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How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?


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17 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

Well deserved, after their blatant attempted terror attack.

We know for sure Canada had nothing to do with that explosion.  If it had, it would have already apologized for it and promised not to do it again.  On the other hand, it is suspicious that Canada didn't apologize even though it had nothing to do with it.  So maybe it was a double bluff?


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49 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

According to Defense Express Russia launches serial production of new helicopter-type UAV "Termit". This one, very similar to reduced copy of MD500 can carry three laser guided missiles, having 6 km of range. Speed - 150 km/h. Reportedly "Termit" project was started as far as before the war and now it went to finish line.

Sanctions, eh?



A smaller, lighter one-man helicopter - makes sense to go into that direction.

I could see that the West with Japan, Taiwan and Korea might technologically choose the path of hyper-robotisation of its military with more autonomous drones of all kinds, whereas China and Russia will create small plastic shells with recruits strapped into them for suicide missions - wetware instead of software.

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On 11/23/2023 at 2:54 PM, Zeleban said:

It seems Europeans want to be friends with Putin more and more

No. Europeans just bored of illegal non-europeans migration, impunity of migrants, their roistering, crawling islamazation and leftist speeches "we need more migrants for culture enrichment". They bored to feed all these agressive, laizy robs from own taxes, which as gratitude then conduct knife attacks in schools like in Dublin recently, trade dugs on the streets and turned out many places in Eurpoean capitals in scrap-heap.

When I see dozen- and hundred thousands Muslim migrant marches in Germany, England and France, supporting Palestina (really supporting Hamas attack), carring flags of Khalifat, Al-Caeda etc, when I see speeches of migrants in Germany "We need Sharia right here", when I see landing of hunderds Africans in Spain and Italy, when I read how German leftist human rights organizations sponsored contrabandists, who transfer migrants through Mediterranian Sea, I also would be vote for anybody, who stop this s...t or to protect own country from this new hidden Arab invasion. 

So, this is maybe not good for us now, but this is good for long perspective to keep Europe as Europe, where we can celebrate Christmass as Christian holyday and eat a pork, whithout imposed shame that doing this "we offend Muslim's feelings, so we shouldn't do this". Else Europens will no more a masters on own land and will turn out soon themeselves in reservations.

By the way after "right-wing" spectre G.Meloni became a prime-minister of Italy, many in Ukraine expected that Italy will more turn into Russian side, but all happened viсe versa.

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1 hour ago, Haiduk said:

This is a drone )

As I understand, it's task is to hoover over one's side of frontline and shoot missiles from a far, much like Attack Helicpoters do? Looks like very expensive kind of UAV and risky to loose it over enemy territory.

Hypothermia or Crocodile?

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16 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

No. Europeans just bored of illegal non-europeans migration, impunity of migrants, their roistering, crawling islamazation and leftist speeches "we need more migrants for culture enrichment". They bored to feed all these agressive, laizy robs from own taxes, which as gratitude then conduct knife attacks in schools like in Dublin recently, trade dugs on the streets and turned out many places in Eurpoean capitals in scrap-heap.

When I see dozen- and hundred southands Muslim migrant marches in Germany, Engalnd and France, supporting Palestina (really supporting Hamas attack), carring flags of Khalifat, Al-Caeda etc, when I see speeches of migrants in Germany "We need Sharia right here", when I see landing of hunderds Africans in Spain and Italy, when I read how German leftist human rights organizations sponsored contrabandists, who transfer migrants through Mediterranian Sea, I also would be vote for anybody, who stop this s...t or to protect own country from this new hidden Arab invasion. 

So, this is maybe not good for us now, but this is good for long perspective to keep Europe as Europe, where we can celebrate Christmass as Christian holyday and eat a pork, whithout imposed shame that doing this "we offend Muslim's feelings, so we should do this". Else Europens will no more a masters on own land and will turn out soon themeselves in reservations.

