made it rich by manufacturing PC hardware. You can't. Now name one person who has made it rich by manufacturing Apple hardware Easy...Steve Jobs. See this is what I mean about feeding monopolies. Steve not only has a monopoly on the Mac OS, but also on the hardware itself.

Steve Jobs makes $1 a year at apple.

Maximus Said:

OK, now going to the software portion of the argument. Where do you think the majority of these modscome from? Windows platforms. Why because it is easy to be creative and play around with Windowsfiles. Something that you can't readily do with Mac files. Take for instance the complicated CM graphics files and the sound files. Mac users couldn't use any mods at first until someone wrote a program to convert simple bmps and wavs to incoporate into the Mac Graphics file and Sound file. Would the ordinary Mac user know how to extract the CM graphics prior to the Mac Mod Manager? Probably not. This sort of"strictness", for lack of a better term, stems directly from Steve Job's stingyness with his software and hardware. Steve's goal was to make the best machine possible for the customer, however he didn't want anybody "tinkering" with the "guts". So he made the Mac file interface tricky to break. This maybe a cause of the unbreakable hard-coding that CM has as it was developed on a G4. It may not be, I don't know, so that is just a hunch.

This is simply a difference in the way the two platforms store graphic files.

Maximus Said:

Anyway, being as stingy as Steve Jobs is with his hardware and software is one reason why I never like Apple computers. For instance, back in the AppleII days, what was the brand of the external 5.25 floppy drive? Surprise, Apple!

Yes Apple did this but there were 3rd part 5.25 drives available. I dont see your point. Another misguided shot.

Maximus this link conatins a documented case about OpenGL and MS. This is interesting stuff. I would like to see what you think about this.


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Also on CM2 and OS X, I sincerely hope BTS changes thier mind about rave and CM. OpenGL is the standard for all macs now OS 9 and X included. In other words OpenGL works great on any mac, whether its OS 9 or X. Rave is now an OS 9 exclusive. BTW this info has been know for quite sometime.(at least a year)

[This message has been edited by Freak (edited 03-29-2001).]

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Maximus Said:

OK, Freak, you obviosuly have a problem accepting the views of a Windows user.

No, thats not it maximus I am just correcting what I think is false information.

[This message has been edited by Freak (edited 03-29-2001).]

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Most of you likely won't read this and probably don't give a crap! The article below gives a REALLY good history of this issue.

OK I have seen what OpenGL in MAC OSX can do. It can show a 3D object move around in real time and show textures applied to its sufrace change and animate! open GL supports animated testures. what does that mean? we could have an animated gif in a texture so that wheels would spin and tracks would move.

OpenGL may be the API Apple is going with because they have defined the HIGH end 3D modeling and special effects market as the place to be.(that means making special effects in movies on Mac's runnig Mac OSX, that means somebody "might" get an oscar for special effects using somthing other than a an SGI box for a change). What does that mean. I means the Mac OSX will support Maya!

Now that's HUGE and it is because of OpenGL support.

If BTS wants CM or CM2 to run on Mac's in the future they need to take a LONG hard look at supporting OpenGL.

Lets stay with the issue here:

"No OpenGL support in CM and CM2 so it won't run under Mac OSX at this time"

Comments from BTS would be Very welcome.

-tom w

Credit to Freak, I read this article he mentioned and, I found it SO relevent here that I reposted it in its entirety

Thanks Freak! smile.gif



Microsoft and 3D Graphics: A Case Study in

Suppressing Innovation and Competition

by Alan Akin

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The original version of this article was written in July, 1997, and is

reproduced (with minor changes to improve continuity and to update

hyperlinks) in the first few sections following the Foreword. If you're familiar

with the original version, feel free to skip to the August, 1998 Update;

otherwise, please proceed to the Introduction.


In the last five years, three-dimensional computer graphics has become a

critical technology in the PC world. 3D graphics capability is a prerequisite

for two major markets: Computer-aided industrial and mechanical design

(for which the majority of workstations and high-end PCs are sold today)

and entertainment (especially computer games, which are driving significant

new PC hardware and software purchases by consumers). Examining

Microsoft's treatment of 3D graphics technology is especially instructive,

because so many of Microsoft's actions in that area have been exposed to

public scrutiny.

