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Bill Paxton as patron saint of the Peng Challenge Thread

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

Ya' know, the last time a carpenter showed up around here, Berli had him nailed to a tree.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey! I had nothing to do with that! That was a prime example of Free Will in action *snicker*

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:

Ya' know, the last time a carpenter showed up around here, Berli had him nailed to a tree.

We've got more trees.

Bugger off.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How did you know that I'm a tree hugger? Not the bleeding heart environmentalist type but on the order of George Nakashima. Actually that brings up another point... All you thoughtless gamers (myself included) blowing up perfectly good buildings. The sacrilege! It's trouble enough to build a decent home or office without some idiot with a big gun wrecking it all for just a few moments of pleasure.

As for Berlichtingen, although he is known far and wide as Evil, I find little evidence to the fact that the elder in question is in any way evil. Still, if you insist upon dragging him into this you will soon learn that I am not nearly as pliant or forgiving as that other carpenter was.

Hey Stalin! Wake up your sniveling Organ Grinder so that the dead can be avenged upon the pixel playground.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Some blather trying to obsure the problem. This is NOT some ladder or Grog dominated competition ... Knights of the CessPool play WHOM THEY CHOOSE WHEN THEY CHOOSE AND HOW THEY CHOOSE. It is most certainly NOT up to the likes of YOU to decide the rules for the CessPool.

I rejected MrPeng's Blood Hamster match ... because I COULD and because it would annoy him. I could just as easily have rejected the game entirely due to the number of games I was playing.


Shaw, you wanker with a penchance for old wrinkled women, you are wrong and avoiding the problem will not be accepted.

While I complete agree that no Knight should be forced into accepting any regular battle, I firmly believe that the traditions of the Pool, of which you are their main defender, preclude the ignoring of a Blood Hamster from another Knight.

Now you volmitous mass, you oversized hairy rodent, I still call upon Lord Lorak and the Old Ones for an official ruling. Until then I shall continue to despise you not only for the Morman Wives, but also your craven cowardice in this matter.

And this is what you pass along to your meaningless squires? Feh!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Why, yes I do have time on my hands. I sent you a file on the 21st and haven't heard from you since. Want a file? Gotta send a file. That's the way the whole system works. So, if you don't mind pulling your head outta your ass for a bit and send me a file, I will gladly send you one.

Small enough words for ya?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, Herr Kleiner Teufel, it never got here, so sending it again might, just MIGHT, be a good idea.

Or you can stop putting off the inevitable and just surrender now.

[edited because I really need my after lunch nap]

[ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman:

While I complete agree that no Knight should be forced into accepting any regular battle, I firmly believe that the traditions of the Pool, of which you are their main defender, preclude the ignoring of a Blood Hamster from another Knight.

Now you volmitous mass, you oversized hairy rodent, I still call upon Lord Lorak and the Old Ones for an official ruling. Until then I shall continue to despise you not only for the Morman Wives, but also your craven cowardice in this matter.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I see no reason why he should have to accept a Blood Hamster challenge.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>While I complete agree that no Knight should be forced into accepting any regular battle, I firmly believe that the traditions of the Pool, of which you are their main defender, preclude the ignoring of a Blood Hamster from another Knight.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[serious]All kidding aside, I am absolutely NOT going to be FORCED by you or anyone else to play a GAME, A GAME for God's sake that I don't want to play for whatever reason I don't want to play it. I have played games against people with whom I would not play again. I hasten to add that I don't include CessPoolers in that category, but my choices of whom to play are my own and my reasons for making those choices are my own. I have, in the past, declined invitations to play against good friends because I simply didn't have the time. I have too many games going now for my comfort level but I didn't want to refuse my friends here.

I apologize if I seem a bit heated about this but I'm not going to be goaded into playing when I don't want to. Life is too damn short and brutish to spoil a couple or three weeks playing a game that I don't want to play.

As to the Blood Hamster match, if someone WANTS to do this, fine, let them. I have played a Blood Hamster match. It had MONTH long control of the sig line. I choose not to do that again because MY posts are MINE. I'm not going to allow ANYONE to post something in my name of which I don't approve. That's MY choice, it may not be yours.

Now I realize that this proposal was made in good fun and the spirit of the CessPool, but I think it's important that this NOT go any further. The day that someone tells me I HAVE to play someone, or play a certain type of game in a certain way is the day I leave.

Please accept my apologies for intruding on the CessPool in this manner.[/serious]


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I see no reason why he should have to accept a Blood Hamster challenge.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well there you have it, word from on high. Obviously, Shaw has sold his soul to Berli, or perhaps Berli had it all along.

