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Brave Lt. PeterNZ, realizing that the IT boys weren't up to the mighty attack of the 'Acer Power 6100' model enemy dove head long into the trenches.

Armed with only an improvised screwdriver and the mystick goldy disk of win98-ness he tackled the might ACER which had previously defeated hordes of IT professionals.

Coming in with a flank attack he tore into its cabling and guts, it kept trying to outwit him but soon it was beaten and hammered into submission, bringing the beast to its knees before it mewed like a baby kitten and dociley dig anything he requested.

Throwing it over his shoulder he marched off into the sunset to tweak and adjust it back into life and thence to turn it upon his Foes in mighty topplement



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

You forgot the most important part of your analysis of Sir lowercase jd:HE LOST TO ME!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahh Marbeltoast, so nice to be remembered. Of course your days of Whine & Geritol are coming to a close, your last chance to effect the doom that shall be winging it's turgid way to you. So how would you like the jam spread? Or are going to defer to my rune: ohmygodiamabetagodevenifidraw powers, and let my true evilness come forth. Consider that I have a score to settle........


Have you been injured? Has your PBEM opponent won a game through the use of tank crew human waves? Are you offended by ahistorical tactics? Has that gamey recon jeep been keeping you awake at night? Well your troubles are over. Just call me, jd Esq. and I and my crack team of legal weasels will get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Remember, I'm in your corner. (that is unless you don't pay your bills, in which case, I'll sue you for every last penny) - Marlow & Associates Advertising Agency

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

So how would you like the jam spread? Or are going to defer to my rune: ohmygodiamabetagodevenifidraw powers, and let my true evilness come forth. Consider that I have a score to settle........


There once was a lawyer named Morse

Who had the brains of a horse

When by Marlow defeated

"I'll sue you" he bleated

But alas, there was no legal recourse

Do your worst, TortBoy


This message brought to you by

Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service,

Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool

aka The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Berli bleated:

Let's see, Irish history can be summed up in two points.

1... It took Giere's ancestors to bring them civilization<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Umm lets see...

"Though the Viking invasions checked the normal development of Irish civilisation, undid what the efforts of successive centuries had realised, and gave Ireland such a shock that learning scarcely ever fully recovered from it. A brilliant intellectual life prevailed during that period and, in all the things that pertained to the mind, the Irish were far superior to thier invaders and Irish genius made itself felt upon them."

"Irish sculpture, building, metal work, art, and ornament, flourished and influenced all the art of the scandinavians. It was Irish scholars who introduced the literature of Greece and Rome to the men of the north. In this, the influence on the early literature of the north men is unmistakable. Indeed the Norse were the imitators of the Irish, motives and forms of style are clearly of Irish origin or delveloped through Irish influence. The Irish were also of considerable influence in softening the wild Norsemen they came in contact with and It is the Irish to who the Norsemen owe thier Christianity."

Humm... Now it makes sence that "they" brought the irish civilisation.. NOT!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>2... They still have Pommies in their country... a problem the rest of the world has managed to solve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The Pool has lasted a long time. I am not about to go into the troubles here.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by Wildman:

Hey I'm a stupid american! I know 200 years ago something happened. But since I'm ameican I am allowed to be a dumb ass. And I am a good one at that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahh, yes. How could I ever think that you would bother to concern yourself with anything more than what is on must see TV this week.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-05-2001).]

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I currently have my good monitor and speakers hooked up to a Compaq Presario. I'm trying to use my Mac with a godawful Compaq monitor and some naff Sony speakers, but it is hard. I could retreat back to the good kit, but then I've got to use Windoze. I have nowhere to go!


PS. But I'll still cut down Babra's fleeing Englanders before they can make it home in time for a game of cricket, even if I have to do it in 1024x768 @ 60Hz.

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Posted elsewhere by Lorak <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What really suprises me is that someone like you with the intelligence of blind fruit fly would actualy know the Tao.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>]Yes but "The name that can be named is not the eternal name." You by naming, miss it......


