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A Peng Challenge Too Far

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MrSpkr, I call you out. I have not received a file from Wildman in a ver long time and just sent a ruber match file off to Lawyer. These are my only active games right now and I am ready for another. So without any further ado............

MrSkr..you sir are a cad. And a swine. I have chunks of guys like you in my stool. Send me a set up file NOW. I demand it! I have neither the time nor the inclination to set one up. So obey me and take your best shot at the person with the most wins in the 'pool.

But remember my rule about numbering. Send me a turn that is numbered and you will never see a reply.

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So ... numbering turn files is for idiots eh? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So obey me and take your best shot at

the person with the most wins in the 'pool.

But remember my rule about numbering. Send me a turn that is numbered and you will never see a reply.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not only is this the clown who is certain that we care about his shaving habits, but now he challenges the Vice Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread AND BOASTS ABOUT HIS WINS! Now that's just ... really bright.

Lars oh Lars, is the Iron Maiden ready? Fresh lipstick too, good job lad, good job.

And he thinks that numbering files is for idiots ... I don't think he's clever enough to figure out how to do it!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Iron Maiden rocks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh my god.

*Shakes head in disbelief*

Surely you can't be serious.

Everyone knows that music needs rhythm and melody.

Get a hair cut you scruffy Minnescrotion.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Oh my god.

*Shakes head in disbelief*

Surely you can't be serious.

Everyone knows that music needs rhythm and melody.

Get a hair cut you scruffy Minnescrotion.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Instead of thinking longingly of my soon-to-be-shorn locks, why don't you send me a turn, bikeboy?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

[QB]Since I feel like plunging the sharpened stake of madness into my brain[QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Enticement enough, say no more. Me Germans.

I am sick of playing Allies to prove to people I am not some kind of Axiophile.

Please gawd just give me the 'schrecks back, and a long 75 with just a couple of rounds, man, and I'll be fine, just a couple of hits, and then I'm done for good. Really.

I don't need this game, I just want it. I can quit any time, really I can, it's just a social thing. And some 20 mike-mikes, OH JEEZ THAT'S GOOD, AND SOME HMG42s!!!.

S'cool man, I'll just crash here on the porch. Send it up.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Iron Maiden rocks. And as so aptly put by Butthead: "When Maiden maketh a video, they don't thcrew around."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"Run for the hills, run for your li-i-ife"


[ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Lars oh Lars, is the Iron Maiden ready? Fresh lipstick too, good job lad, good job.


First Mormon Wives, now Margaret Thatcher. The horror. What else do we have in the dungeon, my Liege?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

I invite any of you so inclined to take this trip into the nether world of phantasm to simply indicate whether you wish German or Allies and I shall select a file randomly and send it in it's way. I have not inspected them as I have not yet instituted a level 4 containment area to hold them.

So those of you harboring loathing for your last trouncing Marlow, Peng or whom I loathe with out sucrease such as MarkForth and crisl or are simply roadbumps on my road of success like Berli, Moriarty and even JShaw or even just need a game, let me know,......or not.






Challengee Marlow hereby responds to the Challenge, Amended, filed by the Challenger jdmorse.

1. The challenge improperly mixes slanderous remarks directed at both the collective and individuals with complete gibberish from an obviously martini addled brain.

2. The alleged last "trouncing" was in fact the result of the challengee's own incompetence, and was in no way a reflection of any martial ability on the part of the challenger.

3. The challenger states in his Challenge " … I feel like plunging the sharpened stake of madness into my brain". The challengee wholeheartedly encourages the challenger to go with his feelings.

4. Should the challenger, like a later day Phineus Gage, survive the above mentioned stake in the brain (a strong possibility given that said brain has been largely unused in the challenger's daily life), the challengee accepts this challenge.

5. Challengee shall use the Allies as the instrument of the challenger's doom.

[ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

Spittle and scat on you all...motely foolish collection of idjits ... plunging the sharpened stake of madness into my brain, ...nether world of phantasm ... indicate whether you wish German or Allies... even just need a game, let me know,......or not.


Allies. How well I recall my first few posts in the pool, how you came up with Aguilera Pecadillo as one of the best early mutiliations of my name. (Or maybe it was Oberst or MarkIV... I guess the answer to "How well" is "not very well.") At any rate, it combined that trendy Latin flavor so popular at the time (which, as I recall, was during your New Coke jd phase) with intimations of something unsavory and requiring of a restraining order. Nicely-done, and I've never forgiven you for it (if it was, in fact, you, and even if it wasn't, I need the game).

Besides, I also need an excuse to avoid sending stevetherat turns. Not that our game is going badly, he's just a bastard and I hate him. I think I'll start sending him files from my game with Croda.