[sERIOUS] I understand Joe, and even agree on some points [/sERIOUS]

Now trot on back to the Fire Swamp, hurry up go on now!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[brain damage mode]All kidding aside, I am absolutely NOT going to be FORCED by you or anyone else to play a GAME, A GAME for God's sake that I don't want to play for whatever reason I don't want to play it. [/brain damage mode]


Bah says I.

You pillock. Methinks you should be stripped of all noble title for such a post. Of course you have no obligation to play any blood rodent game with anyone (what are they going to do? hack your sig line?), but at the same time, your refusal of such a game leaves you fair game all sorts of vile (albeit normal) "pool behavior (e.g. charges of cowardice, flung doo-doo balls, and having your low name dragged through whatever vile sludge serves as mud around here).

Please don't let the idea that we will behave in a civilized way, even to our own, ever pass through that feeble knot of grey matter that is ensconced within your bony head.

Don't think we won't be watching you missy.

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Originally gibbered by buzzbuzzbuzz:

I have updated my profile so that you will not embarrass yourself again by appearing to believe that I am actually a Capybara rancher. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

When you put in your profile that you are from Brazil and a rat farmer, of course I would take it at face value. Now I see that you are from the land of fruits and nuts and that you are a bug farmer. This is not an improvement. Should have stuck with the rats. As soon as I find MrSpkrs file in my inbox, your destruction will be winging its way to you, bugboy.

MrSpkr, thank you for the okra. Having tasted it many years ago when I lived in Texas, I immediately took a vow to never eat it again. You may rest assured that it will all find its way to my liege Shaw. It looked like it needed more saltpeter so I threw another pinch in, it can only make it taste better.


Originally posted by Mace:

In fact, never will I be observed on a rat…because the wee little buggers keep moving.

Now for penance send me any photos of the B25J, pengdammit!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I didn’t bother to take any of the B25’s as I have piles of photos from previous shows. I will check my archives though. I assume you want pics of the tailgunner position. Good luck with the perversio….err…. passions thing.


Originally posted by Geier:

Newps!!! You dare showing up with piccies of poxy Nieups? No doubt the lethal N28 since that death trap was mostly assigned to American squads by The French to keep their death rates up. If it is a N17 or N24/23 I'll forgive you. It is a single seater isn't it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course it is a single seater. Two seaters are for people who liked to be annoyed by passengers. A N17 I believe, have to see how the film turns out.


No, stop sobbing. Here is what we will do, we'll play "The Kall Trail" by Moon instead. I'll get the Allies since:

Best played as: Head-to-head or American vs. German AI; mind you, this is not an easy victory as the Allies, especially in head-to-head. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, I haven’t played this one. Send it along. I enjoy letting Germans die in the mud. And believe me, with my own version of AI in charge of the sausage eaters, they are not long for this earth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:



Joe, as a fellow Cesspudligan, I feel it my duty to point out that there are a lot of decaffinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Joe, as a fellow Cesspudligan, I feel it my duty to point out that there are a lot of decaffinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is one of the most flagrant lies I have ever seen. As good as the real thing... feh!

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Spnkr, in the past I have always read your posts with a sense of awe. After all, how could a product of the American school system produce such inane, moronic commentary?

It was only later that I learned that you were a ... {drumroll}... a Texan! This clearly explained everything.

After all, the following story highlights the lack of sense in Texans"

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>President Bush was representing the United States of America on a highly formal, impeccably planned state visit to England. At Heathrow, a 300-foot long red carpet was stretched out to Air Force One and Mr. Bush received a warm but dignified handshake from Queen Elizabeth II. They rode in a silver 1934 Bentley limousine to the edge of central London where they boarded an open 17th century coach hitched to six magnificent white matching horses. As they rode toward Buckingham Palace, each looking sideways and waving to the thousands of cheering Britons lining the streets, all was going well. But suddenly the right rear horse let fly with the most horrendous, earth-rending, eye-smarting blast of gastronomic flatulence ever heard in the British Empire, including Bermuda, Tortola and the Falkland Islands. It shook the coach. Uncomfortable, but under control, the two dignitaries of state did their best to ignore the whole incident but then the Queen decided that was ridiculous. She turned to Mr. Bush and explained, "Mr. President, please accept my regrets....I'm sure you understand that there are some things that even a Queen cannot control". George W. Bush, ever the gentleman, replied, "Your Majesty, please don't give the matter another thought......you know, if you hadn't said something, I would have thought it was one of the horses." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Enough said.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Actualy, I would like to point out that it was not a mistake.