Have you been injured? Has your PBEM opponent won a game through the use of tank crew human waves? Are you offended by ahistorical tactics? Has that gamey recon jeep been keeping you awake at night? Well your troubles are over. Just call me, jd Esq. and I and my crack team of legal weasels will get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Remember, I'm in your corner. (that is unless you don't pay your bills, in which case, I'll sue you for every last penny) - Marlow & Associates Advertising Agency

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-05-2001).]

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Ahh... I have a little news to post.

Fionn contacted me in an e-mail and ask that I pass this along. I will not post the whole thing... Just the important parts, manily for you celtophobes.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by Fionn:

The cesspool denizens are the most trustworthy folks on the forum.


So, keep your post there and be sure to let any of those bottom-dwelling ****-eaters in that thread know I'll take any of them who slag na Fianna off.

If they try particularly hard I may even go public with AARs to commemorate the beatings I give them. wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Brings a tear to my eye to see Fionn and his Fianna defending the homeland.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 01-05-2001).]

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ahh jd,

That is also true.

But being a lawyer remember this:

If all your life

you remain with a clear conscience,

you need not fear

a knock on the door at midnight.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

and for Kitty's sake


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm a big fag who never plays CM let

alone actually posts about games played. My

best friend is my dictionary. {purportedly written by} Joe

Hey Joe, where you going with that thesaurus in your hand? You play TCPIP yet? I'm looking for another TCPIP deflowering. I just hope you're no good so I can win. Mooo hahaha ha <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And you were doing so well too. You had progressed from nicey-nice to a few (all too few but still some) well chosen taunts that showed some progress and then ... {sigh}.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

If all your life

you remain with a clear conscience,

you need not fear

a knock on the door at midnight.


Ahh but lorak, you haven't met some of my er, well......clients!


Have you been injured? Has your PBEM opponent won a game through the use of tank crew human waves? Are you offended by ahistorical tactics? Has that gamey recon jeep been keeping you awake at night? Well your troubles are over. Just call me, jd Esq. and I and my crack team of legal weasels will get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Remember, I'm in your corner. (that is unless you don't pay your bills, in which case, I'll sue you for every last penny) - Marlow & Associates Advertising Agency

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>For those ignorant gits who missed it, Hiram just made a Hendrix reference. (I love the word 'git').<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes ... but Jimi did it better. As to the "git" reference, I don't doubt that you love it ... must remind you of home, "Croda you ignorant git, pull the thumb out and roll another tourist, there's a lovely boy."

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Shaw, you aren't fit to change Hiram's diaper. And funny about the commas...I'm usually accused of over-comma-ing when I rant.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whew! Thank God for that, though from the scents wafting over from that direction it's about time again ... Yo! Blousehouse ... up for a bit of cleanup then? I'd like to apologize for the "comma" comment, it was uncalled for and showed ill will on my part ... I'd like to, but I won't.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And as for the man with the only handle less imaginative than 'Joe Shaw':<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I could, I suppose, choose a handle like Great PooBah Of the Universe ... but I like my handle as it is ... pity you think so little of your name that you took the first opportunity to change it ... and to "Croda" ... what must it have been before?


edited to change BooPah to PooBah

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 01-05-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 01-05-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Reasons why I'm a victim of cephalorectalautoinsertion:

1. I like MY version better.

2. I stated in the preamble to my post that I probably missed something trivial ... trust EWNSLAS to ignore that and try to make a Federal case out of it.

3. I should waste MY valuable time doing a search? Nonsense, in the first place it would have deprived EWNSLAS of the joy of posting the allegedly correct version (he gets so little joy we must do what we can to brighten his life). In the second place, I ask you, how many of you would looked to a post by EWNSLAS for the correct version of ANYTHING?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

1) Then you just prove, as if proof were needed, that your taste is lodged firmly in your nether regions. Your version doesn't scan. It doesn't make sense either. Why do these Afghani women have "pains"? Are they in labor? If they are, then how come they're walking out on the plains, apart from the rhyme (surely you could come up with another rhyme for plains? Mains, cranes, trains, refrains...). And by removing the reference to the Diety, you eliminate an entire layer of meaning from the poem. Of course, that makes it easier for one of meagre faculties to grasp, so no wonder you prefer it.