By the way after "right-wing" spectre G.Meloni became a prime-minister, many in Ukriane expected that Italy will more turn into Russian side, but all happened viсe versa.

Hate to break it to you but I live in probably the most Muslim area of London, about 1km from the biggest mosque in the country and my neighbours are pretty chilled people. The area has a lot of bars and Muslim shopkeepers will happily sell me pork and beer.

Violent islamic nutcases apparently exist but I am more worried about the far right "reaction" than Muslims just living a different lifestyle to me. 

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24 minutes ago, hcrof said:

Violent islamic nutcases apparently exist but I am more worried about the far right "reaction" to them existing. 

More the pendulum moves to the left then stronger will be move to the right. This is an order of nature balance. But if Richard Lionheart would be see thousands of Muslims, making namaz in the center of London he would be die of heart attack %)

On my opinion existance of completely differrent cultures in one country, especially one of them is enough expansionistic  and exceeds other by demography, that early or later probability of conflict will be growth. This is like in nature one species reach into new place and hasn't natural enemies (in EU case has multiple law protections and social guaranties, allowing them do not work), this scpecies soon occupies whole ecosystem and expel or eat other species around. 

PS. I know in Germany live large community of Turks and Kurds, but they, especially who live in Germany for long time, or already are children of migrants mostly are peaceful employed citizens. But current situation is completely different - Arab and African migrants don't whish to integrate into western society, now they gather in large communities, feel own strenght to dictate own demands (rejection of Macron to join a march against anti-semitism, for example after threat of of riots in migrant quaretrs), now they want that western society was subordinated to their traditions and lifestyle. 

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1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

We know for sure Canada had nothing to do with that explosion.  If it had, it would have already apologized for it and promised not to do it again.  On the other hand, it is suspicious that Canada didn't apologize even though it had nothing to do with it.  So maybe it was a double bluff?




Crash took place on the US side; first reports were erroneous.

It seems a lumber store owner and his wife were casino hopping before heading up to a KISS show in Toronto, and either their $300k Bentley went haywire, or the driver did. Car went airborne and hit a security barrier before they could do a Thelma & Louise into the gorge.

American Dream, up in smoke. Enjoy it while you got it. RIP.

5 minutes ago, sburke said:

it is a long weekend here.  🤪

"God wouldn't ruin the best game of my life!"

Black Friday is global now.

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24 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

More the pendulum moves to the left then stronger will be move to the right. This is an order of nature balance. But if Richard Lionheart would be see thousands of Muslims, making namaz in the center of London he would be die of heart attack %)

On my opinion existance of completely differrent cultures in one country, especially one of them is enough expansionistic  and exceeds other by demography, that early or later probability of conflict will be growth. This is like in nature one species reach into new place and hasn't natural enemies (in EU case has multiple law protections and social guaranties, allowing them do not work), this scpecies soon occupies whole ecosystem and expel or eat other species around. 

oh christ, can we stick to the situation in Ukraine.  When my great grandparents moved to the US from Ireland they got the same treatment.  Hell they feared JFK becoming president cause the Pope was gonna rule America.  Fact is immigration is a necessary component for a healthy economy, think different?  Go visit Japan.



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13 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

More the pendulum moves to the left then stronger will be move to the right. This is an order of nature balance. But if Richard Lionheart would be see thousands of Muslims, making namaz in the center of London he would be die of heart attack %)

On my opinion existance of completely differrent cultures in one country, especially one of them is enough expansionistic  and exceeds other by demography, that early or later probability of conflict will be growth. This is like in nature one species reach into new place and hasn't natural enemies (in EU case has multiple law protections and social guaranties, allowing them do not work), this scpecies soon occupies whole ecosystem and expel or eat other species around. 

PS. I know in Germany live large community of Turks and Kurds, but they, especially who lives in Germany for long time, or already are children of migrants mostly are peaceful employed citizens. But current situation is completely different - Arab and African migrants don't whish to integrate into western society, now they gather in large communities, feel own strenght to dictate own demands (rejection of Macron to join a march against anti-semitism, for example after threat of of riots in migrant quaretrs), now they want that western society was subordinated to their traditions and lifestyle. 