You see.. While I admit that that YK2 will be granted knighthood any time she ask for it. I was not sure she wanted to give up her "squireship" to Pawbroon.

Lorak the loathed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Indeed M'lord, something even I had not accounted for.

YK2 squire to PawBroon or YK2 Lady Of The Pool.....

If I had to choose then I would stick with PawBroon.

After all, the soul is mighter than any title that may be bestowed upon me.

I am delighted and thrilled to be seen as still a squire as well as Lady of the pool,

and in *Glorious Technicolour* to wit. So in my eyes you are indeed the wise one M'lord

*Curtsies to all concerned*

Now gather round ye all I have brought some Gourmet French Food for you to feast upon

and a few bottles of some strange Liquid brew from the highlands I believe its called

"Ardbeg" tis pretty old stuff as you can tell by the bottles but apparently it seperates the MEN from the BOYS...

That said I'll stick with the chilled wine...

\_/> \_/> \_/> \_/> \_/> \_/> ((((CHEERS))))


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And to Dame YK2, Lady of the Pool ... we

love you madly milady.



And I love each and every one of you too.

*HIC* :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

That is one of the most flagrant lies I have ever seen. As good as the real thing... feh!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nothing is ever, nor will it ever be, as good as the real thing.

Having said I would like to remind you (yes, I am referring to you Mr Morningstar) to resend one of our numbered turns so that I may continue to smack you about the ears with a fermented herring can you gimme halleluja? This time in glorious Gore-O-Color provided by my new OS. Actually capable of handling large amounts of mods, should I want them. Which I don't. Aitken could tell you all about it.

Oh, and I got a file from Professor Doktor Hamster X, that lovable ol' megalomaniac, so sadly it seems he is still among us. Next time, more C4 and sawblades in the package. Nerve gas just made him pleasantly stoned for a few months.

Speaking of

David Aichin: I see that you once more have gone off the deep end and become psychotic. No doubt you are once again cunningly and with malice as an afterthought planning to run off one of this community's fine upstanding citizens while simultaneously playing The Intrepid Reporter, Our Man on the Outerboards, wandering in here like a soaked puppy with that proud look of "Hey, look what I found! Something wet, smelly and useless. Can I keep it and can you dig it?"

You are a very very sick man and I hope you continue with your fine work.

[ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

And I love each and every one of you too.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Awww, shucks! *blushes*

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

I didn’t bother to take any of the B25’s as I have piles of photos from previous shows. I will check my archives though. I assume you want pics of the tailgunner position. Good luck with the perversio….err…. passions thing..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry to do this but:

[serious]I’m a military modeller, any shots of any aircraft (preferably WW2) will be gratefully appreciated.[/serious]

Oooh. I hated being serious. It wasn’t at all nice!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I apologize if I seem a bit heated about this but I'm not going to be goaded into playing when I don't want to. Life is too damn short and brutish to spoil a couple or three weeks playing a game that I don't want to play.


Oh no, not again:

[serious] I’m with Joe on this one, I too have far to many CMBO games on, and am also trying to work out how to best come to grips with Decisive Action, do the background work for a Rogue Spear/Urban Ops mod, model etc. Ergo there are just not enough hours in the day hence I believe that any member of the pool should be able to turndown a challenge without tainting their record or standing (not that Joe has a standing)[/serious]

Now I feel I have been violated and unclean by taking this rather rash action of being serious. I need to have a bit of a lie down.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>MrSkpkr...Sprkrk...Srkprk...bloody git lawyer type wrote:

David, I know living on that hellish island you call home must be demoralizing and disconcerting, but I never though it would drive you to reviewing threads that haven't been posted to for over a year in one case and nearly six months in the other.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am living proof* that the search engine does work, and that anyone who claims otherwise is a vicious anarchist. They are on The List, and if they're not careful I may follow Joe's lead and put a line right through their puny names, and feast on the very fabric of their existence (ie. the paper I'm writing on), and enjoy it! Oh yes, no-one ever said access to this board is free.

*Though maybe not for much longer, as I have been experiencing pains in my chest which I suspect indicate that my heart is about to stop. Either that or I've just strained my left pectoral muscle through vaulting over my desk instead of going around it. Ha, I laugh in the face of common sense. Don't ask why I should want to get to the other side of my desk, that doesn't make any sense either.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>G- g-g g Geiger Counter wrote:

David Aichin: I see that you once more have gone off the deep end and become psychotic.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now I've been through this already with the French. I am not psychotic, I am neurotic. Psyochosis actually makes good sense, whereas neurosis is just a bloody nuisance, so you can guess which one I would opt for.

