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Marlow (for now I must speak respectfully of him for at least today.then all bets are off) Has achieved what most of you have only deamed of , my toppelment. I shall leave it to Ser Marlow to share his glory. (Remember, Ceasar, thou art human)


BTW like my new look/ Thought I'd go for something autre, avant garde, cutting edge.....

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 12-30-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Forever Babra:

Loathsome Lazy Lorak

Pray, open your divine book, sharpen your crayons and scribble:

Babra: Win

Hiram: Loss

'twas one of Rune's creations (what an evil, evil little man). I need some blood plasma now...


Yes, I lost to a man named Barbara. And I plan to play him again until I win. That little creation was sick sick bad.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Somebody tell me why the Peng thread was not on page one. Someone needs to share with me the reasoning behind the cesspool apathy of late.

I am about to partake in the blessed nookie and when I am finished with my hour-long bangathon, I want an essay from each of you explaining why you are remiss in your duties to post here.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

I am about to partake in the blessed nookie and when I am finished with my hour-long bangathon, I want an essay from each of you explaining why you are remiss in your duties to post here.


Ah, so THAT'S why you had to leave our rematch in a hurry! I was watchin' Sanjuro, eatin' peanuts and cat-nappin'. Now leave me alone - you suck.


Is "patheti-sad" a word?

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Ah'm nae happy! Ah saim tae ha' developed a knack fer losing faster an Ah kin win. Ah'm winnin' a few gams, boot at's takin' mae longer tae finish 'em than the ones Ah get whupped in. Macey did mae in wi' a TCP gam o' rune's . Ah hate rune.

On a brighter note, Hiram has ceased his jammy play and has at last started tae die in tha traditional manner. Ah'm still windin' up, but the slaughter has begun.

Nijis is sputterin' oot his last hurrah, should be a topplement afore the after glower fades awah tanicht.

Lorak as tryin' tae kill mah poor wee laddies an' who knoos how at'll turrrn oot. Ah suspect a slaughterin' o' his laddies will see tha proper result soon enough.

Speedy as choosin' a new gam after Ah managed tae end a nightmare in rain and night wi' a canny surrender. At were too awful tae continue with. His French buggers killed mah Panther wi' grenades! Grenades!! Tha sooner Ah ferget that gam the better.

Stuka is holdin' on grimly...time as runnin' oot....cannae do it? O' course Ah bleedin' can!

Bastables has nae sent mah a new setup or the final file o' his current demise. Ah cannae kick his spotty arrrse aboot af'n he'll noo send a file. Perhaps that's his new tactic!

Seanachai is delayin' the return o' his latest file o' bad news. At must be hard fer the poor laddie, comin' a cropper sae early on...

Meeks continues tae avoid mah by swannin' aboot the North Pole...

Didye knoo that tha Whirbelwind as a Panzer MkIV wi' a different turret? Ah didnae knoo tha', an' Ah find tha' interestin'.


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"There'll be dancin' an joy in the Heelands,

There'll be pipin' an' gladness an' glee..."

At's mah pleasure tae announce a Major Victory by mahsailf over Nijis, who was o' course majorly defeated 76 - 24.

Ah hope tha's the end o' mah recent streak o' losin' in suspicious curcumstances!

Nijis fought his wee laddies bravely an' well, boot he just widdnae good enough.


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Lorak please note the DRAW between myself and rune-tte A tcp/ip 2000 py slug-athon this afternoon leaving me as drained as Hiram must be. Or about as drained and chopped up as my troops

Suffice to say he had The STUG that wouldn't die™ alot, or ever Well not forever, just took me bleeding 29 out 30 too finally wax it. Had 5.5 mortars slammin around it. Did it do it to a fare thee well, nooooo.

Unfortunetly we were both mistaken in our set up time. Thought it was 10 mins, was actually 2.5 mins or so. Was that a bug!? Soo I had barekly even organized my troops....why if I could have I'd have punched his ticket. Yes sir.

So show us

jd : Draw

rune : Draw


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OK ..thanks Berli..why the hell haven't you done it?


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Stuka is holdin' on grimly...time as runnin' oot....cannae do it? O' course Ah bleedin' can!


Oh no you can't you hair brained licker of other people's haggis'.

Check your in box in fear, me boy coz it ain't pretty.

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*sigh* At's nae good. Ah get oop thas mornin' tae find two Sherman 105's killed by a bleedin' Puppchen o' Stuka's, and then, tae top it off, Hiram kills another TD with a Panther....after mah shot ricochet's off tha turret.

At's as if mah CM worrrld as fallin' apart around mah ears! Thas as verry depressin'....


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We'll I'll just have to step in and do something about it!!!! BUMP<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well Jim, Mace just stepped right up and Bumped the pool back to it's rightful place. Well done would you say?

Not bad Nigel, not bad, mind you the style was a bit lacking and I saw NO evidence of panache at all.

No, I would agree. Now of course we'll have to see what the judges give him, looks as if they're about ready to call it.

OH MY NO! Will you look at that Nigel, all 6's and 7's EXCEPT for the Australian judge who gave him a 9.5!

Absolutely shameful Jim, of course the Aussie judge seems a bit in the bag to me.

Couldn't have anything to do with the ten empty Foster's under the table, do ya suppose Nigel?

Nor the sheep I saw Mace leading in earlier. It's a bit of a travesty all right.

Ah well, join us next week folks for another great comptetition of "Bump In The Night."


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Thank Ewe. Thank ewe!!!!

I would like to thank all my fans (and the sheep), without who this would not be possible!

I'd like to remind you that I will be available in the new year for shameless advertising plugs, mindless TV chat shows, and I will be appearing with my flock of sheep in "Macey's 2001 calendar".

Reserve your copy now!


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Happy New Year, and welcome to the real start of the new millenium...

As for turns, well, I ain't doing any tonight, and none tomorrow, so piss off...

Topplements, insults, and general razzing should recommence in approximately 36 hours...

Except for Hiram...

Yes, yes, the Eagles played a very good game, but guess what...

<h3>YOU STILL SUCK!</h3>

Now all of you go Die Alot Now...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 01-01-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Happy New year to all of you foreign bastards and God knows there is a whole lot of you...



You too, Frenchy.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Except for Hiram...

Yes, yes, the Eagles played a very good game, but guess what...


Are we bitter? I was listening to the game on 94 WYSP last night and Merril Reese said that it was also being broadcasted on a radio station in Washington DC. I got to thinking about all of the bandwagon deadskin fans in the asscrack of the U.S. could listen too. Go ahead and cheer for the Giants next week and when they lose, cheer for another team.

I'm not going to wish all of you a good new year because of the oompah band playing in my head right now. They hate you too.

I hope all of you stand in a very long line waiting for Eagles tickets.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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Oh my god...I woke up drunk..This sucks..I can't focus..Damn...this really sucks....

I was at the aforementioned Eagles game and am here to tell you I can't wait to go to NY and lose to the Giants.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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oh ya.. Crappy New Year to you moldy lot.

I got a crappy cold.. my wife has taken over my PSone with some stupid Pac man game!! and I am still having shocktherapy for the three days I spent with the in-laws. The only thing to top this off is to have the RCMP waiting for me when I land for forgeting to say "eh" at the end of my sentinces while I was here in Germany. Well my bladder is a bursting and I must visit the little boys room. I'll drop in on by when I am in canada.. just to make sure you lot are not making up stories about me that are not likely true.


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