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally blathered by Elvis:

I have been shaving in the shower with just soap and no mirror for years and years.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I understand Einstein also shaved while bathing. Reaching above your station again, eh Elvis? I'd send you a challenge, but I doubt you're psychologically strong enough to survive having your troops auto-surrender to me a third straight time. You should be safe by playing that pillock MrSpkr.

[ 09-18-2001: Message edited by: Leeo to add

p.s., I hate you Elvis.]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Besides, I also need an excuse to avoid sending stevetherat turns. Not that our game is going badly, he's just a bastard and I hate him. I think I'll start sending him files from my game with Croda.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do you think he'd notice then? Speaking of NOT SENDING TURNS ...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Now, Joe, don't get your knickers in a twist. You and I have a history. I hardly need an excuse to avoid sending you turns. Plus, it annoys Berli, since we're supposed to be play-testing the scenario.

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Plus, it annoys Berli, since we're supposed to be play-testing the scenario.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, Agua, it does my heart good to see that my former squire, now a Knight in his own right, has taken my lessons to heart. Obviously it would have been difficult for you to prioritize in this situation but clearly delaying playing me (as difficult as that MUST have been for you) must take second place to the all important task of annoying Berli. Clear thinking lad ... you {sniff}, you do me proud.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Besides, I also need an excuse to avoid sending stevetherat turns. Not that our game is going badly, he's just a bastard and I hate him. I think I'll start sending him files from my game with Croda.

Agua Perdido<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What do you mean you'll start doing that? You already have, you conker. Probably while your Golden Lab was entertaining you under the table.

And what, pray tell, is MY esteemed name doing being mentioned in the same post as that pant stain Croda? [shiver]


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This is from August of 2000. I was so touched by it that I thought I might share it with you miscreants:

Hiram, when you understand.....you are lost to the world, but a whole new alternate one opens up, abuse, torture, whiny invectitude, shoddy sylogisms, crushing metaphors, occasional allegory and thanks to Sean*Joseph Campbell*achi, the heroes journey myth, Abandon hope, they have sucked you in. Once invited to the banquet, you think you can leave???? Not a chance, you are condemned here to this circle of hell, the nether world, so to speak. I was lost a long time ago, post #2 butmy brains are too creaky and I can't type in pusillimous, putrescent streams of conciousness on demand.....You are lost dear Hiram, enjoy the ride, we who inhabit this space, attracted like moths to the illuminati, rarely transcend our lot. Perhaps like some Dantian lost soul we can only briefly lift ourselves to rant or wipe the spittle from our engorged lips as others trapse over our entombed body.

You have been granted a rare honor boy,carpe diem,carpe diem, throw your weight around, they seem kindly disposed towards you, me they generally ignore, it's best that way.

I suppose as a lawyer, it is my fate to have to admire from afar the ramblings, forver denied the promise land, seen only at a distance, but seen nonetheless; only to sink back in to somnambulent haze, wishing I had the strength of my younger days, but alas my teeth are in that jar over there and rarely used these days.

So yong Hiram, go dream of your Hamsters, gerbils, Chinchillas and other rodentia, pray you never wake up and discover that THIS is YOUR true reality.......................

a year wasted, eh jdmorse?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

*Ahem* You sir, MrPeng, {snip}have manners, {snip}wit {snip} intelligence. {snip} I will thus say good-day to you sir, {snip}you {snip}should {snip}pursue {snip}happiness.

[ 09-17-2001: Message edited by: Captain Wacky ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

MrWackie if that is your real name, and I doubt it is, never have I been so insulted in my short pod life. (that's short life as in not many years {for a pod} not 'short pod' as in small in stature as I am about average size for a pod)

You drag your sissified ways in here with your dastardly accusations of wit and intelligence, and your presumptuous directives to persue "happiness" (whatever the hell that is) as if I were some garscon du piss at your beck and call.

And prior to that, I might add that you used my name in a most egregiously idiotic and foolish little psuedo-biblical "revelation" bit that was about as pathetic of a display of sophomoronic drivel as anyone has ever had the cajones to post in the MBT. You are one of the reasons that outerboarders come in here and say to themsleves "what a load of crap. that Peng fella must be a real steaming pile of (insert local vermin/rodent/marsupial name here) droppings to have such gibbering foolishness written about him. Maybe I can post something equally stupid?" and then they go ahead and post something equally stupid.

If you are trying to goad me into a game you have failed. If you are trying to goad me into a good Penging you have failed. If you are trying to interrupt my afternoon post meal poo, then you have succeeded. But not for long. I just need my "tips and tricks for the CNE" and I'll be on my way to the 'library'

Piss off.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thats enough for me. See ya in hell suckers!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does ... does this mean you're leaving then? ... Cool! Hmmm, you know guys maybe we should consider the "P.C.D." (Peng Constipation Defense) against future SSN incursions!


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