This generation's best hope for the antichrist rests with Jeff Heidman and Colonel_Deadmarsh. Someone make sure Berli doesn't allow them in close proximity to each other for any length of time.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Oh, and move down to California where gits like you belong...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lawyer! You have given the ultimate insult. California? Cali-friggen-fornia? What a piece of crap. It’s full of too many people, too few trees, too much silicone, and too little water. Not to mention, too little power. Now they want ours (Bastiches)!

You, Lawyer, are naught but a lyme-ridden tick on the fat belly of our fine country. I see you’re from Virginia. It really fits you. Virginia. I guess that accounts somewhat for your lack of intelligence, as well as your provincial (and useless) view of areas that you’ve only heard about on TV. Really, it is to laugh. I note on your profile that you have no interests. Big surprise there. Apparently that lack of interest extends to geography, sociology, biology, and nephrology (i.e. you are full of waste).

Believe it or not (and I suspect you will not, for it will cause the dissolution of your fragile, tender, and pre-defined world view), there is more in Oregon than Hippies (and I give them a capital “H” because they deserve a nod in their direction). Where else than in Oregon can you have breakfast with a logger (they get up damn early), and eat lunch with a tree-hugger (which really is their breakfast)? Now I understand that you lawyer-types can’t handle that kind of diversity (read as “lack of money” ;), but it actually makes this a quite fine place to live.

Let me guess. You are either a strap-hanging, slack-jawed train commuter busy reading up on the latest stock quotes, or you are a repressed, road-raged driver of an SUV that you will never take out of the city for fear of scratching that $40,000 paint job.

You see, out here in Oregon (Orygun to you unknowing masses), it behooves one to actually have a 4-wheel drive (though there are Yuppies enough in the cities to damn that statement). For instance: I have a 1-ton, crew-cab, 4-wheel drive pick-up. And guess what? I actually use it to cut wood for heating fuel. I’d guess you haul your torpid arse to the thermostat to get heat. Feh!

I live out in the boonies (it’s true: power outages due to storms, dusty gravel roads (I bet you wash your vehicle, don’t you? What a waste of time), howling coyotes, and a green blissful heaven set apart from the strident, heaving, yowling, pulsating mass of folks like you).

So. I understand your jealousy. Your yearning to be free from the sirens, the traffic noise, the obnoxious neighbor, the smog, the car alarms, the street-lighted nights, the lack of privacy, the dearth of stars in the summer sky, and the prohibition against your indulging in the the small (but essential) freedom to take a piss in your front yard whenever you feel like it.

Your set-up will be winging its way to you shortly. Lawyer. Feh.

[Edited to kill an inadvertent, intruding smiley]

[ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Ah, Paradise... As I sit here posting, I can see out my window a startingly-clear view down the Manoa Valley, a striking cover of dark clouds on one side, bright tropical sun shining through below. Maybe later I'll stroll down to Waikiki and dip my toes into the decidedly non-cessy surf (after the requisite round of Mai-Tais, of course--normally I prefer Manhattans as my sweet cocktail, but "when in Rome" and all that).

Anyhow, just a quick postcard for all you poor, useless gits who aren't in Hawaii right now. And a quick declamation of my ownership of Seanachai, now fallen before my iron-willed tactics for a second time running.

Lorak! Raise high the Pen of Writing Down Stuff and write down this stuff: the evil Seanachai hacked the QB engine to produce the gamiest, defense-friendliest, rigged-est map in the history of CM. However, my dauntless edge-hugging regular SS infantry battalion crushed his veteran Brit rifle company in a series of brilliant human wave assaults, in spite of its pesky, well-sited support elements.

By the numbers:

Axis (me)

180ish casualties

50ish KIA

1 vehicle KO

200ish OK

Score: 75

Brits (him)

120ish casualties

40ish KIA

2 vehicles KO

2 guns KO

5 mortars KO

20ish surrendered (auto-surrendered, that is)

12ish OK

Score: 25

Axis Major Victory

Record it so:

Agua Perdido: Brilliant victory, proving once and for all that the Bumbling Bard will never get the chance to pen the story of my tactical demise in the style of "VH1: Behind the Music."

Seanachai: Defeat, defeat--it's hardly a surprise anymore. Is it only a matter of time before we add yet another symbol to the scoreboard to signify "lost to Seanachai?"