Technical Background

We must define two technical concepts in order to understand the issues in


Application Programming Interfaces

First is the notion of an Application Programming Interface, or API. An

API is essentially a library of small functions that a software developer pieces

together to form a complete computer program. For example, a 3D graphics

API might include functions that draw objects, simulate the effects of lights,

and determine which objects are visible from a given point of view. A

software developer could use these functions to build a flight simulation

game: drawing mountains and buildings that would be visible through the

cockpit canopy of an airplane, and lighting them as they would be lit by the


The design of a 3D graphics API determines what can be drawn, how

quickly it can be drawn, and how easy it is for a software developer to

achieve a desired effect. Thus the API is of fundamental technical and

business importance to the software developers who use it.

Device Drivers

Second is the notion of a device driver. A device driver (driver for short) is

a piece of software that implements an API on a given hardware device. For

example, the functions of a 3D graphics API might be implemented

differently on the video card in a Compaq PC than they would be

implemented on another video card in a Dell PC. In such a case, the two

hardware vendors (Compaq and Dell) would each write drivers for the 3D

graphics API on their respective video cards. Note that the API would be

used in the same way on both machines; only its implementation details (the

drivers) would differ.

A driver is key to the viability of its associated API and all the application

programs that use it. The existence of a driver determines whether a given

API is even available on a particular machine. The quality of the driver (its

completeness, performance, and reliability) in large measure determines the

quality of the software that uses it on that machine. A driver typically

requires a significant amount of effort for development and testing, and is

therefore of major importance to the hardware vendor who must supply it

as well as the software developers and consumers who will use it.


The OpenGL API for 3D graphics

By 1992 it was clear that 3D graphics was poised to become a critical

technology in several markets. Requests from independent software vendors

led a consortium of companies to agree to support a common 3D graphics

API. This new API, derived from a popular, older graphics library created

by Silicon Graphics, was called OpenGL. OpenGL was to be a

state-of-the-art API that could be implemented efficiently on a wide variety

of computers. Its specification would be controlled by a committee (known

as the Architecture Review Board, or ARB) rather than by (and for the

benefit of) a single vendor. It would be easy for any hardware vendor to

extend OpenGL to accommodate innovative new features, thus allowing

rapid development of new applications. The original members of the ARB

were Digital Equipment Corporation, International Business Machines, Intel,

Microsoft, and Silicon Graphics.

At this time Microsoft was developing the first version of its new high-end

operating system, Windows NT. A large part of the computer-aided design

market was inaccessible to Microsoft because of technical shortcomings in

Windows 3.1, and Microsoft sought to remedy those in Windows NT. One

such shortcoming was the lack of good 3D graphics support, and OpenGL

offered an expedient solution.

The Problem of OpenGL Driver Support

As part of a joint engineering project, Microsoft and Silicon Graphics

produced an implementation of OpenGL for Windows NT. One feature of

this implementation was a new (to Microsoft) device driver design, called an

Installable Client-side Driver (ICD), which offered higher graphics

performance and permitted any PC hardware vendor to extend the OpenGL

API to support new and innovative 3D graphics functionality. This was in

contrast to the usual Microsoft driver model, which was appropriate for

more modest graphics performance requirements and in which Microsoft

reserved exclusive control over the design of the driver and thus of the API

it supported.

The 3D graphics hardware business for PCs (particularly low-cost PCs)

evolved much more slowly than Microsoft and Silicon Graphics anticipated.

A few PC hardware vendors (notably Digital Equipment, Intergraph, and

3Dlabs) provided capable OpenGL drivers for machines running Windows

NT, but low-cost, high-volume solutions for consumers using Windows 3.1

and Windows 95 were slow to arrive. As 3D graphics hardware became

more generally available in 1996, pressure to provide fast, stable

implementations of OpenGL increased, and Microsoft developed a new

OpenGL device driver design called the Mini Client Driver (MCD). The

MCD greatly reduced the time required to produce a quality OpenGL

implementation for a large class of PC graphics cards, and thus had the

potential to dramatically increase the availability of OpenGL.