Richard "Coeur de Leon" would have considered himself French, not English 😂

But to answer your point, ask yourself who is telling you all this about Muslims in the UK? Have you talked to any of them yourself? 

Yes there is some social tension - that happens when social changes happen. But all countries change, and if we want to stay strong as a nation we have to accept that rather than dream of a past that never happened. 

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38 minutes ago, sburke said:

oh christ, can we stick to the situation in Ukraine.  When my great grandparents moved to the US from Ireland they got the same treatment.  Hell they feared JFK becoming president cause the Pope was gonna rule America.  Fact is immigration is a necessary component for a healthy economy, think different?  Go visit Japan.

Fact of illegal migration is a fact, which plays on political situation in EU and this can affect on the political support of Ukraine. Russia also stimulates both illegal migration (you can recall situation on Polish and Baltia borders before a war and current sitaution in Finland) and populist right parties like German AfD. Wise strategy - divide and rule.  

I don't know about what health of economy if taxpayers must pay from own pockets milliards to support of hords of these "refugees". So, I greeting a decision of Germany to reduce payments for them (and for Ukrainain refugees too). About our compatriots - enough part of them lost own conscience, for two years they just live on own 450 EUR of allowance, don't want to study a language and work, but show in Instagram, how they rest in Turkey or havee a trip to Paris and complain that they forced to live in "tough conditions". Damned bastards, did you expected hotel appartment with lobsters and wine each morning? I visited Malta in 2019 - they havn't problem with illegal migration. Do you want to live here? Go to work. Do not want to work? Get out. 

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28 minutes ago, hcrof said:

But all countries change, and if we want to stay strong as a nation we have to accept

With this humility, you are doomed as ENGLISH nation. Just some dozen years will pass... Europeans lost a capability to defend own area of life. Endless compromisses, concessions, feel of guilt, "non-resistance to evil by force" according to Tolstoy... 

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15 minutes ago, Haiduk said:

With this humility, you are doomed as ENGLISH nation. Just some dozen years will pass... Europeans lost a capability to defend own area of life. Endless compromisses, concessions, feel of guilt, "non-resistance to evil by force" according to Tolstoy... 

I am more interested in living in a free and prosperous community strong enough to resist external threats than a I am being part of a country of geriatrics moaning about the "good old days" before losing a war against an external autocrat. Russia and Ukraine have a demographic crisis bad enough to threaten their existence as a nation. I would prefer to change than to see my nation wiped out under a Chinese boot. 

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Next outstanding episode, worth to war-movie, but filmed in real.

Vidieo of 47th mech.brigade. Two Russian soldiers pull own wounded comrade, but soon throw him down on the ground and robbed him. Jokingly writing on the video in this episode

- Hey, 300th! (wounded) 5000 RU from you for evacuation

- But I short of money! Bro, come into situation!

- Well, then lie here with corpses..."

Soldier takes a blanket from wounded and these two walk far and sit under the tree. Instatnt karma - FPV drone hit one of them and teared apart. Survived Russian with cold-blood covers remains of own comrade wihh robbed blanket and wals further.

The end


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18 minutes ago, acrashb said:

Looks like the BTR backs into a ditch and gets stuck.  Then it gets droned.  

So Russia continues to put crappy drivers in its crappy vehicles.

I speak no Ukrainian, but I do understand "motha****a"


What is most interesting about this is there is a 1:30min response form initial spotting to strike by FPV drone that started on ground.

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DavidD's sources can sometimes be suss, but his views here seem on point:

Many people are trying to link a avdiivka with the battle of Bakhmut. There are some differences.

