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I wanna be sedated by the Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

I trust that you haven't played all of Rune pak 7 yet?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No I haven't (nor, might I add, was I planning to). What the hell, a bit of Rune created science fiction might be fun (probably not)

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OK, sod it then. Anything from Der Kessel you haven't played but would like to? Not any of those "Might cause your system to commit suicide" scens though. Preferably in the 1500 points range. I'm easy.

Is Moon still doing stuff? We had fun last time with a Moon scen I believe.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Speedy: Two massive tank battles now underway, both in Fog. He chose the setup, what a sick puppy he is!

[ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Be thankful it wasn't thick fog.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Rock rock, rock n' roll Victory Location!


For a long time I had trouble telling the difference between "Rock 'n' Roll Victory Location" and "Rockaway TRP" (It's not far/ Not hard to reach / You can drop arty / on Rockaway TRP). I knocked off early last night to go home and dug out my copy of Rocket to Russia and a bottle of bourbon. Why is it always the good ones? Why Joey--why not Sting?


Hey! Ho! Let's go! Seanachai is still trying to generate some steam heat with his battered troops and get 'em to do the Blitzkreig Bop. As he confided in his last email, some of them are on their third time being broken. I can relate--my defenders don't keep retreating and counterattacking as a clever strategem (I mean, uh, yes they do. Very clever. All with lots of ammo and good morale status. Please surrender now, we give you nice chocolate bar, thank you for your prompt attention).

Croda... hell, where is that daft git? He keeps trying to get squads into the buildings next to my VL, and I keep killing everyone he sends. He is a brat, and I am beating on him with a baseball bat. What can you do?

Leeo is a sharpshooter-obsessed sturkompanie-wielder. But I've got Bonzo with me, and I'll lug him to Bitburg right through Leeo's defenders--if I ever get off my duff and start sending turns, that is.

stevetherat is sedated twenny-twenny-twenny-four hours a dayyyyyyy and hasn't sent a turn in ages. Or he's on vacation. And a complete git, in either case. And I'll kill him just as much as I did the last time we played.

Agua Perdido

[Edited because I haven't finished my morning crack pipe.]

[ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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Chupacabra! ... the Goat Sucking One has returned to the fold (sit down Mace it's not that kind of fold ... regardless of what Bauhaus may think) ... Agua Perdido, kill the fatted calf in honor of Chupacabra ... what's that lad? The fatted calf? Ahh, yes, you're probably too young, you would know him as Username:

Berli quite right on two levels, and you know what that statement cost me. First you are correct on Rock n Roll, I don't know what the hullabaloo about this Ramona is all about ... was she one of the Pussycats of "Jodie and the Pussycats"? Mind you all this "tribute" for some obscure alleged musician (can it really be music if they don't use actual music?) and Papa John Phillips not a month in his grave. Still, "If there's a Rock n' Roll Heaven, You know they've got a hell of a band." Second, as someone who has a brother who was a Marine Major in the Gulf War, a father-in-law who hit the beach at Saipan with the Sixth Marines and a son who's serving now in the Corps, Semper Fi!


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Maybe Chuppie could bless us with some pretty pictures. I liked the fatted calf reference, Joe Blow.

Sneakychoo, this will be my last username (not lewis) on this board. I await the time when we would joust via TCPIP. I lost quite easily to Peng so you might take 5 minutes longer to eviscerate me.

Really quick...buy Ernie's War (book) and rent A Bridge too Far. Its about Operation Market Garden. Sean Connery is in it (mish moneypenny). Good times.

PS The cesspool mod haunts me in my dreams. Lorak burns while Berli laughs and Elvis scampers about.

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Mensch and the Ex-Hiram persist as the only reasons to read this abyssmal thread anymore.

Stuka you used to be funny, but you sold out to the bantering crowd and now you just prattle about the weather and crap. At least you married a hot woman. Send me more pictures of her, and make sure you aren't in them.