2) Such Clintonian periphrasis. You said you butchered it, which you, in fact, did. I go to a butcher for dry-aged ribeye; I go to Kipling for poetry; I go to Joe Shaw when I want to kick some super-annuated kiester around the field of battle.

3) *Sigh* There are none so blind as those who have eyes but do not see.


4. As to the status of our battle, it is true that there have been some minor setbacks on my right flank (his left flank), but he neglects to mention the OTHER flank in which my victorious Panzers are sweeping all before them and leaving the field littered with the burning hulks of his Shermans.

<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your precious Tigers are burning hulks, your troops should really check the status of their term life policies and I've lost a few Shermans, the Bic disposable lighter of armored fighting vehicles. I'm happy to flick them at you. And you haven't even approached my fire sacks yet.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>5. Despite that ... {gag} it's nice to see Eathan posting to the 'pool again ... as much as I hate to admit it.


I know how much it must have hurt you to say that, so say it again, but this time let me watch, OK?




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Point is that Marlow is now funny and you still suck like the Thin Red Line, or dalem at CM, or Bauhaus at a fluffy dog convention.


I was going to be nice to you (well, not really, just less cruel), but now you include me in a reference with Thin Red Poop and Bauhaus?!?!? When I'm through with your knock-kneed troopypoopies, you'll be begging for an opportunity to grind your privates in a pencil sharpener for a substitute agony.

And need I point out that some of your posts in the other places have been, shall we say, grog-like of late? 105mm AP indeed!

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I have received word from the oracle, and Peng lives. He's functional enough to work and send out the occasional message (basically that he is alive but weak), but is still too weak from the vile pneumonia to play CM very much, if at all, and possibly to spew his usual bile and vitriol.

In other bronchially inspired news, while I was off I had an interesting experience with bile and pus of my own. I managed to develop a wicked hacking cough that generated large amounts of phlegm, which in and of itself is relatively uninteresting to the cesspool, other than as another source of disgust and slime. What's really relevant is some of the loogies that I launched as I cycled through southern California, spewing vast boli of snot on the road. Most of the loogies truly reminded me of Hiram. I'm not sure why, but I would plug a nostril, let fly, and watch a loogie zoom away behind, and it would usually make me think of Hiram. Many of them, if I was going slow and could see them hit the road, really looked exactly as I always imagined Hiram does. The rest looked like Croda. It was truly incredible, much like a vision of the virgin mary in a tortilla, to see visions of cesspoolers arrayed in snot across the ground. It's really the proper medium for a vision of a cesspooler-- it was quite a surprise, but thinking about it, it really does seem appropriate.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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by Fionn:

The cesspool denizens are the most trustworthy folks on the forum.


So, keep your post there and be sure to let any of those bottom-dwelling ****-eaters in that thread know I'll take any of them who slag na Fianna off.

If they try particularly hard I may even go public with AARs to commemorate the beatings I give them.


Fionn you damn thumb sucking, fish eating fenian scum. I'll take you on in a reenactment of the battle of Gabhra if you like.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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Lorak wrote:

> Fionn contacted me in an e-mail and ask that I pass this along.

Fionn's expulsion from the board was of course a BTS cover-up. As has become plainly obvious, he has been wired into the BTS server and, while maintaining his silence to avoid suspicion, orchestrates a strategic intelligence campaign, constructing psychological profiles of all board members, cataloguing attitudes towards CM and suggestions for the future, conducting a behind-the-scenes subterfuge campaign via e-mail with trusted board veterans, and when things get out of hand, acting as a forward observer and calling in tactical Madmatt strikes on unruly members. Every word posted on the board passes through Fionn's conscious. He has, however, attracted the attention of Interpol due to the mysterious disappearances of "JOCHEN PEIPER" and "CPT_STRANSKY", who are rumoured to have been incarcerated at BTS HQ, for purposes of research leading to the hotly anticipated Historically Accurate Blood And Gore Engine™ tipped for CM2.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Lorak wrote:

> Fionn contacted me in an e-mail and ask that I pass this along.

