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Old orders and the new website

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Do you know what the difference is between weeks of private testing and minutes of public viewing?  Everything :D

We discovered that products from orders placed a while back (1-2 years, or there abouts) aren't showing up in your My Orders view in your account.  The reason for this is the data we imported from the old site has nothing current to retrieve things like product name, price, URL, etc.  Product license keys are a slightly different case, but related.  And that is because I didn't think I needed to recreate the 457 old products (including options) in the new system.  Silly me.

More recent orders probably have issues as well, but fortunately those are easier to fix.

What I have to do now is cobble together the old products so you guys can retrieve the info you need.  That plus a bit of work from our eCommerce guys will get things put right.  I expect it will take me at least another 24 hours to get this done. Until then, please adopt a holding pattern.  I'll make an announcement once everything is fixed.

Thanks for your patience.  I think we can all agree the new site is worth a few teething pains!


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For the most part your Orders are showing up now with download links and license keys.  There's still a few I have to fix (especially Preorders for most products), but that should be addressed very soon.

After I think I have all products fixed I'll open this thread and if I've missed any you can post it here.


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As far as I can tell everything is now fixed except one more fix for CM Afghanistan orders.  That's been done but not uploaded yet.  It should be available within a day.

OK, if anybody sees an order of theirs that is either missing the download link or license key, please state what the product is and what's missing.  Similarly, if you have a download link that appears to point to the wrong product, please post which product is giving you troubles. I don't need any personal info from you because if it's wrong for you it's wrong for everybody.

NOTE!!  Long ago products that were sent in physical form only never had license keys digitally assigned to them.  Which means you won't see keys for those games in the new store just like they weren't in the old store.  We can't display what we don't have.

Now that the transition is complete, I'd like to point out some of the positives that came from this transition:

1.  All orders now have download links including products that were purchased before we had downloads available and those that were purchased without a download option.

2.  All download links point to both Windows and MacOS download options.  Handy for those who flip back and forth (there's more of you out there than you might think!)

3.  Download links for older products (for the most part) follow a standardized naming methodology.  This makes it easier to identify what you are downloading.

4.  New download link management methodology allows us to keep links in your confirmation emails working even when we update the version of your product.  In the old days the link was hardcoded for the version available on the day you purchased and caused people reinstalling to go through the patch process even if we'd already updated the primary installer.

Thanks for hanging in there!


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Thanks for all your hard work, Steve. I am missing a couple of orders but it's no big deal, I have all their keys saved. CM:A, the NATO module, and RT (which was a gift so it probably shows up on Pete's account).



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I appear to be missing an entire order from July 9th, 2018. It is order # 320933.

I put in a support ticket and managed to get download links for this order but also tried to point out that the order does not appear to have migrated over to the new website yet.

For reference the revolved ticket number regarding this is #19958333.

Hopefully, this order can be migrated over too. If needed I can submit another support ticket to document this again. Just let me know.

Anyways, great work on the new site. It looks fabulous and seems to be working pretty well in most respects. It is certainly a much more modern and responsive site design.


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Nobody's orders are missing.  I'm nearly 99.999% sure of it.  If you don't see an order appearing at all there's a couple of possibilities:

1.  you placed it under a different account (email).  We have some customers with 4 accounts!!  Mostly because people forgot they had an account or didn't realize they were making a new one.  Which means you have to log into your other accounts to get the orders associated with it.  That can be problematic if you don't have your login info and/or access to the email address.  File a Ticket and we'll do the best we can to help you out, but we can not merge accounts (not in the old store, not in the new one.  Sadly!).

2.  the order is older than 2007.  Orders before then were with our original website and were never available online.

3.  if you received orders as a gift indirectly, not through a discount coupon, the person that purchased is the one that has the record of the order.

4.  some sort of funky support need gave you access to a particular game without an explicit purchase.


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There are no download links for Modules or Packs starting with Engine 3.  That is deliberate because the data is inherent with the current (or last published) version of the Base Game.  Meaning, if you're buying a Module or a Pack you already have the data (or at least access to it) on your harddrive.  Giving people download redundant links to the Base Game only caused confusion because people thought they needed to do a multi GB download when in fact they already had the data. 

I did find a few older product links that weren't in the system.  I've fixed those and will upload as soon as tonight's backup is complete (not a good idea to make changes during a backup!).  CMSF products included, but CMRT Engine 3 is up there.  Or should be!


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Bingo. I know what it was now. The only problem is it's under a lost email address (and I can't recover the BFC account password). Doesn't matter though, once SF2 comes out SF1 shall be retired from my HD.



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26 minutes ago, Pixel said:

I appear to be missing an entire order from July 9th, 2018. It is order # 320933.