Microsoft Creates the Direct3D API

In 1995 and 1996 Microsoft established a new program to support games on

PCs running its Windows 95 operating system. The goal was to expand the

market for PCs into the area then dominated by game consoles such as

those from Nintendo and Sega.

Microsoft chose not to use the OpenGL technology it already provided in

Windows NT to handle 3D graphics for games. Instead, Microsoft purchased

Rendermorphics, Ltd. and acquired its 3D graphics API known as

RealityLab. Microsoft reworked the device driver design for RealityLab and

announced the result as a new 3D graphics API called Direct3D

Immediate-Mode (Direct3D).

Leveraging Windows 95 to Promote Direct3D and Freeze OpenGL

Microsoft refused to release the software needed to support OpenGL-based

games on Windows 95. In fact, for a considerable time Microsoft chose not

to support OpenGL on Windows 95 at all, which made it impossible for

users of OpenGL-based applications on Windows NT to run them on

Windows 95. Microsoft also took the unusual step of retracting its support

for MCD drivers for OpenGL, even though it had already released kits to

hardware developers. As a consequence, some hardware developers were

forced to recall OpenGL drivers that were already in the beta-test phase.

Microsoft's actions partitioned the 3D graphics market, guaranteed that

OpenGL would not be widely available on high-volume PCs targeted by

Windows 95, and leveraged Windows 95 to boost the overall market

penetration of Direct3D.

Microsoft marketing teams began to promote the proprietary Direct3D API

to games developers, hardware developers, and the trade press, while

simultaneously marginalizing OpenGL. If Microsoft mentioned OpenGL at

all, it was presented as a low-performance API that was suited only for

certain professional computer-aided-design applications on Windows NT,

while Direct3D was "mainstream'' and offered ``real-time'' performance on

the much more heavily-hyped Windows 95 operating system. (This despite

the widespread use of OpenGL in high-performance applications with close

technical similarities to games, such as flight simulators.) Microsoft also

increased its commitment of staff to Direct3D while freezing the level of

staffing for OpenGL, with the result that OpenGL development slowed

relative to Direct3D.

API Wars

Silicon Graphics and many other users of OpenGL have businesses that

depend on the ability to offer innovative and high-performance graphics

technology. As it became clear that Microsoft intended to replace OpenGL

with Direct3D, that Direct3D suffered from many technical shortcomings,

and that (unlike OpenGL) Direct3D could not be extended by hardware

vendors because it was controlled completely by Microsoft, Silicon Graphics

decided to mount a demonstration at the 1996 Special Interest Group on

Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH) conference in New Orleans. The

demonstration showed conclusively that OpenGL was at least as fast as

Direct3D, thus refuting Microsoft's key marketing claim. Since OpenGL was

already acknowledged (by Microsoft among others) as having more

functionality than Direct3D, and potentially higher image quality than

Direct3D, the demonstration precipitated an intense debate in the computer

graphics and game development communities: Why was Microsoft

promoting a new, less-capable API, and withholding already-existing device

driver technology that could allow its customers to use the superior product?

Much of the public discussion took place in the comp.graphics.api.opengl

and rec.games.programmer Usenet newsgroups, and is accessible from

DejaNews. (If you choose to research this, be prepared for a great deal of

reading! Consider searching for the thread titled "DirectX vs OpenGL'' in

the comp.graphics.api.opengl newsgroup starting around August of the year


Game Developers Ask for OpenGL on Equal Footing with Direct3D

As the technical and marketing issues were exposed, a strong pro-OpenGL

reaction began. John Carmack of id Software, developer of the popular

game Doom, stated publically that he would refuse to use Direct3D and use

OpenGL instead. Chris Hecker published a comprehensive analysis of the

two APIs in the April-May 1997 issue of Game Developer magazine,

concluding that Microsoft should simply discontinue Direct3D and put its

efforts into OpenGL.