I stole a CD-ROM from a co-worker's laptop, so I may get a few turns out this week. Why don't you all hold your breath.

Agua Perdido

[Edited because it's not like I have any place to I have to be, except lounging around. Oh, sure, "working." Heh.]

[ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: Agua Perdido ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

BOGAN??? scaw!!!

The is perhaps the most brutal insult ever to be uttered to another Aussie cesspooler I have ever witnessed.


Heyyyy! Relax Guy.

The effeminate Simone Foxx, (a stage name and no mistake) is merely alluding to a brief synaptical collapse he suffered almost a year ago when an outerboard *shudder* discussion turned to the subject of Cars.

I let it be known that I am the owner of a 1974 GTS "Monaro" that I restored many years ago while in the trough of an unhappy relationship. Ever the one to face up to difficulties, I hid in my shed for 2 years and when I emerged, blinking, into the sunlight, I had a nicely restored musclecar and a new girlfriend.

Woot! with a capital Woo!

Now, the fact that I never, ever actually drive the thing was lost upon Simon says, who stood upon his milk crate to shrill "Bogan" as loud as his sparrow like lungs would allow.

*I believe the poor lad was intimidated by a V8 driver as a child, although that is only speculation*

If I could, I would give Simple Simon a bonding man hug and tell him that it is OK for him to feel inadequate.

If he wants to put his baseball cap on backwards and drive past the local high school in his Hyundai with the windows down and 'Kylie Minogue' pumping through his boot load of amps and subwoofers, then thats OK.

If he chooses to believe that a honking great 4" exhaust pipe on a wheezy little 1.3 litre motor will make it fast then thats OK too.

I believe it may have been Roosevelt who said "Tread quietly and carry a big stick", a lifestyle I happen to agree with.

A shame perhaps that Medical students, West Australian ones in particular cannot follow the great man's words and must be condemned to drive into history, preceded by the "Doof Doof Doof" of their Techno-beat sound systems.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:


Let me guess. You are either a strap-hanging, slack-jawed train commuter busy reading up on the latest stock quotes, or you are a repressed, road-raged driver of an SUV that you will never take out of the city for fear of scratching that $40,000 paint job.

You see, out here in Oregon (Orygun to you unknowing masses), it behooves one to actually have a 4-wheel drive (though there are Yuppies enough in the cities to damn that statement). For instance: I have a 1-ton, crew-cab, 4-wheel drive pick-up. And guess what? I actually use it to cut wood for heating fuel. I’d guess you haul your torpid arse to the thermostat to get heat. Feh!


Leeo, I've always wanted to beat the snot out of someone named after a frou-frou yappy dog that was rightfully dispatched to its well deserved finis in traffic on a California freeway.

7.(d) I drive a Ford Explorer that has been put into 4-wheel drive at least twice in seven years. I know how to rough it.

Section 96.0972. What you proudly describe as a "lifestyle" in bum**** O-Gun is something I hired Jose Calderon to do in my yard for less than $1,000. At least HE and his compadres had the decency to go home after they finished work instead of bragging about how cool it is to sweat yer butt off.

Listen up, Flea-Leeo, my family worked hard to get away from farm life and I ain't goin' back just because some "Earth Person" sez it's cool. Where I come from, the only good farm is a plantation. Living like a "Survivor" contestant is for the birds, ya know the little spotted owley ones.

Chapter Four, paragraph 3. I pee in my front yard whenever I want. The neighbors are impressed. You would be too if you saw it.

The only good thing about your personal "Deliverance" saga in Upper Kalifornia is that you can smoke 'em if ya got 'em.

One last thing. Women really don't like bubba's with dirt under their fingernails, so don't take yer wife into town where she might meet a sweet smellin' and sweeter talkin' Lawyer. You don't want her to start thinkin' that there is a better life than sloppin' hogs and diggin' yer dirty old rust heap out of the mud.

So send it on, Doggy Boy. And die like the Leo Pooch you are...

Final Justice Awaits.

[ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

This generation's best hope for the antichrist rests with Jeff Heidman and Colonel_Deadmarsh. Someone make sure Berli doesn't allow them in close proximity to each other for any length of time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They are both going to heaven... 'cus I sure as Hell don't want them here

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Leeo, Orygun sounds like a real nice place.

When my shoulder is healed, I'd like to bring my dirt bike over to your place and tear up a few of your forests.

One question though, I've seen movies where Orygun locals like to hunt strangers down and do things to them. There's no fears of that happening is there?

If there is, is it OK for Von Shrad to come too?

That way he can ride out in front.

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