Fionn's expulsion from the board was of course a BTS cover-up. As has become plainly obvious, he has been wired into the BTS server and, while maintaining his silence to avoid suspicion, orchestrates a strategic intelligence campaign, constructing psychological profiles of all board members, cataloguing attitudes towards CM and suggestions for the future, conducting a behind-the-scenes subterfuge campaign via e-mail with trusted board veterans, and when things get out of hand, acting as a forward observer and calling in tactical Madmatt strikes on unruly members. Every word posted on the board passes through Fionn's conscious. He has, however, attracted the attention of Interpol due to the mysterious disappearances of "JOCHEN PEIPER" and "CPT_STRANSKY", who are rumoured to have been incarcerated at BTS HQ, for purposes of research leading to the hotly anticipated Historically Accurate Blood And Gore Engine™ tipped for CM2.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

(At the press release for CM2 in 2002)

Steve -

"And as you see here BTS has managed to fully develop accurate 3D generated decapitation of a soldier's head when hit by a 88mm Armour Piercing round..."

Press -

"Wait a minute! Those aren't 3D generated!"

Steve -

"This exhibit is closed!"

(forgot the exclamation point!)

[This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-05-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Lorak wrote:

> He has, however, attracted the attention of Interpol due to the mysterious disappearances of "JOCHEN PEIPER" and "CPT_STRANSKY", who are rumoured to have been incarcerated at BTS HQ, for purposes of research leading to the hotly anticipated Historically Accurate Blood And Gore Engine™ tipped for CM2.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hehehehe =)



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...for purposes of research leading to the hotly anticipated Historically Accurate Blood And Gore Engine...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Can we, for Pete's sake (we all know how sensitive Pete is), drop the 2000 US Election? Bush won, Gore lost and lets just all move on. I do think, however, that referring to our new President as "Blood" is a bit much.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When you're wounded and left in Afghanistan's plains,

And the women come out to cut up what remains,

Jes' roll to your rifle and blow out your brains,

And go to your gawd like a soldier!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Rudyard Kipling

"The Young British Soldier"

I always loved that verse. My favourite though:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When the officer's dead and the sergeants look white,

Remember 'tis ruin to run from a fight;

Just take open order, lie down and sit tight,

And wait for supports like a soldier!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The whole poem is a code of conduct for Her Majesty's Soldiers. Believe it or not, that latter passage has been a great comfort to me on more than one occasion.

Oh, and you suck. Send me a set-up at once.


Is "patheti-sad" a word?

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Let's see what EWNSLAS had to say ... should be good for a giggle if nothing else <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Your version doesn't scan.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Does too. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It doesn't make sense either. Why do these Afghani women have "pains"?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Well duh! Because it's their time of the month. I'd go a LONG way to avoid a Afghani woman with a knife, a grudge, and no Midol. As to the removal of the diety, have you never heard of political correctness? Kipling may not have had to worry about that but I assure you that BTS is worried sick about it and I'm doing my part. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You said you butchered it, which you, in fact, did. I go to a butcher for dry-aged ribeye; I go to Kipling for poetry; I go to Joe Shaw when I want to kick some super-annuated kiester around the field of battle.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>In point of fact, I stated that I had "... probably missed something trivial" as was indeed the case despite your pathetic attempt to make more of it. As to kicking, as you so quaintly put it, "keister", when were you planning to start? You've been able to do nothing more than a draw twice now, after all. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Your precious Tigers are burning hulks,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Indeed? You might want to look over on your right ... seems to be a few very nice ... and untouched ... large panzers there. {snipped to avoid repeating a falsehood} <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And you haven't even approached my fire sacks yet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fire Sack? OH RIGHT ... the fires from all those flaming Shermans ... gotcha. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I know how much it must have hurt you to say that, so say it again, but this time let me watch, OK?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So that's the kind of sick puppy you are, I should have known.


Edited to remove fallacious remarks about Eathan ... everything you see is now documented fact.

[This message has been edited by Joe Shaw (edited 01-06-2001).]

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