It began to appear that Microsoft was using Direct3D to achieve market

control and to limit innovation to areas that could not be used to challenge

Microsoft, rather than to provide a technically superior product for its

customers or to promote free competition between APIs. Two petitions were

issued by game developers to Microsoft. The first, from 56 top game

developers, called for Microsoft to release OpenGL MCD device drivers and

other work that it had completed, but not released because it would allow

OpenGL to compete with Direct3D. A second open letter to Microsoft on

the same subject gathered 254 signatures initially and over 1400 by the time

the letter was closed; the comments offered by some signatories are

particularly interesting.

Microsoft's reply was to reiterate its old market positioning statement that

Direct3D was for high-volume high-performance applications, and OpenGL

was for high-precision computer-aided-design applications only. Although

the petitioners made it clear that they wanted the two APIs on an equal

footing, so that competition spurred innovation and so that no single party

controlled access to the graphics hardware, Microsoft responded by

increasing its investment in Direct3D and reducing its investment in

OpenGL even further. To this author's knowledge, Microsoft never issued a

press release to acknowledge the petitions.

August, 1998 Update

About the time the original version of this article was written, Jon Peddie

Associates published a cogent editorial summarizing the situation. Its

assessment of Microsoft's strengths, weaknesses, and behavior is worth

reading even today.

Microsoft continues to update Direct3D, and with each new revision

incorporates more features from OpenGL. The overlap is not yet complete;

for example, Direct3D still lacks the ability to handle curved surfaces, and it

doesn't support graphics cards with geometry acceleration hardware.

Nevertheless, Direct3D is much more capable than it was a year ago, and its

evolution is beginning to diverge from that of OpenGL.


The most significant development over the past year is the Fahrenheit

project. Silicon Graphics, dependent on Microsoft for most of the software

required by its upcoming Visual PC product and concerned about technical

problems with the DirectModel graphics API announced by Microsoft and

Hewlett-Packard, elected to negotiate a compromise. Silicon Graphics,

Microsoft, Intel, and Hewlett-Packard created a joint engineering project

codenamed Fahrenheit to produce three new APIs. Two of these are beyond

the scope of the current discussion, but the third (Fahrenheit Low-Level, or

FLL) is usually touted as the resolution of the conflict between OpenGL and


What is the Fahrenheit Low-Level API? At the moment no one knows what

FLL will be, since no specification exists, but public statements are

remarkably consistent in a few respects. From Silicon Graphics' original

press release:

The Fahrenheit low-level API will evolve from Direct3D,

DirectDraw and OpenGL while providing full backward

compatibility with applications and hardware device drivers

written for Microsoft Direct3D and functional compatibility

with Silicon Graphics' OpenGL technologies.

From the August, 1998 Microsoft Developer Network DirectX chat session:

Direct3D IM is the API that is currently most compatible with

what we expect Fahrenheit LL to look like.

From slides presented at Microsoft's 1998 Meltdown Conference:

Backward compatible with DirectX 6 [the current version]

Direct3D... API and DDI [Device-Driver Interface]

In other words, the "new'' Fahrenheit Low-Level API is simply Direct3D,

plus whatever additional features seem needed to match the functionality in

OpenGL. With the competitive threat from OpenGL neutralized, Microsoft

can proceed with business as usual.

Should Fahrenheit be regarded as a welcome sign of Microsoft's

responsiveness to its customers and partners? After all, there will now be just

one API, relieving a considerable burden on hardware and software

developers and simplifying life for consumers. I would argue the answer is

no. The new APIs are entirely Microsoft-proprietary; Microsoft is now the

bottleneck for all significant innovation in the computer graphics industry.

Furthermore, it must be remembered that the entire conflict was of

Microsoft's creation: Without Direct3D, the industry would have arrived at

this point literally years ago, with greater opportunity for competition and

without the constraint on innovation that Fahrenheit represents today.