I put in a support ticket and managed to get download links for this order but also tried to point out that the order does not appear to have migrated over to the new website yet.

For reference the revolved ticket number regarding this is #19958333.

Hopefully, this order can be migrated over too. If needed I can submit another support ticket to document this again. Just let me know.

Anyways, great work on the new site. It looks fabulous and seems to be working pretty well in most respects. It is certainly a much more modern and responsive site design.


Oh, you are a special case :)  The old store was already offline for a week before you placed your order.  What happened was our old site froze up BADLY and I had to do a hard reboot by cutting the power to it remotely (our server was in Montreal).   I was busy working on something else, bleary eyed, after the reset when all of a sudden two emails came into my inbox announcing new orders.  "What the FUDGE?!?", I said and promptly shut the store down before anybody else could place an order.  Turns out the hard reboot wiped out all kinds the previous 3 months of site changes, including the store setting that had it "offline".  Oh, that was a fun Sunday night and Monday morning, let me tell you!

Anyway, the upshot is your order and the other guy's order are dead ended on the old system because we had already migrated the data.  I'll work with you in your ticket to recreate your order in the new system.  That way you'll have what you need as a permanent part of your account.


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Ah I thought that might be the case. Sorry for throwing a wrench in the works so to speak. Not in a rush for it but did want to be sure you were aware of the funky situation there.

Should I create a new ticket or can you reference and or re open the original one?

Note this isn’t a biggie but some of the products in the order were physical copy + download.

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When I look in the list of my Battlefront orders, I see everything listed from the CMSF Marines module forward, but my original copy of CMSF (which I did order from Battlefront) is not in my list.

I still have the original physical copy and the license key.  Should I be worried that my key won't work if it's not in my orders list?

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12 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

The expression on my face when the two orders emails came in was probably priceless :)

Great that you have retained a sense of humor about this. That can save you in adversity from throwing yourself off a busy Interstate overpass. For a number of reasons, it's nice to have you around.



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5 hours ago, Holman said:

When I look in the list of my Battlefront orders, I see everything listed from the CMSF Marines module forward, but my original copy of CMSF (which I did order from Battlefront) is not in my list.

I still have the original physical copy and the license key.  Should I be worried that my key won't work if it's not in my orders list?

I see the exact same situation on my account too

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The license keys should work, even if the order doesn't show up in the system. The eLicense system that CMSF and CMA uses is not dependent on the store (as long as the license key is valid and entered in corrrectly). While downloads would have a license key listed in the store account (if purchased after the store went online), 'hard goods' license keys did NOT show up there unless it was a 'download + delivery' option. 'Delivery only' would have a sticker with the license key on the disc case, but there would be no license key in the order listed in the store. 

The old store didn't go online until months after CMSF was released in 2007. So all of the 'pre-orders' never had a listing in the old store account. Moving to the new store this would remain the case, since the data wasn't there to move over. The record of the sales were in external files (not part of the website).

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3 hours ago, Schrullenhaft said:

The license keys should work, even if the order doesn't show up in the system. The eLicense system that CMSF and CMA uses is not dependent on the store (as long as the license key is valid and entered in corrrectly). While downloads would have a license key listed in the store account (if purchased after the store went online), 'hard goods' license keys did NOT show up there unless it was a 'download + delivery' option. 'Delivery only' would have a sticker with the license key on the disc case, but there would be no license key in the order listed in the store. 

The old store didn't go online until months after CMSF was released in 2007. So all of the 'pre-orders' never had a listing in the old store account. Moving to the new store this would remain the case, since the data wasn't there to move over. The record of the sales were in external files (not part of the website).

Beat me too it ;)

The old store went live shortly after CMSF was released.  Anybody who placed a CMSF order in those early days definitely won't see it in their profile.  It wasn't there in the old store either.

Anybody who thinks they are missing an order, please see my post a few messages ago.


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26 minutes ago, Dr.Hoopenfaust said:

How would I go about doing this as I can't download it. 

*Note: I'm on a Mac using 10.11.6

The battle pack has no install. The game install includes the contents for the battle pack. All you have to do is activate it with your key. There should be an activate module shortcut on your machine where you can enter your battle pack key.

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2 minutes ago, IanL said:

The battle pack has no install. The game install includes the contents for the battle pack. All you have to do is activate it with your key. There should be an activate module shortcut on your machine where you can enter your battle pack key.


Thanks for the help but it's not working. My CMBS is version 2.0 Engine 4. I did manage to bring up the activate product dialog but when I input my activation key (obtained from BF website) for the product, all I get is: Unlock success. Main game & Game Engine 4 (green boxes). Nothing about the battle pack. When I hit play, no new content. Hmmmm.


I see you are in Ontario. I'm in Ottawa.

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