The rest of you were born on the planet Suck, in the Galaxy of Suck, and stumbled into a wormhole that dropped your ****-posting asses on a planet with an internet connection with the misunderstanding that our culture is all about acting stoopid. My suggestion to you is this: If you had never posted to any Peng Challenge Thread before the year 2001, then go eat a pack of Pop Rocks and suck down a Coke because the explosion and subsequent expulsion of your innards is infinitely more interestig than the drivel that you are adding to these pages under the false presumption that someone will read your prose and chortle once or twice. The oxygen you breath would be far better inhaled by mutant hedgehogs bent on world domination than by wastes such as yourselves.

In short, you suck.

For those of you awaiting games from me, don't hold your breath. They are coming, but with decreased frequency. If anyone wants a surrender file they can go f_ck their sister.

Elvis, Wankers got old when we were in Tahiti, or wherever the hell we were.

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Hier ye Hier ye!!

all bring out your loose change and pocket lint! Greier needs new Pickles for his Jarhead! only two pennies and a tuff of pocket lint can keep this boy going for a week. look how deprived he appears, notice the drool which dribbles down his sorry mug. before Greier used to make shoes for Noke and only recieve harsh language for payment, but now with our Pickle for Gerier plan he now has the chance to understand that harsh language. please give, and give and give.... we don't want to see sub-life forms like this go to waste.

Gerier aka: you dimmwit, does that look like a shoe to you! *wack* try again muffin head!

please help this thing.

[ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

For keeerist sake, Berli! You prattle on like some old hen! Shut the feck up and gives us all a break from the persistant wind blowing out that gaping hole in your head.



oooh someone didn't get some last night.. try hand lotion for those lonely nights Jeffer.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:


Hey Cromag! Do you think that maybe, I mean I was wondering, if it's not too much trouble, that you might be able to


I barely care what you have to say when you are actively swishing your palsied fingers over your keyboard; the extra space you take up with your vapid stamp of internet wit is insult on top of injury.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>SHORTEN YOUR EXPLETIVED SIG?!?!?!? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Good point Dalem ... or it would be if Expletived was a word rather than a random collection of letters, but the thought is what counts. I can't believe that this clown berates US for our posts when he can't even bother to come up with original material but has to post ... repeatedly ... the sayings of OTHERS!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

[QB]I smell like fungus[b/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Croda, I've said this before and I'll say it again. Damn, your sig is too big. It must suck to be you. I'm not saying you should give into peer pressure, but you have to step back for a moment and realize that we are here for the entertainment and your sig is simply not entertaining any more. Find something amusing and we won't throw anything large at you. Find something interesting and we won't berate you. If you find something cataclysmically amusing, we won't emasculate you and dump you in the Delaware River. It's your choice.

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Croda, you pathetic, limp-wristed git. Once again your inept attempt to convice us that you are a Pool God has brought you laughter and derision. I was tempted (down Bauhous to ask for your surrender, but now I'm going to enjoy chasing down every one of your scared, pixelated Fallsermerfagermisters and killing them all. I may not be able to put a bullet into your incrediably small brain matter, but I will humiliate you on this field of battle.

Like everyone else, I say "Find a new sig." It pathetic, like watching a balding man drive a new cherry-red Ferrari in a vain attempt to prove that he is yound and virile again. We all know that you were once filled with bitterness and vile, but now are only a shadow of your Nefarious Legion.

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well its off.. JOE the man with three vowls in his name (actually there is four you just have to look close) are battling for a nasty french infested town on a foggy late day.

let me look in my crappy ball and see what the future holds... hmmm yup... yup... I see.. oooh.. well my crappy ball shows me three things.

1) I destroy Joes armour like a Karabu jumping on beavers home made log tank.

2) the A-Team is not comming to joes rescue as my Terminators and German Running men take him down.

3) I need a new ball this one sucks this helped like a infested colen helps a guy with the runs.... maybe I'll use Geriers Jar Head.. at least there are floatie bits in it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Berlichtingen is...a punk rocker

Berli-ichtingen is...a punk rocker

Berlichtingen is...a punk rocker no-ow-ow-ow-ow<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why, look, Chupacabra's back. Mind, he seems to have thrown his crown cards into the Thames and is only playing with the light end of the deck, but he's back. What's become of our long lost game? Now that you're out of the workhouse, we could actually try to finish it.