Status of OpenGL

OpenGL is still the only real alternative to complete control of 3D graphics

by Microsoft. It remains viable, though Silicon Graphics no longer promotes

it in any manner unacceptable to Microsoft, so it is at much greater risk.

Game developers are an independent-minded lot, and several important ones

are still using OpenGL. As a result, hardware vendors are working to

improve their support for it. Direct3D is not yet capable of handling

high-end graphics hardware and most professional applications; OpenGL

dominates those niches. Finally, the Open Source community (notably the

Mesa project) is scrambling to provide OpenGL support for computers of

any type, whether or not they use one of Microsoft's operating systems.


3D graphics is a valuable case study for students of Microsoft. In the course

of this campaign for control of a new market, Microsoft consistently:

Acquired or adapted technology from outside organizations, rather

than innovating on its own.

Used its marketing presence to spread demonstrably false


Refused to respond to the direct requests of its independent software

development partners.

Leveraged the market domination of Windows to promote its own

products over superior products available from other sources.

Used its position as supplier of essential software to curb dissent.

Acted to extend or protect its own control over the market, even at

the expense of its business partners and of consumers in general.

In large measure, it appears that these tactics have succeeded.

Microsoft often suggests that it provides only benefit to consumers, that the

standardization it enforces is well worth the cost of ceding it complete

control over the computer products those consumers use for work and

entertainment. In this case, it is clear that standardization for the consumer's

benefit was not Microsoft's goal; a superior standard product existed, but

Microsoft systematically suppressed it in order to establish its own product

and gain control of a new market in which Microsoft previously had no

presence. Microsoft did this, and could do this, only because it enjoyed

overwhelming dominance as an operating-system supplier. As a result,

product features that might have been available to consumers up to two

years ago are only now becoming common. In the meantime product

development costs for both hardware and software vendors have been

increased significantly by the need to deal with two competing standards. 3D

graphics application software development has been inhibited by an

artificially-created fragmentation of the market into incompatible "consumer''

(Windows 95) and "professional'' (Windows NT) segments.

Is this not precisely the kind of situation for which an antitrust action is the

appropriate response?

Allen Akin is an independent software developer in Palo Alto, California.

Appendix: John Carmack's Discussion of OpenGL and


(Included here because it may be difficult to locate a copy online.)


Login name: johnc

In real life: John Carmack

Directory: /raid/nardo/johnc

Shell: /bin/csh

On since Dec 15 01:19:05 6 days 5 hours Idle Time

on ttyp2 from idnewt

On since Dec 17 01:05:12 4 days 23 hours Idle Time

on ttyp3 from idcarmack


I am going to use this installment of my .plan file to get up on a

soapbox about an important issue to me: 3D API. I get asked for my

opinions about this often enough that it is time I just made a public

statement. So here it is, my current position as of december '96...

While the rest of Id works on Quake 2, most of my effort is now

focused on developing the next generation of game technology. This

new generation of technology will be used by Id and other companies

all the way through the year 2000, so there are some very important

long term decisions to be made.

There are two viable contenders for low level 3D programming on win32:

Direct-3D Immediate Mode, the new, designed for games API, and OpenGL,

the workstation graphics API originally developed by SGI. They are

both supported by microsoft, but D3D has been evangelized as the one

true solution for games.

I have been using OpenGL for about six months now, and I have been

very impressed by the design of the API, and especially it's ease of

use. A month ago, I ported quake to OpenGL. It was an extremely

pleasant experience. It didn't take long, the code was clean and

simple, and it gave me a great testbed to rapidly try out new research


I started porting glquake to Direct-3D IM with the intent of learning

the api and doing a fair comparison.

Well, I have learned enough about it. I'm not going to finish the

port. I have better things to do with my time.

I am hoping that the vendors shipping second generation cards in the

coming year can be convinced to support OpenGL. If this doesn't

happen early on and there are capable cards that glquake does not run

on, then I apologize, but I am taking a little stand in my little

corner of the world with the hope of having some small influence on

things that are going to effect us for many years to come.

