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CM Battle for Normandy v4.03 patch has been released

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I was a little skeptical before test this patch
I think too much resistance is unrealistic !
But not at all, the soldiers logically stay under fire without giving up the position when it's a good cover and then regain their senses.
But the supression allows the maneuver and they end up logically unhooking when too much pressure
the whole gives an impression of absolute realism
It's awesome

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there at 20 m there is the house: if the combat group seizes it that will give me time to deploy myself and the game is won.
I divide the group, I leave the anti-tank group in support. I attack with in mind the team of the group leader and in second the group BAR
the moment is decisive!
I click on the red button and hold my breath. The group leader's team is in the lead of a fraction of a second. It's okay, she's reached the door when on the left the ominous grinding of an MG 42 reveals her.
This is the drama 2 man of the group leader collapses and 3 of the BAR group
and there it is the surprise instead of moving back to their starting position, the group leader and the last able-bodied man rushes into the house where he curls up. Behind, the last survivor of the BAR group retreated to the starting position from where it is closest.
Terrible and awesome:  j'adore ce jeu !!!
I have multiplied the tests there is no more banzai and multiple realistic behaviors like the one described before occur but also and fortunately absurdities as in real life.
I wanted to wait for some feedback to put this patch, then I told myself that the best was to test myself
if you have any doubts, it works.

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20 hours ago, Warts 'n' all said:

Par "elle" et "elle" voulez-vous dire que votre mod contient des femmes combattant dans l'armée américaine pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale?

it is not good to make fun of someone who speaks a language that is not this own 😤
then I discovered this document (authentic) which proves that there were women paratroopers in the American army
perfide Albion 😁


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On 7/26/2020 at 11:51 PM, Warts 'n' all said:

I wasn't making fun of you. I was asking a question, there is a difference. And at the time of "perfidious Albion" there were decent Englishmen such as Hazlitt, from my own home town. And I was happy to contribute to the repair of his grave in SoHo. 

I am not upset!  😉 thanks to this forum I made great progress in the language of Shakespeare
On the other hand i don't understand the connection between treacherous Albion and Hazlitt,:huh:
the expression is from the writer Bossuet in the 17th century and alludes to the battle of Azincourt in 1415 or "l'anglois"  execute the French knights prisoners ...
the "she" goes with "team" which is feminal in French
i must say  "he's reached the door when on the left the ominous grinding of an MG 42 reveals her"
"it's reached the door when on the left the ominous grinding of an MG 42 reveals her.


...after research I understood : ultracrepidarian :)


Edited by Falaise
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Oh, thank you for explaining that. 

In the meantime, I have encountered my first technical hitch since 4.03 was released. One member of a five man fire team staying behind when his mates move away from a hedgerow, whilst I was playing "Turnbull's Stand". The following turn he slowly begins to crawl towards his mates. Not as annoying as the gap charging bug, but still not something you want happening when the enemy are closing in on you. And you are trying to get men off of the map. 

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On 7/19/2020 at 5:58 PM, RockinHarry said:

Looks like I was a bit early. The 4th test run yielded a bunker busting mortar round again. It was a US 60mm onboard mortar positioned to the NWN providing the lethal round. The round exploded somewhere between inner and outer pillbox geometry, so wasn´t a full interior detonation.

LOL when I saw your first post I thought perhaps you would not notice it's not quite sorted. I do think things are better but the bug for what you describe is still open. So, not forgotten but not totally fixed yet. From my testing it looks like the window for a mortar round to slip through (it never seems to totally be inside) is a lot narrower than before but it is not totally fixed.

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13 hours ago, Mesquite55 said:

The readme file for 4.03 says you have to have 4.02 installed. I don't. I don't see a link for it either. How do I get it.

There is an issue with the read me - you can just install the 4.03 patch it includes the files needed for the 4.02 patch as well.

I have reported the problem and future patches will have this fixed but they are not going to repackage this round just that.

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On 7/28/2020 at 5:56 AM, Warts 'n' all said:

Oh, thank you for explaining that. 

In the meantime, I have encountered my first technical hitch since 4.03 was released. One member of a five man fire team staying behind when his mates move away from a hedgerow, whilst I was playing "Turnbull's Stand". The following turn he slowly begins to crawl towards his mates. Not as annoying as the gap charging bug, but still not something you want happening when the enemy are closing in on you. And you are trying to get men off of the map. 

Can't a man take a bloody piss anymore? 😉 

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On 7/28/2020 at 12:03 AM, Falaise said:

I am not upset!  😉 thanks to this forum I made great progress in the language of Shakespeare
On the other hand i don't understand the connection between treacherous Albion and Hazlitt,:huh:
the expression is from the writer Bossuet in the 17th century and alludes to the battle of Azincourt in 1415 or "l'anglois"  execute the French knights prisoners ...
the "she" goes with "team" which is feminal in French
i must say  "he's reached the door when on the left the ominous grinding of an MG 42 reveals her"
"it's reached the door when on the left the ominous grinding of an MG 42 reveals her.


...after research I understood : ultracrepidarian :)


I understand your challenge. In your example the 'team' or the 'mg42' are neither feminine or masculine: 'it was discovered' (it = the machinegun). 'They were cut down' (they = the team).

For me the challenge is the other way around, I can never remember all the different rules for je/tu/il/elle/ils/on/nous on verbs in present and past tense, feminine/masculine. 
Mais c'est bien de pratiquer! :)
Even if I had French 4 years in high school. 😅


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8 hours ago, Lethaface said:

Je comprends votre défi. Dans votre exemple, «l'équipe» ou «mg42» ne sont ni féminines ni masculines: «elle a été découverte» (elle = la mitrailleuse). «Ils ont été abattus» (ils = l'équipe).

Pour moi, le défi est l'inverse, je ne me souviens jamais de toutes les règles différentes pour je / tu / il / elle / ils / on / nous sur les verbes au présent et au passé, féminin / masculin. 
Mais c'est bien de pratiquer! :)
Même si j'avais 4 ans de français au lycée. <font style=😅">


let's be clear, hre in france , French grammar is like women
we use them but we don't understand them :D

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On 7/16/2020 at 6:58 PM, BFCElvis said:

Hi Elvis

Stupid question, since I am still on v4.01:

Where do I find the v4.02 patch? The v4.03-Description says, I should install 4.02 first, but I don‘t find it under the CMBN patches.

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On 8/5/2020 at 6:41 PM, IanL said:

There is an issue with the read me - you can just install the 4.03 patch it includes the files needed for the 4.02 patch as well.

I have reported the problem and future patches will have this fixed but they are not going to repackage this round just that.

@StieliAlpha I think this post from @IanL answers your question?

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My first evidence of "gap charging" since installing v4.03 has arrived in Mission 9 (Hell in the Hedgerows) from the Montebourg campaign. A German team fleeing from my arty towards my troops to get cut down.

I don't mind admitting that this is my 2nd attempt at this particular mission with the upgrade. The problem first time around being my tactics, rather than anything technical. I saw no evidence of "gap charging" in the previous eight missions . This might just be a case of troops panicking with mortar rounds landing right behind them, and having no escape other than running forwards. 


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