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I'm a little worried about Mensch. He's more than usually incoherent and the gibberish spouted since his reappearance is extra vilely awful.

Also, I demand the resumption of French Posting! And the return of Hiram Sedai! And I demand the Peng Challenge Thread be allowed to go to 20 pages before eviction! Oh, and the Sudetenland, I want that as well. I'm not telling why, but take my word for it, those Czechs have got a surprise in store for them!

And some mints left by Madmatt on our pillows at night would be delightful, but I'm not insisting on it. They'd just be very thoughtful.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Some mints left by Madmatt on our pillows at night would be delightful, but I'm not insisting on it. They'd just be very thoughtful.


You might fantasize about MM sneaking around your bedroom at night, but (and I believe I speak for all of us here with the exception of Croda) the real men here would rather a mint left by....oh I dunno....Denise Richards perhaps?

Ohhh yess, happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I speak for all of us here with the exception of Croda the real men here would rather a mint left by....oh I dunno....Denise Richards perhaps?


There is only one female who can leave her mints on my bed, unfortunately she has gone MIA as far as the pool is concerned.

Barring that, the only other mint I really want access to is the one where the money is printed.

oh and remiss of me to forget Joe Shaw from my previous update! I'd rather he not leave any mints on my bed (Ewuuuu), but I would like to know if I owe him a turn, or he me?


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I wave my limp wristed hand in your collective general direction because I cannot bring myself to care about the drivel of effluent that seeps thru here, it makes a real cesspool positivly inviting..... well to send the rest of you there...

Minor Updates then....

SeanaConnorMcLeodchai is convinced that there .....CAN ONLY BE ONE. I agree, Since Seanababy's personality displays the range of Christopher Lambert's acting skills, I'll opt to settle for being his Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramierz course I am in the process of engineering a different ending There can only be one, and it ain't going to be you boyo.....

Peng has graciously consented to being the recipient of a lover-ly double envelope manuver. In the dark, his troops have no concerted defense line, my troops are in his rear areas (cue Bauhaus) and all his bases are belong to us......well one still to go...

Crodufus and I are engage in one of his Cecil B De Mille epics, featuring a cast of thousands, at the Bn plus level. Seems I forgot to leave home with any pioneers, or for that matter, anti aircraft.....and the bâtard bought Jabos....course (spoiler alert if you haven't seen the movie.....




his aircrews have preformed magnificently. It was just beautiful to see them nosing over, wind shrieking past the open canopies as they delivered their doom laden loads to the other side of the ridge.....course it was his side, and a pillar of smoke tells me they did not miss, so perhaps there is hope.

Iskoshbygosh the not dead one is enduring a historical attack by elements of the 38th Calvary Recon. used no doubt in a very non-historical and entirely gamey way. But then since he is shooting back, c'est la mort.

Evilpersonnified seeks back his dignitiy from Evilmanifested as most lawyers are (except jake - who is really a sweet and kind humanitarian at heart) in a battle designed by the aforementioned Croda. Actually, so far well designed. It contains a river cascading from the mountain fastness and requires the Amis to breach the river and bocage.... The high point so far was finding that Dante's bane had hidden a Stug behind a house with a nice flank shot down the road I had to cross. But a brief turn of mortar fire immobilized him and allowed my Sherman tankers to approach from the rear, kind of like Mace, sneaking up to the buttoned Stug, paint a nice big red and white target on his bum (Bummer of a birthmark, Hal) scamper back and over open sights......boom catastrophic kill.

Meeks/Elijah/Zebidiah/Ezekiel/harpunnutz et al are struggling (well I am) over a landscape as white and bleak as the former forum colors. The PeterNZ principle(games that start badly, usually continue so) came into play when his freakin' Stuart pops my two PzKw IV's. There was no manuooverist action, no cunning strategy, he is decending a hill, I am behind a ridge in hull down. Straight forward, I shoot, he shoots, I die.....twice *sigh* Now as his Crocidile manooverizes between the buildings, my loyal troops are saying the rosary and hunkering down. It ain't pretty.

marlow continues to play the will'o wisp and zephyer-like occasionally send a turn but mostly disappears

[ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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