Direct-3D IM is a horribly broken API. It inflicts great pain and

suffering on the programmers using it, without returning any

significant advantages. I don't think there is ANY market segment

that D3D is appropriate for, OpenGL seems to work just fine for

everything from quake to softimage. There is no good technical reason

for the existence of D3D.

I'm sure D3D will suck less with each forthcoming version, but this is

an opportunity to just bypass dragging the entire development community

through the messy evolution of an ill-birthed API.

Best case: Microsoft integrates OpenGL with direct-x (probably calling

it Direct-GL or something), ports D3D retained mode on top of GL, and

tells everyone to forget they every heard of D3D immediate mode.

Programmers have one good api, vendors have one driver to write, and

the world is a better place.

To elaborate a bit:

"OpenGL" is either OpenGL 1.1 or OpenGL 1.0 with the common

extensions. Raw OpenGL 1.0 has several holes in functionality.

"D3D" is Direct-3D Immediate Mode. D3D retained mode is a separate

issue. Retained mode has very valid reasons for existence. It is a

good thing to have an api that lets you just load in model files and

fly around without sweating the polygon details. Retained mode is

going to be used by at least ten times as many programmers as

immediate mode. On the other hand, the world class applications that

really step to new levels are going to be done in an immediate mode

graphics API. D3D-RM doesn't even really have to be tied to D3D-IM.

It could be implemented to emit OpenGL code instead.

I don't particularly care about the software only implementations of

either D3D or OpenGL. I haven't done serious research here, but I

think D3D has a real edge, because it was originally designed for

software rendering and much optimization effort has been focused

there. COSMO GL is attempting to compete there, but I feel the effort

is misguided. Software rasterizers will still exist to support the

lowest common denominator, but soon all game development will be

targeted at hardware rasterization, so that's where effort should be


The primary importance of a 3D API to game developers is as an

interface to the wide variety of 3D hardware that is emerging. If

there was one compatible line of hardware that did what we wanted and

covered 90+ percent of the target market, I wouldn't even want a 3D

API for production use, I would be writing straight to the metal, just

like I always have with pure software schemes. I would still want a

3D API for research and tool development, but it wouldn't matter if it

wasn't a mainstream solution.

Because I am expecting the 3D accelerator market to be fairly

fragmented for the foreseeable future, I need an API to write to, with

individual drivers for each brand of hardware. OpenGL has been

maturing in the workstation market for many years now, always with a

hardware focus. We have existing proof that it scales just great

from a $300 permedia card all the way to a $250,000 loaded infinite

reality system.

All of the game oriented PC 3D hardware basically came into existence

in the last year. Because of the frantic nature of the PC world, we

may be getting stuck with a first guess API and driver model which

isn't all that good.

The things that matter with an API are: functionality, performance,

driver coverage, and ease of use.

Both APIs cover the important functionality. There shouldn't be any

real argument about that. GL supports some additional esoteric

features that I am unlikely to use (or are unlikely to be supported by

hardware -- same effect). D3D actually has a couple nice features

that I would like to see moved to GL (specular blend at each vertex,

color key transparency, and no clipping hints), which brings up the

extensions issue. GL can be extended by the driver, but because D3D

imposes a layer between the driver and the API, microsoft is the only

one that can extend D3D.

My conclusion about performance is that there is not going to be any

significant performance difference (< 10%) between properly written

OpenGL and D3D drivers for several years at least. There are some

arguments that gl will scale better to very high end hardware because

it doesn't need to build any intermediate structures, but you could

use tiny sub cache sized execute buffers in d3d and achieve reasonably

similar results (or build complex hardware just to suit D3D -- ack!).

There are also arguments from the other side that the vertex pools in

d3d will save work on geometry bound applications, but you can do the

same thing with vertex arrays in GL.

Currently, there are more drivers available for D3D than OpenGL on the

consumer level boards. I hope we can change this. A serious problem

is that there are no D3D conformance tests, and the documentation is

very poor, so the existing drivers aren't exactly uniform in their

functionality. OpenGL has an established set of conformance tests, so

there is no argument about exactly how things are supposed to work.