  1. In the lead up the Russians had far more artillery then they do now
  2. The Russians started off with far better troops (lots of VDV)
  3. When the VDV was exhausted the Russians turned to wagner.
  4. Wagner had nearly everything they needed for the assault
  5. Russian airforce was able to fly over the city due to nearly exhausted air defense
  6. At the time its estimated that russia had about 10 million rounds of all types on hand
  7. Ukraine never fully reinforced Bakhmut and allowed for a fighting rear action to leave the city

Now today…

  1. Russia does not have a clear advantage in the number or type of artillery.
  2. The Russians are now using more mobilized reserve forces and TD brigades.
  3. To this point only a few SPF (SF) troops, and the 13th assault battalion (DPR) have been used with no verified VDV or other high quality troops being seen.
  4. On some assaults PT-76s and other out of date vehicles have been seen on the attack.
  5. Due to more air defense the Russian airforce has taken high losses around AVD.
  6. Russia is having to bring in north Korean rounds to make up for Russian stockpiles being exhausted. The NK rounds are known for being a danger to the crews using them now.

Ukraine has moved into the area 12 brigade sized units to defend the city


Thread: https://nitter.net/secretsqrl123/status/1728615103182897188#m

Analysis by Tatarigami's group (AKHZ is the coke plant)

Thread: https://nitter.net/Tatarigami_UA/status/1728171185790443845#m

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17 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:
  • The Russians are now using more mobilized reserve forces and TD brigades.
  • To this point only a few SPF (SF) troops, and the 13th assault battalion (DPR) have been used with no verified VDV or other high quality troops being seen.
  • On some assaults PT-76s and other out of date vehicles have been seen on the attack.
  • Due to more air defense the Russian airforce has taken high losses around AVD.

On first stages main role played DPR motor-rifle brigades, DPR mobics and Russian TD regiments conducted mostly auxiliary function. Now Russians operate with own pre-war regular brigades, DPR units despite losses still in action.

PT-76? I suppose the author confused it with single spotted destroyed BTR-50

No confirmation of "heavy losses" of Russian aviation around Avdiivka. From claims of 7 Su-25 allegedly shot down, we have only one video as something exploded on horizon and falls down. Situation indeed very bad - Russian work with gliding bombs from long ramge and their Su-25 and sometime helicopters also attack our positions, so this can say AD around Avdiivka was supressed in first days (but I think they had just usual set of Strela-10 and MANPADS for mech.brigades)


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Interesting information from Russian TG. 

Alarming information came from VKS. Su-34 pilot reported that when he conducted bombing mission on Krynky and crossed the line Nova Kakhovka - Armiansk, this is 69 km from Dnipro river, he found himself in range of radar of unknown foreign SAM. In another words, more likely foreign SAM already deployed against our aviation and the number of glide bomb strikes consequently can be significantly reduced or can be rediced it accuracy.  



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41 minutes ago, LongLeftFlank said:

Now today…

  1. Russia does not have a clear advantage in the number or type of artillery.
  2. The Russians are now using more mobilized reserve forces and TD brigades.
  3. To this point only a few SPF (SF) troops, and the 13th assault battalion (DPR) have been used with no verified VDV or other high quality troops being seen.
  4. On some assaults PT-76s and other out of date vehicles have been seen on the attack.
  5. Due to more air defense the Russian airforce has taken high losses around AVD.
  6. Russia is having to bring in north Korean rounds to make up for Russian stockpiles being exhausted. The NK rounds are known for being a danger to the crews using them now.

Ukraine has moved into the area 12 brigade sized units to defend the city

It depends what is strategic goal here. If they want to grind trained and relatively well-equipped Ukrainian units defending this area in exchange for their own cannon fodder (and not elites) it is actually sound long-term plan. Typically Russian attitude to war, utilizng chief material resource: men.

I can bet Bakhmut is considered great success among Russian generalship and they want to reapeat it.

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Some more about anti-shakhed mobile groups equipment

Where they found "Dnipro" motorcycle by Kyiv motorcycle factory, which died many years ago? %) This one, further development of German BMW R71 was very popular in the villages, before jeeps appeared on our market )))


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