OpenGL offers two levels of drivers that can be written: mini client

drivers and installable client drivers. A MCD is a simple, robust

exporting of hardware rasterization capabilities. An ICD is basically

a full replacement for the API that lets hardware accelerate or extend

any piece of GL without any overhead.

The overriding reason why GL is so much better than D3D has to do with

ease of use. GL is easy to use and fun to experiment with. D3D is

not (ahem). You can make sample GL programs with a single page of

code. I think D3D has managed to make the worst possible interface

choice at every opportunity. COM. Expandable structs passed to

functions. Execute buffers. Some of these choices were made so that

the API would be able to gracefully expand in the future, but who

cares about having an API that can grow if you have forced it to be

painful to use now and forever after? Many things that are a single

line of GL code require half a page of D3D code to allocate a

structure, set a size, fill something in, call a COM routine, then

extract the result.

Ease of use is damn important. If you can program something in half

the time, you can ship earlier or explore more approaches. A clean,

readable coding interface also makes it easier to find / prevent bugs.

GL's interface is procedural: You perform operations by calling gl

functions to pass vertex data and specify primitives.


glVertex (0,0,0);

glVertex (1,1,0);

glVertex (2,0,0);

glEnd ();

D3D's interface is by execute buffers: You build a structure

containing vertex data and commands, and pass the entire thing with a

single call. On the surface, this appears to be an efficiency

improvement for D3D, because it gets rid of a lot of procedure call

overhead. In reality, it is a gigantic pain-in-the-ass.

(pseudo code, and incomplete)

v = &buffer.vertexes;[0];

v->x = 0; v->y = 0; v->z = 0; v++;

v->x = 1; v->y = 1; v->z = 0; v++;

v->x = 2; v->y = 0; v->z = 0;

c = &buffer.commands;

c->operation = DRAW_TRIANGLE;

c->vertexes[0] = 0;

c->vertexes[1] = 1;

c->vertexes[2] = 2;

IssueExecuteBuffer (buffer);

If I included the complete code to actually lock, build, and issue an

execute buffer here, you would think I was choosing some

pathologically slanted case to make D3D look bad.

You wouldn't actually make an execute buffer with a single triangle in

it, or your performance would be dreadful. The idea is to build up a

large batch of commands so that you pass lots of work to D3D with a

single procedure call.

A problem with that is that the optimal definition of "large" and

"lots" varies depending on what hardware you are using, but instead of

leaving that up to the driver, the application programmer has to know

what is best for every hardware situation.

You can cover some of the messy work with macros, but that brings its

own set of problems. The only way I can see to make D3D generally

usable is to create your own procedural interface that buffers

commands up into one or more execute buffers and flushes when needed.

But why bother, when there is this other nifty procedural API already


With OpenGL, you can get something working with simple,

straightforward code, then if it is warranted, you can convert to

display lists or vertex arrays for max performance (although the

difference usually isn't that large). This is the right way of doing

things -- like converting your crucial functions to assembly language

after doing all your development in C.

With D3D, you have to do everything the painful way from the

beginning. Like writing a complete program in assembly language,

taking many times longer, missing chances for algorithmic

improvements, etc. And then finding out it doesn't even go faster.

I am going to be programming with a 3D API every day for many years to

come. I want something that helps me, rather than gets in my way.

John Carmack

Id Software

©1997-8 Moral Highground


first posted: 16 July 1997

last revised: 30 August 1998

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-29-2001).]

[This message has been edited by aka_tom_w (edited 03-29-2001).]

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Also I understand now that finally in OSX that you can change the system sounds and beeps. So what, Windows users have been able to do this since Windows 3.0 back in the early '90s. And where do you wonder I got this information from? TechTV where the ;lady that does the Mac Tips was all in a flurry to say that now OS X you can finally change the system beeps. Any Windows user would do the following...

Macintosh owners have been able to change system beeps ever since the Mac had a speaker. You could do it in System 6, you could do it years ago.

Seems like Maximus' knowledge is based on TechTV and TV movies... biggrin.gif

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